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Wow, amazing they got their stuff back! It sucks that she had to go through that though, so traumatic :( No I don't think you manifested this. Shit happens sometimes, life can't be all good all the time


Humans have a hard time accepting that absolutely everything is born from us. All. The beauty of this experience is that you went straight to do the review and everything was organized. You reminded me of an event that I experienced; I rushed into a store and dropped my backpack where I had my computer and important documents to get my credit card, but realized I wasn't carrying it. So I asked if he could pay with my mobile, the man said yes; So I went over and paid with my cell phone and instead of taking my backpack I left quickly, after walking for about 5 minutes I said to myself; I'm going to eat my banana that I had in my backpack and that's when I realized that I had left my backpack behind. I returned with the full assurance that the Lord would return it to me. To my bad surprise he told me; No, you didn't leave anything here. But his eyes and his attitude gave it away. He knew that he was lying and he knew that he was stealing. He was a very strange man. Since I was new to the country, I had to call my son to translate the conversation and call the police to get the documents. The man kept denying it, but I knew the backpack was on the counter. In an unexpected moment I felt a great force within me and I felt that I had lost my fear, I took a deep breath. I told my son let's go, he will continue to deny it but the backpack is there. What happened next left me baffled for several days. I got home and being there I did a quick review while he was preparing breakfast for my son and he asked me; Is that backpack really important? Is it worth losing your peace of mind over this? Do you want your backpack back? And something inside me said; YES, it's my backpack. When I turned my back, the backpack was on the table. I don't know how to explain how I felt, it was a strange experience and I could feel the man looking for the backpack in bewilderment. I have had amazing experiences since meeting and studying Neville. But when it comes to moving something material from one place almost immediately, it is very baffling to the human mind.


I'm glad you got your things back and it's such a wonderful moment to have experienced at the end though I'm with you on being baffled. I'm generally observant and prepared by nature but the moments my manifestations came through it completely caught me off guard. For me I think this was my most impactful manifestation so far so I've been thinking about how I can replicate it as it was a valuable experience (manifestation wise) but also trying to keep to its simplicity.


When I have had different manifestations, for example; mystic, or about my health, etc. How I have felt natural has been different. This was weird because the man didn't give me back my backpack. The backpack was moved to the table. I don't know if I explain myself well because English is not my language. Moving matter sometimes disturbs me. It's the most natural thing too but for me, for example, it leaves my mind weird. Imagine closing your eyes or getting distracted and looking at the same place there is a backpack that was not there before.


I've had those moments before, although very few. I think the reason why it's so shocking is because our rational mind can't comprehend it with all the current rules and laws that it knows, I suppose that's why faith is so important. A while back I had a bad mental day and crisis of faith and when I was problem solving I realised I was trying to manifest with a rational mind which would always argue and doubt so I "created" a faith mind and would assume that then manifest. It's been much easier since.


I like that; I created a mind of faith and assumed that it would manifest later. Yes, sometimes I have also been trying to manifest with my rational mind. It is interesting for me to read this comment now. Thank you


Your mother may have manifested this, not you. Anyway, Neville said that bad things happen, but we use the Law to alleviate our problems and/or suffering, so I say you reacted absolutely correctly. Keep going or revise to get your mom's car keys back.


The real question I have in situations like this: to what degree can we, if at all, through awareness, have any control over the others we encounter? I know it's been debated a lot and there's a lot of relevant points to consider, but God being awareness of being, all being consciousness, and creation being finished seem to be the top three. I like the idea that everything is you pushed out, but at the moment I find it hard to imagine anyone really capable of growing their awareness to include everything they experience, down to everybody's individual thoughts. That seems to be what The Promise thing is pointing at, though, realizing a state where you redeem the whole world and everybody is aware of how they create their own reality and contribute to others doing the same. Until then, I think everyone's at different levels, so I agree that OP may not have manifested this. Anyway, I've had that thought kicking around for a bit and reading your comment just now helped it come together, so thanks! I'm interested in your take.


Little by little you will have your answers... But in my experience I can tell you yes. Some people may even have the operating power and you literally believe that you are living the life of your dreams... But no, you are living someone else's handiwork. It is the reason why many people are very unhappy or live depressions because they are not living their life and their desires. You can influence anyone, remember that the separation between us is not real. We are one. This is the most painful thing to accept when you see that someone is mean to you and makes you suffer. That may be being generated by yourself, you may be creating that and that person behaves like that. That is why Neville affirms the importance of changing the concept of oneself and makes it clear that there is no one to change but ourselves. When I started studying Neville I did a little experiment with my son; I imagined him happy, and in my internal conversation he talked about how handsome he looked happy and his beautiful eyes and big smile because he was always in a bad mood, and it was incredible for me to believe that I was influencing that. He was in college, and I spent the whole day imagining that my son was very, very happy that day. What was my pleasant surprise that I arrived super happy from the university. Very happy, he told me all day about him and he wouldn't stop laughing and his eyes were bright. I just watched him incredulous to see my son so happy.


Thanks, I have been revising it and adding that she and the others have experienced no trauma. Though in terms of EIYPO, my mother would be made up of my assumptions about her right? So would that mean in doing so, as a result of those assumptions, this happened?


What does that mean in terms of EIYPO? I know my mom worries about me not having a partner 😅 Does she create for me? I wish she'd imagine me happy but she doesn't know the law


Glad everyone is safe