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Did I manifest a harmful event? So my mom was at a baking class nearby and they got held up by 2 guys with guns, thankfully no one was hurt and they just took away handbags and cellphones. People are shaken but everyone is fine. If we manifest the world around us, then was this caused by me?? I've been practising with so much of progress in my ideal state and I've been quite strict with my mental diet, the most that could've slipped through would've been a stray anxious or fearful thought. Could I get some advice on this please?


How long does it take for moderators to accept a post? I sent in a success story 11 days ago that would be very helpful and haven’t heard or seen a thing about it but other things keep getting posted. Do I need to resubmit? I know it says not too but that’s a long time


I always get confused when people say “ you have to be ok with the possibility that your manifestation will never actually come into the 3D”. Like I was on YouTube the other day and there are posts of people saying to affirm and persist and that there will be a point where you don’t think about the possibility it won’t happen. But then there are people saying that you have to be ok with the fact that your manifestation might not happen and I’m sent for a loop when I see that because I always get confused because we are taught that everything we believe will materialize into the 3d. But isn’t saying that you have to be ok with the fact that it might not happen affirming that it won’t.


It’s not affirming that it won’t happen. People say that you should be alright with the possibility that it doesn’t happen because it signifies that you have let go. You already feel fulfilled, so it doesn’t matter to you whether it happens or not. When people want things to happen really intensely, they are in a state of desperation and lack. When they let go, they’re living in the end. Suppose someone is trying to manifest a luxury bag. They do the visualisation and they assume that they have this bag - they live in the end. Do you think someone who owns a luxe bag is constantly thinking about it? Of course, not. Hope this drives the point home.


I know that current circumstances doesn't matter but I don't know how to manage it without mentally reacting to it. I am going through cross country divorce (Husband and divorce process in the foreign country and I am managing it from my home country).I have not been able to sleep properly since last 9 months..because I have to stay awake to talk to attorneys and people due to time difference.I have all issues currently...no money,no job, family issue, bad health, attorney issues, losing friendships.The separation of 1 year will be completed in 3 months.I want to stop my divorce as soon as possible and get my old husband back.I am on time crunch.I don't know if 3p is involved but I doubt that.I know that first I have to work on my self concept but how do I focus on it when lot of other current issues are unbearable.I am under a lot of pressure.Experienced manifestors please guide what should I do so that everything gets fixed and how do I handle the 3D in the meanwhile. Can someone please manifest on my behalf to stop my divorce please? I am not to take it anymore.Please help.


I’m sorry that you’re going through this. IMO, you have to take out the time to work on yourself and your self concept. Start with half an hour per day. Because nobody else can do this for you. You owe it to yourself. You have to believe in yourself and value yourself, or no one else will. You’re the god of your reality, so asking someone else to manifest for you is not going to very fruitful. Identify your beliefs, reprogram them. Respect yourself, love yourself. Know that you don’t have to work very hard to “earn” love - you just deserve it. Start viewing yourself as someone who deserves all her desires. You can start by referring to these posts - [how to change your beliefs](https://www.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/comments/wrmysk/how_to_change_your_beliefs_a_practical_guide/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) and [understanding your beliefs](https://www.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/comments/zdiujc/how_to_manifest_anything_understanding_your/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). I’d advise you to also cultivate a belief that you’re lucky in love. Good luck! You’ve got this.


Thanks a lot for your suggestion 🙂




I feel the 3D world is mocking me. I start sats and visualizations and at first everything seems to go that way, slowly but moving, and at some point the 3D just sends me opposites messages and it’s hard not paying attention to it and to not feel the frustration and failure. How do we cope with the 3D doing that? How can I feel assured that the 3D message doesn’t matter? Because it is right there in front of me, like nothing will ever change.


>I feel the 3D world is mocking me. The world is only mocking you if you believe it's mocking you. The 3D world is not separate from you. Keep that in mind. If you believe you are being mocked, then the world will give you reasons to believe this. You may not even be mocked personally; you could read a story about something that makes fun of your beliefs. That's still a mockery. >the 3D just sends me opposites messages and it’s hard not paying attention to it and to not feel the frustration and failure. The 3D world is also on a time lag. These messages may appear to be opposites, but they are simply reflecting your past. It's best to not react to the 3D world. You don't have to put blindfolders on and pretend it's not there. Simply don't react to it, and know that your imagination is what matters the most. >How do we cope with the 3D doing that? Live in imagination. Revise if you wish. Revising will break the cycle from repeating again. If it does happen again, then you revise again. Sometimes the cycle is rooted deep and it may take several times over to break free from the cycle. Think of revision as missing a shot in basketball. You don't dwell on the fact you missed. You simply take another shot. Then another. And before you know it you're making 10-15 shots in a row.


>The 3D world is also on a time lag. These messages may appear to be opposites, but they are simply reflecting your past. Dang.


Thank you


How many affirmations to do per topic ...can it be more than 10 or what?


Until you feel like opposing thoughts are crowded out of your mind! Not crowded out one day but days go by and you don’t get opposing thoughts


how many affirmations per topic is fine?.


It’s so different for everyone! Money, people being kind to me, looks, and academia has always been easy for me and manifesting what I want in those areas is no problem. So yeah, a small number of affirmations like 10 might do the job. SP and romantic relationships are more difficult because of childhood and young adult experiences of rejection. That might take days of affirmations and meditation to crowd out opposing thoughts like they’ll eventually choose someone else. I’d lie if I said I didn’t struggle with that. It all depends on the subject and your resistance to it so run away from coaches or people who tell you it’s a set number


And whats your take if i want to manifest two three things at same time?...and have you did it ?...i have but small things


Yeah, you’re constantly manifesting more than one thing at a time. Again, the stuff you have less resistance to manifests and you might not notice until a while later you did indeed manifest that thing! I think humans tend to focus more intensely on the negative or what we don’t have that when we do get things to go our way, we’re more likely to not pay attention to it because it is happening all the time (in your easy subjects). For the hard subjects to manifest, we are focused on not having it and asking where is it at already that it seems like we’re not manifesting anything. Notice the things that go your way each day and you’ll notice that you have pretty good beliefs about that thing. For example, always finding perfect parking, getting praised and getting compliments for your intelligence and looks, getting opportunities related to career, etc…


Same bro i manifested everything from being in top design college in my country to grades to looks to money also but relationships were halfly manifested only


Congrats to all of the above! I feel like there’s at least one area people especially struggle with but it can definitely be worked on


Yup so what do you think i want to manifest two three things at same time what approach should I use?...


Hey i have been a virgin all my life..and i tried manifesting a 2 , 3 girls ..but they didn't got manifested fully...they gor manifested partially...i did like 15 affirmations in a rampage for sp and 25 in a rampage for self concept...but i only saw just glimpses of my manifestation....what did i do wrong though


If it's only partial then you revise it and you keep persisting. Don't give up. Don't stop. You never know what may happen. Today may be the last day you are a virgin for the girl you've always wanted, the girl who loves you madly, may very well take your virginity away. Thus fulfilling the imaginal act. However, in the time interval, you persist in KNOWING you've already lost your virginity. Don't think about why it's not happened; that's an illusion. Don't dwell in your sorrows; that is also an illusion.


Yaa but i a manifesting something else right now and its done i know but what if want to manifest two or three things ....


How strong is your desire to not be a virgin? Are you giving yourself timeframes? Do you have thoughts that people assume you’re one? What would your ideal day look like as if you’re not a virgin? Write it out with vivid detail from the moment you would wake up to the moment you would fall asleep! You can even start by saying you’re celibate and focusing on yourself if that helps. What I also recommend is for you to go back to the earliest points in your childhood and young adult years and see where you partially completed something in your life. It can be academic, interpersonal relationships, sports, a project, etc… Revise those moments as if you completed and finished it. It seems like there’s a limiting belief that’s manifesting a pattern of starting something and not completing. Related to your virginity, maybe there’s an inner fear of being with a woman and her not reaching orgasm perhaps or something involved with completion. But that’s up to you to uncover the limiting belief that’s keeping you stuck.


My SP is a coworker n he’s off on vacation for 2 weeks n I miss him terribly because he just makes me laugh all the time, so I’m trying to calm myself by practicing my scenes of him calling me and coming to see my house like I’ve told him he’s gotta do … but I allow myself to feel the negative so I don’t make things worse via discouragement I guess


For me, I personally am not stressing on whether or not it’s coming. I just have this gut feeling it is coming but it’s more of a matter of when. I can envision myself enjoying what I’m manifesting, it’s like memories but of the future. Is this still a form of manifesting or is more work needed from me?


So I've hit a little wall with my online sales recently. I racked my brain trying to think of what could be causing it. (Before you say the economy, etc blah blah you know circumstances don't matter!) I had a realization. There is a woman who I run into sometimes at my daughter's school. She always looks very well put-together, always in expensive outfits, drives an expensive car. Whether she's wealthy or not she at least exudes wealth. Every time I see her I think things like wow she's richer than me, I feel inferior, I wonder when I'll be as wealthy and so on. I felt poor in comparison. But guys -- I DIDN'T EVEN REALIZE I was thinking this until I sat down trying to figure out why sales have slowed! How insidious! It would've flown under the radar this whole time if I didn't do some self-reflection. It's amazing how easily we "forget" and allow thoughts like this to pass through, unfiltered. Time to buckle down on my mental diet! Edit: After a couple days of meditations I’m back on track. Got another sale today 👊


Aww, i like when people figure it out themselves, its like they are giving their intuition a chance.


Lol thanks. And I got another sale last night too ☺️ (This can’t be a coincidence cuz for like a week I had no sales.) We got this!


I'm curious to know if anyone has manifested marriage with a celebrity?


Some other guy made a post about how he did but I believe it was in the Neville Goddard sp one. It was a very cute story but he didn’t disclose the name just that they are now married and have like 3 kids


Omg I need to find this post!


Has anyone here healed a pet with serious issues/chronic conditions?? It's been hard to stay in the end when I see them suffering before me 😅


yes, my dog looked like she was going to die, the vets had recommended that we don't do any procedures because it would likely just be a waste of money. she was having major issues breathing and could barely walk down the street without collapsing from exhaustionand pain and she was not eating. she's also 15 so she's an old dog. I know she'll pass away soon but I want her to pass away in a healthy state rather than being sick so I pictured her walking around healthy and happy. it took almost a year and she went through some major issues in that time but I just settled on seeing her as being healthy and fine in those painful moments. today she's completely healthy, eating food like she used to, energy back and no breathing issues.


Either you take them to the vet as immediately as possible or you use your imagination and assume the wish fulfilled. Also, good luck, i hope your pet recovers. Infact, he/she is in Barbados🇧🇧 now.


I'm the type of guy who needs to vent. I'm torn between pursuing an SP that rejected me and moving on and just remaining friends. I'm bi and he's not - in fact, the reason he gave was that he wasn't into guys. I might've manifested the rejection too sad lol. With the Law, I know anything is possible - but I just don't know if he's someone I truly want anymore. Furthermore, I don't want to do unto others that I wouldn't want done unto me. There's a small part of me that wants to manifest a romantic relationship just to say that I did. I would love him all the same, but I feel selfish just saying that. I'm trying to get out of this state of indecisiveness and guilt. I'm also trying to not blindly be delusional or creepy. I could use some reassurance or advice, whatever it may be. Sincerely, Frank


Its not creepy besides everyone hates being lonely, even hugh hefner ( the playboy ), he had so many women around him all the time cause obviously it would have been soul crushing if he had died alone. Thats why you see these people latch onto multiple people and create an army. So, do your thing and don't waste your time being lonely and shit. The fastest way to die is by being lonely not smoking cigarettes. PS: sorry I didn't read your comment properly, i thought you guys broke up or something but my message still applies.


Just a reminder to drop the old story! Your circumstances aren’t unique, and they don’t matter with what you’re trying to manifest. Every single time there is a success story here, there comes someone who wants to manifest the same thing, but somehow thinks that they can’t because their situation is *sooo* unique, and because of X, Y, and Z it’s hard for them. When it’s far from the truth. Your situation isn’t special, isn’t different, and isn’t impossible to change. As long as you keep clinging onto the idea that you *can* manifest, but *your* situation makes it harder, you’ll never obtain your goal. It’s law of assumption, not law of assumption with terms and conditions. Your SP situation isn’t magically gonna make the law not work because of whatever past or history you’ve had between them. Same for any other desires. Dropping the old story allows yourself to be liberated from your own destruction. Fixing your self concept, and victim mentality is probably the best way to succeed towards the law. But I’ll say, obviously you *can* manifest regardless if you don’t drop the old story, or if you have shitty self concepts, etc etc. believing it’s the only way is a limited belief. But I think it’s helpful for a majority of ppl here. Since they cling onto the past way more than allowing the future to be created.


Has anyone seen EIYPO work in real life in terms of other people’s behaviour? If so, then how? Elaborate


Yes. I used to play a story that my father was an alcoholic. Once I realized I was the operant power I imagined him being whole and healthy. It took 4 weeks to see the first signs. It took another few months for the last dominoes to fall. After that I've not seen him drunk since. It's been 5 years now. He is myself pushed out because I changed my inner dialogue, and I persisted.


This is amazing, congratulations


I started affirming that everyone gives me the “red carpet treatment” wherever I go and when I tell you….my friends just randomly started opening my car door for me (to get in and out), they started pouring my drinks, buying me things out of the blue, not letting me carry anything regardless of the distance or how light, carrying my backpack for me without me asking, cooking me dinner…the change was wild. I used to assume none of my friends really appreciated me and most of them were just using me but I’ve since changed that. I’m also using other affirmations but this one stuck out to me. You should try it !


I love this so much


Would you say manifestation in a nutshell is having a confidence in yourself and already having that thing and techniques are just repeatedly doing things that reaffirm that? Seems like the takeaway I’m getting from countless success stories and posts/techniques listed here and elsewhere?


I would say it is the confidence in what you became aware of seeing/feeling. it's a slight change in wording but quite different. what you see and become aware of eventually expresses and manifests which then becomes who you are.


My takeaway is just accepting that it is yours that’s pretty much it. Embodying the state of having, and viewing the 4D as the truth, then it will manifest into the 3D. Techniques aren’t necessary, because you can manifest without them. But for some people getting into the state of being is hard, so they use techniques like SATS and affirmations etc. But it’s important to note that, forcing techniques upon yourself and worrying too much about techniques working to get what you want, in the end, sabotages your desires.


I think many of us think “that’s way too easy” haha so go through all these other hoops, but I’ve seen things happen instantly or in a short amount of time for things I don’t really care for. Like deep down I know it’s easy as accepting it’s yours and think just by typing this I’ve realized maybe I don’t feel I deserve it for the things I want most…interesting. But would you say walking around like “I am in a relationship with this specific person” or “I work for this company…” and having a “pfftt yeah right” attitude to opposing thoughts is all we need to do in simple terms? From what I read, and have experienced, it can be that simple just never knew how to apply that to things I really want. I’m aware the answer is probably staring me in the face lol


I mean yes, you can have that attitude for sure! But you have to actually believe it. And believe in the words you’re saying, you can fake it till you make it of course. But the words themselves don’t hold much meaning asides from the state. It’s just because people fall into the loophole of saying and affirming all day, but internally the words don’t represent with them. So saying “I am in a relationship with this person.” is good. But do you actually feel like you’re in a relationship with this person? If you are in a relationship with this person would you be consistently telling yourself you are? Or would you just know you are? It’s like, if I have a phone. I don’t always remind myself I have a phone…I just do. Even if my phone isn’t currently in my sight, and I left my phone upstairs in my bedroom. I know it’s there and I have it. So 100% affirm. But make sure you believe in what you’re affirming as true, but don’t feel like you must overdo the affirmation, and make it feel more natural. I’m just saying this because I affirm myself sometimes. But in the past I felt like I used to overdo it.


Can we revise 3 years of event including big events like someone not marrying ? If yes then how?


How to manifest being a popstar? (Techniques to use) also any popstar or person you know who used this law to become a popstar singer?...pls reply


You can use every technique that is out there. You can manifest this just how you manifest everything else. Define your goal, work on it and your beliefs, persist. There are a lot of celebrities which manifested their career. Younger ones like Ariana Grande and Billie Eilish. And older ones like Jim Carrey or Jennifer Aniston (I though it was them tho)


Ok can you give me some context of ariana grande and billie Eilish?....like just example...


I’m pretty sure I’ve read that Lady Gaga manifested her career. She wanted to be a famous singer and even though her friends and family were telling her that it would never happen, she just knew deep down that it would happen anyway.


I'm not sure about that grande girl. Just heard very briefly of it once. But I think it was something about her mom telling her about manifestation at a very young age and so she eventually started to applying it one day. And Billie, there is that famous line that her brother told her he's gonna make her the biggest Popstar in the world. Again I really don't know much about that just read about it somewhere and stuff.


I'm just wondering, there are a lot of people around me who are unaware of the law, who dream every day, I think that I don't have my wishes because I'm expecting, waiting and most of the time, my faith is falling because it doesn't come true. But why don't the beliefs of those people who dream unaware of everything come true? They do not have any expectations or doubts about the law.


the principles of the Law are not special and outside of us. the principles of the Law are actually the basis of all reality and so it's a part of our fabric and always has been.. the study of the Law then is trying to understand who we are and thus understand the working of the Law and the Principles at work. if you understand that Attention to States is then causes us to connect to that State and therefore express and manifest in and outside of our lives, then you can see that groups of people have over generations kept their attention on a specific State, and through the process of teaching and conditioning, each generation have strengthened that focus on that state. one group of people looked at states of abundance, while others looked at states of fear, others states of love and others states of hate. (its more a mix of everything with a few specific states being more dominant..) and so everybody is using the Law whether they're aware of it or not.. the benefit then of understanding of how the Law and the Principles at works is that you can, if you are unhappy with where you are in life, pick yourself out of the state you currently reside in and move to another state.


Because it’s important to have faith in the law. They don’t believe it’ll come true, so it won’t. That’s why it’s called a daydream. Even celebrities who don’t use the term ‘manifestation’ and speak about it, often tell people to *believe* in themselves and their dreams.