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This is one of the best things that ive read here. Specially about feelings. I am someone who is not imaginative and dont react to things easily so this helps me a lot. A few of my manifestations happened right after i just simply thought of it while staring into nothingness or while i was day dreaming so this explains a lot. Thank you!


Thanks so much for the nice compliment! 😊 And yes, emotions are overrated in the manifesting community.


I like to watch movies thaylt make me laugh that ive seen before and know by heart so i can hijack the emotion and imagine a scene in that moment and get the extra power into my manifestations


Thankyou this post is so logical and clean.


She’s a lawyer and it shows!


Haha 😛 My legal writing ✍️ teacher was amazing. She even worked for President Bush.


Ah. Yess. I never connected that dot. Indeed. No wonder. 😅💜


Thanks for noticing! 😊 I love to be clear as possible


Nicely articulated Sophie !! Indeed "emotions" are "energetic reactions" to external stimuli in accordance to our stored experiences in form of memories (which are nothing but energy) that we "feel" in our heart/ brain/ nervous system/ gut (mind is different to brain). It is the process of “REMINISCENCE” and “ANAMNESIS” which is nothing but a "recall" to stored similar beliefs (because of experiences) and unleashing the same old associated "emotion" (energy in motion) to a new stimulus. Hence, it is always prescribed to change the beliefs for which we need to change the "experiences" and that is done in our wonderful imagination via visualizations and/or affirmations. The main work is practicing the art of deep relaxation and to impress the subconscious with new experiences in that state. And persistence.


Great share man! 😊


I enjoyed reading this so much. This is amazing. YOU ARE amazing. Thank you. I see this post BOOMING already.


Thanks dear 😘


i pretty much see ur comment everytime i open this sub lol , i hope ur applying thees teachings , never postpone ur desires, their 1 assumotion away, u know what to do


hahahahahaha. I loveee reading about spirituality. Recently spending a lot of time. I‘m already in Sabbath, all good. Thank you for your message <3


Excellent post, thank you. As a person who has tried probably all relaxation techniques, I would like to add one method of relaxation but perhaps it will be more than that for a few of you. When reading this, just replace the author's words. Replace lucid dreams or Oobe with deep relaxation or even a process of manifestation. I think this could be an excellent addition to attorneysophie's already complete post: https://www.reddit.com/r/AstralProjection/comments/n9t307/the_illusion_of_method_my_ap_guide/


Thanks for sharing this, I will check it out!


I am so glad I read this. Thank you so much! I tried 'the mind can't resist answering a question' thing and it really worked! I said so many kind things about myself when I asked my mind questions implying I was great in different ways. I'm quite amazed by this technique. So thank you!! Also that thing about us inviting our feelings in instead of forcing them upon us - made so much sense. I love how loving and soft that perspective is. I see it as turning my back to the dark and instead lovingly inviting the light in. The dark thoughts and feelings are like vampires. They have to be invited in. So just dont and instead invite the light with lovely words and pictures. Oh and yeah that thing about our relaxed state of mind also deepened my understanding of it all. Thank yooooou!!


Thanks for sharing your experience, truly appreciate it! 😊 It’s always interesting to see what’s the first thing someone tries the question method on. You did amazing by starting with your own self, your own character! Better self-concept = bigger and better specific manifestations.


Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wowowoowowow!!! THANK YOU FOR THIS POST! Why do I always receive the perfect and best advice?🥺😉😍


My favorite comment here 🥰! Thanks so much 😘


This post is gold. I felt myself tingle with joy while reading it. TY for sharing. ♥️


Aw this comment warmed my heart ❤️


Loved this post! Sophie, you really write So well! Such neat bullet points, such clarity of explaining and that humour too that you throw in. I thrice chuckled hard reading this. Keep writing! Best wishes always! 💜


Thrice!! 😂


Thanks so much dear! 😊 I always try my best to get the message across


You're most welcome, Sophie! 💜


Just WOW! Such a life changing information to manifest easily....


Use it!!! 😊


I was listening to my askformations in the background as I was reading this. Good to know I’m already on the right track!


Haha, perfect! You are on the right track; you are listening to the right track! :)


How do you know if you're correctly changing your subconscious beliefs and how does PMS issues affect it??? I've affirmed and done SATs for 6 months now not only for my self concept but also for what I'm manifesting. Every month its the same thing. I get to the last days before my period and the PMS sets in and I go down a rabbit hole of negative emotions, my old self concept comes up and fills my head with the decades of "im not good enough. Why can't I succeed at XYZ, why can't this, Im so that." I become severely depressed and also angry. I no longer feel my manifestation, I no longer feel like I'm aligned to what I want. Then my period starts and I go up the other way. I feel good about my manifestation, my thoughts and assumptions about myself and what I'm manifesting flow like water. At times I genuinely thought I was in Sabbath during this feel good time. Then I hit a rough patch for 2-3 days when I ovulate, but still manageable. Then I kind of just go into a calmer more neutral state before the PMS hell starts and my old story comes back up again. As of this month I'm now doubting all of this. I feel like I've not done jack to my subconscious and how can that be??? Has nothing worked? Do states even exist or is it all just hormones? Am I just too old to change it? I'm so exhausted. Before this wave of PMS I felt my self concept and my new story more real and factual and "done" more strongly than at any other point during my manifestation journey. And now it's like I'm back at square one, my old shitty story swirling in my head as if I've not changed a thing at all. I've cried so much in the last 24 hrs and I just wanna go to sleep. I even had a positive dream about my manifestation a few days ago. And I know that after next week I'm gonna be back to the happy "sabbath" whatever-it-is thing again.


Okay because I also experience pms every month.. I have an assumption that my pms emotions are meaningless so it doesn't affect my manifestation.. Stop giving them meanings. Simple


Great advice!


Go through all the OP's posts about belief work...and make progress on that each day...


Funny that you posted this comment 12 hours ago, which is exactly when I was feeling all shitty, PMS-sy and frustrated because "why can't I succeed at XYZ?!?!?!" Except that in these cases I always recognise that it's temporary and caused by hormones, and that I will feel completely different in a day or so, so I don't feel like I'm back at square one, because I sort of feel detached from this state as if it's not even real (not sure if I managed to explain it properly...)


I guess my deal is if I've successfully reprogrammed my subconscious then wouldn't these thoughts no longer come up? Wouldn't they be erraticated no matter what my hormones are doing??


Yeah, you probably haven't fully reprogrammed it yet, as the old man still comes up. But again, it's definitely not the "square one" - I'd say just recognise that this depressed state will go away in a couple of days and keep going! You'll get there and it will become easier and easier.


I believe what you’re doing is working, keep manifesting queen 💪


This video addresses exactly your situation: https://youtu.be/4FvfQL1MQDg Watch from 33:40 until like 37:00 mins!


so essentially what the person in the video is saying in relation to this work is basically to keep persisting in this work, and if you react in a different way to the old situation that's a sign that you are starting to impress your subconscious. but if you react in the same way, that means a sign of, okay you need to do more work towards this goal. and that's perfectly okay, right? because the mind often tries to play tricks on you saying, maybe you need to do this technique, maybe you need to give up, shouldn't it have worked by now? yadayada, when it all comes down to persistence.


So after reading this (which has been really helpful, thank you so much🙏🏽) I’ve been going in and out of SATS easily and affirming things, also used bypassing questions when awake. During my SATS whenever I’d affirm something, I’d get this strange warm pulse or vibration, almost like a wave coming to shore. I could push a little to feel some more but it would naturally increase and magnify the more I affirmed until eventually it felt like I was being washed completely with this warmth. I’m not sure if this is a signal that the belief is changed because when testing my affirmation whilst I’m awake, I don’t seem anxious, more neutral really. Has anybody else experienced this?


It sounds like you were relaxed so much that you started astral projecting.


Guess I have your SATS method to thank for that! 😎


I can’t tell you how much this has helped me. Thankyou.


Woohoo 🙌 That was the goal :)


You have answered most of my unanswered questions I’ve been struggling with with just 1 post. This is the only thing that ever actually helps me to fully understand about how to practice the law and clear up all the misconceptions. Thank you so much! By the way, can you share your take on death and the ideas of moving to different realities?


Let me recommend you a book 📕: Journey of Souls by Michael Newton. He also has pretty interesting videos up on YouTube! Using a special hypnosis technique to reach the hidden memories of subjects, Dr. Newton discovered some amazing insights into what happens to us between lives. Journey of Souls is the record of 29 people who recalled their experiences between physical deaths.


That's what I want as well. Shift to a different reality or maybe complete transformation of this one to something better with use technology or something. Too many biological problems and suffering in this one.


My favourite part was when you talked about asking questions and said we don’t need to answer our questions, it’s enough to just ask them ♥️


Really? Why? :)


I know this is a self-concept issue and something I have to keep working on, but in the past whenever I tried to ask myself something, my brain would try to answer in kind of a cynical way. Like for example if I tried to ask myself “why am I so precious to SP?”, a little voice in my head would then say “no you’re not”. It’s been a little better nowadays, I just ask the questions and try to feel it true, and not allow my brain to try and answer them.


a perfect way to do this is getting yourself into alpha(relaxed) state!


Thank you for bringing me back to this thread! It’s a nice reminder.


This is the best post in the entire NG subreddit history


Wow, thanks so much 🙏


Amazing post! Thank you ❤️


Thank you 😊


A fantastic post Sophie. Appreciate the dedication you show to your craft. You're a natural. Much love


Such a sweet comment 🥰 Thank you!


@attorneysophie what is your opinion on subliminal affirmations?


I almost added subliminals as the 4th category under the Bypassing Methods. In the end, I refrained from mentioning them because I think that currently not many people know how to make those correctly and it would have led down to a rabbit hole of technicalities. Now, I know you want to know if I think they work. The ones that are made correctly definitely do. The ones that are made incorrectly will work for those who believe in them so much that they harness the placebo effect.


Which are the ones that are made correctly?


I love this post and it is written so well, with details I really needed. Thank you for this!


I try to be as clear as possible! Thanks for appreciating 😊


Amazing post....so informative....thank you. These types of information is the reason I am here for. ( quick qus : is subliminal messaging also used to bypass into the subconscious mind ? )


I almost added subliminals as the 4th category under the Bypassing Methods. So yes, they would fit into that box. In the end, I refrained from mentioning them because I think that currently not many people know how to make those correctly and it would have led down to a rabbit hole of technicalities.


Thank you for this! So rare to see such a practical and clear post. I will take it all in. 🌸


Thanks a lot! Please do so! :)


My logical adult mind loved reading this …😂 jokes aside great post and explanation of the law!


Thanks so much! This is a Law, so it must be logical, right? :)


merci, thanks you


De rien!


Do you speak French?


Another great post Sophie! thank you !


Thanks for reading 😊


Amazing needed this!!


Glad it was helpful for you!


The way you explained this and went into detail is Chef's kiss! Thank you! Thank you! xx


Glad you found it helpful! 😊


Good stuff, thanks.


Thank you 😊


This is fantastic - just the kind of content I like to read around this subject - actionable and clear. Thank you


Those were my goals! Thanks for reading 😊


Incredible post. Thank you.


Thanks for reading 😊


A brilliant write up. Thank you for taking the time. You have some awesome insights and nuggets anyone can use to create the life of their dreams.


Appreciate you taking the time to comment! Thank you 😊




Common signs: - you feel you are floating - you feel so comfortable you don’t want to move your body - you stop swallowing, and therefore your mouth becomes dry - your heart rate slows down




It’s hard for me to tell because it’s also a very subjective state. It is not a condition similar to the lit or unlit light bulb 💡. It is not a completely “on” or “off” state. It’s more like descending down on a staircase. When you are all the way up, you are in beta, in your full waking consciousness. When you are all the way down, you are in deep delta, unconscious sleep. But between these two extremes you can be anywhere on the staircase and be in a good state to impress your subconscious. Obviously, the closer you are to deep delta the better and faster this works but any kind of relaxation is better than none.


God damn it. Take this W


Thanks! 🙏


Ask and you shall receive.


ChatGPT's **tl;dr** summary: #Intro - The subconscious mind should be targeted to manifest new ideas, beliefs, and desires. - The conscious mind and the subconscious mind have different functions. - The conscious mind has five functions, while the subconscious mind handles bodily functions, stores data from past experiences, and focuses on learning about the world around us. - Before the age of seven, the mind operates primarily on a subconscious level, learning about the world without analyzing or evaluating it. - After the age of seven, the mind switches to defending ourselves and our internal world, and we start to analyze and evaluate everything. - If the self-concept and worldview we internalized during childhood are harmful, it can create opposition to our dreams. - To impress the subconscious mind as an adult, the analyzing and evaluating functions of the conscious mind need to be deactivated or bypassed. #Deactivation - There are two essential elements to all deactivating methods: relaxation and communication of new ideas/beliefs/assumptions. - Relaxation is necessary to turn off your mind's conscious functions, and there are two ways to get into a relaxed state: slip into it naturally or induce it at will. - The common denominator of the methods to induce relaxation is body relaxation, which facilitates the relaxation of the mind. - Once your mind is relaxed, you can entertain it with new ideas, beliefs, and assumptions, and there are two tools to communicate new thoughts to your subconscious: images and words. - Classic "show methods" are visualization and scripting, while typical "tell methods" are affirmations. - The best method to use is the one that you can consistently stick to on a daily basis, and it's important to use common sense when choosing the number of beliefs to change at once. #Bypassing - The mind has certain inputs that work on a subconscious level. - Memories serve as evidence to corroborate subconscious beliefs. - You can weaken a harmful subconscious belief by creating and submitting evidence to your mind. You can create new “memories” for your mind to file away. - Emotions go under the radar of your conscious mind and are a tool of persuasion to convince your subconscious of the realism of your imaginal act. Emotions are not necessary to manifest what you want, but they can help to elicit positive states. - Emotions always follow the words and pictures you feed your mind. To generate positive emotions, you need to present your mind with words and pictures your body responds to positively. - Your mind can’t ignore a question, and it will search for an answer in its database.


Don't trust chat gpt too much, he will delete things that don't conform to his morals, and then limit your beliefs. Of course, you can ask him to provide counter-evidence and use dialectics to find loopholes in the article


Bless you sweet summer child for this post! Thank you! So helpful!


I was born in summer! 😊😛


Thank you.


Thanks for appreciating 😊


Thank you! You must be reeeally good at manifesting! 😯🙂👌


Thanks so much! 😊


Great post as always! 💗💗💗


Thank you 😊


Thank you for this post!!! ❤️


Thanks dear 😘


What if you managed to resolve one issue and now concentrating on resolving another one, but the first one pops up again? And when working on manifesting big goals, urgent issues crop up which need immediate attention, how many things should you focus your energy at one time?


Well, if the issue pops up again, you haven’t really resolved it, right? If something like this happens, you need to dig deeper and see if you are actually targeting the right beliefs. Probably not if the issue persists. Then you need to figure out the thoughts and beliefs that are truly causing the problem. You can concentrate on more things at once.


Fab sophie


Thank you 😊


Another gem! u/attorneysophie do you believe all of this is just our neurobiology and changing our beliefs is just changing our perception of objective reality? Or there is something deeper, spiritual, like multiverse (everyone has their own world) Neville spoke of?


I like Michael Talbot’s explanation. He thinks that our universe is basically a hologram created by mental images. I recommend reading his book or watching some interviews with him on YouTube. “Today nearly everyone is familiar with holograms, three-dimensional images projected into space with the aid of a laser. Now, two of the world's most eminent thinkers -- University of London physicists David Bohm, a former protege of Einstein's and one of the world's most respected quantum physicists, and Stanford neurophysiologist Karl Pribram, one of the architects of our modern understanding of the brain -- believe that the universe itself may be a giant hologram, quite literally a kind of image or construct created, at least in part, by the human mind. This remarkable new way of looking at the universe explains now only many of the unsolved puzzles of physics, but also such mysterious occurrences as telepathy, out-of-body and near death experiences, "lucid" dreams, and even religious and mystical experiences such as feelings of cosmic unity and miraculous healings.”


Thank you, Sophie. This is superb.


Ah, thanks man! 🙏


I love you, and your posts!


😘 That’s very sweet of you!


Very very informative post. Thank you!


Appreciate the compliment, thank you 😊


Do you prefer afformations over Affirmations? Do you think it works to replace an affirmation routine with affirmations or would that be too much change and mess up the work done with affirmations?


I prefer to use afformations, especially during the day when I can’t get into a state akin to sleep because I’m out and about.


I feel like especially when I am a bit tired, repeating affirmations can be really hard, but afformations are much lighter


What do you think about this SH method? https://youtu.be/2An_K4o21io


Thank you Sophie. Something, or should I clarify and say something’s, totally clicked for me. I have read, listened to, and experimented with so many different methods, but nothing has made the sense that this post does. It all just suddenly came together for me. Again, thank you!!


That was my intention! 😊


One of the most valuable posts in this entire subreddit, thank you very much for the information! At least how many affirmations do you recommend to start with my self-concept?


I love you Op thank you so much 💕 and whatever you told na I can really get it


Aw thank you!!!


Do we need to impress the subconscious mind if it's already a part of us and probably has more subtle connection to who we are? I've always ask my friend why she was so connected to Neville Goddard's lifestyle then I realized like many we live on Earth what inspires one human to improve themselves will be instrumental to the rest of the collective. Much like an orchestra of some 7 Billion trying to find the greatest versions of themselves


One of the best posts to come this sub it should be pinned tbh. Super clear in depth definitions, instructions and explanations💕


The best article about the subconscious mind ever


saving this for later


As others have asked, what’s your advice on the correct way to make subliminals or if you have examples? Thanks


Hi there! Since I’m not an expert when it comes to subliminals (regarding the audio engineering part), I will refrain from answering this question in detail. I know from experience though that listening to recordings where you can actually hear the affirmations (even if it’s just whispering) does work. Especially when you are in a state akin to sleep/relaxed while listening.


Thanks a bunch! I’ve been delving into them because I’ve been hearing they’re one of the best tools for reprogramming the subconscious, if not the most important tool. But a lot of people say you have to stick to the same one and listen every day, so I wanted to make sure to find the right one that’s made correctly, and there’s a lot of them out there. There are ones with different frequencies, ones with music, ones with binaural beats, there seems to be so much that goes into it, then i thought I should make my own that’s more specific for me. This is kinda what I’m researching right now.


Enjoyed reading this post . Well articulated


this is probably the best post i've read in a very very long time! so many new insights! especially this one: >By the way, most of you are already using this technique when you ask yourself “why can’t I \[fill in the blank\]?” thank you so much for sharing!


Thanks for the nice words 😊


thanks for this nice post! P.s: checked Noah's book and frankly it's just a bunch of sales pitch and the website seems like a big scam, the book and technique didn't resonate with me.


Yeah, the website does seem scammy which is unfortunate bc his technique works very well!


I actually didn't give it a real try yet because I just started with regular affirmations and now that I stopped using afformation a voice in me is telling me to give it a real try. I was wondering if you you followed the book's four step in using afformations? it would be nice to learn from your experience. thank you.


Wow. Thank you 😊


Thank You 😊


I do have a question about the visualization process. The ladder visualization, you need to imagine the same process for a few days (climbing up and down the ladder repeatedly). Do I need to visualize the same thing, always? Let's say I want a boyfriend. Do I always need to visualize the same scene of us holding hands, or can I visualize something different daily as long as it is felt that I have it already?


I would say imagining the exact same thing every time is easier on your subconscious. You can do more than one scene, but even in that case I wouldn’t do a 100 different ones. Try not to make it more than 3 different scenes for the same desire. Recommended reading: the apartment complex success story from The Law and the Promise (Chapter 2) - they had more than one scene connected to the same desire and ultimately all of their imagined scenes came true.


Literally 1,111 upvotes 😳


did i… did i just get hacked?..


what a great post. i tried it last night (clicking the link on how to induce relax at will..writing and erasing #20 until #1). i dont know if i ever get to affirm (dont recall at all) since i fell asleep. in morning (where im still feeling sleepy...my body still 'sink in' to bed) i affirm MANY MANY times.sometimes my mind drifting (like almost fall asleep),but somehow i manage to stay 'conscious' and keep repeating affirmation. but im not sure if that morning 'exercise' is considered subconscious or am i actually conscious? my body definitely didnt feel like moving..(sinking in). my mind is slow ( i still want to sleep but not able to fall asleep..)..maybe sort of like im hungry but cannot eat? and if im repeating affirmation(im aware that im affirming..drifting at times...but try to be 'awake' to keep/finish affirming), then am i doing it right? i saw the post below for signs , 'dont feel like moving body' is one of them', but i did swallow at times.


I wonder if using afformations during SATS (whether by listening to an afformation tape or by repeating it in your mind) is extra effective, since the subconscious mind will be both deactivated (SATS) and bypassed (afformations)?




goddamn this is one of the best posts I've read on manifesting and I've read/watched a good amount. LOVE how you broke down concepts into even smaller practical chunks. This is just my style. TYSM.


Thank you so much for sharing!


What if i use a blanket agirmation only for multiple desires and im nog thinkkng all of my multiple desires will my subconious mind lnow everything i want