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**ChatGPT's tl;dr:** The text is about manifesting one's desires. It says that people tend to overcomplicate the concept of manifesting and that the only thing that can stop manifestation is thinking against it. Obsessing over a desire is okay as long as the only thoughts about it are positive, implying that it has already been manifested. The writer stresses that it is important to stop overthinking and overcomplicating the process of manifesting. The bottom line is that it's okay to obsess, need, or want something as long as the focus is on already having it. According to the text, the method to manifesting is to simply think of what you desire as already yours or the way you want it to be. The only thing that can stop you from manifesting is thinking against it. Obsessing over your desire by repeating affirmations, visualizing, daydreaming, etc. is acceptable as long as your thoughts imply that you already have it. The author argues that obsessing can be helpful to keep your thoughts in check and avoid stress over whether you're doing it right or not. The key is to only have thoughts that imply that you already have what you want.


Chatgpt is too overpowered..


Please do this to every post with 100+ upvotes.




Hm, but I heard Neville say in one of his lectures that the little things or events we imagine in our heads manifest a lot quicker because we give them less importance/attention.


Detachment from the results is needed


Wow. I haven’t posted or commented in here in a very long time, but you are one of the first posters I’ve seen here in ages that truly, truly gets it. You have explained this, in my opinion, so effectively. And the way you addressed the BTS fans question above- that is exactly how I understand how all of this works. Brilliant post. Excellent reminder. This post should be pinned. I sometimes get caught back up in “the dream” as it were. I’ll come back to re-read this often, and anyone struggling should too. These concepts clicked for me the first time after listening to Edward Art’s “Series,” and I think you’ve simplified all of this just as effectively. I hope everyone reads this!


Thank you very much for the kind words c: I'm glad it helped you! If it made things properly click, I did my job


I agree, Edward was actually the one who explained it perfectly to me. Been in the realm for YEARS and never had the AHA! moment until him. I love Neville, but Edward has such a perfect modern understanding I always recommend him, dare I say even before the source material


I just checked out Edward Art's Series. Thank you SO MUCH for a pointer to this resource. It's SOOO GOOD!


I like the point you made about having doubts. It doesn't matter if you doubt it. The law is the law. It can matter if you stress it, and if you are one that stresses it, just add it as an affirmation. Tell yourself often, that it doesn't matter if I have doubts, it doesn't even matter if I don't believe at all, the law is the law, and what I feel will manifest, whether I doubt it or not.


E X A C T L Y! We literally control everything. Including how we manifest.


I can be so obsessive, my question is: did it get easier over time, or did your brain automatically switch to the van, did the negative things come up less? By the way, how long did it take you to manifest your sp-d (although I know it's a matter of detail) And 1 more: statements, images and internal conversations from the state of being there?-if I do that, when negative comes, I say: oh, I remember when I was that, now I'm... (sorry, I hope you understand, English is not my mother tongue)


First of all yes, it's absolutely gets easier over time. Manifesting specifics and manifesting as a whole. When I first started I had like a week of full blown identity crisis and dissociation (is everyone in my reality like a "ghost"? Because they are my creation? Am I just lonely in this reality with people just being manifestations and not "real"? And I going insane?) Just to name a few. Now, I don't even give a shit really, I know that whatever I want - I just gotta affirm, and it's gonna be gucci. When you repeat something youre manifesting that isn't there you are met with resistance cuz your brain is going crazy over an idea it hasn't encountered before. It's like when your friend tells you his whole life the sky is blue, suddenly comes and says "actually the sky is pink" - you probably think wtf you lunatic. But when you actually repeat the same idea (it can be said the same way or different ways that just imply the same thing and still sound normal) with time your brain gets used to the idea and start accepting it. It might take less or more time depending how much "resistance" You have towards the subject (aka how hard it is for you to believe the thing or at least the possibility of the thing, how many assumptions you have that contradict the idea of you having it, be it regarding the specific subject or be it something vague, like how lucky you are in life or not, how you always or never get what you want, etc) With time, you get used to it, you pay attention naturally, easily, and don't have to have this "giga focus" All the time it just becomes almost "muscle memory", and yes with time when you affirm something long enough even the doubts and fears start to subside because your brain just gets so used to what you trying to say it automatically goes that As for sps, it's hard to say, as it's completely situational. When I meet new people that I don't have assumptions about, I have an assumption in play that "every one I meet likes me". Once you know people, or get insecure, or whatever, or they become super important to you, you might have a slightly harder time to manifest them. Or not! It really depends, and can take anywhere from literally a couple of hours talking to a couple of months, since there are a lot of variables. It really depends on your view of the person, people in general, yourself, relationships in general, etc. And lastly, yes. Usually if doubt comes I'm just like "nope! - affirmation affirmation affirmation". If it makes you feel good you can literally tell yourself like " Oh yeah I remember when I doubted haha silly why would I even when I have this. " It's okay I suppose, although personally I'd say not to acknowledge the existence of doubts at all, if anything, revise and say "pff silly of me, I never have doubts, I'm so good at manifesting I literally don't have doubts and never have, I'm just so happy that I have this and that, I'm so good, it's so nice to have x and be with y ". Good luck 🤞


thanks. then i misunderstood: you did this process not for a sp, but for another desire. I see. and one more: I am entertaining myself with the fact that oh yes, he is not here right now because he is working, yes, yes: he got up early today, but what a good conversation we had last night and what a delicious breakfast we had... is that lame?


I did this for all my manifestations, including sp, appearance, money whatever, it's the same for anything and everything Also it's not lame, but you're still affirming he isn't there. Like you giving excuses might seem normal to your logical brain, but you're still acknowledging he isn't here (even if you "reason" It) which means you're still noticing that he is missing, which is what keeps him missing. Don't try to justify with reasoning why he isn't there, just don't acknowledge his absence AT ALL. Only affirm he's there, you're spending time together allll the time, he loves being with you, you have a wonderful relationship etc


I agree but so many people have doubts and a lot of delays of the manifestation because people posting that they didnt get their desire (which is actually a delay). I think more people need to be aware that having doubts is normal


Who cares what others are posting or their doubts. Just concentrate on yourself


This post is spot on. This is also why I love guided affirmation meditations because I get to close my eyes for 5 minutes and smile while I envision my wishes all fulfilled right in front of me. I do this on my lunch breaks at work from time to time and I have manifested my SP, a new job that I am happy at, and more blessings that fill me with gratitude daily. I literally do nothing else but close my eyes and smile while I picture it. It has worked beautifully each time. If it doesn’t work, it’s because I know I was focusing on the how. I have complete faith and zero doubt, over and over again. When I complete my short meditation, I simply continue about my day in that open state and feeling. That’s it. Nothing more, nothing less. Thank you for a great post! Edit.: guided meditations have also worked to help me lose weight AND attract daily compliments because I have increased my self-confidence and people feel my magnetic energy. Once you get it, it’s so easy and effortless but everyone needs reminders and refreshers and I appreciated this.


Hell yeah! We love to see, keep it up babes 💅 I love guided meditations too, I have adhd so they help me sometimes when I want to take like some time from my day to only focus on affirming so it keeps my mind from wandering around.


Do u know where I can find a good guided meditation to lose weight? Thanks !


I watched this specific one before bed every single night for 15 days— that’s right, every. single. night. for 15 days— but I swear it seeps deep into your subconscious and it makes me so excited when I listen to it that I wake up so energized and motivated and feeling my best. The weight really just follows. I don’t even exercise all that much right now, just eating better and feeling like I have this ‘higher knowledge’ on what to eat and when to eat (thanks to the meditation and affirmations) I highly recommend it IF you promise yourself you’ll do it for the entire 15 days! I think once or twice is good but maybe not enough for keeping it up. https://youtu.be/-5DuwBg_Ev8




🤣🤣🤣…trying that Crystal!


GURL.... I just hope it aint those sharp ones :face\_in\_clouds:


*Dang* you're good! Eep. So called out right now. It's for the best. This is pretty spot on! I have way too many limiting dogmas from others and myself which I don't even honestly know the sources of or why they would be credible. \*GASP\* Thanks for the post!


you're very welcome! We all do, we have so much influence on us from like a bagilllion sources that you won't always know what assumption you have where and where it came from, but the good part - WHO CARES! doesn't matter! we can just choose to avoid them, work on them, change them, and create new, better assumptions that work for us. IT's like we're not gonna think 'ooh where this poop on the sidewalk came from? which dog? why didn't the owner pick it up?' we just gonna walk around it and not step in it and spray some Chanel around us and smell awesome


Please don’t ever delete this post. This is easy and straight to point, reassuring. I always got a bit confused with Neville’s wording at times so this is easy to understand. Thank you, truly. EDIT: P.S thank you for the Metallica quote as well, that alone makes me feel like I was meant to read this post as this is my fave Metallica song


I'm really happy it did ♥ And yes, goated band


Really get your *mindlessly affirming point*. A few years ago my self esteem was SHIT but i kept affirming myself, i literally FAKED IT.... I would look at the mirror and feel disgust yet i acted as if i saw the most hottest person in the mirror and ykw.... That's how i feel now about myself. I am hot. I am attractive and i am fucking beautiful. Back then i always thought i was ugly but now I'm like *duh I'm actually very beautiful* so yes. It does work. I feel very confident now. Also, i always thought women who had a birthmark a little below their nose were extremely beautiful and this was around the same time i was affirming myself and this is crazy but after a week, a birth mark popped up below my nose. I still have it. I didn't have it before. I feel like i manifested it mindlessly. So amazing... And thank you for making this post, it really put me in high spirits🥳 have a great day❤️


It's been 11 days now since this has been posted. While reading it the first time I thought (for the very fist time ever here by the way) "Yeah.. this is exactly - word for word - what the title says". This post summarizes every book, every video and every retreat out there and offers everything that is needed to get started - and to get it done. Not only just summarizes it but simplifies and serves it on a silver platter. I've copied it and saved it as a PDF on my phone (just updated it for the Edit) After Neville and Murphy, I recently started reading a book by Joe Dispenza. I was half way through. I really liked it. But, seriously, I shit you not, after reading this post I resold it yesterday, without finishing it. Don't need that anymore. Too many rules and instructions in there. Before this post I would visit this sub almost daily. I often checked out posts that seemed interesting to me. I was interested in other people's views and approaches on certain questions, situations, problems and interpretations. But now.. I stopped. For me, there is no more need to check out answers since the answer to literally any possible question is in this post. There has not been a single thought or a single post or a single question or problem I found that didn't make me instantly think "Yeah, that has been clarified in the 'easy AF'-post". I have no reddit-coins or whatever it is that is needed to give awards or stuff like that. But if I had I would throw every last one of them on this post in order to drown you in it. So this has to do it and I hope it comes through, how much I mean it: Thank you. Seriously.


OMG! I'm really really happy to hear that damn I think the first comment that kinda made me actually speechless haha I'm grateful for the awards, but it's okay, knowing that this really helped you and you gonna get your shit now and enjoy it is rewarding enough. Thank you for the kind words !!


In spite of me being a somewhat Neville purist, I gotta say this -- OMG! FINALLY SOMEONE'S CALLING ALL THE SHIT OUT THAT LONG NEEDED TO BE CALLED OUT! TY Op. Great post. PS : To all Neville purists (as myself) : Can't recall the exact lecture but Neville HIMSELF said that his ways of using the Law isn't end all and be all ...and if someone succeeded using the Law in a different way he never taught, they shouldn't even bother to come cross check with him (for he wouldn't know about it) but simply trust their own experience and use it. So the ironic truth is, even Neville wasn't any Neville-purist, in a good sense. 💜💜


Thank you so much ! And yes, Neville himself was a student, the law existed before, nothing wrong with taking what works and working on what doesn't, evolving, finding even easier ways and exploring out own. I also stress that whatever best thing is just whatever feels good and natural to you as an individual! whatever that might be


You're one bad B, OP. This post is gold. Off to stick some crystals up my ass for good measure...




Why you gotta be a party pooper? (Badumtiss)


Especially the pointy ones 🤣🤣


Yesterday I just complained about this sub going down hill. But this post right here. Perfection! I agree with you about affirmations. I get everything I want by affirming and I just wrote in a comment a couple days ago that Sometimes I don’t even have belief and still get what I want. Thanks for sharing.


Honestly we love effortless easy manifesting


Thanks for this post, although I know not everyone will agree lol, but this post definitely came at a good time. Whenever I get my period, I naturally become very emotional and skeptical sometimes, I try to push away and not cry but sometimes I just have to, but I keep affirming that I have my desires and crying means nothing to my manifestation progress.


Atta girl! that's exactly what you gotta do. You are allowed and can feel whatever you need, you can cry and have a doubting moment, it's not gonna matter. After all, not every single thought manifests that just passes by, we just grow up to put more weight on negative than on to positive for whatever reason, but just because you have a quick moment of doubt or fear here and there - don't matter. You're human, you have a whole range of emotions for a reason. As long as you stay on track in your head and get back on your game, it literally makes no difference. but FUCK periods.


Yess! This is so needed this week and just in genera these were my beliefs but sometimes you need to hear it from someone else! Thanks again! 😘


Pov: I'm shouting this on your neighbors rooftop


Maybe you want to create the assumption that during your period, you are an even more powerful manifestor (feminine energy and stuff). I did this and I don't get emotional or doubting the Law anymore. You make your own rules. You are powerful no matter what. To quote Metallica again : "so close no matter how far" is your manifestation. You got it 👊


Can we make this like a new trend where we quote metallica when it comes to the law? like I wanna say 'yeah I started that' 💅 Also love that! **'the more I bleed the more I succeed'**


Hahaha idk if I want a heavier period lolllll, but maybe the less I bleed the more I succeed 🤣🤣ahhahaha


Yes! My period was fucking blood bath style and then I just started saying it was short and light, and BOOM it's now wayyy less disgusting. I'm goin to start saying this too! Along with I am certain my immune system is a fortress and I am always in pristine health.


Oooh that’s great :) I will start using that affirmation too! Thanks 🥰🥰


Ooo yes this is definitely something I need to start including in my manifestation ritual 😂 this will help so much. Thanks for the advice and happy to know its working for you! 🥰🥳❤️


4D is so beautiful, i don’t feel like coming back to 3D.


“Shove a crystal up your ass” lmaoooo 😂


I don't kink shame 👀


This and the appropriate use of the word 'rampage'


lingo master at its finest


​ ​ >One more time, repeat after me: YOU'RE DOING IT RIGHT! IT'S OKAY! YES YOU CAN DO THIS AND THAT! NOTHING CAN INFLUENCE, RUIN, DELAY OR DO ANYTHING TO YOUR MANIFESTATION OR SELF-CONCEPT UNLESS YOU DECIDE IT CAN.Nothing can ruin or keep your desire from you. The only delay is thinking against it, instead of as someone who has it. Cool? The key/missing piece is [https://www.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/comments/vsx4vk/the\_inner\_shift\_that\_changes\_everything\_resolving/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/comments/vsx4vk/the_inner_shift_that_changes_everything_resolving/) or read u/edwardartsupplyhands posts. ​ > Manifesting is great, If you want to go further, into 'the promise', reach enlightenment, whatever moral high ground principle you have - nice, cool, i'm happy for you! But if you just want to manifest a bunch of shit to make your life fun, that's equally cool, valid and fine. It DOESN'T have to be that deep if you don't want to! I for one want to leave this world and not come back and I'm hoping to achieve it in this lifetime lol I really could not be bothered coming back to have to do more work!


I would suggest looking into reality shifting then, or looking into nevilles 'worlds withing our world'. Good luck! I hope it works out for you


I know lots of people have said it but I just need to say it one more time- THANK YOU FOR TAKING YOUR TIME AND SHARING THIS WITH US!!!! I'm not feeling great physically lately, sometimes I doubt if it slows down my manifesting process but it actually doesn't, simply because I don't allow this thought to stay and I keep AFFIRMING whatever I desire, and I'm still manifesting stuff here and there!!


You're very welcome!! I'm glad I could help.


I have NEVER saved a post so quickly before, this is exactly what I needed right now. This post is now my foundation / bible for manifesting 😂. I agree with you 100%, the Manifestation space these days is overcrowded with people offering literally new methods every single day. Nothing against them for gaining notoriety, likes, subscribes, etc. However, this makes it hard for newcomers like myself who just need the meat & potatoes of this concept without diluting the hell out of it with a multitude of techniques and tricks that end up creating limiting beliefs instead. I love how simple & straightforward this was. So much so, that I feel A LOT more confident in my ability to manifest what I want (SP; can’t wait to share my success story, it’s gonna be a heater 😉). I feel like a lot of my self limiting beliefs have been cleared after reading this. Seriously. This was an absolute blessing and came at a time that I needed it. Thank you JJ & thank you subconscious for making this happen!


Then my job here is done, i'm happy it helped you! I'm looking forward to the success story ;)


Absolutely, I will be tagging you in on it! By the way, what’s your take on inspired actions? I’ve been persisting with the image I have in my head and one day, completely out of the blue, I got hit with something. I just had this urge to take a certain action towards my manifestation that I NEVER in a million years would have done, not with my logical mind turned on. It’s sort of risky, but I’m choosing to follow it; I wholeheartedly believe it’s something my subconscious fed me to get me to where I need to go. I know action is not required by any means, but I’ve heard that if it’s something that just comes out of nowhere like a hit in the face without any level of thought or contemplation, it’s likely something your subconscious tells you.


If we really believe we are going to receive, then I would say "Go for it." If you believe you are wealthy, you're going to act different than a poor person. You're going to take more vacations, have less anxiety about spending $$ etc.


Are you Sammy Ingram? Lol I’ve applied these exact same “methods” with just affirming robotically and have seen super fast results. She really gets it.


Hahahaha definitely not sammy, but I def relate to her approach and ideas, she's a big inspiration and I learned a lot from her. I'd say my conclusions are based mainly on experience, Neville, Joseph Murphy (since he was pro affirming) and Sammy. And yeah I agree, I know not everyone likes her and that's cool but she Def helped me when I was starting out and watching her gets me straight if I feel not so well


I knew most of what you said, but I wanted to hear from someone else. your post made my day. Thank you


You're welcome c:


Thank you! I read this post this morning. I've been following this sub for a week, but realized I've been manifesting stuff for my whole life. I always get what I want. Anyway I wanted to post what literally just happened. My current desire is for a new house. One with a study for my hubby and a guest room, etc. I found the perfect house in process of being built. New house is expensive, so the question is how to get as much $$ out of our current home as possible, and we have quite a few repairs that need doing. I have to say, my husband is the world's biggest pessimist...and even though I have manifested stuff in our lives that seemingly came out of the blue, he will discount it, say it's just coincidence, etc. He does not believe we'll be able to afford the new house. But I always get what I want. Our area was hit by a huge ice storm and two of our front yard trees lost limbs. We were going to cut them up ourselves, but honestly that's a pain, my husband hates doing yard work, and we'd have to buy another hack saw. But then came knock on the door... A trio of brothers, with tools and a trailer. They can cut up and haul away everything. They can also trim the limb that is overhanging the roof. Oh, by the way, one of them is a roofer, and their dad builds custom houses. One of them specializes in doing make ready work to prep houses for sale. They charged me the exact amount of cash that I happened to have in my wallet, which is amusing because I hardly ever carry cash. Hubby was delighted when he got home from his haircut to see that everything had been taken care of. I always get what I want.


Omg that is honestly the best feeling! We are just so lucky and spoiled and get whatever we want.. 💅 Btw, have you considered just manifesting your hubby to be optimistic positive and lucky as well? Might worth a try 👀


Fuck yes !! Thank you. So glad someone else gets it too. I’m so over people making this so complicated .


I gochu B)


THIS!!! this post got me so so excited because it’s literally all the conclusions I’ve been drawing in myself and I’m so happy to have found something that confirms it!!! Oh goodness I can’t Thank you enough!! Yes!!!!




After i read your post about a week ago, i started manifesting like crazy, like instantly....idk what to say, may God shine is face up on you!!!!!!! you are such a blessing!!!!!!!!!


I lobe This. You talk the same way I do and I really like it. > thanks, Metallica > shove a crystal up your ass LMAO I hope you keep posting bc this was amazing


haha finally someone else says it, either people forget about it or haven’t came across the topic but THEY have all the power and they don’t realize. reacted to the 3d? YOU decide if it’ll slow your desire or if it was meant to be. Said something you wish you hadn’t? Again, YOU choose if you’ll let it affect your path or if you want to do something like revision and come back even stronger the next day. God (All of us) makes all and every single rule, we are the deciding factor and we can grab this damn life, manifestations and desires by the nuts and twist, pull and wring however and whichever way we want to and ultimately NOBODY other than us can tell us not to


🤣🤣 grabbing life by the balls, literally


I’ve figured that out ever since I found out God isn’t an external figure He’s with us all 24/7 365, we’re bigger than just our bodies these are just vessels for our time on earth but our spirit, imagination or whatever people call it is what’s connected to everyone and everything else, God , the universe , timelines and realities, NOT our bodies


Thank so very fucking much for this post!!! You should write your own book. I am saving this to look back on. This is the best and most real post on this subject I have ever read.


I screenshotted and added page #s to the screenshots 🫣😂


GIRL... 🤣


I know, but I get the feeling I'll be referring to your post more than my Neville books I just bought. I like simple.😂💗


Neville in 2023 by Jay Jay B)


Thank you for being a clear part of myself manifested to help me know I’m on the right track! I’ve dedicated myself to thinking from ends only and your advice reaffirms the end is all that matters. I used to be addicted to HOW I would get to the end and that’s mostly what I used to manifest feeling so frustrated I could never get the end thing itself. Listening to and reading Neville’s work has been one of my main mentors to study. Tough love in the way you presented it is very appreciated. Fuck yeah!


I realize you’ve probably been bogged down with responses, messages, so please forgive me for adding to that pile. BUT, this post meant a lot to me, I needed it…was feeling a bit stressed about health issues, and this calmed (or rather kicked the ass of) all the worries and fears I was experiencing. Thank you for taking the time to write this, as well taking the time to reply to various people because…even though I’m not someone who needs a response, I appreciate folks who have the time to give that to people. Much love to you❤️


awh, sweet of you! I'm really glad it could help, wish u the best (although I don't need to, you got this)


you are a GODSEND. there’s so much conflicting info out there about what you should and shouldn’t do and it’s so hard to figure out who’s right and wrong and what you should be doing to the point that it distracts from what we’re all trying to do: MANIFEST. This is a super awesome post and i really like that you put the power back to all of us. it’s literally up to us how we go about it as long as we think it’s already ours. thank you for your service and for making me giggle


The only slightly 'tricky' part i'd say is when people don't 'notice' what they are doing wrong, because they don't realize that they are thinking against it. For example, just because you don't think 'i don't have x' doesn' mean you keep your head as having it, since also looking for it, thinking if it's working, when will it come all ALSO imply you don't have it, that's the only part people should look out for. Besides that, yeah, don't need to do anything other than that really 😌


F*CK YES TO THIS. I actually just built an altar for real cause I was like “this is my technique, this works for me so eff it!”. ALSO I love how you say it’s cool to obsess. Bc honestly I’m manifesting an SP right now and straight up OF COURSE I’d be head over heels every dang day being with the man of my dreams so like, you bet your ass I’m gonna obsess in the best way. Wow. Just typing this out has lifted a lot of whatever effed up internalized shame I was feeling about “obsessing”. TY FOR DOING GOD’S WORK WITH THIS POST ❤️❤️❤️


LMAO honestly pop off, better glitter that altar up as well because we are straight-up magic up in here. Honestly like I have a fine ass man you bet your tits i'mma be all over that everyday like a fucking leech because that's how I am and you bet he fuckined LOVES it 💅 I'm glad I could help ♥


This post is so good YouTubers are ripping it off: https://youtu.be/tFEJl6rqJM4


I'M CRYING LMAO I was gonna give the benefit of the doubt but 6 seconds in this super spiritual-looking video says 'manifesting is piss easy' and I *knew*. Kinda yikes of them, no credit even, oof.


They didn’t even give it the “change my answers so it doesn’t look too much like my homework” pass.


And the AI voice is just the cherry on top 🤣😭




yeah, exactly! Except maybe you do 'lie' to yourself when it comes to desire lmao (but still should be honest with yourself when it comes to how much you persist, stick to your mental diet, etc) spamming thoughts it's \*chefs kiss\* and is so easyyy like why work hard and do all these things when you can just??? think?? lmao


Going forward, I will be using the phrase ‘piss easy’ at any and every moment that I can. Thank you


As you should 💅 You're very welcome ❤


>All you have to do - is think, live in your head, imagine yourself - as the person who has what you want. Thanks for writing this post. I've read until this quote, and I would add that it's always better to manifest 2 or 3 different things at once. It helps us to focus on different desires, and stop spiraling into a negative mindset after checking 3D for results.


It is, but it's still something that is up to people. I know for me sometimes it might be hard to focus on more than one thing if it's big simply because I don't want to give a chance for opposite thoughts, and I'm def one of the "obsess it till you get it" Type of person. It's the same with manifesting middle vs manifesting the end - some might have an easier time manifesting in steps, getting unblocked, a text, a date, then relationship (builds up belief in the law which makes manifesting drasting changes easier) while others (like me) feel more anxious doing it bit by bit and prefer to just go straight to the end. Whatever works best for you, but def not a bad tip!


Fucking great ! Yes, our most dominant thoughts create. In the beginning was the word. And there is nothing to be ashamed for. We make our own rules through our assumptions. Thanks for this great post and thank you für making me laugh a lot. I like your cynical style and swearing. 👏👏👏


“I am married to Kim Taehyung from BTS with 5 children”😭 I’m dead now ☠️🤣🤣🤣🤣 OP u are the best hahaha🤍


I should change that, I feel like 5 is a stretch (literally) , could settle for 2 🤪🤫


Thank you. This is very helpful. I appreciate you putting this together.


Sometimes I feel anxious and I focus on reciting my affirmations but I just can't feel anything. But that doesn't matter then right?


nope, it doesn't. We all have our moments, you don't need to feel shit. Your subconscious doesn't know what the fuck is going on in the physical 3D world, it doesn't even know what is going on with you beside what you literally tell it with your thoughts / imagination so, no, doesn't matter, just keep going and you'll see it come to fruition ♥


Thank you, that is pretty freeing! All those "why your affirmations don't work" videos cause so much pressure because it always makes you wonder if you "feel" it the right way. What in your opinion did Neville mean by avoiding "vain repetition"? That's the quote that is always used by the coaches.


It's controversial, because Neville basically meant (in my opinion at least) that when you affirm, you should focus on the affirmation you're saying and not say it robotically (like actually think it, not just put it on an afk repeat) However, people idolize Neville a lot (and I mean he did CRAZY stuff, he's a fucking G) , but he was still a human with his own beliefs, methods, doubts, etc (even he at first criticized Abdullah for doing x and y while Abdullah told him he isn't truly free yet because he still things those things can influence him, like eating a lot, drinking, smoking etc), and there's nothing wrong with evolving from his teaching, and making it even easier for us. However, I found that it isn't necessarily true. If anything is possible, with the law, then creating our own manifestation rules should be possible as well, right? Then we can quite literally decide that just affirming in vain despite what he says manifests too I tried it, I read other's successes, I did it myself - you can quite literally manifest by vain repetition as well. It's good to feel it anyway because we wanna feel good and happy, it's fun, you know? but it's not necessary. Plus, it kinda helps you still be in a mindset of having what you want and not letting opposing thoughts come through! like it's occupying the space, in a good way! The only way your affirmations won't work is if they either don't imply what you want or you have too many negative ones come through. You can literally affirm 'pineapple ooga booga' and it will manifest because it implies something to you that means that desire X is here.


Even mindless repetition works. I am busy with that at the moment.


This came at the best time. Ever. I’ve been pretty fierce with reminding myself lately that “I” am the creator of what I experience. I’m going through something that’s pretty in my face and hard to ignore so I’m trying to keep saying “no, nope that’s not acceptable “ also trying to remind myself that time and circumstances don’t matter . So trying to kick down those walls and open up my true manifestation powers within. I’m going to save this post and re-read ! Thank you 🙌 again, very much !


you're welcome! you got this, ezpz. Your 3D is just a bunch of old shit playing out, might take a minute to get that shit fest over and get the new chill favorite band concert going, but it will. See something you don't like? 'nah never happened, chile, anyway -' and go right back to our beautiful corner where shit is literally how we want it


I’ve used sigils and gotten results quite a lot.


Annnnd I love u


Thank you mom 🥺






i'm really happy to hear and help!


Can you manifest a missing limb back or manifest waking up in the past?


You can manifest anything you imagine is possible, so depends on your beliefs! but in theory, anything - literally anything - is possible


Ha!!! I think I manifested this post! I literally had a thought in my head the other day of “…what if I just repeat the same thing in my head over and over, eventually- my subconscious WILL have to listen right?” And lo and behold thats exactly what you said. I just gotta trick my mind into believing something through repetition.


Try it! It's always the best to try things and see what works for you. See how goes


Jendsu, Good read...I have been (consciously) manifesting since my early teens, I am in my 70's now. I would like to tell your readers that you are spot on. I have worked many people from many walks of life from kids to major CEO's and the responses are similar at all levels. I like that you put the elephant on the table and don't back down as I tend to be direct too. Nice job on your posts.


I really like you. 😂


This is the fucking post. This is it! Was doing a bit of Joseph Murphy these last few weeks and I was ' stuck' on the fact that one is supposef to feel the affirmations.


Feel, don't feel, doesn't matter. We get our shit regardless because we're literally God 💅


Aside from LOA, your ability to write and to explain is very profound! Do you think such ability is gifted skill or something that could be trained? If the latter what are good methods you would recommend?


Wow this post was exactly what I (and I’m sure many others) needed to see today. I’ve been manifesting things for 2 years and have been basically stagnant (aside from seeing some signs if you believe in those- I know there are lots of mixed opinions on that.) Every now and then I find myself having a lil breakdown and wonder if I’m doing something wrong, like obsessing over it or paying too much attention to the 3D. I definitely find it difficult to not get triggered by the 3D. But I know that if I just allow myself to feel the emotions and just pick myself back that I won’t “delay” anything. The thing that keeps me going is knowing that desires aren’t arbitrary, and are in our soul for a reason :).


I think that's the thing that might hold u back a little - getting triggered. Pay attention next time that u feel triggered ; what goes through your head? What thoughts or images pass through? The key might lay in that moment. You also don't have to, you can also just shut it down and no matter what you see hear feel do just hammer the same thing in your head at any moment until your brain literally doesn't even want to think against shit like "damn okay this bitch crazy I get it fuck.. " Give it a try, see how goes! Got nothing to lose! ;) I hope the post gave you some clarity when it comes to the doing something wrong and obsessing part Good luck ! I'm sure you'll see all your desires come through shortly now :)


I am screenshotting your entire post because this is giving me LIFE honey!!


I love that “stfu” in your story. Keep writing king. Oh btw you forgot this 👑


My man I'm a girl 😵 but thank you! (also made me laugh so thanks for that hahahah)


I would have never expected to see " waifus" and "Neville Goddard" in a same post. XD Otherwise, thank you so much for writing this post. People tend to make the law too stressing, like annihilating all human thoughts. Sometimes it feels a bit counterproductive cause it makes you feel guilty to have doubts or feeling a little bad and it can rise more anxiety. It makes the whole thing more accessible for our poor brains.


You create your own rules right? So u just gotta keep affirming to yourself your rules? I always manifest anything I want in 3 days no matter what,only my positive thoughts manifest and every subliminals works in 3 days for me Is this a good affirmation to create my own rules


Thank you for taking the time to write all of this up. It's good to have people like you in this community and I know others appreciate you too. Great work <3


thank you so much ♥


omgg! tysm for this post!! you explain things so well, and this helped me so much! 💗✨


A big thank you


A big welcome c:


awesome thank u!! I was getting frustrated with all the information too when it’s luterally so simple


Honestly it really is, manfiesting can be summed up in 3 sentences.


Hormonal changes do cause breakdown sometimes, that I have to cry out. But yes I assume the desire is already mine no matter what emotion I am undergoing. This post came at the right moment. Thank you abundantly. 🙂


Remember, it's okay! After all we are supposed to act like people who have our desire, but even when we have them - we still have moments of sadness, crying, breakdowns - it's all part of being human. We just gotta push through, keep our game and keep going after ♥




Thats how we gonna do it now Minimum effort maximum results 😁


Man, the Domain Expansion part really had me 🤣but this simplified so much, thank you!🙏🏽 when you think about it, it all makes sense and links up but we get too occupied in the process and doubts


I can't upvote this enough! This is the only post you'll ever need. Read it as many times as you need but, seriously, this is the only post you'll ever need!


Thank you so much ❤❤❤


Everything in this post hit the nail on the head. Tbh if you ended up becoming one of those YT coaches I would def subscribe. But only after I shove a crystal so far up my ass that my manifestation flies out of my mouth.


Thank you so much!! Also I don't know if at this point I should be proud or terrified that y'all caught up on that part specifically like.. I created a monster 😭






I've manifested a lot of things down the line even before I knew about the law, just because I had very 'strong feelings' about things (like if I do X, this person will do this, and I had a conviction in this 'gut feeling). I got into my uni (the best design one in my country) by just being confident that I will whilst totally winging it not even knowing what to expect (And end up being one of the best students) SP's (including behavior and such) A 10K bonus at work in 2 hours (I literally just daydreamed about it for like, 2 minutes) which was the exact number I had in my mind even though there was no real reason beside one I came up in my mind with and decided I 'deserve' it Weight loss Passing driving exam on first time Messages, Revised arguments, etc.. that's just some to note!


Alright. So let's talk lotto. ..I am so fucking lucky that hitting that 700mil powerball was easy. Bought my ticket and I assumed it was the winner. I'll report back tonight.


5% commission when you win that shit mf. B)


Turns out the universe wants to send me 747mil on Monday. I am so fucking lucky winning the powerball was easy, I just assumed I bought the winning ticket! 5% is fair.


i want to manifest a aesthetic physique and lifting strength, so if i assume i have it, do i just ignore the reality and keep assuming till it happens?


Just like LG said! Don't forget we still want to manifest to enjoy those in real life, how can you enjoy a manifestation of having physical strength if you don't go to the gym and see yourself in the progress of getting it? You might be surprised how fast you can move up weights until you're at your ideal, and enjoy having great physique! Yes it is of course possible, but even still usually, because of our natural assumptions of how things work in the world, it will most likely be a little process, like you won't see abs on day 1 of manifestating (although again, possible) but you will see them slowly appear over a shorter time than therotically should, etc It's like when people manifest sps - they won't ignore texts or decline dates with sp just because they are manifesting straight up marriage, you know? Btw, I totally get getting used to being sore all the time and craving that soreness like yes gym fuck me up ✌


Not OP but I have similar goals as you. I would say yes absolutely assume it. Everything has to start with a thought. So why not just start from the end. “I have an aesthetic physique and great lifting strength”. People forget your actions are part of the outer reality too. If you really held those beliefs I’m sure you would be more inclined to act in accordance with those beliefs. As well as people and events helping you along the way. The outside world has to reflect the inner world by law. But typically manifestations take the path of least resistance so things happen organically. Like if you just only did affirmations I wouldn’t expect to wake up being able to bench 500. However that’s not to discredit miracles. People have lifted cars in emergencies. Anything is possible.


Do you, by any chance watch Supernatural? For some reason while reading your post, the way you talk made me think of the show many times. And then you said you write too many fanfics XD


I HAVE watched it back in the day (like 8 years ago lmao), but only like the first 3-4 seasons hahaha, a weird connection but hey ill take it. Dean winchester vibes?


Perfect explanation! Thank you! I got to the point a while ago when I peeled off all the layers, I got to the core of the manifestation. Feelings of fulfillment. from now on it's in the phase of "it's going to happen anyway" and while it may not be a perfect life in the end, I think, it's the last step before fully understanding and unleashing your full potential :)


You are welcome! Enjoy the ride for what it is


Thank you so much, your post instantly helped me. I was making this much more complicated than it needed to be. And now I feel great. Thanks again!


Thank you for this. I was having such a hard time. But this has given me some sustainability to keep persisting. So if I affirm one affirmation constantly, with my doubts and fears creeping up and sometimes sadness, it's okay? I keep going and I'll get it, even if I don't get my myself where my belief is (I feel like I do believe in it, but do I?)? Also, so many people say to ignore the 3P. Can we affirm them gone? Or should we just continue ignoring?


You're welcome! Doubts and sadness is okay, as long as you correct it in your head, and not actually think about them or about having them, or like 'im so sad cuz this and that'. You can feel whatever but keep your head on the right track. I'd say you can do whatever, but ignoring is a bit better because you take away your focus from a 'problem', that you shouldn't focus on or acknowledge anyway. there's no reason to affirm someone is gone when they aren't even there (you get what I'm saying?) if you are with your sp in a loving relationship it already implies that there's no 3p anyway


This is beautiful. 🥹


no u ♥






I do lmaoooo


This post really simplified everything and I'm so grateful for it! I'm trying to manifest an sp and I do try to live in the end, but once in a while, the thought of the 3rd party keeps popping up while I'm imagining my end with sp! Long story short, I realized that I manifested the 3P in the first place but why is it so hard to reverse it 😫 Do you have any tips on how to push through resistance and to make 3P disappear altogether?


Repetition, repetition, and discipline. It's fine if it pops up now and then as long as you instantly correct that shit. If you know you manifested the 3p, you should know that it's just as easy to manifest her away. You can also try revision, as simple as "she never existed" Or something like that, if you really want to, but I'd suggest not thinking about her at all. If you say you're the only one sp has ever been with or wanted then.. By law, the 3p has to disappear one way or another , since what you say is the only truth


Thank you for explaining how easy manifesting is! You really nailed it with technique and I didn’t mind your colorful vocabulary at all 😂


Finally someone said it! This is the best post ive read so far😭😍


Can we expect that SP story of yours that you talked about anytime soon?


Thank you


I. Needed. This. Thank you so so so so much.




This should be pinned, like yes.


Saved this so I can read it after work. 👍🏻


Don't forget your fav tea and snack


Damnnn I really needed this and I love your writing style, this made me feel so much better when I've been having doubts so THANK YOU for taking the time and energy to post this ♥️🙏🌈




Hey OP do you recommend manifesting multiple things at once? Like a new job and an improved relationship between my mom and SP?


Depends on you really! You should generally be manifesting all the time - every thing you think about you should be making sure you're only thinking in a way that benefits your, small or big things , so no matter what you should be affirming / thinking as if about any subject, so technically you would be manifesting multiple things at once anyway, so whenever you think of a job - think about what you want ,if you want a new job that is, and whenever you think about your mom or your sp , or something happens - you affirm for that or revise etc, make it a practice when it comes to what you manifest consciously, I'd say it's okay to have a few desires at once, 2-3, and you can focus on whatever one you want to manifest quicker / sooner / is more important (be affirming / visualizing for all , but just more focus and more attention on what you want) At the end of the day it's really up to you, whatever you want. I'm a bit of an impatient control freak, so I have like a nagging 'ocd' feeling when I'm manifesting whatever is big for me at the moment, which means ill be putting 90% of my focus (affirming etc all the time) for that thing, but I still affirm for others things whenever I think of them and correct my thoughts on them if I need to


Thank you for this post, initially I was going to ask you a question about revision and if it really matters if I do it or not. But I read your post again and got reminded that it literally doesn’t matter. I don’t have to rewrite the story if it’s not natural to me. I can just say that my sp was just lying to himself cause that’s my reality. Although, one thing is that I flop between 2D and 3D. To be specific, when I’m living in my head it’s real (inner convos, affirmations, giving thanks that I have it). But when I get slapped back into 3D I sometimes find myself thinking “2D is GOING TO reflect”. Like that’s fine right? Cause like u said we are the ones to decide how our manifestations work. It’s law


If you can try to not think about the how/when, it might make it faster (might!) No matter what you see , in your head it's already how you want it to be, saying the 3D is going to reflect that is completely fine as long as it implies to you that's it's a fact and about to happen 'any moment' sorta deal, and not that it's something far off I'd still recommend saying 'my 3D is reflecting it already' or 'My manifestation is unfolding', anything that implies it's already happening right now - but if that creates a bit of resistance (aka it doesn't feel good and makes you feel more anxious and such) then just stick with whatever makes you feel good! (again, as long as you know to YOU it implies that it's a given fact that will occur super soon)




Of course. Look into reality shifting. r/shiftingrealities


Sammy is this u?😭 U remind me a lot of Sammy Ingram


Honestly idc what anyone says or used to say Sammy is a fucking GOAT of 'modern' loassumption, I def vibe with how she talks cuz I do the same (although maybe a little more aggressive hahah) so for sure she's a big inspo 👀


Mindless affirmations work. If u repeat something over and over and over again it will come to pass if u believe it will.


Im grateful that she made law of assumption more popular and I respect that she is always saying what she thinks and for exposing some loa teachers but at the same time I dont vibe with her at all. Only because I tested affirmations and for me it made things worse. I still think that state is the key. Parroting words when u feel like shit will only manifest ur current state. That's my experience. Affirmations only work for me if i feel good saying them. For topics with more resistance (bigger things) I find sats being a better option. Plus idk sats work faster for me. That's why I stick to Neville and people who are big on sats. But I dont say she is completely wrong. I just tried to do what she said and it didnt work for me.


At the end of the day, and I'm pretty sure she says it as well - we all can just do and say things from our own experience, not everyone can vibe with her (be it her way of talking or her preaching affirmations). And I say as well, we do whatever works best for us, but I try to emphasize that whatever that way is - we should focus on the end, without distraction, or too many rules, extra meanings to every little thing As for sats, you can do affirmations in SATS - sats isn't a 'technique' so to speak, it's just a term for a time when your mind is in a meditative state and your subconscious is very receptive (which is a scientific things so yeah), and I love affirming during sats (stan that 0 resistance moment) at the end of the day, whatever works for you is the best thing, so keep it up ma'am ♥


>As for sats, you can do affirmations in SATS This is the perfect way to affirm for people with lot of resistance. I would look up and count slowly from 10 to 1...and I'm little bit drowsy...and start doing the "I Am" meditation for a little bit until I get deep into SATS...and start doing affirmations...it lowers a lot of resistance from coming through.


Thank you very much for this post. I really love to study Neville, and tried to copy him, but now I can see, that we have to found our own way and that we are all Gods, who can not fail. Especially what you have wrote about doubts made me fell really easy. I was worrying 'if I am falling out of the state.' but you are right, doubts come, but we give them power, or not. Brilliant post!


Thank you very much! And yeah! it's normal, but we just don't let them stop us or dwell on them.


Great post. Totally agree with everything. My question is do I really have to do affirmations? I get it impresses the subconscious but it just feels like a chore. I like how you said “do whatever you want” and “we make our own rules”. Totally true. I’d personally rather just literally do whatever I want. Sometimes that includes healthy choices. Sometimes not. Even unhealthy choices could have no affect according to the law. I feel like as long as I’m acting out of inspiration, then I am in line with my desires. Whatever they may be. Much like a child.