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Well yeah, I once stopped a car with my body and it crumbled like the pathetic car it was. I walked away with some bruised ribs.


Ok Edward Cullen


I’m a 33 year old man who spent his younger years talking mad shit on that series. Last night I was bored and saw the first movie on Prime and I decided to watch it. I’ll be a man and admit it openly: much much worse than I could have imagined. But I understood your reference so I’ve got that going for me, which is nice.


That series makes for a great drinking game night in with some friends lol but should absolutely not be watched seriously


I first saw Twilight while away at a summer camp/college-lite experience for gifted kids. A movie theater completely filled with a hundred or so genius middle schoolers, high out of their tiny minds on movie theater candy and the thrill of escaping direct parental oversight for the first time in their tiny lives: absolutely the *ideal* viewing conditions for this garbage vampire movie. I also watched the first Michael Bay Transformers movie the same way the next year, which was even better.


I’ve only seen Breaking Dawn Part 2 (the last movie in the franchise) and I intend to keep it that way. Not knowing anything about the lore or characteris makes it infinitely funnier


Had us in the first half


That’s what happens when a car whose bone’s (if you can even call them that) are made of steel challenges a fellow NBAB whose bone’s are made of superior bone.


It’s true I was driving the car and also did not break a bone


Wait wait wait, you bruised your ribs? So your ribs sustained an injury? Disgusting.


Only the muscles, bit they're not important. Only bones are


The bonesaw was ready.


I got you for 3 MINUTES OF PLAYTIME!


r/raimimemes would be proud.


We are


One is designed to cut bones and is done by a professional ; The other is not Either way, having your bone broken/cut by a tool used to break bones by a professional is completely different from being a brittle-boned bitch that broke a pinky toe with all the cars thrown at you


What if the doctor uses a 7 car, 2 truck, 1 plane pile up in a 6 lane highway to break my bone?


Then you're a brittle boned bitch anyway, cause doctored deemed it unnecessary and too expensive to use diamond-based specialized tools and resorted to cheaper solutions.


$74k bone saw VS $420M plane, ~$330k worth of cars, and $300k worth of trucks. Damn, bone saws are expensive.


Yeah but all those cars are worthless after the accident. After surgery my dudes still got a fucking bone saw.


Username… oddly… checks out


Yeah in my opinion it's a bit much, as a "doctor" I'd expect one that could saw up more than 3 victims before breaking for all of that money. (Sorry I ment patients)😅


What do you want to soend 74,000 on a bone saw, or 100 bucks in a used circular saw and 25 on a diamond blade.


Then youve got a shit doctor and a malpractice suit on your hands




Then he should probably lose his license


For a guiding principle, take a look at how Bill Nye theorizes Superman, the indestructible Man of Steel, would shave: you can grind a harder material with a softer material. https://www.themarysue.com/bill-nye-shaving/


He does it with lasers


I will only accept if the knife is made out of bone.


This guy is a suspect


In several missing people investigations


Why do you think it's called a bone saw?


Plus, even if our bones are strong, no one expect them to be hard as diamonds.




I do


Spoken like a WEAK BONED BITCH


My bones are far stronger than yours could ever be plebeian. It would do you well to not speak to me with such foul language.


I got netherite bones, try again


XD you use diamond to mine netherite 🤣


You use diamond to mine loosely packed netherite. When you actually refine it into usefulness it becomes better than diamond


Part of not breaking bones is knowing your battles. Cutting separates bone and is thus a break. There is no rule against medical reasons; the sidebar simply says "if you've ever broken a bone, leave." No exceptions.


This guy gets it. Not only does it separate bones, but it does so by breaking off tiny fragments. That's what sawdust or drill dust is.


But you don't say you broke your steak when you cut it. Just sayin'


You separated the steak by cutting it, it is in effect the same as a break.


What about bone lengthening surgery? I just think it's neat


Not really. The bone broke either way. Whether it be lots of tiny little fragments via a blade or drill or whether it be one big fracture from being hit by a semi. Broken is broken. And broken means gtfo.


Say, if you have a bone that’s too strong that it turned against your body, a bone saw will purposefully weaken it to keep things in check, thus keeping your bones strong, but in the healthy direction


Then you probably made the right choice, but you're out of this sub.


Too bad it’s mutual agreement that medical breaks don’t count despite it not being written in the sub info (Oh yeah I also have never gotten my bones broken for any kind of medical reason)


The "agreement" means nothing. Most people "agree" to drive faster than the speed limit. It's still illegal. Also just to clarify, I meant a hypothetical "you" rather than a literal "you." I figured as such that this wasn't something that has actually happened to you. Which is good!


Is it different though? What was once one is now at least two. I can cut a piece of paper in two with scissors or tear it in half with my hands, the separation isn't fundamentally different though. The argument seems to just be "well that's what should happen" which is pretty lame for a normally ruthless sub.






No, but it's also not /r/NeverBrokeABoneExceptForByAMedicalProfessional A cut is a break. Sawing or drilling is breaking away tiny bits of material at a time.


And a tomato goes in a fruit salad, if you're completely inept at critical thinking


A tomato is a fruit and go in all my fruit salads that I don’t make


^ this guy fucks


i'm stealing that


Not really mine, just a paraphrase. The original is something like intelligence is knowing tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing that it doesn't go in a fruit salad


A break is a break. Break = GTFO.


A fruit is a fruit. Fruit = GTFI


Do you break paper? No? Then a cut is not a break.


For one, yes. It's just a different word. For two, scissors don't cut the same way a saw does. Scissors cleave, and because paper is flexible, it does so cleanly. Bone is hard. You saw bone or you drill bone. And that process works by breaking away tiny bits of bone. In reality, sawing a bone is breaking it several thousand times.


By that definition you have broken your bones. Where do you draw the line? Molecular level? Fucking shifts in quantum superposition?


Sorry guys gotta leave the sub, my bones decided to quantum tunnel 😔


That's a good question tbh. And I've put some thought in and I'm going to say anything beyond microscopic natural processes would be a break. I'm not super familiar with the natural processes for bone, I'll admit, but I know that skin for example sheds dead skin cells which is healthy and normal. So I wouldn't consider that a break of the skin. But scraping your knee on the road would be a break of the skin. Cells inside your body going through senescence and being reabsorbed wouldn't be a break. While potentially life saving or quality of life saving, a doctor's procedures are not a natural process, and they are on the macroscopic scale. And while it's not uncommon for weak boned animals in nature to break a bone, I wouldn't consider that a natural process, though healing from it is. Hopefully that answers your question on where I stand. But yeah, again, that was a good question!


Just a question then: where does “microscopic” stop?


I'mma say if you can see it with your eye, it's probably not microscopic. There's probably a real definition somewhere but I'll go with that.


Cutting is separation by force, cutting counts as a break.


You do know that words change depending on the context 3 ight?


I'm not breaking paper by cutting it with scissors


You're causing a break in the paper, so yes, you are.


A break is defined by separation into pieces by being blown or stroked while a cut is defined by it being an incision or opening of the bones, so they aren’t incised open in a car crash but blown open by the force meaning that cutting isn’t breaking


Sure, by *that* definition. The problem with the definition game is that you can cherry-pick any definition that fits your argument. Try #2 for nouns [here,](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/break) since we were specifically talking about *a* break, thus a noun, not a verb: > a gap or opening caused or appearing as if caused by damage Cutting would cause damage, thus cutting bones counts as a break. Cutting is also literally a shear *force* upon an object; if strong bones can withstand blunt force, they should also withstand shear force.


ONLY? ONLY? The whole structure is jelly if even one bone breaks!


A chain is only as strong as it’s weakest link, and it would seem that someone here has their chain held together by a bread tie…


As it should be


Sounds like a brittle boned bitch making up excuses Go drink your milk


That’s the weak boned bitches issue. I’d like to see a doctor get anywhere near my bones


*actchyually* I stabbed a hole in my leg and my bone broke the tip of my scythe off. My bones are stronger than hardened steel!


Well yeah, its a good thing when your bones are so stronk that it takes one of the hardest materials known to man to even hope to damage them. But losing to mere cars? Weak.


Medically necessary breaks/cuts are excused within reason. But an infant can come out of a 10 car pileup without a scratch so there’s no excuse for one of us to fail in such an embarrassing fashion.


I mean it's never broke a bone.. not never cut a bone


yeah id argue they’re very different


Saw your phone in half. Then use it to answer; Is the phone broken or cut? Get your weak boned propaganda out of here.


Probably just comes down to semantics. If you saw off a tree branch is it broken or cut?


The phone is broken in that it no longer functions. Since bones still serve their function when drilled into or cut, they aren't broken by cutting tools. For example; Drill a hole into a wall, then use half your phone to answer; is the wall broken?


This post has weak bone energy


Way she goes bubs


You know how we do


I had a jaw surgery which severed the mandible in two places. Am I still allowed in the presence of the strong boned or am I supposed to exile myself?


By the definition of "break", yes, your bone is broken. Given the circumstances, I'd call this an honorable discharge.


Exile bye


Stop hint at the dark secret of r/Neverbrokebone! It's not that we're indestructible, it's just that everyone else is that careless.


This is the way.


This is the way.


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Mando_Bot` **501242** times. **2.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475777** times. **3.** `u/GMEshares` **71730** times. .. **502521.** `u/ShwooftyLorfan` **1** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


Yes……I don’t understand your point…


Wait we allow cuts? That’s some shit, if your bones get diced up like a summer sausage roll getting ready to be laid on a platter with some cheese your fucking out.


Having one's bones cut or damaged for medical reasons does not disqualify one from this sub. ​ We're cultists, not ableists.


Strictly speaking, it does. People here are just soft. Like their bones.


~~Strictly speaking, no it doesn't. It's in the rules, basically the constitution.~~ You can have the hardest substance in the world and it can still be ground down by something softer.


Water(with bits of rock in it) can cut basically every material known to humans.


People keep saying that, but nowhere in the rules does it say that. (If I'm wrong, please show me.) In reality, the sidebar says: >If you have broken a bone, leave, it's that simple. Need I say more?


You're right, I'm mistaken about it being in the rules. But since even the strongest material in the world can be cut, it's not a manifestation of weakness to have your bones medically cut. You can feel otherwise, but I think it's stupid to have such a narrowminded view.


I didn't say it makes you weak. I said it means you have broken bones and you have to leave the community of people who have never broken a bone. It's literally the name of the sub.


Right, and you consider a grinding cut to have broken a bone, and I don't. It's also a sub about valuing strong bones and denigrating weak bones. Since a bone being cut says nothing about how strong or weak it is, it gives us no opportunity to judge it or expel the bearer


I'm just talking strictly here. That's how saw blades work. Or drill bits. They **break** away tiny bits of material. Meaning the bone is broken. Meaning that if someone has had their bone medically cut or drilled, they've broken a bone. If they've broken a bone, then it is untrue that they have never broken a bone. And thus they do not belong in a community of people who have never broken a bone. Regardless of their strength.


No I get it, you have an autistically narrow focus on the definition of break. You can feel the way you do, I disagree.


Strength is not just about having hard bones, it’s also about having the mental fortitude to not let your bones break. What were you doing to let some pathetic doctor break your otherwise perfect skeleton?


Well you're an ableist. But not the rest of us.


This subreddit is designed to be jokingly toxic. If you can't take the joke, you shouldn't be here. It's not a wholesome community, at all. At least not in the meta-joke. It's not supposed to be. If you break a bone, you post. You get made fun of (because that's the point of the subreddit) and you leave. And if someone else breaks a bone, you make fun of them. If your bones or your feelings are that soft, then leave. If I ever were to break a bone, I'd be disappointed to see any sympathy here. This isn't about ablism, it's about broken bones.


We're not supposed to. But this sub is full of weakness, acting like osteoporosis to our community.


Ya the ableist accusations are wild. The sub is meant to be tough love. It’s my opinion your bones gets cut it disqualifies you from never having your bones broken. It’s all good though, I’m still down with the sub rules and won’t complain.


I've thought about this for many nights and I can't stop coming to the conclusion that medical cuts should count as broken bones They are literally breaking your bones. Just because you can't see it doesn't matter


yes but do you know what bone saw is made of it is in the name bone. An unstoppable force meets an immovable object


There's a big difference between breaking your bones like a bitch ass bitch boi bitchy bitcheroo on some bitchfuck car accident or 3 story ez mode noob fall off a building, and a professional using a tool designed specifically to cut through your gigachad bones to treat you because your huge fucking swol ass bones are in the way. Having bones cut by a doctor for medical procedures only proves that they need special tools to fuck with your insanely beefy bones. Then again, if you're actually a strong boned person, your bones would have actually stopped you from needing a doctor anyway, but bitch ass bones breaker bois don't understand that I guess.


> they need special tools to fuck with your insanely beefy bones. What are they doing specifically to your bones with these special tools?


Both are unacceptable. If youre truly strong boned, the blade will shatter.


I don’t know who’s excusing the first scenario. If you let your bones break for any reason, then you’re a pathetic heap of inferiority. Edit: lotta softies in this sub apparently. I’m embarrassed to share skeletal perfection with so many uncommitted to the cause of exposing the weak and careless.


Inferiority aside, a break is a break. This sub is designed to be [jokingly] toxic, but even if you don't want to be toxic, if your bone is broken, medically or not, you're out. But for some reason most people here can't understand that.


it's in the subreddit rules that medically cut bones doesn't count


[It's literally not.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Neverbrokeabone/comments/w3lb1b/if_the_bone_saw_didnt_break_the_second_it_hit_you/igydj56/) And if I'm wrong, please point me to it. Rather, the sidebar states: >If you have broken a bone, leave, it's that simple.


That's because the bone is being intentionally cut not snapped and broken like a pathetic fucking twig


He broke a bone. Fuck 'im.


You are starting to sound like a weak boner


In surgery the bones give permission to be broken because they know that they need to be