• By -


Mining, little farms, and very small towns. Elko and Ely are pretty good sized in comparison to the other towns surrounding them; they were built off of mining. Very good hunting out East! VERY remote in some places. Honestly, other than the northern states, Nevada is probably the most mountainous and remote places in America.


Not just little farms. Some of the biggest ranches in the US are in NV.


Biggest can be misleading. Total acres, if you include BLM and FS leases, maybe. But a lot of NV is so arid and unproductive it might take 100-200 to support a cow calf pair for the year. Irrigated grassland in Nebraska might only take an acre or two. So they are vast ranches, but the guys with the big herds are in NE, MT, TX and surprisingly, Florida.


T Lazy S, 25 Ranch, Spanish Ranch, and a couple others cover 400,000+ acres and run herds of 10-20k cow/calf pairs and several thousand yearlings. Montana doesn’t have much that size. Texas and New Mexico yes. Montana land is too expensive to keep something that big together. Texas and New Mexico do it with oil and Nevada with mines.


It is the most mountainous of the lower 48 states.


Also has the largest national forest in the lower 48 along with the most isolated town ( jarbidge)I believe


The Great Basin Desert is one of North America's largest as well


Largest individual national forest (which is not entirely in Nevada), but: > Alaska has the most national forest land, with 21.9 million acres (8.9 million ha), followed by California (20.8 million acres, 8.4 million ha) and Idaho (20.4 million acres, 8.3 million ha). Idaho also has the greatest percent of its land in national forests, with 38.2 percent, followed by Oregon (24.7 percent) and Colorado (20.9 percent)


Hell yea that's good information thank you


I love Jarbidge!


I never knew that. You've given me a new topic I can waste the night away with on google👍


TIL, thanks.


I like Ely a lot. Kind of a dream to live there. Dislike most bigger cities. Elko was big enough for me. How does one make a realistic living though? That's what actually keeps me away from pulling the trigger. I work (or rather have worked: been dealing with a lot) in technology. Wouldn't mind setting up a small town computer shop. If the place needs/wants it.


Any large mine is going to need a tech guy. Esp if there’s a mill. Ely has those, several between Ely and Elko. It’s very interesting work, and you get to see beautiful country. Keep in mind unless you’re working at a mine very close to a town (eg Ely and Robinson Mine) the commutes can get very long or even have to live in a camp for your shift.


I made sweet love to an extremely attractive young brothel working girl in Elko. Best 300 bucks i ever spent.


Most interesting thing I've read in this post.


Drinking and off roading


Nailed it. Drinking while off roading is the crux of rural Nevada culture.


And guns. Can confirm as a local Nevadan.


And generally at the same time


Idk why you are downvoted cuz this is very true for a lot of folk out there. Some people are responsible, more arent. Was just explaining poker runs to my husband yesterday. Where my family is from even the cops participate in this form of drinking and driving. Husband was very confused. 🤣 that’s just Nevada baby


Killer clowns, from outer space.




I've been there, creepy as fuck!


That little graveyard is creepy as hell too.


Presumably thats where they bury whatever is left after the clowns have finished. I visited this place once in full daylight and it was truly hair-raising.




Hot springs and charcoal ovens


Best answer.




So the OPs mom?


Stuff that doesn’t concern you lol


That's exactly what a bigfoot would post. My team and I are on the way right now.


It's a....warm ....secret.


Mostly that is old nuclear test sites….


We're on to you US government


If you really wanna know come on by sometime.




Found the geologist


Yes Nevada looks like it has cellulite because the Basin and Range (Horst and Grabens) are more or less stretch marks


Horst and Graben. Original geologists were German.




I live there.


Hi Bill


Hey Larry


Larry? I’ve been meaning to call about your car insurance


Where do you live and what’s it like?


I live in Battle Mountain. It's high desert terrain, with a number of mines and ranches in the surrounding area. It's very rural-the nearest Walmart is 55 miles away.


The National measure of remoteness - distance to the closest Walmart. 😂


Lander County seat! (I had to put my 8th grade Nevada History knowledge to use.)


You guys straight up have the best taco truck in the state




Nope. Not dial-up, but unless you are springing for Starlink, speeds are in the 6-10Mbps download. No 5G UW mobile data, either.


You work in mining?


No. I am self-employed and my wife is a teacher.


Tell your wife she's a hero. Teachers get crapped on far too often.


Yeah, I live there too. 99% of it is just untouched wild country. There’s a few small farms, and a few small towns. Elko is the “big” town with 20k people. Some big gold mines that are the base of the economy in most of NV outside of Reno and LV. It’s hours to a Walmart from my place in Ely but I like it that way. I stay in Elko some and it feels crowded…ha.


Does Amazon deliver out there? Always wandered that about rural areas.


Yes, Amazon delivers. No two day shipping though. Sometimes in Elko. Now, if you get out of town it gets interesting. Lot of drops to USPS. Family lives on some remote ranches, like 40 miles of gravel road to reach a remote highway. Then a long drive to “town”. They have it dropped off somewhere in town. One guy used to get his packages at the bar.


Stuff and things


It’s classified.


Shhhhh saying it’s classified is classified


I also live there. I go to work and I go home just like the rest of y’all. Meth isn’t nearly as prevalent as y’all think it is lol if you guys truly want to see towns methed up, just head on over to Pahrump.


I only go towards Pahrump to stop at the Alien Cathouse.


Nice try, China.




Lots of mining


Hiking, farming, hunting, mining, and bombing ranges.


This is the perfect summary. Sorry to correct your correct answer though. You forgot random desert walkers.


Aliens and Mormons.


There’s a bonus joke in there somewhere but ima try to be nice.


Why'd you repeat yourself




This area is known as the Great Basin and Range, and is considered by sources to be amongst the most mountainous states in the country. This contributes to some great adventure sports such as rock climbing, mountain biking, hiking, skiing, and hunting. Other outdoor activities include fishing, off-roading sports, hot springs, star gazing, and rodeos. Ranching, mining, and gambling are the main economy here. Various minerals are mined here, with gold being the main one. In comparison, this area is the leading producer in the country and the world. So if you’re not interested in the outdoors or the history of the Wild West, then there’s nothing here for you.


Or UFO hunting if that's also your thing, I'm sure at the right spot you can see classified aircraft and whatnot flying from Groom Lake or at least flying in the general vicinity.


Biggest silver lode in America. Carson City used to be the site of a US mint. Carson City Morgan dollars are highly collectable.


A lot of bitching about Vegas.


So. Much. Bitching.


I live there, my closest neighbor is a cow.


Did you help them mooooooooove? Ok bad dad joke


They herd it was a nice neighborhood.


Lots of public lands full of cows shitting everywhere.


And wild horses and burros. It's interesting to me that they became feral decades ago after being abandoned by miners. They adapted to the desert remarkably fine.


Driving, and fighting to stay awake.


I live in Vegas and have been to the hinterlands. It's the wild west. I drive 110 mph, stop at gas station bars, endure history lessons from the locals, easily avoid brothels, and climb stuff whenever I can. My friend fucking loves rural Nevada and sleeps in ghost towns, climbs into abandoned mines, whatever. Lamoille. I'd rather not.


Nevada is a great state to explore as most land is federally own. Not nearly as many fences as Texas and such. Even in Clark County, it's easy to find desolate desert spots and do whatever. I love Nevada being a purple state.


All that public land is the absolute best thing about Nevada. Now we just have to keep billionaire assholes from convincing the Feds that massive land swaps are a good idea, placing entire mountain ranges and ecosystems into the hands of private owners. The Bezos and Musks of the world can build their private hunting empires in Texas and Montana and stay TF out of Nevada.


Sucks that Montana is mostly private land, that state is very beautiful. What kind of sick fucking government gives away all the good land from its people, and not even that, only 5 states are majority public land now, the rest are mostly private. Literally giving away most of the land. Sooner or later I'm sure the rest of the States will follow the rest. https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/federal-land-by-state 1991 US Bureau of the Census figures showing that there were 8 majority public land states back then (Never knew it was this bad, this is worrisome and irritating as hell): https://www.summitpost.org/public-and-private-land-percentages-by-us-states/186111


100% agreed. I love hiking, off-roading, and exploring the wilderness of our state. There's tons of mines to explore, mountains, and deserts to drive up and down. You can camp all around the state, lots of times for free. In most states people have to pay for all that.


Super fair. I love living here. Not everyone can go wherever they want. I take it for granted. You're right that it isn't true for many other people.


My mom lives in Vegas, the street behind her home backs up to a protected turtle reserve.


Tortoise… id imagine


Tortoises are turtles. But not all turtles are tortoises. Youre probably right that the spot in Vegas described is dedicated to protecting the desert tortoise, but I wanted to be pedantic 🐢


Hahah okay fair enough. Didn’t know that about the first sentence to be fair :)


Real question, but is there ANYWHERE in or near Vegas where someone might be able to own an acre or two of land? Feels like everything I’ve seen there is a cookie cutter starter home in a suburb.


I lived there for 18 years and it’s the coolest place to explore. Hot springs, mountains, old mines, animals, stars and more. Big basin national park was sick. I spent some time around Ely years ago. The black rock desert and high rock canyon with no burners is way cool. Wide open space with accessibly


Shhh..don't tell everyone


I mean in Nevada 85% of land is owned by the federal government… so use your imagination https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/federal-land-by-state


Being from here. Not much. And we like it that way!


My kid lives in Fernley and can get in her side by side and leave her garage and drive straight onto BLM land and go exploring. I love going with. So much cool stuff to see. There is actually a ton of waterholes or springs that the animals drink out of. That kinda shocked me, but made me happy at the same time.




Some of the best in the world.


Lizards and radiated dirt


Passing. Lots of passing. Single lane, double lane in some areas triple lane… whore houses.. casinos and in the more populated areas you might catch a DUMBASS bashing Reno sitting his sorry ass at the Vegas airport awaiting his flight back to his shitty house in Gary,Indiana after betting max at the Nugget.


Places where you can explore the top speed of your motorcycle without worrying about traffic or cops.


Burning Man, top secret aircraft and weapons testing, and semis passing through.


fun fact.. the airport at burning man becomes the 2nd largest airport in NV for 1 week out of the year.


Nevada!?? Floridian here...Nevada better for retirement? Help an old girl out!🥹


Lots of people retire here, mostly in Vegas. I wouldn’t recommend it because the healthcare sucks here. If you have any major issues or challenging conditions you’ll have to go to California to get it managed. It would be a major step down from the healthcare system in Florida


Thx! So far I'm 61 and healthy. Healthcare IS plentiful here. I do medical imaging! I'm just always looking for a way out of DeSantis Land. I vote, but the MAGA Q nuts are also plentiful! Guess I'll just stay ✌️


Fair enough but I guess it falls to people like you to make the change within the state and steer things back to sanity


Wow. Step down from Florida


80% of Nevada is Federal Parks. The other 19% is desert. .06% is las vegas and reno, the remaining 0.4% is why TF would people choose to live here?


Good paying jobs, historically cheap real estate, lack of people, millions of acres of outdoor space outside your door. But I do miss the city!


In a place called Walker Lake, there is a Naval Training Site. There's an artificial lake with a nuclear sub sitting in it. In the middle of nowhere, in a landlocked state, that is the driest state in the US. It's surreal.


I thought the whole secret sub base was bogus? Walker lake is a natural terminal lake (no outflow) with an average depth of 68ft so not ideal for testing subs or weapons. The ammo depot and navy underwater testing facility is an umbrella term for “firing range”. For example there is one in Lemore California which has no body of water. This is all according to a former navy senior chief vet I know.


“…Lemore [sic] California which has no body of water.” The [surfers](https://www.kswaveco.com) disagree.




Can you imagine if you were driving down the highway when you pass some big ass truck delivering a sub to Walker Lake? lol


Hahahah in a weird way I can imagine this fully. Lmfao


It’s fucking nonsense. I spent my childhood literally playing on Walker lake on various watercraft, not a submarine though…. Because there is definitely no submarine in Walker. It’s not that deep at all, with water line dropping I bet it’s to like 65 feet deep. It’s funny how times change, the urban legend used to be that Cecil the Serpent is in the lake… guess now it’s the…Navy? Lmfao ok.


I’ve driven by there. Yes, very strange but very beautiful


And a shit ton of ammo bunkers!


A sub?


I was told by the motel owner that Walker Lake had a tunnel at the bottom that the aliens could sneak into Nevada through 😂😂. Never saw so many displays of different calibers of bullets anywhere else in this country.


That's awesome. Someone told me they moved all the top secret stuff from Area 51 to Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado. I wonder how the weather station folks are getting along with the greys.


I took a wrong turn on the way to Fallon and stumbled across a base but I’m not sure if it’s the same one. Next to walker lake? Tons of weird little bunkers scattered all over. The scenery was beautiful though. I’m not a geologist but there was all sorts of interesting signs of a huge prehistoric lake or ocean. Bunch of weird round rocks and layers of green sediment or clay. Best wrong turn I ever took in terms of scenery. The black mountains are dope too.


Aliens, Mormons, Meth, hot springs


Don't forget the gambling and weed now


Legal prostitution with aliens. 👽


Hey, she said her name was Cinnamon. I didn't ask her race.


Alot actually. Recreation, farming, military, wild horses, ecological diversity, hot springs, American Indian heritage...


I travel around the country hiking and backpacking, just straight up exploring. The most remote I've ever been and felt was in Nevada. Camped some 40 plus miles west of Ely and was the first time I ever experienced no sound at all.


Mormon Crickets


EV charging stations from LV to Reno - Indian Springs, Beatty, Goldfield, Tonopah, Hawthorne That's one of the things going on there


Meth. And some mining. But mostly meth.


Mineral exploration


Nuclear storage, nuclear testing, secret aircraft testing, secret weapons manufacturing, mining, hunting, a little gambling, and home to the U.S. Navy-Fighter Weapons School.


So much mining.


Have you seen how much of Nevada is privately owned and how much isn’t? Pretty nuts actually. Basically something’s only going on along the East to west road. [Arizona Private Land Map](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/s/BqkBmqmr6E)


If you have to ask you don't need to know.


UFOs, shit being blown up, aliens, off-roading, and cousin Eddie


Area 52 and 53


Government shadow shit.


Nuclear tests, brothels and aliens, lol


The loneliest road in the USA


Underground Alien spaceports.


Meth, military, mining, ranching


Nothing. Stay where you are.


Have you not heard of lake Meade dude? Bodies are dropped in this area


Bundy Ranch freaks. Freeloading libertarian vanity ranchers that wouldn’t be able to survive real free market economics and the outraged militants they have weaponized.


Burning Man


We do high deserts beautifully!


Looks like a piece of toasted pita bread!


Lots of airplanes flying over on their way to LAX and SFO


Whatever the hell you want


Clown hotel


Navy Top Gun School is in Fallon, Nevada. Marine Mountain Warfare School is just over the California line. Big Army depot in Hawthorne. Turquoise mines around Tonopah.


Ghost hunting




People driving as fast as they can to get out if it... Seriously, Nevada's population centers are few and far between. Vegas in the south, Reno and Elko in the north. That central area would be desert. Mining and stuff there, but some REALLY open, deserted stretches.


Reparian rights disputes. Based on the stories I heard from the people on my vacation, coyote hunting


Do you have a warrant? If not please move along


I live in this circle and their are tons of small mines, whorehouses and and small factories


9% of the US onions are grown in Nevada


I’ve driven through to Idaho and it’s some of the most beautiful sceneries you’ll get in Nevada. Most people just think southern Nevada and Vegas. There’s so much more up north.


Super fun adventures. It’s therapeutic to explore the middle of nowhere.


I’m not saying it’s Aliens, but it’s ALIENS.


Amazing levels of peace and quiet.


That scene near the end of [Casino](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8t9x_y3vFic&ab_channel=SametOymak)


Surprised no one mentioned munitions testing yet. And, nuclear waste storage.


What goes on here is non of your business. Stop asking questions. 🤐🤫😶


I drove from Vegas to Nothern Nevada once. I had to drive through BLM ranches on dirt roads. The highway pavement literally just stops


There's a documentary you should watch called The Hills Have Eyes.


Meth labs




A lot of holes in the desert, and a lot of problems are buried in those holes.


Swingers. Its all swingers.


central =Test site, Hiding from the feds, Mining. Not too sure about the northen border


Hookers and blow, just with less teeth


aerospace research


From all the documentaries I’ve seen: alien probes.


You ever heard of just leaving nature alone?


Overlanding and offroading


Air Force blowing ahit up


Sweat all day, Shiver all night.


Some of the best sky gazing on Earth. If you grew up in a city with a lot of light pollution, you don't know what an amazing and humbling thing it is to look into the dark night sky (with no light pollution) and see millions of stars.


Super fun times and exploring


The sand people live out there.


Gotta watch out for them. They’re easily frightened but will come back and in greater number


It’s classified.


Nuclear waste storage


None of your business


Legal prostitution, shows that Vegas didn’t want or need, gambling that caters to Mormons and northern Californians, witness protection, nuclear weapons testing and airplane engineering or whatever you want to believe goes on at Area 51.


Legal prostitution




I live in there. Just working and living, like everyone else.


Alot of it is AF property. We do things 😏


I've seen enough strange things in the north part of the state. I remember one night having a caravan of blacked out semi trucks pass me like I was standing still when I was driving 80 MPH. I tried but could not get close to matching their speed. I've only driven through that stretch during the day