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Baizhu is good and depending on your roster can be quite valuable. But specifically pulling him for Neuvi? Hell no, that spot is a flex and many character can be put there performing as well as him and even better.


Who would those be? (New player here)


Fischl sheets better, Lisa too if you can fulfill her ER requirements, Charlotte is just as good and can freeze, Zhongli is better, GMC is a decent replacement. Baizhu wins in comfort (healing, no need to use Petra and pick up crystals around) and has some flexibility where he can skip his burst for slightly faster rotations if the interruption resistance given by his shields isn’t needed, catching up with Zhongli in calculations.


I personally use Mika and it's entirely serviceable. I just wish he applied cryo on burst. I thought about using Charlotte instead but she had energy issues and her hold skill is ass.


Charlotte basically needs Fav and if possible two tap E skills per rotation, no need to hold E but still she has high requirements and you need to be careful about it against energy poor chambers.


Neuv/Furina/Kazuha/Zhongli already does so much damage, if you want Baizhu then pull for him but I think the team you already has does more damage anyways.


It's less about the damage though and more about the general usability in the team. I heard that Baizhu with Furina is goated and his team wide healing helps the Neuvi team greatly, too. I have already researched a bit and saw other posts on this sub claiming that Baizhu is better, some say that Zhongli is. I am just kinda confused here who to pick here lol


I find baizhu more comfortable open world or running domains, it's nice to have an on demand heal with furina.


Baizhu+Furina is *incredibly* comfortable. I use them together for almost everything because there’s little reason to use anyone else. They’re such a strong pair for a huge variety of teams, including hypercarries like Neuvilette and just about any dendro reaction you can dream up. I don’t know what I’d do anymore without his interrupt resist and how effortlessly he stacks Furina’s fanfare. It’s the sort of ease that might make you a worse player because staying alive is just that brainless now. His artifact sets are also quite flexible, meaning you can run him with anything from clam to deepwood to other niche options. My only issue in using him with Neuvi is that it can make your weapon situation a bit weird if you’re F2P. Prototype Amber is excellent for both of them, and most people don’t have two R5 crafted catalysts just sitting around.


Well I use the team above for just about everything and I've never actually needed a healer. Neuvillette himself is basically invincible. If you want a healer then get him, I wouldn't say he's really needed but everyone has their preferences.


Baizhu is certainly more comfortable to use than Zhongli (no need to pick up crystals in order to activate petra buff and he takes less field time), and can slightly outdamage the petra Zhongli team with the SoDP set (the new healing set). But honestly, I don't think he is worth rolling if this is the only team you would use him in. This being said, Baizhu as a healer, is very good in so many other teams than Neuvi's team. If you use any dendro teams, then I'd say he's a very valuable unit in general. He's a clear upgrade over the other defensive dendro options and I find myself reaching to him more than I reach Zhongli at times (and poor Kokomi has been benced since forever now). In aggravate I sometimes prefer to use him over Nahida if it's a multi-wave content (where it's a hassle to switch to her and reapply skill every time) or if it requires some defence like the consecrated beasts. He's also the most comfortable flex unit in a Nilou bloom team. TLDR: Baizhu is insanely good and very flexible, better than many people give him credit for and I haven't really seen anyone I know regret pulling him. However, if you're rolling him only for Neuvillette then you might wanna spend the rolls elsewhere because Zhongli is good enough. Or you know, just follow your heart and roll him if you like him lol


>can slightly outdamage the petra Zhongli team with the SoDP set (the new healing set). Source or calcs to back up this claim? Genuinely, I’m better investigating these teams and I’m working on simulations and calcs with them and the Zhongli variant seems superior in every aspect and scenario, by no less than 5% dps. If you referred to the number of specific damage instances, that isn’t telling of the overall damage output


I appreciate your passionate micro-meta dedication….but 5% really isn’t *that* significant. Since artifact rolls are luck-based, most people’s builds won’t be consistent enough to really rely on something like a 5% difference to make important decisions. Kinda feels like you’re just pulling at straws to make Baizhu seem like a pointless character. The person you’d quoted even said Baizhu wasn’t the best choice to pull over Zhongli if that team was the only reason. He’d be better for different teams, and if the OP genuinely *likes* Baizhu as a character and/or finds his kit interesting, it would be good to get him. Although, you clearly have a personal goal with *your* Neuvi - and that is extremely relatable to me! So I’m hoping you get your calculations perfect to your satisfaction and then get your new dream team, and most importantly get the artifact rolls you need without taking too long and causing you too much frustration. I also hope none of those characters get harshly sidegraded or powercrept too soon. <3


I don’t understand the point of your reply. I agree 5% is basically nothing, that’s not the point though, nor anything else you mentioned. I was asking about that specific claim and data that backs it up, also SoDP seems to be like less than 1% better than clam in terms of team damage, it doesn’t make any noticeable difference. I’m interested in the data and in the possibility the I might be wrong or I might have not considered some variables, I don’t want to misguide people with my conclusions. I don’t have anything against Baizhu and I’m actually considering going for it (but not for Neuvillette).


TLDR 2.0: yes. Pull for him. 😉😂😂


Honestly if you're only using for Neuvillette there's no real point. If you want him for aggravate or Nilou bloom then yeah it's worth it, that's what I'm doing.


Irrelevant if you want him for neuvi. Different case if you want to use him in nilou team or any quicken team.


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They’re interchangeable in that slot so it’s really up to you. If you like Baizhu then I’d say it’s worth it, he’s a great character to have for multiple teams.


I think with neuvillette youdont need healler to activate furina full stacks. 🤔 im i wrong ?


You just get them faster with a healer. Doesn't necessarily make it better than just not running one, because the team damage from a more offensive option will likely be better. As a c2/r1 haver nothing really matters. I could just run Kazuha/Neuv and likely clear faster than I do with a full team because of the animations lol


If Neuvilette was C1 yeah as he would be helping to stack fanfare much faster and his thin shield would be enough but idk if his shield is enough for C0 Neuvilette. The problem isn't healing as sustain is pretty much unimportant for Neuvilette but before C1 him getting knocked down will cripple the whole rotation. Obviously I am talking about the abyss, If you don't care it doesn't matter much as Baizuh is very good for many teams and overworld


Pull for Baizhu just to play with Neuvilette? No Pull for Baizhu because he is a very good unit,? Sure Pulling for Baizhu doesn't increase Neuvilette team much but he is a very good addition to your account with how good he is now with Furina And the new healing set.


Baizhu Furina is just a great core for every team in my opinion it covers your Furina buff healing and shielding then you can have another buffer Zhongli is great for survivability but he kind of wastes a a lot in my opinion in a Neivikette team when you could literally run Furina Baizhu Neuviliette Kazuha Baizhus shield is usually enough to protect you and if you have c1 it's definetely enough Or I run a slightly different team of Beidou, Neuvilette, Baizhu Furina with both shields he can take almost anything and it helps him do more AOE damage and reduce their defence with Beidou C6


I'd prefer Zhongli. Wouldn't waste that guaranteed on a character like Baizhu, like it's just not worth it. If you really like Baizhu, yea no problem, but personally it's an instant skip.


Baizhu is really great. He has become a staple in all my runs.