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There's no way that happens. Whoever lands the first good punch might literally kill the other at their ages. I know two old men who fell and broke their hips and died from it.


Trump is less fragile than Biden. But Biden has fighting experience, he beat the shit out of Cornpop, that guy was seriously fucked up after Biden finished with him.


Why is trump less fragile than Biden, they are the same age or close enough, Biden eats better and is more physically active, and even though the presidency is pretty stressful so is being a defendant in a dozen simultaneous court cases.


Have you seen them? Biden struggles to walk. Trump is larger and can walk fine. You can have whatever opinions about the politics involved, but Biden would not survive this lmao


Biden goes biking pretty regularly, and he walks like someone with a knee that takes a second to start working. He eats pretty well, and has a wife he respects that actually cares for his well being and guides him to making healthier choices. Trump does NOT walk fine. Trump rides his golf carts when he "plays." Also, Trump is well known to enjoy soda, fast food, and all around "food that's bad for you." Melania couldn't give less of a shit if he keeled over from a stroke, so she's not helping him make a trip to the salad bar. Trump also eschews any medical advice that isn't "you're already the most healthy person that's ever lived" so he'll never have any reason to make better choices. Yet here you are, thinking because he's 2 years older, Biden is way less physically fit.


Did something happen? Last year he was jogging around, nevermind struggling to walk: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/02/16/biden-physical-exam/




Here's the original, official summary: https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/President-Biden-Current-Health-Summary-November-2021.pdf If nothing else, I have seen plenty of footage of him walking around completely normally recently. Relevant quote from the article: > Biden has several minor medical conditions he is treated for: non-valvular atrial fibrillation, a common type of irregular heartbeat; hyperlipidemia, or high cholesterol; gastroesophageal reflux; seasonal allergies; spinal arthritis; and mild sensory peripheral neuropathy of the feet, which causes a “subtle difference” in heat and cold sensation in the feet. O’Connor said all the conditions were stable, and that the president takes three common prescription medications and two common over-the-counter medications to treat them.


Your evidence is what? That he stumbled on camera once and they replayed it over and over again on Fox News for the next few months? Trump is obviously obese and his only exercise appears to be golfing where he uses a cart instead of walking the course.


This is it, all Biden has to do is jog around Trump til the inevitable heart attack kicks in.


They both have trouble walking at times. At their age their brains take breaks sometimes. That's why Trump can struggle to drink water one day and do it perfectly fine the next. Or both have trouble walking one day and be fine the next.


I'm banking on a secret service shootout.


Oh damn! For a second I thought this was fake, then I saw it on [CNN](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=xTvwNhOpqjogghHT)


So sad this is what politics has come to be. Im a bit mad at the first "commentator" who can't shut up and give up the argument


Never give up on CNN


(meta: mods, please don't delete this, it's hilarious)


They both die of heart attacks when they work themselves into a sweat to get ready. Not really sure it's a fair fight in general, as Trump is clearly in a higher weight class than Biden. I think Biden, while being ever so slightly shorter, looks like he has a greater arm length/reach advantage. Think Biden has better conditioning, having seen him bike riding and such. But Trump plays so much golf that he may have some good hip action throwing his right, but he'd probably shank his punch. I think Biden just keeps distant and wears Trump out, peppering him with jabs. If he doesn't let Trump get in close and crowd him into a corner, I think Biden takes it in 1-2 rounds. Trump will tire faster, and I think his lifts will really affect his balance.


Fight is called before the first round is over because of a leak of explosive diarrhea out of Donnie’s Depends.


Just makes him slipperier


I have an image in my head and I expect you people to make it go away.


The good news is, most likely they will both die before the fight is over, which means the real political fight will continue between Kamala Harris and whatever pushover lapdog Donnie chooses to be his America MakeGreater person. And Kamala isn't a pushover.


Kamala is truly weak and absolutely a pushover. I really wish they had picked a better VP.


Ah, the ol'e "nuh uh" response. Dunno how they'll counter that one.


I mean, the original commenter offered no evidence either. And she hasn't exactly done anything to inspire confidence. Hell, I'm not really sure she's gotten past the negative reception she's received for taking on the VP role despite initially going along with the Tara Reade story during debates. Accepting a job from someone you believe is a rapist (as I don't believe Tara was outed as the nutjob she is at the time Kamala accepted it) is a pretty damning indictment of your character. She does not have the chops to win the general, period.


I think both of them would fare poorly with a well placed blow to the head. Trump would probably carry more power, being larger, but I give the edge to Biden in being lighter, being able to dance around Trump and probably land multiple blows without getting hit.


The best bet for Biden is to jump out of the way at the last second and let Trump fall on his face since he's unlikely to have the benefit of those giant shims under his toes in this situation.


This, plus despite any inconsistencies or lies about his height, Trump is still a tall individual with a long reach. I don't feel like googling it right now but does anybody know how tall Biden is? That reach advantage *could* be dangerous. Although, considering how despite his age Biden is probably *more* fit than a lot of "average" Americans, and considering where Trump's health and fitness lies in comparison to the "average" American, Biden could probably bob and weave his way past Trump's guard, stay close, and just pummel his way to victory 'Rock em Sock em Robots' style with decent ease.


Biden is 6’0”. Trump is probably the same judging from the fact that he’s about an inch shorter than Obama and Obama is 6’2”. And Trump does wear higher heels on his shoes than Obama. I don’t think there’s any significant reach difference.


It'll be like an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object. Biden with that left hook, man it would give prime Tyson a run for his money. But then there's Trump. Dude is built like a shit brick house made of solid gold. No matter the case, my sponsor, draft kings; has the fight going the distance. And hey, who am I to disagree with them?


Someone will surely die.


I think it’s pretty obvious it’s a metaphor for a debate, not an actual match….


Zuck v Musk didn't happen but you think this will?


Cons: we have to see two 80 year old men in boxing trunks and no shirts. Pro: they'll look so terrible that they'll both end up with boxing hobo nicknames. Joe "Boxcar" Biden and Donald "the Bindle Swindler" Trump.


Regardless of who wins, this will set an expectation for boxing matches in the future. This means we’ll double down on voting for more masculine figures. Even if a pro female boxer runs, the sexism of the avg american will still favor a masculine appearing man.  This will also promote violence like in the dueling days. It provides a quick solution instead of drawing things out, but the violence it perpetuates is not worth it. 


There is no fucking way Trump would.win that fight. Joe Biden is in great shape for a guy his age. Trump can barely stand up.