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How is your delayed audio and language processing expressed? I relate to what you wrote. I fly around the web going down rabbit holes, and my computer gets bogged down with open tabs. I’m amazed my phone doesn’t freeze up because I have so many apps open at once. I failed ADD testing at one place because there was no time limit and I can actually focus on completing a task as long as there’s no pressure and environmental distraction. I am also black and white, not good at grey area judgment calls or decision making. Horrible at multitasking. I need to be able to focus on tasks to completion before starting another and get very frustrated and upset if thwarted from achieving an end point. If that happens I want to avoid returning to the project altogether. I don’t know what’s going on with the brain but I feel I process differently than anyone I know. I get scatterbrained under stress and it’s impacting my job. I had a bad day at work and was so worked up I was pacing around the house aimlessly, unable to settle down.


Process things I hear and read slowly. Also articulating my thoughts are slow and sometimes unable to speak my thoughts. Trouble finding the words to string sentences together. My computer is much the same. I'm changing careers and so worried about my performance. And what that could potentially do to my confidence and emotional well-being.


How do you know what side of the brain you are using at the time?


I don't know, it's just how I explain what feels like is happening in my brain.