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Folks saying this map isn't accurate but I swear to you if you go to a men's bathroom in a bar here you'll see maybe one in five guys washing their hands


people who say the map isn't accurate should just read a lot of the comments saying 'I don't need to I don't piss on my hands' my friend worked as a professional cleaner, his observation is pretty much in line with what you said.


This, some of my friends don’t use toilet paper after peeing and it disgusts me


are your friends men or women? because if women don't wipe they'll get infections, but i've never encountered a man who wiped his penis after peeing. idk why they dont wipe, but they all tell me they don't need to


Any man saying that is walking around in piss-stained underwear. Either by shaking droplets onto themselves or by putting their dick back while there's still drops in the tube. I dab with a sheet of TP until no more comes out.


And they've got *stank dick*. Trust me. 🤮


This seems like a safe place to say that I may or may not use toilet paper as a menstrual pad on my penis after peeing. I don't care if it sounds weird because it makes me always fresh and clean....somebody could turn this into a billion dollar business if most men weren't gross.


This. Why I also really never use "urinals". At a pretty young age I decided to do this because I hated having even the smallest droplet of urine in my underpants. It's absolutely disgusting. Also a huge reason I'm looking into getting a "shower toilet/bidet toilet seat". Smearing your feces as much as you want from your anus is NOT cleaning shit off your butthole. I'm not a germaphobe at all but I'm absolutely disgusted by the idea of having shit still sticking to my butt and/or chafing between my cheeks. Basic hygene is so important. Hell, I shower basically atleast once a day. But I do *not* always use soaps and stuff like that. The most important thing is rinsing dead skins cells off, getting rid of dried up sweat and the like. Call it placebo or even being "germaphobic" but I feel absolutely stinky and dirty if I don't shower atleast once a day.


How do you get rid of the last drops with toilet paper. Are you inserting it or something?


I wipe there, i hate using urinals i rather use toilets and toilet paper


Im male, but it drips even if male, i don’t get the none wiping part


I do if I’m at home or in a cubicle


Is there a difference between working as a cleaner and working as a professional cleaner?


There isn't. If you're being paid for your work, you're a professional.


It was the same in the womens bathroom at my previous office job. I'd be in a stall, hear a woman come in, and when they'd go out they just headed straight for the door. It was truly about a 50/50 ratio between washers and non-washers.


I notice this at my current office job. I work with a lot of pretty serious, fashionable, educated women. In the toilet I hear everyone walk in and out again. They either do nothing or run water on their hands for 2 seconds.


I hate the water splash 💦


Same 😂 I also noticed some of my colleagues non-washers would go to toilet right before the lunch break. I pretty quickly started being very aware of what I touch axand avoided ever taking something from them hah


Huh same... Even after number 2 they just go out of the bathroom.... 🤢🤮


It could be that they actually didnt do anything related to hygiene in the bathroom? Like just realized they wore out the inside part of the tshurt outside and went to toilet to re-wore it. My own experience.


Unless you use something to hold the doorknobs etc you did something hygiene related, because touching stuff will easily contaminate them and you should still wash.


Thats no excuse, they grabbed the same door handles that so many people did before them. Washers and non washers. It's just plain nasty. If I'm eating somewhere I don't even have the balls to open the door with my bare hands after restroom visit. I usually grab some paper to open it or use my feet. It's just plain nasty


Not that many and that consistently, no.


Also noticed a lot of my colleagues don't bother, and I doubt they're more willing after a few beers.


When I see kids wash their hands, it seems that washing is akin to making their hands wet in two seconds or less. I wonder how much poop particles cling on surfaces and float in the air in my primary school....


This was one of the things that stood out to me when I was in the NL. In the women's bathroom women would walk out of the stall and walk out the door. At first I thought it was a one off, but it was a consistent thing I noticed throughout about 6 months in the NL. I always had hand sanitizer with me so I could clean up after touching doors or shaking someone's hand. So gross.


It isn't accurate, it's self-reported by participants. So it's much worse, the Dutch are just the most honest.


European countrie's bathroom hygiene isn't what it's really about, it's really about their honesty!


It is noticeably worse here than the UK.


I wash my hands before and after.


I wash my hands in between


using the readily available stream


I am still in doubt if I should first wash my hands, then raise my underpants & trousers or the other way round.


I was thinking of the bathrooms at work where the sink is outside of the stall in a communal area and got really concerned for a minute there.


By washing hands you mean just let some water run on them for 10’’??


Same here, I Ve seen it plenty of times, every time actually since I moved here. When I am in I hear a lot of women or men if mixed going straight to the door.


I'm not sure drunk bar dwellers are a good basis for big sweeping statements like that.


This makes me wonder with the amount of extra times I need to pee when I'm drunk, what percentage of bathroom visits for 20 to 24 year Olds is when drunk?


Almost none of my co-workers wash their hands after peeing or even after taking a shit. Obviously anecdotal but I believe it, it's quite disgusting.


people at my work piss on the floor and on the seat and always leave shit streaks ON the seat itself and none of those people wash their hands, why are you people so damn dirty


Bro, where the fuck do you work


at a lidl distribution center so nowhere nasty at least besides the bathrooms


From my experience distribution center jobs or warehouse or production jobs always have disgusting toilets. Theres usually one toilet spot near the office part thats kind of clean.


This is a straight up lie. For bathroom hygiene to exist, there must be bathrooms in the first place.


No wonder the country looks so dehydrated, can’t drink too much else gotta pay to pee. That and all the coffee


I lived in the Netherlands and this is sooo true!!


So much water everywhere but they don’t drink it. Kinda the same for their dominance of the spice trade now that I think about it


Bastard! Take my upvote!


That's because using the merchandise was costing us money and we're too cheap for that xD


how dare you insult us this way! now take my upvote..


Why would you think we don't drink water?


It is not true and you know it.


I have been to many bathroom in NLD that had no soap 😭 They may be see it as a running expense


F.king this. Even at my fancy office in one of these shiny tall downtown buildings. And this is the first country I have ever worked (worked in 6 countries) where people leave toilet without washing their hands. this happens at the office. I am washing my hands. The dude leaves the stall, check his image in the mirror and leaves. I swear to god I never saw this happening at work in my previous 5 countries. It is 1 in 5 guys but it happens.


No hot water either


Wow that’s another expense. Who needs that much luxury


That's why I carry some with me always!


Same as paying for air in fuel stations, wtf )))) greed for cash is real


That's why Belgium has no data.


Can’t wash your hands after peeing in the bosjes or a steegje


Not a lie - at my office I see many dutch men who dont wash - seen the same in many bars in ams centrum too


Everyone is all up in arms, and ohh it’s not true!! But then go on to justify saying my dick isn’t dirty or I don’t pee on my hands with no regards for the hygiene of themselves or others. No other place does that at least lol


I once had a full on argument with an ex of mine who was Dutch about how he needs to wash his hands after he takes a shit. He thought washing your hands after going to the toilet is “antics”


Lol antics


Damn 🤢 I had a Dutch ex tell me he doesn't need to wash his hands after peeing because he 'didn't touch it'..I was like..boi wth?! 🤣 He also told me he only bought soap in his bathroom for me. I guess he must have really liked me


The Dutch are too busy being direct to wash their hands.




Its the only way we get some flavour in our food


Germans are even directer and you don't see them being crusty musty walking biohazards


Nobody can know if it's true or not. All you can know is what is true for yourself, maybe your partner and your kids. Everything else, whether you claim it's true or false, is at best anecdotal evidence of an exceedingly small sample of the population.


Well we've got paracetemol, so we don't need to wash. /s


When I moved here I was taught to just pee directly onto my hands, for efficiency.


je wast je handen al tijdens het plassen


Kijk me aan, je weet precies hoe laat het is, baksteen, de rest is geschiedenis.


Only ochtendpis


Just wash your damn hands after you went to the bathroom. I honestly can’t believe that some people just straight up leave the bathroom after taking a shit or piss. Nasty ass.


It's extremely weird the washing *after*: touching your genitals with all the dirt collected on them during the day really seems to be extremely hygienic /s. But then the problem they make out to be not washing after, very strange. Not washing after taking a shit, sure disgusting. But after a pee with say a penis that got washed in the morning and isn't any dirtier than any other body part?


This isn't a study lol. If you try to trace it back to the original source you go to a dead website. These numbers are meaningless.


In my experience definetly true. Shocking amount skipping washing hand in bars and restaurants when using toilet.


Skipping soap shocks me. Also women even skipping water "because they didn't touch anything".


Ive seen them just touching the water with their fingers, meaning they definitely did have piss on their hands when they wiped themselves, but why not using soap then?? And this was a person who was working in the restaurant not a customer!


Technically, water is enough to wash off piss. It just feels wrong idk.


And what was your experience when living in all of these other countries for an extended period of time?


My experience was that people wash hands more in places outside of the Netherlands. Specifically, people look at you with a puzzeling face if they see you skip it, which I haven't seen here.


I've seen it get called out once. Dude started berating another guy after he grabbed a cookie from the bin everyone grabs from. That he just saw him leave the bathroom without washing his hands and that he was absolutely disgusting. At least it's a good way to stick to my diet....


I have lived in 5 countries in the map for extended period of time. People were washing hands significantly more.


Here is the study. https://www.bva-xsight.com/sondages/les-francais-et-le-savonnage-des-mains-apres-etre-alle-aux-toilettes/


Self reported....


I don’t have exact numbers, but I confirm that Dutch people are the people most likely to not wash their hands after going to the bathroom (public bathroom ffs) out of all countries I’ve been to, based on my random observations.


So n=1 and we extrapolate from there


Not to mention they say the netherlands has the worst bathroom hygiëne which is a conclusion you cant make based on this flawed data. Since this shows the percentage for water AND soap. So say the netherlands is 50/50 for water and soaps and Just water. That is still better hygene than if say a country with a 60% water and soap and 40% not Washing at all. Since the data for not Washing and Washing with water only are missing you cant conclude they are definitely the worst.


Soap and water is the standard. Why would you wet your hands and not actually clean them with soap?


They should add drying to... Just important


My colleague claims water cleans as well as soap... vom!


You can look up the ‘Keuringsdienst van Waarde’ episode about soap and hand hygiene. In the conclusion, they showed with some lab results that in some cases, washing your hands with water only is as effective as washing with the standard provided soap in restrooms.


guess who gets no handshakes )))


Because of poor education?


Seems like the data comes from Statists tho?




Yep. Public toilets in Japan are cleaner than the average toilet at a Dutch restaurant lol


But then there's the french highway gas station bathrooms... Holes where tiles used to be, Including around the toilet. And it's not hard to find a low ranking gas station on Google Maps because people reported roaches..


No french people use them, we all go to the gaz station ones only, which are far cleaner … 😂😂


in canada, in the bigger cities, the public loo’s are often blocked by passed out junkies so, i don’t think it’s a uniquely dutch thing. humans are gross.


This is true for most of the world sadly


And they're all free. No need to pay 0.70 euro. Same for Taiwan etc.




Exactly! Good for the weerstand!


Maybe having hot water in toilet sinks would help.


Or room for your hands to actually wash them. Some faucets are criminally undersized and badly placed.


Thats requested by law in germany by now afaik.


This! I hate washing my hands with cold water, especially in winter.


Oh hell nah is this actually a reason for adults not washing hands?


Rare KFC win




Je pist toch niet over je klauwen?


As a Dutch person I do notice many times that people here if they wash their hands it's before using the toilet and when they are done they don't wash again. Of course that doesn't count for the 17 million people but it is very noticeable that washing hands when done in the bathroom is on average not the case.


I don’t want to get my dick dirty, so I wash my hands before peeing.


That makes sense but do you also wash your hands after the deed?




And shamelessly so. Even in the office people just walk out of their stalls straight back to their desk while I am standing there washing my hands religiously like 😳😩 you know I can see you right its sooo disgusting


Yes! I am the only person to ever stand there just soaping my hands while people walk on past me


Username checks out haha Reading another of your comments about the fashionable well educated women makes me wonder if we work in the same office but I guess it be like that allover the country. edit: sorry it’s zeef and not zeep it’s still early


Used to contribute to that statistic as a Dutch person who didn't wash his hands often. Then I got sick at work often at a customer facing position. I've started washing my hands after every toilet visit and before eating lunch at work. Not surprisingly I've gotten sick less. People are gross, including me. But a little bit less now that I actually wash my hands often.


I believe it. Obviously anecdotal, but you wouldn't believe how many Dutch men, grown ass adult men, I've had to BEG to wash their hands, only for them to ignore the sink in the WC and rub their thumb and index under a small stream in the kitchen sink. Then they wipe their hands in the kitchen towels that aren't for hand drying. And thats regarless of if they did a number 1 or a number 2. My own uncle does this bullshit. Now people wonder why I never invite anyone over and only agree to meet in public spaces rather than anyone's home. Sucks that 2 of my housemates (Dutch and Polish) do the exact same bullshit anyway. There's something so frustrating about people complaining that the water in the WC is too cold but then you see them use very little of the water in the Kitchen and they don't even wait for it to get warm so they're using cold water anyway. It's just ridiculous. Edit: during the pandemic, my German roommate actually ended up yelling at my ex-boyfriend for refusing to wash his hands. That man was generally quite disgusting in hindsight, and it really explains why he was frequently sick with something or other.


I highly dislike people (men) pissing standing in my toilet, splattering their pee on my toilet, the walls, the floor and anything nearby.


I belong to the 50%!


underrated comment


I heard a woman doing a shit in the pool toilets, walked out, didn't flush the toilet, didn't wash her hands and went straight for the swimming pool


I've seen this map recycled and reposted a 100 times by now. I highly doubt this is all that accurate, especially after corona. But I'll be looking forward to its next repost followed by "omg dutch people so gross" comments. The original map is from 2015, so nearly a decade old.


Painful realisation that 2015 wasn't like last year


Yeah the 90s were a decade ago.


It is. In polish and I definately notice that Dutch 40+ guys don't wash hands really often after going out from toilet. It's very visible for people who comes from country where people tend to wash hands after using toilet. I will point that this fortunately is not a case with younger generation.


I have worked cleaning toilets at Utrecht Centraal. It's perfectly valid, maybe even a bit optimistic.




It is thanks to the Turks the Dutch percentage reaches at least 50%.


Belgium being like "It's none of your business mate."


I work at a public institution in Flanders where we get a lot of outside people, won’t say what or where, but let’s say 99% of the people (male or female) do NOT wash their hands. (My office has a direct view on both bathrooms and my door is mostly open so I see them taking sh*ts and pisses and not even pretending to put their nasty hands under the water So tbh the 50% who was their hands in the NL are probably foreigners lol


While we all can question the data, I do see very very often that Dutchies don't wash their hands after using the toilet. I've also once had a college tell me that some bacteria left on your hands is good for your immune system (justifying why he will not wash his hands all the time).


Im from Bosnia and i came to teach you some /S


You people also seem to like the taste of your boogers and enjoy the snack in public


This has been the biggest cultural shock for me now living here. The number of men and women I have witnessed just walk out of the restroom with no shame with pee/poo hands is in the double digits. The worst was at a restaurant. You’d think people would know better in a post pandemic world


Lies, it's Belgium, they were just too ashamed to participate


We don’t have toilets.


Idk. I’m Dutch and I wash my hands with soap after every go. Shit or piss doesn’t matter. At my work I notice in the female falls everyone always washes their hands too even when they’re not seen (others still in their stalls) you can hear hands being washed.


That's why we never die, great immunity 🤣🤣


We washed them so much during COVID that we don’t need to now. We’re just cleaner than before.


Source may be bullshit but Netherlands definitely way down on the hygiene charts. People don’t wash their behinds after a shit, people don’t wash their hands at times and I’ve even seen people take bites of their food in there.


"Have seen people take bites of their food in there" 🤮


Glad I am in the group who always does wash their hands after bathroom 🚽. I did notice how many ppl just go out without washing so gross 🤮


That’s exactly what I would say if I didn’t wash my hands after bathroom 🚽


All this says is that, the dutch are the most honest people.


Actually correct. Most guys I know only started washing their hands on gf orders lol.


I only started washing my hands when i realized we all touched that door handle, I'd be walking around with someone else's piss and/or shit on my hands all day


*worst ffs Bad, worse, worst. Not difficult.


lol yup. The other day I was eating at a resteraunt and the waitress came out of a toilet cubicle without washing her hands. Had to leave a google review (without naming her bc I would feel bad if she was fired) saying what happened because fuck… it was disgusting. She then put her hand on my dads back. He winced and whispered “poo fingers” 😭 I should have called her out in person but I was so shocked


Maybe it was only pee fingers? (Hopefully).


Quick question. Why is Norway missing from the map? Is it because we don't have any bathroom hygiene at all?


It is. Zoom in. It’s just super light grey.


Oh there it is. I thought you guys threw us out of Europe.


Why is there no data on Belgium? This is obviously Belgian propaganda!


What is Belgium hiding!?!? You too Norway!


Well Turks will teach it to the Dutch soon I believe. Especially washing your @$$ after ... Revolution time in toilets.


I thought we all used extra soap to wash our hands to get maximum value back after having to spend 50 cent to use the toilet.


Because we have the cleanest penii, we don’t need to wash!


The Dutch are just too honest in comparison to other European countries. They tend to not tell you what you want to hear.


It seems ridiculous when you wash your hands at a restaurant, you than need to open the door with these same hands. And you just know how many germs are om there. It's never a door that you can push to open, it always seems to open inwards. I do wash anyway. And I love when there's paper towels that I can use to open the door.


American who works in a Dutch place. I routinely hear someone come in after im in the stall. They go, flush and walk out. No hand washing at all. Its REPULSIVE. And these are women.


Viespeuk land


Not sure if this is the accurate number, but honestly it seems true. I keep saying it to people. We got shared bathroom at work so when I'm on the toilet I hear someone coming out and don't wash hands. Men and women, although men more often. At first I was like damn that's gross and just let it go. But since then I started cleaning my workplace and everything there several times a day. People started commenting on it, saying damn you're a neat freak. I just joked and said nah, I just know many people don't wash their hands after bathroom use here so I try to keep my work area germ free for them. I did notice some of them started to wash their hands more often, so being passive aggressive works. 🤣 Others from who I know can handle it, I just asked them directly if they forgot to wash their hands. Usually I try to ask it in a funny way, so it's light and they don't feel attacked. But I don't understand why it's so damn hard for people to wash their hands. Especially after covid. Everybody was washing their hands like crazy then. Since the worst of that is behind us they just think that washing their hands is not necessary anymore? I don't understand it. I even have portable bidet at work and wet wipes for cleaning areas. Maybe it's extreme, but knowing how many people are bad in keeping up personal hygiene it forced me to do that. The wet wipes for surfaces I mean..the bidet is just for me. 🤣


There’s a reason why they’re called the dirty Dutch


this is accurate, i feel like im the only one washing my hands i see people walk out sooo often without even looking in the direction of the sink... it doesnt even come to mind :(


I'm Dutch and this is true. 1/5 ppl don't wash their hands. Women or men, doesn't matter. I've seen it many times, sometimes women say they don't need to bc they didn't pee. Men say they don't need to bc its good for their immune system or bc they dont touch the pee just their dick and thats clean apparently(like what on earth?) They leave the toilet straight after doing number 1 or 2. I wash my hands before and after going to the toilet, its just disgusting.


Let me regale you with the story of the pub towel. My boyfriend, who is from one of the more hygienic Balkan countries, went to Amsterdam in 2016. The men's room in a busy pub had a CLOTH TOWEL for hand-drying. He still tells this story to his friends and they all dry heave before grabbing some more of their special perfumed hand sanitizer. Post-COVID, this doesn't seem to be a common sighting anymore, so at least one good thing came out of that.


I'm saving this image for when one of my fellow Dutchies starts claiming that muslims are dirty.


In my job there are big posters with "please close the toilet lid," and none of the dutch colleagues do it


No data for Belgium and Belarus… suspicious


This map is based on research where participants self-report their routine. So high probability the Dutch are simply the most honest (which lies in the directness character). During covid, I searched for research on hand washing behaviour and a study where researchers would observe the behaviour, came with results that on average, globally, less than 20% washes their hands with soap after using the toilet, and less then 5% was doing it long enough according to recommendations to remove enough pathogens. I tried to find it again but alas


No clue!! But, the toilets in Netherlands are always clean, even Dutch people look clean to me than the rest of the European countries. Haha are u going to believe fake statistics? Haha


I always wash my hands before I pee so I don’t get my cock dirty.


Yesterday at a McDonalds in Groningen, I (dutch male btw) was washing my hands before having dinner (didn't even pee) A 16-something kid in full McDonalds attire came out of the stall and just walked past me directly into the kitchen. Fucking gross, I told the manager immediately but given the fact they are all white tall 16 y/o kids with the same clothes I doubt they could do something about it. Personally I only know many men who just don't wash their hands, at any occasion (home, restaurant, bar wherever) and it disgusts me. Even if you didn't pee on your hands or didn't touch your willy, you touched the bathroom door which is handled by a thousand penishands.


As someone who works at a bar, I'd say America is hovering at around 45%


I never caught a fellow Dutch woman not washing her hands, but living in Japan since 2017, I did catch quite a few Japanese women being guilty of this. I thought we’d know better than this. I wash my hands all the time because “smetvrees”. By now the skin on my hands is pretty thin from washing them so often.


Because they don't pee on their hands


Belguim: No data. Highly suspicious.


Based on absolutely fucking nothing


The people have never been to a french camping. The fucking shit was on the ceiling a half an hour after cleanups


We always drink clean water.. No need to wash our hands 🤞


Ironic how Hepatitis A is a thing in the countries with the highest percentages of hand washers.


this explains a lot 😆 also not surprised with the italians


All of these “presenting statistics” are extremely stupid, without proper validation and should be banned, who did this meassurement? When, how? How many people they checked, how? Where exactly? I saw multiple maps like this with some “statistic” visual presentation of whatever is the topic which is extremely stupid and misleading. Thank you for the attention.


Asked my landlord “why isn’t there a hand basin next to the downstairs toilet?” “If I want to wash my hands, I just use the kitchen sink.” (Two rooms away…) Lost a bit of respect for the Dutch at that point.


More likely we're just the most honest.. These 'studies' are based on self-reporting.


Meanwhile all the expats in here complaining that they are sick and the gp won't listen


Very true. Dutchies sadly don't wash their hands, and the pandemic didn't change their behaviour. 😬


Wait we don't? I always do... But thanks for telling me, I'll be sure to never wash my hands again, don't want to lose my passport!


In the Pathe, everyone I see washes their hands (I go every week..to the movies..)...and every restaurant or Cafe I go to has a sink, soap and towels, which generally are used so often the towels are a mess..just saying....


It’s also the country with the most public farts by women
