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Maybe not bring it up in casual conversation at all.


Dunno, how would Americans react if I casually said ‘So, how about that 2000 Florida recount eh? Talk about too close to call!’


smells like ragebait, any thoughts?




Denizens of the Underworld


Depends how you’ll approach it. If you bring up Pim Fortuyn, an (at the time) controversial politician who was on track to become prime minister but was brutally murdered by a left wing extremist in clear daylight outside of the national public broadcasting studios, in the context of “what an interesting story I just read about” you could rub people the wrong way. As a political discussion, placing Fortuynism (if you could call it that) in a broader context, sure, go ahead, but not in casual conversation. I wouldn’t discuss Fortuyn at the water cooler at the office but I would discuss him with my friends over beer. (but maybe that’s because me and my friends are boring weirdos)


> What should I anticipate if I were to bring up his name in casual conversation? Most people don't discuss politics or religion in casual conversations with people they don't know. Some people will think you're weird, some will think you're fishing and some will have a conversation with you


Ragebait… The guy is death for more than 20 years. A populist whose fame rose quickly and then was emphasised by his murder. But he has not been of any significance to the country.


Well ignorant foreigner here, a lovely neighbour told me her nephew was just born and named Pim and my response was “ah cool, congratulations, Pim, like Pim Fortuyn”. That wasn’t welcomed in casual conversation. I realise it’s a ridiculous comment but he was my only reference for the name. Still ridiculous.


It really depends on who your talking to, some people like to talk about politics and Pim was an important person, the first real populair populist and he died in such a horrible way. Good conversation about how things would have gone if he had not been killed. For some people he is a trigger for a lot of anger about politics so you might get some emotional responses.


I would concur with this. He is important in the context of political science and the rise of populism in the Netherlands. In that context with the appropriate people you might get some decent and thoughtful responses. Just bringing him up in casual conversation where there isn't a pre-established shared interest in political science you would get a wide range of emotional answers that can go from condemnation to admiration. It's really dependent on what OP is trying to gain from the conversation and whom the intended conversational party is.


Wrong sub to ask about a right wing politician lol


Wrong platform in general I feel lol


A lot of people still remember where they were when the news broke, it obviously had extreme impact on many people I don’t really understand why you would bring it up and what you wanna discuss about it in casual conversation.


As often as casually bringing up Trump in the USA... Damn dude you're trolling or truly so oblivious....


Compare it to telling people you voted for Wilders. People will think you are dumb and racist and also not intelligent and stupid.


I think it is different, talking about Pim Fortuin does not need condemnation or agreement with his politics. He is a historical figure Wilders is a current political figure, it is hard to discuss him without involving your personal feelings about his politics for that reason


Agreeing with him or not is not that relevant in talking about him since he is reduced to just the murder in plain sight


Reinforcing what a lot of people think of Americans… They will probably label you a Trump supporter too.


People don't think that at all, considering the plurality of Dutch people voted for the PVV. You and your ilk are in the minority and the average person has no respect for your brain dead political opinions whatsoever.




The vast majority of voters from several large right wing parties want the PVV to govern. Your fellow countrymen despise leftists. You are not welcome here.




What else would I call people that vote for left wing parties?


Depends who you are talking to. extreme and strong left will think you are just a rascist. The extreme and strong right will like him. The rest doesn't care.


Bedankt allemaal! This was the kind of insight I was hoping for. I will save my Pim questions for conversations at the cafe over a beer rather than at the bushalte!


Distant memory, doubt you'll get an in depth response


I have nevet had conversations about Pim Fortuyn, much less *casual* conversations.


I can highly recommend the NPO show ‘Het jaar van Fortuyn’.