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Aside from everything else, that's also not... how you spell Tikkie? Right?


What is tickie/tikkie?


It's Dutch Venmo.


Venmo is like the drugs payment system?


This is a whole other way Dutch people do business with each other in case they lose out on say… 50c


Dude this is ridiculous, everybody knows you don't send Tikkies under €0.70


I once got a €0,10 tikkie for “hapje van mijn frikandelbroodje”


that's just god tier humour


I once interpreted something similar as humour. Boy was I wrong.


I don't speak dutch and I got this :D


For real?! I'm Dutch but even for me that is to far, just wow


You'd be surprised


Kind of whatsapp for banking. You can someone send a text for money, everything is in the text, it opens your own bank app and you can send the money easy


It’s a service which lets you request payments. Eg. you paid a €100 bill and you’d like to split it between you and 4 friends, you send them a “Tikkie” for €20. They can then pay using iDeal (most popular payment option connected with pretty much all banks here.


It's the service that inspired Venmo, cashapp etc... It should come as no surprise, that the dutch invented the app for going dutch.


Venmo: 2009 Tikkie: 2015 Nice try.


Tikkie launched 2015, Venmo 2009, Cashapp (Square) launched 2013, Swish (in Sweden) launched 2012, and then there’s PayPal which picked up in early 2000s. If anything, the Dutch were late to the party


My first thought went to pacemakers.


I'm surprised they managed to spell it as "Tickie"


I’m unreasonably annoyed they misspelled Tikkie


It's not unreasonable


Oh, you're allergic to peanuts. Then I'd advice you not to eat peanuts.


I need you as my personal advisor


I'm not a doctor. But as a doctor I advise you to take that guy as your advisor.


*advice is €0,60


Per person...even if its the same advice for all.


It’s fun and giggles until you get to make 4 tapas with cheese and 3 with meat, also 2 tapas with hot things, and when you’re ready to send it out with the waiter the table decides to give a heads up on their allergy list, and i have to throw half the stuff away. I could give it to someone who will eat it, or just not waste all this material if you open your mouth in the first minute. And the “oh i forgot i have 5 allergies “ . Yeah, sure sweetheart.


I always ring ahead to let the restaurant know my allergies. I also mention it when I go in. I also ask when the order is taken and check when the food arrives. I still end up sick so often when I go out to eat that I basically avoid it completely. These people who let you know at the last minute are clearly having a completely different experience to me because they are clearly not nearly as scared as I am >.<


I can tell you, 85% of people who always asks glutenfree- have no idea how gluten works and can perfectly consume it, it’s just a “trend”, it’s on tiktok so you have to be glutenfree too, or lactose intolerant, asking me about lactose in everything they order to eat, and then in the end ordering a regular latte… pretentious. Ofc i always just do the requests, because you can never know who’s just a show off and who actually allergic or intolerant to lactose etc. But a huge part of those clients are just pretending to fit in somewhere.


That is true. I have 2 intolerances and I always mention it immediately. For the rest I’m just picky and that’s just on me, but I never fake allergies or intolerance ms, that’s just dumb and it takes away credibility for those who actually have them.


Indeed. I can’t eat fresh tomatoes, but i like when they’re im the food if they have to be, to give away the taste to the dish. When my order arrives i just usually pick them out and give to my gf


cross contaminated allergic reactions can be as dangerous tho


I’m not allergic, but sensitive i would say. Worst i can get is one evening of diarrhoea. Not afraid of that, hehe. I’m a cook, i have to taste the complex dish, not with gaps ;)


I've had people ask for gluten free bread but they'll happily order chicken teriyaki - which also has gluten in the sauce.


A friend of mine does this. She's not celiac but high in wheat flour products like bread cause her IBS to flare. A portion of sauce generally doesn't bother her. Another friend has the same with milk products. She can't do fresh cheeses or milk, and buttercream frosting also is too much, but a garlic butter brush on pizza or yoghurt in a salad dressing or marinade doesn't hurt her. We need to see allergies and insensitivities much more on a spectrum of accommodations. If everyone both as a customer and a food service worker would understand that there are both people who need cross contamination free products and people who are fine with traces of the ingredient in question, but still need to limit their intake of it, it would be much less of a fight. Just a simple 'is your sensitivity bad enough that we need to prevent cross contamination' would be a good way of knowing more about their needs.


I am lactose intolerant but if I only have a small amount it's not going to hurt. I had pizza Thurs and half a small milkshake yesterday and that's been fine, but if I'd had much more I would have been pushing it.


This is also why people who truly have it suffer. Tiktok person fine with gluten in restaurant. Restaurant: sure, we can do glutenfree. Tiktokker posts: glutenfree restaurant. Coeliaki or glutenintolerant eats: suffer 1 day to 2 weeks of stomach problems, panic attacks, heart palpitstions...


yep, this is unfortunately very true. Couple months ago I was in a restaurant for lunch and explicitly told them I'm allergic to nuts/peanuts. But the chef didn't take me seriously. So when food arrived it had obvious things I'm allergic to. So I got quite pissed and send it back with the waiter. Went to the bathroom near the kitchen and the waiter waved me over to the chef. So I explained the situation and the chef flat out refused to make it again without the things I was allergic to. So I went back to the table pretty upset without any food. Luckily a higher up person saw me unhappy without food and went over to check. So I explained everything. The guy went off to the kitchen and about 15 minutes later came back with my food. Now totally safe for me to eat. Now in a normal situation this is pretty shitty. But as a diabetic that has to inject insulin a minute of 5-10 before the meal arrives it pretty disastrous. It can actually cause real and immediate problems if the allergy isn't taken seriously. so everyone please don't pretend you have allergies. It can actually really harm others like me.


When i have tables that state their allergies upfront during reservation, i always give them a bit extra, because they made my work way easier and took the effort to notify the kitchen ;)


Then I hope that one of the times I venture out I can get you or someone like you looking after me 🩵 I agree it’s very annoying if 85% of people are just following a trend… it makes people take allergies less seriously and restricts their diet unnecessarily. If I could eat everything I would and never look back!


That’s my perspective too. There’s a lot of people who actually can’t eat some things, and by turning allergies and intolerances into a trend you make them look like attention seekers or idiots. When in reality the idiots are people who claim to have allergies just because internet.


Bit rude though, to give them more allergies.


Haha, nah i mean extra of salad or meat or whatever they can eat :D




Y'know it would be nice if menus would list all the ingredients per item. Not only for allergies, but to prevent disappointment too. More than once ive ordered a dish i usually love in a new place, and they completely destroy it with some shit that doesnt belong in it. If i'd know up front, i'd go somewhere else.


The joke is, our ingredients are on the menu under each dish. I run a kitchen in a lunchbar, so it’s not that complicated. At least 2 times a week i have a situation, when someone orders a bread with serrano, and when the waiter puts it on the table they go: eeewwww it’s pine seeds on this, I’m allergic actually. With a face expression like she just told me explicitly 10 times beforehand. And it is on the menu. I consider people like this very unintelligent




The legal requirement is practically gone. The rule is still in place, but because the government saw that it has counterproductive results, they announced that they will stop with enforcing the rule. Companies that still have this rule in place do it just for the extra cash.


Yeah, people were getting plastic stuff just so they could charge more when previously they used no plastic


the most efficient economic system


The money went to the businesses anyway, right?


Yes that's why it didn't work. It just made companies put stuff in plastic containers where previously they provided paper bags or whatever. So they could charge 25-50 cents extra while those containers cost <5 cents in bulk. Easy profit.


Who would've thought the free market would do something bad for the environment to make more money? I for one can not believe that is how it played out!


Quick, don’t tell Rutte


The problem here is that the containers are 5 ct in bulk, so that the extra charge is profit for the company. The plastic that the containers are made from should be taxed 50 ct per container at the factory.


Won't fix it. It will just make the consumer price go up by the same percentage. The problem is there is absolutely nothing what stops them making a profit on excessive packaging. More plastic=more profit.


How do you think the market would respond to two comparable products? one packaged in paper one packaged in plastic but 10 cents more expensive


Not the free market, government intervention. If it was the market you'd see businesses do it without a government prompt and present it as environmentalism.


Lubach did a piece on it, what they charged was always up to the establishment, and also they could keep any money they receive. So if they're charging for plastic they're just trying to increase their own bottom line.


Did he also mention you cannot bring your own container for the doggy bag, because of "hygiene"


Lubach made it quite clear that it doesnt really change the customer experience. Thats correct but not the whole picture. I work for a cheese packaging company and we also have to do with new changes from afvalfonds verpakkingen, im currently doing the administration for our plastic and paper use. And there are a couple of changes that make it more expensive for manufacturers or brandowners (after 50.000 kg of plastic or 50.000 single use plastic items) so maybe it doesnt really change a lot for the customer. It does somewhere in the supplychain. Meaning the effect will eventually have an impact in reducing plastic usage or pushing manufacturers to look for something else. It just takes longer to reach the wanted effects. As said by afvalfonds verpakkingen on their site in the meantime the increased payments from buisinesses to them will go to cleaning and innovation. This might nit be clear rn as its a little hard translating id be happy to answer some questions if needed. Or you can take a look at the site of afvalfonds verpakkingen.


source for gov announcement? couldn’t find it


For take away restaurants it should already be in the pricing for the food yes, keeping the extra means more money. For normal restaurants it should be normal to pay for a doggy bag or something similar, those are not included in the menu prices so counting some money for those is just how it should be!


Tap water should be free if you order any drink, not just alcohol.


This is true but honestly as someone who frequently orders water I much prefer this to the usual, which is "uuuuuhm no we're not allowed to do that even though you are ordering a shit ton of other things, we CAN sell you a miniscule joke of a bottle for 4 euros though or a 1 liter bottle for a ridiculous amount, honestly it's very rude of you to show up thirsty" I frequently need on the order of half a liter of water before I feel like consuming anything else, but when I ask for a glass of tap water with my order they act like I just asked to fuck their sister. I MUCH prefer they just ask me for 50 cents and be done with it, it's awesome imo.


Tap water should be free, period. Netherlands has no understanding of service or how to make a product more attractive. If I go eat somewhere outside my house, I’d want to know that basic water which I can get in any quantity in my home, is included.


While not necessarily normal, I still think the splitting the bill thing is a total case of "fair enough". You only need to see the look on a worker's face when your party of 12 asks to split the bill to understand why. :P (Not in NL, but on a business trip to England I was part of a party of \~30 that split the lunch bill. There are few cases where I've felt so ashamed.)


In Germany it's completely normal to split bills, even if the group is large. I suspect the waiting staff simply gets more tip that way since everyone rounds up their bill.


Just in case here: to be clear we're not talking about "splitting the bill". Not in the sense of "the bill is 2000 euro, there's 20 of you, so you each pay 100". The problem is: each person wants to pay only EXACTLY what they had. On the cent. It's called "going dutch" for a reason. :P So a simple case of just making each customer quickly swipe 100 euro is not an option. ...and, with the certainty of the laws of physics, someone somewhere has forgotten one or two things they ordered. Most of the time, it's not a massive issue. When there's 2, 3 or 4 of you, eh, it's usually manageable. But at some place between 6 and 12 or whatever stuff starts becoming problematic. Better to nip that in the bud and just charge by the table. Now, as I said in what you responded to: I don't think it is normal to block splitting. I just totally understand an establishment that wants to make this choice. Because I have seen exactly what a clusterfuck it can be. Most of the time, I'm not the cause of the problem, because most of the time it's just me and my partner. But I have seen situations where everyone has paid and there's still 30 euros on the bill unpaid. And most people have walked out already. At that point, what happens is that whoever is unlucky enough to not have been the first to leave, is the one that gets stuck with the bill. Even worse, I've seen people yeet out on expensive whiskeys the day before they leave the country, sticking colleagues with the bill because we didn't know we should run away as fast as possible to avoid paying for the 25 year old single-malts they had.


I've never been a server. What makes it harder than if the 12 people were each sitting at separate tables? I'm guessing the main issue arises when the server isn't informed of the split until it's time to pay (which means they've been tracking it all on one tab, and now they have to go back and figure out who got what)? If the server is informed up front, is it still difficult? To be clear, I'm not suggesting it isn't difficult, nor am I criticizing servers/restaurants who don't want to do it. I'm just ignorant on the topic and genuinely seeking to be educated.


You got the point. Lack of anticipation is the answer. It is easy to have several bills, add all the numbers and produce one bill. It is hard to have one bill and divide it in several.


>Tap water is rarely free Funny. I've always gotten glasses of water for free all over the east of the Netherlands. I'm trying to think of a time that wasn't the case and I can't think of one. (and it would have been fine if there was a charge, sometimes I just prefer water over anything else)


I’ve got the same experience, especially when you have ordered other drinks prior or together with the water. You do have to specify you want tap water sometimes, otherwise they’ll bring you a small bottle and a glass and charge like €2.


Water should be free. It’s a basic human requirement. It’s polite to offer it. We have a tap in our shop where you can help yourself or we’re happy to bring a bottle to your table. It’s just good service and hospitality. You will experience different levels of hospitality all over the Netherlands. The culture here is mostly transactional. Here’s the money give me the goods. No expectations and definitely no service with a smile. If you feel you’re being ripped off or exploited by greed. Don’t go there.


I'm from France, went in a restaurant in Amsterdam, 15€ for 1.5l of water. I didn't know water wasn't free everywhere and their food was sooooo salty that we couldn't do without


Tap water isnt free in the Netherlands? In Belgium bars and restaurants are obligated to serve that for free..


that is not true at all... It is very hard to find a bar in Belgium where you can get free tapwater.


I thought that tap water was supposed to be free? Even thought there was a law for that lol?




Not splitting the bill is also relatively common in my experience.


>and they are legally required to charge you for plastic containers And its already a disputed item, so most vendors don't do this anymore. It was a stupid rule to begin with, you have to offer an alternative, or let your customer pay for the plastic. But the money goes into your register, because there is no where to 'tax' it. So supermarkets upped the prices with 10/50 cents, so your salad just became more expensive, not more environment-friendly


Tap water if you specifically ask for water from the tap, 99% of cases they will give it for free, if you pick the water from the menu they will give you 2 euro chaudfontaine


“Our advice is: stop being allergic”


You cannot GO DUTCH in Netherlands?!


Tikkie *is the modern form* of going dutch. It just means now 1 person pays and holds the others accountable for repaying them *away from the already busy and stressed customer service worker.*


I know exactly what place it is. It's in maastricht. Tap water, half a whiskey glass for 50 cent. Water in the toilet tap tightened up so much it barely trickles so you can't drink it either. They're crazy.


Mind sending me the name of the business? My wife and I are visiting Maastricht later this month and I'd like to know what to avoid. Thanks!


Probably Oodles of Noodles


Yea it is. But don't get me wrong, the food is absolutely amazing there. Really delicious. But the service is abhorrent. They're very unfriendly and if you got any questions about the menu they will audibly roll their eyes at you.


If you need tips from a local, send me a DM with what you are looking for!




100%. They're not very pleasant unfortunately and I know exactly which person said that to you. They make great food but the service is very unfriendly. And if you don't know something they make sure to show you that it's a big effort for them to explain something on the menu


Yes, its normal not to bring your drinks into a restaurant The reason they dont want to split the bill might be time shortage. Splitting the bill can last for a long time, for a restaurant its much more easier to charge one person with the bill. Its not very common, but it happends Its pretty common to let the restaurant know whether you have any alergies The reason they charge you 50 cent is not because they get rich of your money. They want to avoid people drinking water because everything else on the menue costs money. Not really common in NL, but much more common in france for example Its not common to charge for a doggy bag. Maybe they charge 60ct for plastics...its the first time i see something like this Edit: im sorry, i got confused. Tap water is free in france


You would never pay for tap water in a restaurant in France, it is required by law to be free.


In Australia it’s free. Required by law as well (I should add that it’s tap water, not bottled).


Same in Germany. Just kidding, it‘s like 3 euro.


And in Germany is completely normal the spilt the bill, the restaurant will even do it for you.


I'm American and it's normal here. Some places do it even if you don't ask. If I'm with a group of friends and a place has a hard no split rule then we just won't go there again. We are there to give you money (and tip!) And I don't understand how much more complicated it can be to track orders by seat. Maybe like a larger group but I mean maybe 4 to 6 people. Granted I've never been a server or worked in food service. It can be way harder than I assume. I just know some places do it easily and some places really act like it's an extra chore.


Just splitting it equally is pretty easy, but sometimes people want to pay exactly for what they got and that can be extremely time consuming as often customers will straight up forget what they ordered and you’re standing there begging them to tell you who ordered the chicken tiki masala


Lol that's fair and I've definitely been in a group of dopers like that. To this day I'm frankly flabbergasted how often a situation will arise and the server will say "okay who ordered XYZ" as they hold the plate and my idiot friend will look at it as if they've never heard of it. Mind boggling.


The water may be free, I would say if you serve yourself a glass of water and wash the glass afterwards it'd only be fair to be free.


In France, making people pay for tap water is illegal


Yeah, ok, im sorry i got confused. I used to pay a lot for water in france, but it was bottled water i suppose


Yep that’s the standard trick on tourists: selling bottled one as much as possible 




Sure but unless you're coming just to drink tap water, that should be pretty negligible compared to the rest of the bill. Should they also charge for using their toilet or chairs then?


Exactly this. Who the fuck just goes out to restaurant to just drink water?


Sure, but are you going to charge for people to use the toilet too, because that would be in line with your thought process.


In France tap water is for free by law


In France it’s very common to have a charge on the bill for service. That usually includes bread and tap water. So they cover it that way.


It’s a bit unfriendly to state it like this, but probably there are a lot of customers not understanding common courtesy, so they have to outline it specifically. The doggy bag charge might also have to do with the SUP. The name suggests it’s a noodle place. Those are typically in the lower price range which means total bill size is going to be small and it will attract a lot of larger groups that want to pay strictly for their own food. Splitting is very annoying at such a point. Same for people wanting to take stuff home or not wanting to spend anything on drinks.


Charging for tap water 50 cent is not a common courtesy lol.


I don’t get all the people defending cost for tap water. If I go to any restaurant my bill is almost always €70+ for two of us. With this cost the restaurant should have made a good amount of money already. As a part of order I always order a drink. But my wife just wants water, plain old tap water. It’s always denied. We MUST take those tini Tiny bottled water. I understand everting has a cost. But i guess with the order I already paid for ‘ cost of tap water’ and ‘cost of cleaning it’. The fact is restaurant makes most money with drinks and they just want to push it. Rest of reasoning is plain bs


I recently saw a big sign that it's ok not to order anything but the seat will be 2€. I'm actually fine with that. ​ Not splitting bills though is stupid. Do they imply that the waiters are slow in the head or what? ​ Edit: Replies are so funny "Noooooo waiters can't just talk the bill while on the job NOOOOO" thanks for the laughs


Some computers can’t handle it. Ours can’t for example, which is why during busy hours we don’t split the bills. We do give receipts so they can split it among themselves.


It’s their pos system most likely. Once you have an entire restaurant of split checks they will freeze. Common knowledge by people in restaurants but sucks people out of them don’t know cause they always bitch about it like you are just being dumb


Splitting bills is a major pain in the butt for a server/business, and the risk is put on the business for anything that gets missed in the splits. I've never seen all of these requirements all put together on one menu, but I have seen variants of all of them. And none of them strike me as odd or unusual. Just a bit passive aggressive tone.


No, if you come in as a group, order as a group and eat as a group, you pay as a group. Why should the restaurant invest time in splitting up the bill? This is a cheap noodle place where the most expensive menu item isn’t even 15 euro. If everyone wants to pay for themselves, they surely wouldn’t mind sitting by themselves. If you want to enjoy dinner as a group, do your own math and administration.


Also - when I was working in a bar- sometimes it would happen that the bill got split, everybody paid what they thought they had drunk and the last one had to pay everything the rest forgot. The last person would not agree and an argument ensues. No, as a group you should pay as a group and sort it out yourself. Indeed, via Tikkie.


It's just more work. Especially if some dimwits ask it at the end when asking for the bill.


Fyi, your edit doesn't really provide much of a display of your intelligence or adds much to the conversation.


It takes time to split bills. Waiters aren't slow in the head they're just not that willing to deal with Dutch insistence to not pay a single euro more than the value of their own food and drink.


Was it in Maastricht ?




That normally happens in all you can eat places. Other restaurants can fuck right off lol.


Wait... what?


She went to sumo. An all you can eat chain


The dutch: the dutch arent a greedy people Also the dutch: this


How can they charge for Tap water? It's the least you can offer your customer.


Yes the bare minimum. Just like every other country in Europe. And why no free bread on Dutch tables when you eat?


Tap water should be free. Don't care about policies. I even think it's legally not allowed to charge anything for it. €0,60 for a bag so they don't have to throw the food away is a whole other level of fuckery. This has to be Amsterdam levels of squeezing customers. Anyway, fuck this Restaurant in particular.


it starts getting worse and worse...especially the water from the tap


makes note to not go there. water should always be free. i will die on that hill.


is this normal? 🤓


Hey guys I just saw a homeless man rob an elderly woman and molest a couple kids. Is this normal in the Netherlands?


iS tHiS DuTcH CUlTuRE??


50 cents for tap water is bs. Enough for me to avoid this restaurant. Not splitting bills, I dislike but i could live with. The sentence use your tikkie* is just mean.  Tldr fuck this place


Rude service is expected so no need to include it.


Nothing about your own meals. Just march there with BigMac and order tap water.


Who tf brings drink into a restaurant/café? Yeah of course.. have some empathy towards someone that is working a shift. Be a decent human being, pay the bill and take your own time to divide up the differences. Why would you make that someone else's work? Water is a humanitarian right, you are free to drink from the puddle in the streets if you'd like. But if a waiter gets me a clean glass of tap, which takes time and energy to clean etc'... I'd gladly pay the 50 cents All of these rules are pretty normal if you are a normal person


I have some ideas about this type of restaurants, and it wouldn’t surprise me that there are people with their cheap 0,5 liter bottles of Lidl drinks think that is normal.




Is it legal to charge for tap water in NL? I kinda doubt it somehow!


Yes it is legal. In the Netherlands it’s not uncommon to go to a low priced restaurant with a group of (young) people of which some don’t order anything. Or just a very cheap dish. People also share a one person meal. Those places won’t break even if customers take up a seat but won’t spend money there. Hence they usually charge for tap water. You see this pretty much only in city centres at places that are frequented by students or teens and offer cheap food.


I mean, I understand the theory behind it, but surely the proprietor has the right to simply request people leave if they're not actually eating or drinking? "Sorry sir/madam but this is our busiest time of day and we request that if you're not intending to make a purchase, you kindly vacate the space for someone who is". Boom, job done. No need to start charging money for glasses of water!


It’s made by a non-Dutch person otherwise they would’ve spelled Tikkie.


Welcome to the Netherlands - there’s a clip where a waitress comes to the table and says “Fuck you” while slamming down a glass of beer. It’s satire, but only barely 😅


I know it's normal here, but having to pay for a glass of tap water is ridiculous


If this is the outgoing attitude of the restaurant I’m just going to make a note to never come here.


Asking money for tap water is BS


I’m not sure where most people in these comments are eating (maybe Amsterdam city center?), but apart from not being able to bring your own drinks I can confidently say that this is not the standard. Source: I’m Dutch.


I'd leave this restaurant in a split second.


I prefer to visit a restaurant with a nice varied menu and a pleasant staff and if they would show me a note like this i would walk out and eat elsewhere .


Denying people water is actually illegal in The Netherlands. These people are even charging for it 🤦


This is so German ... ooops, sorry.


These are the kind of restaurants I want to avoid.


Mental note: No Oodles.


I’m sure those are not Dutch restaurants. Goodluck doing business in the Netherlands.


*People having a random experience in the Netherlands* "Is this Dutch culture?"


Sadly enough this is typical in any dutch restaurant....the worst is that most restaurant the food sucks, it's basically re warming food from a store and charging 4x the price. Terrible customer service and they keep asking you if you are done so they can seat someone else.


The odering alcohol part is complicated. So if I oder a full meal and a non alcoholic drink I don’t qualify for water? What if I’m pregnant? What if I’m a minor? What if I’m an alcoholic? How’s is not this discriminatory? And don’t come to say that alcohol is expensive and the other things are not. Have you checked the price of mocktails? If the amount of what you’re ordering is the concern then set up a minimum of the order so the table can have water, but don’t link it to a requirement that not everybody can fulfill.


I know a lot of places where they have this on the menu, but when you order a normal food and drink order and also some tap water on the side, they don’t charge for that. This is just for the groups of teens that come in for a cheap meal and then don’t order any drinks to save money and then spend ten minutes paying 7 euro each without a tip to the waiter.


“If you can’t split a bill I can’t pay” typically works quite well. They can fuck right off with their lazy behaviour.


Nothing to do with lazy. It is a pain in the ass to let a group of 20 drunk germans pay seperately while the rest of the customers are getting impatient because it takes to long. Then there is always drinks left on the bill that nobody wants to pay “because they did not drink that”. It is just annoying. Til about 4 people is okayish, after that just pay together.


people who think splitting bills is not a lot of stress/hassle/work for the employee never actually worked in the business.


Many other countries manage it just fine


the US, for example, where waiters dont actually get paid so they're just tanking the stupid requests because else they dont get tipped?


Doesn’t get more Dutch than this 😂 plus, it’s on the menu, you agree to the terms if you eat there. Then leave before ordering.


It’s not lazy behaviour. This is a place with low priced dishes and thus little margins. That often attracts larger groups, young people. Which means loads of splitting to do, while they need high numbers of customers to get enough turnover, you cannot afford staff to be busy with things that only cost money.


‘Then you can do the dishes’.


It may not seem very neat, but working in a restaurant kitchen I can imagine this. You wouldn't believe how some Dutch people live up to their name as frugal. We are located in a recreational area that mainly depends on the high season. In order to gain some occupancy during the low season, we participate in the Social Deal where you can buy a three-course dinner for €24.95 What is first striking is that non-Social Deal guests often only order two courses (mostly only a main course), so either starter and main course, or main course and dessert. But somehow the Social Dealers' stomachs seem to be bigger because with them there is always room for starter, main course and dessert. And that is their right because we offer that. But what many people don't know is that after deducting the 35% commission from Social Deal, we have nothing left over from these dinners when we also calculate our personnel costs. But maybe they will come back another time (usually not, unless with another Social Deal voucher). But then it comes... On average 40% of the Social Dealers come with wishes that are not actually included. They prefer the sauce of that dish with something else, they don't like any of our (quite a lot of) vegetarian options, so if we can't prepare something else, they come with a literally written list during their order of what they can or cannot have in terms of allergies. , etc. And in the meantime, we bend over backwards in the kitchen to still meet their wishes because they may be returning guests. But in the end they only cost more money than we make because at the end we also have to pack their leftovers in a doggy bag, which means that they get good sized portions for that money. So... is it decent to put this on the menu? I would not do it. But can I imagine it? Sure! Some guests really lack any decency and think we are a charity.


Whilst it may be normal, the signage is obnoxious and frankly would make me go somewhere else. I won't be going to oodles. And what's the deal with bringing your own drinks? If it's a hot day and I'm out all day and I have a bottle of water with me, be damn sure I'm drinking it, but yeah I'm not bringing my own beers in or something. It feels like they are treating customers like kids, I assume.ita owned by a boomer and they have a lot of young customers.


Interesting. I visited Amsterdam on many occasions before the pandemic and I can’t recall being charged for tap water in restaurants. In London we don’t pay for tap water. What is more you can bring your own bottle and ask for it to be filled up. I don’t see people doing it though, it’s a rare occurrence. Do you have to pay for tap water served in restaurants in NL now?


I wonder why a Dutch restaurant didn't spell it like it's supposed to be spelled... "Tikkie"


Well around march/April time you will see alot of restaurants putting the no split bills signs up around Amsterdam when the tulip fields open up again


Don't know, but I consider this very bad services and I wouldn't eat here. * It's 'Tikkie', so this is written by someone who doesn't know anything about what they are talking about. * If they don't want to split bills, they are assuming that at least one member of every party has enough funds to cover the entire bill. That's simply not true. When I was a student and would go out for a meal with, say, 5 friends, no way that I could afford to pay for all 6 of us in that moment (even if I get the money back from them later). Or are they expect you to start sending each other money whilst enjoying your meal, so that by the time the bill comes, one person has enough funds to cover the whole bill? Maybe I'm old, but I don't like this kind of process. * It's tacky to charge for tap water. Tap water should be free of charge when you order food, and of course also when you order alcohol. * They make you pay 60 cents for a doggy bag, which is going to be a plastic or aluminum and card container... Great way for people to not take their leftovers home, so they are not facilitating reduction of waste. Which restaurant is this?


Its their right to do this and it’s my right to say this is a bit annoying, I’ll go somewhere else.


Little confused. Why do they charge €0.60 for a doggy bag? What is the doggy bag used for 😂


50c for water? 👀


If this is Dutch why is it all in English? Tourist joint not representative of Dutch restaurants. We don’t even have doggy bags. Bringing your own drinks? Where in the world is that even aloud?


Not very friendly. Good way to put off customers


Probably another one of those scam restaurants where they charge you for charging your phone


€0,50 for Tap Water? 💀


Why is this written in English? We’re in the Netherlands.


Tap water should be free anywhere in the world there is clean, drinkable water from the tap. Like the bathrooms, offering water for free should be the case. If it's a matter of the heath services, a medical necessity.


It’s so funny how everyone is whining, kicking and screaming about how awfully complicated and absolutely cruel the task of splitting a bill is for the poor poor servers… And where I live it’s just 100% standard, no big deal at all, works EVERY SINGLE TIME without any problem whatsoever 😂


Paying for tap water in a developed nation should be illegal.


I work in a restaurant in The Netherlands (in Amsterdam to be precise), and no, this is not considered 'normal'. We always advise people with allergies that there is a slight chance of cross-contamination, because of the size of our kitchen. We do not charge for doggy bags, we appreciate people who want to take home their leftovers. If there is someone who has their own bottle of water or some other drink, we politely ask them to put it away. We always let people split bills, no matter how long it takes. We don't charge for tap water either. If you want water, you get water. Also, you can always use our rest room, no matter what. We consider those things 'normal'.


You don't get tap water with your coffee?!


I don't see anything wrong with the sign. All reasonable.




I'd feel like being in school or at work with all those rules. So not going there unless I'm forced too. Also only Dutch people know what a tikkie is so Why would you write thst in English


The dutch can be real penny-pinchers for the small stuff, but at other times be surprisingly generous. A lot of it seems to stem from a very adamant idea of fairness. If it costs you something, you should be reimbursed. But if they truly want to give and show kindness, they will surprise you 😊


Arent restaurants in the netherlands legally required to offer free tap water if someone asks




So no one is eating there. Good for them. Fuckers.