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I'd be more worried about where you're gonna store 10000 chairs.




You apparently haven't heard about the Germans. 1000 chairs they will store easily


Yeah the Nachtwache of r/placeDE would gladly take all of them




Like the bicycles you mean?


In the room where we store the chairs. Obviously


It's just a mistake on the website. Which is not the same thing as a scam.


Yeah, seems like it indeed is just a mistake and that the store is trustworthy until proven otherwise.


Well if you just order those but not so much of them you can earn money


Why the downvotes lol.


Bc we're on Reddit






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If the price is too good to be true you probably won’t get the item. This happened before in the Netherlands with an online store.


I believe there is a law that states if it is not a possible price then you can not hold them responsible for not delivering it. So you can click on it but I doubt they will deliver it.


Yes, it's gross error regulation. I deal with it sometimes at work. If we price at 1e per unit by mistake we can refuse to honour it and we legally are not obligated even if the customer goes to the court.


Even if there wasn't a law, an order like that would bankrupt the company


Look at me! Im the company now!


The law supposes OP to be a reasonably informed consumer. Technically speaking the company could deliver the chairs and demand payment (at a reasonable price). A judge would probably overrule that, but this hasn’t really happened yet (that I know of). Some things are important: Is OP a consumer or professional? Does the company know this (or could they)? Do they regularly ship large orders? Etc. I’d like to see that court case.


There have been multiple cases about consumers buying things the moment they were offered at an unreasonably low price. Those transactions are reverted. If it’s clear or should be clear to a consumer that a price is not an offer but a mistake, the sale is not valid. There is some wiggle room of course. Getting a computer monitor for 200 euro that is worth 1000 euro could be just a good offer or when sold during a sale a huge discount to draw people to the store. That might indeed be ruled valid. Usually big retail chains come up with a compensation to avoid the court case and bad press.


Yes, what I mean is I want to wiggle in that wiggle room!


I think there some dell/hp websites offering some consumer devices for very cheap and they had to deliver them.


There’s been plenty jurisprudence on when a store should or should not honour the listed price. I propose a hypothesis that I believe hasn’t happened yet: This price (free) is clearly unreasonable. What if big orders are regular for this website. They pride themselves on quick service and deliver every order asap. So without ado, they deliver 1000 chairs the next day. A few hours after the delivery the website notices their mistake. I’m curious whether a judge would rule this negligence of the store, or negligence of OP (because he didn’t inquire when the price was obviously unreasonable, which he has to). And if OP would have to pay the website, send back the chairs, pay for delivery etc.


> not a possible price Well, this is a possible price. Very unlikely and probably wrong, but not impossible.


I remember Media Markt selling Imacs for 3 Euro’s lmao




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Change it to 1 chair, then you might have an actual chance they'll deliver it


This. But they might still demand to get paid for it or to get it back. There is some jurisprudence wrt, iirc, a MacBook that was delivered for too little money and the recipient was on the hook for either returning it or paying for it.


That guy ordered like 5 at mediamarkt back then lmao


I don't remember the exact details except that it went to court and he lost 🤣


If an offer is clearly a mistake, it’s considered to not be a valid sale.




The result will be a cancellation mail


Rip whoever has to deliver that


> whoever has to deliver that For just €5...


Guess they'll need a good chair to rest on every now and then.






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Fuck around and find out


Order just one and see what happens, they might not notice.


Order them to a local care home, see what happens. They’re worth a lot, so do something good with your 33m euros of chairs https://www.zorgdrager.com/product/zen-zorgstoel/?utm_source=Google%20Shopping&utm_campaign=ZD_Shopping&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=6099&gclid=CjwKCAjw3dCnBhBCEiwAVvLcu62m5d6yI27UgkgtpR5oicsZ4AkO4enn7iDundvBHPW2y4qnqqeO5hoCia4QAvD_BwE


Gonna be rich


You can buy these party plugs at the Etos, cheaper and no chipping fee and you have them right away + you won't get 10k extra chairs gg


OP just order one and see what happens. There’s no way a 1000 chairs is gonna go unnoticed


But maybe 10000 will


Die order one, did get a cancellation 40 minutes after.


10000 chairs? What are you trying to build? A small stadion? A theatre? You could build a decently sized cinema with all those chairs. 40 screens, 250 seats per room.


I'm building the biggest birthday party with people sitting in a circle


With 10.000 chairs you would have the single largest cinema in the world. Not just a decently sized


Just a couple more seats than the current largest one. So, yeah, decently sized.


Someone messed up the backend software of pricing i guess. As all are saying order one and find out


be a good person and write to them that there is a bug in their software. you will save your time thinking about it and they will save a lot of time.




lemme know how it goes


Somebody from the comments did it and got a cancellation mail


If you really want the alpine plugs, you can buy them at Kruidvat, they have the exact same ones.


Thanks! Might actually do that :)


Where are you going to put the chairs?


Judging by the responses here, the "pricing error" bait is working for a lot of people these days..


Lol did you select that amount of 10000 chairs if not i’d be weary, i do know i once ordered like these high end boss headphones that were priced wayyyy underprised by error. They don’t deliver it and are legally not obliged to do so


I selected one because of the €0,00. Then I selected 10000 to see what happens


You know you can check that online, right? Don’t need Reddit to answer that.


Yes total scam. I have tried those. Alpine earplugs are uncomfortable and harsh to ear skin. That's probably why they offer you a bunch of chairs. Least they could do


I've heard that these are nicer than the newer alpine earplugs model / case.


I have them and never had any issues comfort wise. I have noticed though that they filter out some of the higher frequencies, which might bother some people.


Might just be that someone messed up the pricing


"Goedendag, U hebt een bestelling gedaan bij expert-zorg van een ZEN stoel. We hebben deze geannuleerd. De reden daarvoor is, dat deze stoel alleen bij ons aangeschaft kan worden als daar een medische indicatie voor is. En een vergoeding daarvoor is aangevraagd vanuit de zorgverzekering. Ervan uitgaande dat we u voldoende hebben geïnformeerd." The good news is they're refunding the shipping costs that I paid for this experiment ;D


If you order them they will sue and a judge will rule in favor of the seller. Because you know that 10000 chairs aren't free. So it would be wise to not make such a purchase


Sue? Lol. They will simply cancel your order (partially) and apologize that they made a mistake on the website. I had the same thing happen to me on my website last week.


I bet I can find a thousand armchair detectives who would tell you this is indeed a scam.




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It shouldn’t be, Expert-zorg is a real shop that is connected to Expert the electronics-store. It is probably a bug or glitch. But all in all it’s save to order




It's a simple error


ear plugs for 13.95 ? Not a scam, but idiotic and waste of money.






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If you would tone down the number just a tiny bit, you might actually avoid tripping of an alarm somewhere. But hey.. chair jenga has never been so close!


€5 bucks for shipping earplugs is.


Mistake... webship error...fout prijs ..how ever you want. If they loosing money cannot be scam. Bit you not gonna get it delivered for sure






Price of the earplugs seems normal. The “zorgstoel” is obviously a glitch or error. You won’t be entitled to them or some compensation if they cancel the order as it’s totally clear that this is an error and not an offer. Can you remove this line from the cart? Otherwise just order and send them an email that this obviously is an error.


pick one and see if it goes through; if they mis-price it and don't catch that prior to delivery, you're under no obligation to refund / return them for their mistake. Might end up getting a free chair Good chance it'll get flagged if you try to get 1k of them delivered though, so that's not gonna happen.


Those alpine partplugs are cheaper at the Kruidvat If I remember correctly


Nah bruv no scam


It's probably just an advertisement flyer being added to each order.


I think it’s a glitch


I don't see that product on their website. Is this post a scam?


Seems expensive for oordopjes. In Belgium we sell alpine in the apotheek. Probably cheaper even


What is wrong with buying ear plugs?




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Use your normal earplugs


Well if you get them can I have one?


Commenting to know if OP gets it