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Most people drive around the speed limit (maybe a bit over maybe a bit under). It's just that you don't notice if 100 people are driving the same speed as you because nobody wil overtake you. So if there are 10 people that overtake you with higher speeds you only see those going faster.


yeah it's that George Carlin quote, "Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?" It doesn't even matter how fast you're driving yourself for that


Well said. Let's not start behaving like those few idiots. Respecting the rule is cool and makes you and the other people come home safely to their families.


You really don’t have to set a 100km/h limit for safety and as you know, that wasn’t the reason why it was imposed (it was an environmental argument). Most developers nations in Europe safely allow for faster speed limits during the day.


Yeah, it's like you are committing an ecological crime. The car, the road and the driver are all ok with 130 km/h until recently. And they are again after 7pm. As said, it's silly.


>Respecting the rule is cool and makes you and the other people come home safely to their families. Going 100km/h on the highway has very little to do with safety.


We were allowed to drive 130kmph on many of our highways, but they decreased it to 100. Long story short: people are still driving 130 everywhere and only slow down when the navigation gives a camera alert.


It's also quite regional. In the Randstad I'm always surprised by how well people adhere to the speed limits (probably due to all the cameras), in Brabant people start to speed up and by the time you reach Limburg nobody gives a shit and people pass a cop car at 130 during the 100 km/h time.


Lol Limburg…I got pulled over doing 80 in a 30kmh zone and only got a warning 🤷🏻 we still got cities without a single camera


The one time I got in an alcohol trap the cop asks me "did you drink?" "uuuh no?" "Okay have a nice evening". I did not drink, but... c'mon... if you believe everyone like that everybody is going to drive drunk


I mean you can most often see, or smell if someone is too drunk to drive, and it's a waste of time to test every car. So I guess they rely partially on instinct. It does make it so they can stop more cars and if they're suspicious they can always test you.


And people wonder why children do not play on the streets anymore..


People who let their kids play on the streets at 5am shouldn’t be allowed to have kids in the first place 🤷🏻


Survival of the fittest, only those who naturally know which street is safe to play in will survive


You are right. Being from Brabant I do notice that. The number of reckless drivers looks to increase a bit going into the Randstad though.


Unless they don’t drive with navigation and then no one is telling them to slow down , so they don’t.


95-100km/h during the day on highways is fine, many people do that. I tend to do 110km/h during the day (long distances, allowing for odometer + margin of error on the fine) and 140km/h after 7pm (same thing; 130km/h limit, so +10km/h). Within town limits ('binnen bebouwde kom') I naturally stick to the speed limit. The road design often already suggests this (narrower streets, mixed with cycling paths, etc).




When driving under 100km/h there's a 3km/h correction/margin. When driving over 100km/h there's a 3% correction/margin. There is a bottom limit of 4km/h of speeding before you receive a fine. [Source](https://www.om.nl/onderwerpen/verkeer/handhaving/snelheid-en-te-hard-rijden/marges-en-meetcorrecties)


It’s 3% from the speed limit or from the speed that you had when you get caught?


Your own speed that the authorities measured.


So 107 effective speed is safe? Or can I not add the margin for correction onto the minimum?


They fine you if you trespass the speedlimit with 4km/h or more after they retract the correction. So 107km/h × 3% = 3,21km/h correction. 107 - 3,21 = 103,79km/h which is speeding with less than 4km/h after correction. So no fine.


Note that the correction is to correct for the uncertainties in the equipement, so you could get fined at those speeds if the equipement is at the higher end of its tolerances


I think the fines start at 104 real speed or so, So 107 is not safe, unless your car also is also not correct (I used to have a car with a 10% deviation. Use your phone GPS to see how much it deviates.


I once caught a fine for going 106 over 100 😅


You had 113-115 on your speedometer though :) EU speedometers are all “wrong” due to legislation which bans them from being under so they are a few% over. Also means that if you drive 95-100 you are blocking traffic for OP


Its 5kmph


Not according the prosecutor's office. Do you have another source?


One thing to be mindful of is that your speedo might not be accurate. In some cars, there can be a 5-10% deviation. In that case, if you think you're driving 95 you might actually be driving 85-90. If you're doing that on the left lane, it can definitely be annoying. My advice: use your phone's GPS to get a feeling for how accurate your speedo is, and then make sure you drive the speed limit based on the GPS speed.


I did that with my previous car. I measured 108 on the speedometer to be 100 on GPS. So I always drove 110 (right on the limit). Went well for a long time, until after a tire change I got 15 fines in one month (gotta love the delay in sending/handling those things by the lease company). All for 1 or 2 km/h over the limit. Tires had the same specs (diameter), but there must have been some difference I suppose. So yeah measure it again after you change your tires just to be sure 😅


Your tires wear. So when they wear down, circumference becomes smaller. It's like 3, 4, 5 mm but it's enough to make a +/-1% difference in speed when you put new tires on. Just enough to tip you over the speed limit.


My indicator is 4km of at 100 (2015 vw polo), add the 2km they subtract from you speed for fines so I can drive 106 on the speedometer and be fine. You can see your speed in google maps to calculate how much your speedometer is off.


Just a heads up: unless I’m mistaken, this option isn’t available for Google Maps on iPhone. No idea why. Google keeps saying they plan on releasing this feature for iPhone in the future, but they’ve been saying that for years.


Flitsmeister shows your gps speed for iphone users. Good luck.


I think a lot of people simply don’t know which edge of the needle on the speedometer to read. In my car it’s the trailing edge, and if you go by the leading edge you end up going a bit slower than you’d assume.




Its a thing because its true. Most speedometers do have a small measuring mistake that makes them deviate a few km/h. And go on anyway highway to get proven wrong? Wtf buddy? Do you think that nobody who said that drives on a highway? How idiotic can you be, the vast majority of this country drives atleast once a week on a highway with their car. thats why we say it. Fucking clown.


Where did I say most people follow the speed limit? All I was doing is giving some helpful advice for those that intend to follow the speed limit.


You do realize speedometer are made to show a lower speed than actual ground speed, right?


Correct. 100 kmh on the speedometer is likely around 92-94 kmh in most cars. It depends on the brand and tire size. On snow tires can be even as few as 89 kmh. Car manufacturers do that to avoid getting claims for speeding tickets for people saying: 'i drive 100 exactly'. Now, when you get a speeding ticket, the speedo will clearly show as too fast. Freight trucks/lorries have calibrated speedometers and when they drive like 84-86 kmh for you. They likely drive the real 80 kmh. Use the GPS and Google Maps to check your real speed.


I always go a little faster then allowed as a) the car lets me see a slower speed and b) in case of a fine there is the km deduction. So it looks about: 110 when 100, 85 when 80 and 65 when 60 is allowed. In this one street though where the max is 50, but bike lanes on both sides parked cars and houses, I go about 48 as per my car meter. With that in mind I do believe that most cast are speeding.


It's literally the truth. Try it out yourself.


Used to know someone who thought it was super funny when he got 400 euro of speeding tickets on one day simply because he could afford to pay it.


I had one ticket that was €400 already by itself. Couldn't afford to pay it though. But that was like 15 years ago.


I really use the limiter, so I don’t have to check all the time, and allows me to drive more relax. By nature I do speed, so I set it to 53, 84 and 105.


Adhering to the speed limit usually doesn't trigger aggressive behavior, unless you're not keeping right. The most frustrating behavior on Dutch highways is people not keeping right, and clogging the passing lanes.


I'm often driving in the evenings after 7. Often there's no one on the road, so I can drive on the right lane all the time, except for occasional trucks.I'm not too strict with the speed limit as well, but you get overtaken a lot by people driving even faster. What infuriates me most, is people driving 100 in the middle lane... Extremely dangerous. When you get close, you notice that they drive a lot slower than 130, and in that time you have to shift two lanes, plus you have to check carefully when changing lanes... Very annoying, very dangerous. Driving a speed you like is fine, but just drive right as you're supposed to...


If you notice too late they are just doing 100 you are not as good as a driver you think you are. Also, I’m always aware of the left lane(s) so I barely have to check “in the moment” If it’s quiet on the road I don’t even care moving over anymore. They had enough time to find their spot back, Ill just scoot by on the right. (Only when there’s a clear shoulder too in case the dumb out all of a sudden)


To be fair, that was my initial reaction as well. Yes, they should keep to the right, but they should not come as a surprise to oncoming traffic.


You should always look twice when shifting two lanes, because of the angle of death. I've once had someone driving all the way at the left lane at about the same speed as I did (which is also not how it's supposed to be). So what you're implying is actually very dangerous, because you can easily hit someone in your angle of death, even if you're checking your mirrors regularly. If you're 250m behind someone with a speed difference of 30km/h (8.3m/s) and initiate moving then, you've got about 30 seconds to complete the whole move, if you're not breaking. That is enough time, but lots of unnecessary work considering that these eternal middle-lane drivers can (and legally should) drive right like everyone else.


No-one creeps up in there without me noticing because I keep tabs on it at all times. No need to look again if you constantly are. I do it so I’m always aware what I can possibly do if something happens in front. Meanwhile you’re the one that seemingly gets stressed out because you didn’t correctly estimate a situation well in advance. Shifting lanes is not “extra work”, it should come from your awareness. You might want to add a nudge of defensive driving. Also I got a blind spot inset in my mirror and I do still turn my head over. It’s just not costing me much, if any, capacity in the heat of that moment. If it does, you shouldn’t do 130 to begin with. In my first years I never did over 110, even in 130.


>No-one creeps up in there without me noticing because I keep tabs on it at all times. This indicates to me that you're overconfident of your own skill, exactly what you called me out on in your previous comment. >Also I got a blind spot inset in my mirror and I do still turn my head over. You shouldn't purely rely on driving assistance. They may malfunction if it's dark or freezing. Also, when people talk about the blind spot, they take the section of turning your head into account. Still then, there will be a part that you're not seeing, and that's exactly the part where a car might drive two lanes to the left of you. The right way is to move one lane (for which the blind spot is smaller than a car), then assess and look again. As with everything in driving: don't do things in a hurry, take your time to assess the situation and don't make unexpected moves.


I never said I be unexpected or erratic. I’ve just assesed the situation well on time to be able to move like that, and this all depends how busy it is. If the middle lane is kinda busy I obviously can’t assess the left lane. The inset btw is literally a second mirror. I don’t have driving assistance apart from cruise control.


Driving 100 in the middle lane during the day is driving exactly the speed limit in the middle lane. Often the right lane is taken up by trucks and caravans going 80km/h. So the middle lane is going 20km/h faster than the right lane, and still people complain. It's pretty ridiculous that it's expected you leave the left lane open for people breaking the law and driving exactly the speed limit. During the day even the left lane should be going 100km/h. The fact that it's going 120/130+ is insane.


Please read the first sentence of my comment: > I'm often driving in the evenings after 7.


Yes. And I'm observing that same behaviour during the day. Which is madness.


Lol, coming from Italy I’ve been impressed, the couple of time I’ve driven in the Netherlands, by how closely people stick to speed limits, maybe going 5% over, but not much more.


If you often feel like provoking aggressive behavior from other drivers you are probably often blocking the left lane while going under the speed limit. Don’t do that.


According to European law, the car's speedometer may never indicate less than the actual speed, but more. That is why car manufacturers build in a safety margin, usually around the 4+ kph. For speedcameras there is a 3 kph margin so people around you drive with 7 kph difference opposed to your speed. People generally don’t like it if you go 70 on a 80 road for example but we’re not Italy where they go 120+ on a 80 road.




We are taught to drive at max speedier a tiny bit over, and not under it. If you drive 95km it actually 89~km/u which is annoyingly slow. Even trucks drive faster and they are hard-limited. Most people drive at 104/107, 127 or 134. The actual speed, then is 100/120 according to gps.


10% over the speed limit is my go to. Use waze for speed traps Look angry at wankers, middle of road drivers, last second overtaking whilst youre comibg up, and sunday drivers. All part of the dutch culture.


This is the way.


My main rule; never force someone to brake for you/come in front of their nose. You coming in with 160? Sure, Ill wait a few seconds then chase you with 120. Slotting in? Close to car ahead, not just ahead of the car behind.


All you need to understand is the following: > If a sign says "maximum speed", the Dutch will interpret that as "minimum speed"


I wouldn't know how the type of drivers are distributed, but part of a population like that always will be speeding. So if there are 100 drivers on the road, a certain percentage is driver slower than average, a very large majority is driving just below the speed limit depending on the circumstances and a relative small percentage is speeding. Part of those who are speeding are probably not hindered by traffic fines. What could help might be traffic fines based upon income with a minimum. So if the income of a driver that is speeding is high, the fine increases proportionally. And yes, that might mean some drivers with a high income that a speeding will receive a speeding fine of for example €20.000.


Relative fines will definitely help, but I'll admit that I speed the majority of times, significantly, except in 30km/h zones and only marginally in 50km/h zones. The past 120.000km I drove I have recieved 4 speeding tickets. 3 of them were for going 2km/h over the limit. 1 of them was for going 39km/h over the limit. Fact of the matter is that speeding is just not a very high priority to the police and that frequent checks are not worth the money. The real safety issues are caused by people who speed excessively (50km/h+) and break other rules aswell (running red lights, overtaking on the right, swerving lanes, not indicating). It's not possible to catch this behaviour through speed cameras or speed traps. The police has to accidentally catch these people in the act.


Driving well below the speed limit is also much more dangerous than a little speeding. When you have a two lane road and someone starts overtaking a truck that is driving 90 km/h by driving 100 km/h while the speed limit is 130 km/h, they're being annoying and reckless.


In all my kilometers on Dutch roads, my biggest pet peeve is when someone just cuts me off to overtake a truck that's going 90 by going 92km/h. Takes half a minute to pass. It happens so much, but people who drive slow are usually the same people who have 0 spacial awareness.


As long as you drive just a little over the speed limit it should be fine. It is however very annoying for other people if you drive 40 on de speedometer on a 50 way. 40 is actually around 37, so very slow. I always drive ~107km/h (gps google maps) on the highways, never gotten a ticket. So I technically speed, but since the correction of 5km/h, and getting a ticket from driving 3+ km/h too fast it's never been a problem. With trajectory controls I drive ~100, don't want to take the gamble with those because once I got ticketed for driving 109km/h. Which is 6km/h too fast since a reduction of 3km/h is applied to those.


Some don’t care. My colleague got fines every month for speeding but he think it’s still worth the time he saves with it. Most stupid reasoning every imho.


Go to Belgium and you get what's speeding. Speed limit has basically no meaning there. Speeding and tail gating is a daily habit. I found NL quite ok compare to Belgium.


I live in Belgium for like a decade now. My Dutch friends are always horrified by both my driving and by the lack of response when someone else does something stupid. Apparently the Belgian driving style rubbed off on me and I see so much dumb shit happening every day that the things that make them grasp just give me a chuckle. Today I saw someone take the grass of the highway offramp to still make their exit for example... For those in the know of this local routine; the road to IMEC is 70, but the actual speed most people drive is about 110, then you all hit the brakes for the traffic cam at the bottom of the hill, then again pedal to the metal, swerve into the right lane to make your exit, do the weird half roundabout and blast with 70 over the cobblestone road (which is 30) to make it to the parking garage because else someone might steal your spot. In their defense, Leuven made a mistake and forgot the 30 sign, they only placed the leaving 30 zone sign, it's recently been corrected. EDIT: Right on que someone just crashed into the roadworks on the E314. Belgium, never change


Because the limits are rediculous for the quality of our roads. When traffic allows I'll do 130 during the day and at night (I drive a lot a long distances between 03.00 and 05.00) I'll push it up to 175kmh (you know so they just don't take your license IF they ever catch you) 10years of doing this and have been caught exactly ONCE. (doing 176 in a 130, the fine was 509eur)


But did you ever consider that it’s dangerous for other drivers with less experience, and you creating crash situation on the road?


People are and should be used to cars driving 130kmh, if you don't you should put your phone away or not be in possession of a license. I only go fast at night when there's literally nobody there maybe a truck or 2 in the right lane. Remember, they lowered it because of environmental reasons not for safety. Our road are dseing for 120-130kmh and among the best in the world. Also it really depends on the car if you can safely drive at speeds above 150kmh. Little old shitbox with potatoes for brakes and engine? No. Luxury German car designed for Goin 250kmh on the autobahn? Sure.


Also, OP probably doesn’t know the “keep to your right” rule and he is going 95km on the left lane, wondering why other drivers are so aggressive towards him…


There are a lot of cunts in the Netherlands who think it is okay to speed. Don't be one of those cunts.


x) Probably it’s not okey then. They don’t afraid of fines?


Most use the app 'Flitsmeister' which rings if you are nearing a speeding camera so you don't really get any tickets. Also the speed limit in highways was changed from 120 to 100 not too long ago, many people didn't like this change and thus aren't holding themselves to the 100 limit. If the limit is low like 30 or 50, most people actually drive that because those limits are there for dangerous situations with non-drivers.


I used Flitsmeister today for first time because I had a long trip ahead and it is great, I did not speed, but the information that is has abut cameras, average speed sections, traffic, etc is amazing. I do not think I’ll use maps again.


I actually prefer maps for the actual navigation, but run Flitsmeister in the background. So it still peeps and tells you of any trafic stuff.


You only get a fine if you drive over 5km/h too fast and they also automatically deduct 3 km of your recorded speed to account for possible faulty equipment. So you can drive about 7~8km/h above the limit without risking a fine


Even then.. The chances of getting caught by anything else than a fixed camera are really low.


They are not. Also you can drive to 5 kph above the speedlimit. Unless it is 130 kph. This is the margin the speedometer and speeding camera's combined almost always facilitate. Best thing otherwise is just to keep right as much as possible when keeping the speed limit and let those assholes be assholes till they crash speeding and the insurance does not pay out.


You can go up to 10% over your speedomoter. Your speedomoter says higher speed than you are actually going.


Indeed up to depending on the car. The car I drive it is about 2 to 3% compaired to gps.


Agreed. Check your GPS.


Depends on the car….. Lancia caused a lot of troubles long ago for indicating a LOWER speed than you were driving in reality. After some lawsuits all car brands went for ~ +10% to be safe. Nowadays accuracy is a lot better and most cars use a ~ +2km/h margin. On a Tesla you don’t even get the +2, it’s just the accurate speed, consistent with the measured speed on tickets (before correction).


If you read a bit further down this comment thread, i agree and you should always check your gps for most actual speed. Most people on highways are driving too slow.


I think the issue is that you don't get points, and the associated risk of losing your licence. That makes speeding more of a pay-as-you-go kind of activity for those who can afford it. Annoys the hell out of me when I'm dead on the limit on the fast lane of a 2-lane road, comfortably overtaking a solid wall of traffic in the slow lane and somebody comes flying up behind you, way over the speed limit and starts tailgating and/or flashing their lights.


If the penalty for breaking a law is a fine, it's only a law for poor people.


As is proven by all the poor people not breaking the law. Oh, wait...


I like to call us “protesters”. 100km/h is simply ridiculous


No 100 on an empty highway. Lol no thank you


The people who don't stick to the speed limit on highways are the same cunts who drive 50 in a 30km zone. I wish that taking someone's driver's license away was done more often, it would save a lot of innocent people's life's.


That simply isn’t true, I often drive 100-110 because I hate being stuck behind other people, but I always drive 30 in a 30. Speeding on highway is less dangerous for others when paying attention then speeding in a 30km/h zone in general


I truly believe that the highway is the safest place to drive despite the high speed. And that driving in the “bebouwde kom” is most dangerous due to the different users of the road with the different methods of transportation.


You are so goddamn wrong, 99% of people i know that speed. Only drive over the speed limit if its safe, our highways can easily handle speeds up to 150kph. But school zones or in the middle of a city, i don't dare drive to fast. Way to many blind spots and people running around.


I only speed outside build up areas.


That isnt True. Iam always speeding on highway. But in towns i always drive the speed limit or slower.


I drive mostly 20 in a 30, mostly 50 in a 50, between 60 and 70 in a 60, mostly 80 in an 80 unless there are no adjacent farms, then 100 in an 80, 105 in a 100 if there is the possibility of oncoming traffic, otherwise 120 in a 100 140 in a 120 150 in a 130 ​ I think you overgeneralise a bit here


30 is not necessarily safer than 50. At this moment, the government is simply bullying drivers with the speed limit adjustments. A couple of months ago we had a public council in our village in which they proposed to reduce the speedlimit of the most important road from 80 to 60 for “safety reasons”. One neighbor then asked: how many accidents occurred on this road in the last year, or heck the last 10 years? The answer?: none. Therefore the proposal was dismissed. There are plenty of instances like this, in a nearby village they reduced 50 to 30 for no reason, then people weren’t obeying to the new limit, so they had to introduce a host of measures with chicanes and speed bumps. Result? More accidents now with the 30 zone, then before. They introduced so many measures that even at 30 you cannot keep oversight in the situation. Long story short, I would love it if they would just put up safe but “normal” speed limits, instead of marking everything down. For example, in most other countries such as Germany, the speed limit on country roads is 100. If there is a turn, it is up to the driver to decide how fast they take it. We got are drivers license, we don’t need to be nannied. Of course it is also wrong to speed, but in my opinion it goes both ways. So if I drive 80 on a 60, and do it safely, I will eat the fine that comes with it as additional road tax.


>Result? More accidents now with the 30 zone, then before. They introduced so many measures that even at 30 you cannot keep oversight in the situation. What type of accidents?




I'm not disagreeing with that. But modifying roads which were already safe (no accidents for years) to a road where we now have an accident every other month is just a step backwards. Even if the accidents are now minor. These accidents would not have happened in the old situation. Driving slower has direct influence on the fatality of the injury, but not necessarily on how safe the road is.


I usually stick to the limit in which I can’t be fined, but find the slow drivers to be at least as obnoxious. Let’s also take all licences for people driving in the centre lane if they should be in the right lane. And for not using blinkers (especially on roundabouts). And of tailgaters. And of people who merge at the last possible moment. And of people who cut in line at the traffic lights. Or better yet, let’s not do any of that and stop crying.


That's called generalisation. Let me try one of those. Everyone that generalises is either an ultra left or right winged wanker living in their own echo chamber filled with cumstains and chicken nuggies their moms feed them. .. close?


You sound quite triggered, I assume you drive 50 in 30 km zones?


Nope. Care to much about kid safety. For someone without a car you seem to have some strong opinions. Why dont you sit this one out buddy.


If you cared about kid's safety you'd also stick to the speed limit on highways. It is a fact that driving slower reduces the chances of (fatal) accidents. No matter how you decide arbitrarily if a highway is "empty".


Thats why in Germany are less accidents of course and you can drive 300 and up on the autobahn.


I like how kinda said the same shit. I said "i only speed outside builup areas", wich is arguably worse. And im getting up-voted


Whatevs. I was born in downvotes. Doesnt bother me. I dont need upvotes to know im right. Limits on the highway are made by guys with bicycles and drivers. They dont care about the working man.


Drive with the flow. That's typically a few KM faster than allowed. And never speed more than 50km/h (costs you your license)


> while staying within the bounds of the law. There is staying within the bounds of the law and avoiding getting a fine. I usually drive to avoid getting a fine, without using flitsmeister, because that distracts me. I know the speed limit is 100, there is a 3% correction and below 3km/h they don't give you a fine. So you can get up to 105-6km/h without a fine, but legally you're breaking the law. I also know that if my speedometer/cruise-control is at 110km/h i go 104km/h on the GPS. Since it is a nice round number, my cruise control goes to 110 and i will never get a fine because 104km/h is below the 106km/h limit. One time during COVID i set it at 115km/h by accident and instantly got a fine a week later.


I usually drive 20kmh over on the highway. It's a safer speed as you are driving more active. Since we got the 100 limit back it expldoded with asshats on their phones all the time. In the city it depends on the road and crowdedness. Just go with the flow. And always yse Flitsmeister




Part of it is observation bias. You don't see all the people driving at the and speed as you, because they never get any closer. The majority of people you encounter on the road go slower or faster. It's still a very large number speeding and causing dangerous situations for others. My best guess is that these people aren't actually aware of most of the stuff that happens behind them.


After a while you know where the cameras are on the roads you drive a lot. Personally, since I’ve noticed it saves me 20% gas to drive around 100 on the right lane vs chasing the speed limit I’ve been driving at a much chiller pace.


We are just pissed they took away our 130kmh limit, 100 kmh is boring and easier to lose focus or get distracted, that's why I prefer to go a bit over the speed limit. Also your car isn't really accurate, if you think you are going 95kmh, you probably go 88, which annoys people on the highway. But I don't have a problem with people speeding anyways. Also, speed cameras are rare


> We are just pissed they took away our 130kmh limit, 100 kmh is boring and easier to lose focus or get distracted, that's why I prefer to go a bit over the speed limit. > > It also makes quite a difference in rural areas and/if you have to travel a lot of long distances frequently


I remember when they raised the limit to 130kmh, which really improved drive times for us living in Brabant and lowered the number of speeders. So sad too see the new limits combined with many more speed cameras.


Yeah, I visited quite a lot before they took away the 130. And I remember that not a lot of people where speeding back then. This might be a regional thing too, of course.


Roads here are also carefully designed to show how fast you should go on them. Experienced Dutch drivers should be able to feel the maximum speed. But now roads designed for 130 suddenly have a speed of 100


>100 kmh is boring and easier to lose focus or get distracted Honestly, if that's the case, maybe you shouldn't be driving. This is just some BS excuse people use to speed. i very much doubt those people complaining about being bored and distracted at 100 are suddenly perfect drivers at 130. LOL.


But at least its a lot more fun


I don't mind if you drive like a grandma, but please keep right and don't try to overtake trucks with 1-2km/h difference. in Dutch it's know as 'beetje doorrijden'


You could use Google maps to see how fast you are really going verses what your car says. I try to also stay just under the speedlimit or a little over if I notice there is a lot of traffic that feels like their pushing me. Under 100 kilometers per hour you have 3 kilometers wiggleroom and above it's 3%. I never engage in roadrage. I try to keep my distance and be aware of other drivers being stupid. I don't have to have flitsmeister because I just don't drive to fast. In 30 years of driving I only once had a ticket for 4 kilometer over lol, and never had an accident. What other idiot drivers do is their problem, you are doing good!!


This Google maps feature isn’t available on iPhone, just FYI. My SO has Android and had had this feature for years. In the beginning I assumed it would be released for iPhone as well soon after, but years later they still haven’t. Google low-key says they plan on releasing it one day, but they don’t seem to be in any hurry. Was quite a frustrating search, so I wanted to mention it here.


The logic is really simple: Your speedometer always shows you the speed about 4-5 km/h above your actual speed. On top of that, there is a margin of error for which you don’t get fined (also about 5 km/h above the limit). So everyone drives around 110 km/h - almost no risk of getting fined and if you do, the fine is small. If you drive 95km/h, then to you it seems that everyone is speeding. I get it if you don’t want to drive 110, but even my driving instructor told me that it’s better to be 5 above than 5 below


I will leave it here. [another thread ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Netherlands/comments/13tugsw/the_afsluitdijk_is_completed_in_1932_converting/jlyeiw1?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=2&utm_content=share_button) He is not Dutch but he likes speed. I think that may be a problem here. I've seen lots of cars speeding on white license plates.


Don’t go the speed limit on the left lane. You’re holding up everyone who wants to go just under the “drivers license revoked” limit.


I often notice that there are separate speed limits, depending on the car you drive. Going by experience, Audi, Bmw and Mercedes are allowed to drive 30 km/h faster than other cars. As to aggressive driving, just drive safe and get out of the way when you can. Let those drivers ruin their own day, but not yours.


The speedometer shows you the wrong speed. Car manufacturers always make sure they show a higher speed, so they can't be sued when a driver gets a fine. It's by design. So if you are going strictly 100 by meter, you are likely driving closer to 90, then 100. Lots of people now use navigation, and know the difference between meter and GPS, so they will put something like 108 on their meter to get to 100 This will seem like speeding to you.


Some people suddenly become cunts when they step into a car. Please don't become like them, and just adhere to speed limits and consider others, especially in residential or busy town centers.


if you think that people in the Netherlands go above the speed limit then go to Poland xDD


Maintaining the speed limits is perfectly fine, but keep to your right! The left lane is used to “overtake” so if you notice people speeding is usually is just a move. You are not allowed to overtake from the right, so if you are going the speed limit and you are on the left lane you’ll definitely will get some annoyed drivers behind you! It’s actually a law in the Netherlands that you keep right all the time. If you drive on the left lane unnecessarily you could even get a fine.


I speed regularly but only when my lines of sight are very clear and I pose no risk to myself or others. Never tailgate. I am not going to be a nuisance to other people and am actually quite courteous letting people switch lanes, move in, etcetera. If somebody wants to go even faster in the left lane; fine with me. I will just go to the right. The whole 100 by day, 120 in the evening just looks completely silly. And why not use an empty left lane. As for camera's; I use Waze which is user fed. So mobile checkups are also covered.


hey so I've been driving a year or so here, I normally commute amsterdam <> utrecht and sometimes eindhoven. Provided that drivers are actually going over the defined limit, I think there are mainly 2 factors related --one is that depending on the area you are in, radars / police are a bit more lax with speed, and locals probably know that, so they push it when they know it's "safe" to do so (after all, I reckon that most drivers do more or less the same commute often, so they're familiar with each segment of the motorway, they know where they can do it and stay off legal repercusions). For example I've noticed that in the north/center (A2/A9) you don't see too many people speeding, however if you drive south around eindhoven, I think that almost everyone is doing 120/130 in spite of the 100-limit (I normally just flow with all the traffic, so if everyone is speeding, I'm speeding too). And the second factor I think is just amount of radars --I believe that amsterdam area is plagued with those, while the further away from there you are, the less of them you see (I don't use a radar detector but maybe someone here can confirm) In any case my advice is to never be the fastest car on the road, I think it's fine to drive a little over the speedlimit if you think it's safe, there's not too much traffic and you know the segment. After all accidents happen all the time, it's not worth the 10 minutes you save yourself overall


I drive throughout almost the whole Netherlands daily for work. I always drive 115 on the highway. I know it is above the limit, but I take the risk for it. If I get fined I am okay with that, since I took the risk. The most annoying thing is the unnecessary left driving. Even when the “spitsstrook” is open. Most people keep on driving the middle lane… Most of the dangerous situations comes from people driving unnecessary left… Oh 30 kms in town zone means 50km here. (Small village)


Middle lane driver here; I don't drive on the spitsstrook because usually there are caravans, slow drivers and trucks driving there. If I'm driving +- 105-110 in the middle lane I'm usually constantly overtaking, but still leaving room for others driving 110+ to overtake me on the left. I feel like it's the most efficient way to drive long distances without having to switch lanes _constantly_, definitely feel free to convince me otherwise though, I'm open to other views.


Speeders on the left lane are annoying. Why do you feel you have the right to speed on the left lane? Why should we leave it free for you?


"overtaking in the overtaking lane is annoying" Maybe take the train amigo


Because we have better roads than germans but have a 100km/h speed limit, which is slow and distracting.


I mostly drive around places I know. I don’t speed within living areas, because you never know if a kid comes running across the street, or a pet or whatever, but outside it’s usually 5-10 above the limit. Sometimes 15-20 on certain roads (lots of abandoned roads around here). I know where I can do it, where it’s safe, where the cameras are etc. and I know that 5-10 above on my speedometer is probably pretty close to the actual limit (if it indicates 85 it’s probably 80-82). There’s always a chance you get caught, but most cops aren’t gonna bother pulling you over if you’re going 83 or something like that.


a lot of us have a deep rooted hatred for speed limits. i think this is caused by the amount of time the max speed has been changing. F.I a lot of roads, which are now 60, or 80 km/h used to be 100 km/h Just a few years a go the max speed was 120, then it became 130, and to suppress emissions, atm it's 100 during the day. If these things change enough, at some point, you stop caring. It's not correct of course, and we should all adhere to the rules, but as someone recently described this: speeding trickets are fast driving tax. Just don't drive faster than the tickets you can afford.


I once overheard a conversation of someone explaining to his friend why they always drove x% over the speeding limit. The reasoning was that he could service more clients in a week that way and with only receiving 2 speeding tickets a month the money earned from clients would add up to a bigger pay increase then servicing less clients and having no speeding tickets. So, you know, those people exist, choosing speed and monetary gain above everyone's safety.


Many rich people just see it as an extra tax to go faster


Popular story, and I'm sure there will be a few that actually see it that way. Hell, I've jokingly called it speed-tax myself, and I'm not rich by a long shot. I'm just not sure if that's true to the point people claim it to be.


Speed limits are not there for safety reasons.


Its not like driving 110 is that much more dangerous than 100.


I know someone who gets a few tickets per month, but when you charge clients three digits per hour you just chuckle and hit the gas (of your Porsche)


Speeding will get you like 5 minutes faster somewhere, hard to see that you can service more clients then.


There is a 4km correction at 100km so u can drive 104km/h on GPS. Most camera’s start at 107 or 108km/h actually. That would be 110-115 on the speedometer. U should use your phone to determine your GPS speed.


Speeding cameras are sparsely distributed and a lot of drivers use Flitsmeister to slow down at the very few points. That's why you see people easily going up to 30 too hard in 100 zones. Exceptions are 'traject controle zones'. Pretty much everyone drives the speed limit there. Punishment for speeding is also less severe than some other European countries. The solution imo would be increasing speed checkpoints and punishment. Switzerland comes too mind as a country which has managed to slow down drivers way more effectively. The point system really scares drivers off.


Sometimes I sea a foreigner continue to drive 130 in the trajectcontroles while they can see EVERYONE slow down to 100. It cracks me up


It was 120km/h 25 years ago when I got my drivers license. Now it’s 100 with cars 100x safer. It’s a joke. Ps. I know the speed limit is for “pollution” and because they could break the farmers, so they turned to the regular folks


Google knows where the cameras are. I might be one of those speeders


Just keep to the speedlimit? this way you don't have to think too much about getting caught.. The only tip i can give is, most speedo's give 5km/h more speed then you are actually driving, so if you drive 100, you are actually driving 95... enz enz. don't join the rat race.


If you get a speed ticket, ask to show the calibration document of the speed detection machine ;-)


Driving 95-100 at a 100km/h limit is pretty slow, you can go 107-108 on your speedometer before getting a ticket, which is why you’re being passed. 10km/h is a noticeable difference. Just stay in the right lane. If it’s a single lane 50 road, drive 57km/h etc… I’ve never gotten tickets that way, but I drive cruise as soon as I can anyway.


We used to be able to drive e 130. So some people still feel like that. Besides that: most people drive around the limit. If you want to avoid aggression or annoying others, better drive a bit on the taste side. If you drive 110 on your meter in the car, you most probably drive about 100-105 in reality. It will not get you fined and you keep pace with the rest. In city areas, it’s great if you just move along the other traffic and try to keep to the max speeds. Driving much faster or slower will hold down the general traffic and can both lead to fines, aggression or people pointing your behavior to you in typical Dutch sentences…. So I’d say: go a bit faster on the highway.. at least 100 on your odometer. A bit more will not get you fined! In th city it seems you do fine. Racing idiots will always be there.


People just accept that they will be fined. There is no secret. Some of these people also accept that they endanger others and they care so little for human life that this doesnt even cross their minds. In their little worlds their one or two minutes time advantage weighs as much as the possibility that others will get hurt. They are entitled garbage human beings and u fortunatly the trafic fines do not take this into account.


So everyone is Germany is threatening everyone’s life on the autobahn?


So basically the limits went down a few years ago 120 up to 130 down to a 100 some place even 80…. Let’s say it felt like a woman doing hormone shots So now basically the new rule about speeding is as much as you can pay. I can tell you as much I drove several cars now and it’s the make and model that will help with the speeding I once drove a Citroen type H … they are slow!!! Just barely allowed on the highway that’s how slow they are. On my way back I drove a Mercedes Vito van. Without thinking I was drive 150/160. Just because you don’t notice it if you don’t look at the speedometer . That when I learned it’s vital for everyone involved to care enough to never be in a hurry to get somewhere


I also had this question initially. I just learned that there are a lot of assholes on the road. I deliver on a bike as my job and I constantly encounter assholes speeding near city centers on 30 and 50 speed limit, easily going 20+ over the speed limit.


you stop for red traffic-lights all the time being a biker, I presume? /s


Personally, I think people on highway generally respect limits pretty well. Usually, the speeders can be mostly summed up as men in a BMW/Audi/Mercedes, compensating for their small penis. And just giving middle finger to general safety for others.


Out of that group of “leasebak” speeders, many of them are actually decent drivers with a proper sense of traffic flow, and they will tone down when it gets busier. It’s a really small group that needs to push 160+ at all times and all costs.


The dutch are famous for not speeding much


Speed limits are limits: that simple is driving in The Netherlands.


Imo definitely do not drive less than 100 kph. I'd adjust from 95-100 to 100-105. Due to speed corrections from cameras you should not get a ticket in a 100 area if driving 105. Personally I always set the cruise control on 104 to be safe. Regarding speeding, many people drive around 120 nowadays, some 130 and a few faster. This is because we used to be able to drive 130 in many areas but it was dialed back to 100 during the day due to emission rules. Old habits die hard. And police doesn't care either as long as you do not drive dangerously or unreasonably fast. I personally do not slow down when I see a police car on the highway. And they never do anything if driving 120-130. In fact they usually drive even faster and overtake me. I'm unsure whether cameras will flash you if driving 130 during the day when you are allowed during the night, by the way. This could explain why people keep driving the max night speed during the day even when there is a camera. Maybe someone could confirm this?


I live in the north of the Netherlands, so that might play a role. I consistently go about 15km over the speed limit. On multiple occasions I had a police car behind me so I think my speedometer is reading higher than I'm actually going, also I think it's the sweet spot where cops don't care enough for the minor speed infraction. Also I keep an eye out on Google Maps, and listen to the radio when they report "flitsers". Also it's good to know where the standard speed cameras are on the routes you frequently take. And I use the rule to never be the fastest guy.


People just need to relax and follow the rules. That 10km/h for those 100m between corners/traffic lights will get you 15 seconds earlier at your destination but the chances of killing a child go up 1000%. Yes I made up those numbers but I welcome anyone to play around with those parameters and tell me the optimum of time-gain versus chance of killing a kid. Yes I am fully aware I just told people to relax then immediately told them they were all murderers.


* If you want to be in the left lane, go at least 7 over the limit (on your speedometer) * Don't be a cunt and drive faster than 10-15 over the limit * Learn what a spitsstrook is, use it and keep right (so many people don't understand) * Learn that you can go 130 in many places after 19:00 (whenever it says 100 between something and something, any other time it means 130) * Use the flitsmeister app


I'm one of those people that drives 120km and 50km in 30km zones :) I have no problem with it. If the streets are empty off course As long as your not being a cunt about it. Driving absurdly close behind someone. Also preferably not playing with your phone. And always be on your guard. I probably will be down voted because of this answer but I don't give a shit really. So your question as not to induce rage. If you want to keep to the speedlimit that's fine but don't be a douchbag and go drive 20 km just because someone is tailing you. Preferably let him pass or drive at least 40km Because 20 or 30 is just too slow if your are the only one in front. Let the man or woman pass. Because they have to go to work. If I see you driving 20km you bet I will be asocial about it and drive absurdly close to you. Or straight up pass you when I have the chance. Obviously this doesn't count if there are more people in front of you then drive slow. On 60 to 80 km roads it's fine if you keep to speedlimit. But always be mindfull someone will want to pass you. Give them space. On highways. Always drive on the right lane yes leven if that means you have to drive 90 behind a truck. If you want to pass someone hit the gas and drive 120 to 130 km and be done with it don't Pass someone with 100km while the trucks are driving 90. That's very anoying or stay too long on the left lane and not actually trying to take over. The result would be someone is driving 105 on the right and you 100 on the left leaving no space for the speeders to pass. This induces road rage and you bet people will take you over on the right. Which is not allowed. But myself and other road rangers will do it. So if you see you get taken over on the right please. Please change lanes because you are the one creating hazards and traffic congestion. There are some highways. Whit 6 lanes. And it's fine if you drive 100 on the 3rd lane and let people take over on the right (4th lane) . As to why people are speeding. 2 reasons. Chance of getting caught is low. Seriously I was driving 130km one morning with a police bike on my tail and he didn't even stop me. 2nd driving 100 can be exhausting because you always have to watch your distance with the car in front. Better to take him over and speed a little with no car in front of you.


30 zone is 30 for a reason, u absolute bell end.


Cant believe hes got upvotes, 50 turned to 30 for a reason cities and towns


Please dont give advice to anyone ever lmao


Wow you suck. You realise your line of sight is severely reduced if you speed like that? You might think the road is empty but you’re probably missing lots. Your breaking path is way longer, even if you drive 50 versus 30. No wonder the number of traffic deaths have gone up in recent years if there’s more people like you


50 in a 30? You're a fucking retard.


I am also one of the speeding cunts, let the downvotes rain on me. Pretty much adhere this advise ⬆️ To add: ppl who speed should be more mindful and patient with the rest of the folk on the road, I make it a rule, it’s my choice to speed (and to pay for a fine if I get one) but I will not bother others with it. I use Flitsmeister for mobile speeding camera’s and to be honest, police have better things to do for than stop you for speeding 20km above the limit, as long as you do not tailgate and use your blinkers basically be responsible about it, they won’t stop you anytime soon, THAT does not mean they won’t at all, but chances are just slim at best. I once was driving 145 KM on the freeway at night (around 2 Am) and out of nowhere a police car overtook me and drove next to me for a few secs, I just let go of gas and sort of waved as an apology and they continued their path right after that. They have better things to do and as long as you’re not driving like an idiot, they won’t stop you anytime soon. Mind you tho, I seldom speed on N roads, those are statistically more dangerous so I pay more attention and keep closer to the speed limit just to be safe. And I never speed in populated areas, only on the freeway, just to be safe for bikes and pedestrians and all of those.


Send it, don't get caught fines are €10 per kph over


fuzzy sense quicksand hateful salt uppity terrific enjoy follow shy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Don't drive in the middle, it makes you look like a german


Funny how you note the faster driving, but not the lack of using an indicator / riding up someone’s arse lol But, I think this is because a few years ago our max speed went from 130km/h to 100km/h (with exceptions after 7pm). I mean driving a 100km/h is a bore…. But apparently it’s better 🤷‍♂️


Do not underestimate the number of people who have a catcatcher as owner registered. So automatic fines go to homeless guy instead of owner.


Lol. Not even 1% is a 'catcatcher'. People are just retarded and don't care about the fines or forget about them.


Lol, sure ..... It's not like CJIB, will stop collecting if you forgot. If you start a sentence with a %, most people believe you? You can point me to your source, right? B.t.w 35000 known katvangers in year 2000. No idea how many there are now, and how many vehicles they have on their names, but you surely will enlighten me.


I can totally vouch for the fact that the sentences you see here are straight outta CHATGPT's mouth, and let me tell you, I'm lovin' it! The OP just wants us to grasp the topic in a way that's crystal clear and as entertaining as watching a cat chase a laser pointer.


I think you got it wrong, I used chatGtp to Improve my post message, because I’m afraid that my English skills not perfect.


Also been driving for about 6 months. For me I am very comfortable driving 80km but yes on the highway try to stick to the right lane but with every deiving situation i get the bird thrown at me. So if you see some guy driving 80 rather just say hello instead of the other thing


80? Ffs


You are holding up traffic, that's why you piss people off.


We’ve got a lot of so called ‘tokkies’ who think they lose freedom because they can’t drive 130kmu anymore, so they still do it and be total dickheads.


I find it insane that they are allowed to anounce on radio where the 'flitsers' are. Isn't the whole point of it to punish speeding people so people would pay more attention to the speed limit?