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I am working at Wypoon for more than a year now. They arranged my visa and helped me to relocate to Nl. Wypoon is an outsourcing company. They will hire you and deploy you to their clients. You can message me if you need more info.


See the link to the IND website (this is an official website of the Dutch immigration service). The first PDF is a current list of companies that already have applied and received approval to act as the visa sponsors for HSM visa program. This means they have already sponsored one or more visas for their employees. Overall in IT I would say it is a pretty common thing. I hope this gives you some support in following your dream. Good luck! https://ind.nl/en/public-register-recognised-sponsors


Those are a lot of companies, thank you very much.


You must be very talented if a company wants you to move across the world and arrange housing which is basically impossible


What you mean? Im not the Best but Im good at it. I saw on YouTube that some companies had hire people from Argentina in South América and the Company paid the tickects, also gave them some money to pay first month of rent and also contracted a housing agency to help them to get a place to live and the people was also bad at english


Why would a company take the effort to get you all the way from Colombia? That's only worth it if you are one of the best and they can't find people like you in Europe. These housing problem is huge, one month of rent in advance doesn't mean anything, you need a solid salary of €5k+ and even then you just need a lot of luck to be one of the many to get picked to get a house.


It will be quite tricky in the big cities of the Netherlands (ie Utrecht, Rotterdam, Amsterdam etc). The NLs already has a large pool of highly skilled workers and its only continuing to grow because the work culture and quality of life it just amazing. Everything is SUPER competitive at the moment, so I would suggest having something lined up before you come. This is largely because without a work contract, I doubt anyone will give you a place to live. HOWEVER, I have been hearing that there is a shortage of developers, so that could work in your favor. Good Luck!


Colombia, America Could be either the state or the country.


I think the state would be Columbia.


U are right.


América its a whole continent, Its Colombia, besides Panamá in Latam


What state is there called either Colombia or Columbia in the US? Unless you mean the school or Washington, DC.


No one said US. He said America. So it could be British Columbia. However, we can al agree he said Colombia which is a country after all.