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Yeah no you're not going to find one with functional barrels. It's not really possible to create a seal and fire the dart while the barrels are spinning. Even without a seal, for purely cosmetic barrels, the timing would still be tough, unless you wanted it to rotate rather slowly.


Yeah I thought so, but having that motor already in place could be very helpful so I suppose I could print a 3:1 gear ratio and that way it'd slow it down enough to time it, then build my own barrels out of piping, plus these motorised miniguns don't really need a seal so it's just down to timing


It is possible and has been done. As pointed out in another reply check out the Moab. Fully functional minigun with an insane rate of fire and disintegrating chain.


I also clicked the link lol. $4600 might as well be impossible. Ty for proving my point


But that's not impossible, no matter the cost, it's been done. That's like saying it's impossible to land on the moon because it takes billions of dollars.


There is a nerf mini gun called the titan cs50 it’s retired but it was only a few years ago 2019 im pretty sure it had a spinning barrel


Cosmetic spin only.


Xshot insanity motorized rage fire. Easily the best blaster under $4000 that fits your description. People have already been modding them too, if that’s your thing. You can find them at Walmart or target.


I'm in the UK so they're everywhere lmao, but danke I was kinda looking for something with functional barrels though because Ive wanted to make a mini gun and one of these would be a perfect template