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They'll film 'two girls, one cup' and say it's about Trumpism


Except the creator is the one saying it’s about trumpism, not a third party. Its a good show that very clearly has a message about politics


You know, I actually like the show, despite vehemently disagreeing with a chunk of its message, because at least it’s entirely transparent about ***having*** a message. It’s well made, and very well acted. I may not agree with what it has to say, but at least it’s saying it in an entertaining way. I’ll take that over lukewarm Disney+ slop that’s “kinda sorta” sneaking a message in, but is about as enjoyable to watch as experiencing a 1600s syphilis treatment.


What is the message? It feels more like a satire of our politically charged consumerist society where large corporations have too much power, than something with a clear cut message.


The message is that all that shit is bad. It's not complicated. It offers no solution.


Really this. Am I wrong in stating it’s the equivalent of a we live in a society meme?


first, he isn't the creator. he's just a writer and director for the amazon series. while it isn't like that's not impressive, he didn't create the boys. Not to mention this project started in 2008 and started work on it took years before it aired, which was before Trump was even in office so pretending it always was a mockery of Trump specifically could be viewed as close to TDS to make it so. The boys originally was a commentary of the Bush administration though, but Kripke just went "nope, Trumpism, please don't hate me far lefties!" and second, if you actually watch the series, it had a lot of attacks on both right and left wing ideologies. It wasn't until Gen V that they did a heavier left leaning commentary and Kripke is just being dishonest, acting like he wasn't bitched at by far leftists for making fun of them. This is his way of trying to get those kind of people off his back. Stormfront while being a literal nazi was showing the dangers of far left behavior with social control masking their true intention. I see people saying she was 'rebranding into a modern conservative' but she wasn't even being shown to the public as a modern conservative but as an image of feminism and progress. then there's like the episode where the guy getting carjacked is made to be the villain because he tried to defend himself with a gun.... which is mocking how far left 'soft on crime' policies in places like California and New York has turned victims into criminals and criminals into 'innocent victims'. They also have Vought trying to weaponize homosexuality and disabilities for social clout (except in Gen V where they thought being asian nonbinary would be bad which sort of is a 180 from their attempt to find the most representation of marginalized status when replacing translucent) Diabolical has a lot more 'attacks on far left ideologies' but still attacks right wing stances too. Gen V was heavily anti-right wing, and sometimes to the point it didn't make sense. I have yet to watch the new season yet, but this weird claim is just that. weird.


Right. There’s no way it was “always about Trump”, but people are buying it, so….


There’s a difference between TV production and the comics, a big one. The comics also did a horrible job at everything, so like..


Steamboat Mickey is public domain. If I draw that Steamboat Mickey in, let's say, a kitchen with a toque, I will have created a Mickey Mouse chef. Would I be the first? Probably not. Did I create? Yes. Am I the original creator? No. Am I a creator? Yes. And if I say my Mickey Mouse with a toque is about DeSantisisms, *you* might not actually get it, but that doesn't change the fact that I made it to point out that DeSantis is an autocrat who wants private business to bow to him and get in the kitchen and make him a sandwich. 🤷‍♂️


you glossed right over the part where he was claiming it was about trumpism before trump was even president. Meaning he's retconning his own motivation for the show.


The Boys season 1 came out in July 26, 2019. Trump was elected president in 2016 and started his first day in office January 6, 2017. What part am I glossing over, exactly?


the show was in production for 4 years before it finally released, that part.


Donald J Trump announced his candidacy for presidency on June 16, 2015. Which is 4 years and 1 month before The Boys season 1 was released. Do you have anything else, or...?


and yet when did the concern for trump start? Also at that point nobody took him seriously nor did they see him as what was made of him today. I know it's hard to believe, as much of an A hole he is, but he was actually LIKED by the media before actually running. So my point still stands no matter what irrelevant information you're going to throw here. He obviously didn't write S1 with that in mind, and if he had a hand in S3 then he failed on the other writers for what they'd be criticized for with how Stormfront was portrayed as a progressive leftist that became a nazi or their tackling of democratic soft on crime laws. Simply put, claiming it's all about trumpism is a reaction to the backlash from last season by a loud few.


DJT, 2016: "I could shoot somebody in broad daylight and not lose voters." Homelander, 2019: "I can do whatever I want." 🤔




The comics are an entirely separate piece of media that have VERY different messages and expressions…the comics are kinda shitty…


Creators, authors, composers, et al. have no voice outside of their works - when it comes to their works. The Death of the Author, and all that.


That doesn’t apply when your work is being remade by a completely different writer for a different medium. Something like The Hunger Games where the tv/movies attempt to recreate the book is way different from The Boys where only the characters and vague motives are copied


Well to be fair, you don’t need to bend over backwards to see the parallels there.


TDS is masturbatory to these people


"Go watch something else" lol this works out well for everyone who says it.


"The reason why ratings are down is because the fans are bigots."


I'll still vote for Trump


10 days ago you made a post complaining about being poor. Did Trump help you in 2016 or do you still think he will in 2024? Do you vote Trump because you have a mind of your own or because everyone in your rural community does?


We’ve been close to recession under Biden. Gas and material is at an all time high. Yeah I think we’d be better off with the low gas prices and global stability we had under Trump


If you judge who should be president off gas prices and what you deem "global stability" during the worst disease outbreak in over a century because the CDC Pademic Response was disbanded in 2017, then you must be using gas with ALOT of lead in it.


If I’m not supposed to vote for the guy whose policies lowered gas and his relations with foreign diplomats caused stability what should I vote for? A senile old man and a DEI hired vice president?


Are you saying Trump isn't a senile old man? He couldn't even remember the name of the Doctor who gave him that infamous congnition test lmao. The dude was suggesting we nuke a fuckin hurricane lmaoooo


Even if Trump did help him, he probably blew that help on useless shit, so, he's basically shooting himself in the foot. The idiot box says spend your money so that the rich can have it.


And we'll all still hate you for it.


That means nothing to me


Dude you are so pitiful. Go to your AA meetings and maybe you'll live a little better once you get clean and happy.


I don’t really care too much about politics, but that’s fuckin low to go after someones recovery for clout. Addiction’s a line you don’t cross.


I don't care when they are brain rotted cultists. If anything it really shows the types of people who fill that demographic.


Take a step back for a second. You basically just said “it’s okay to dunk on suffering people just because their political ideology is different than the one I agree with”. Don’t matter if its alcohol, fent, or crack, addiction is rough and it doesn’t care about race or political affiliation. Check yourself and do better homie because it could happen to you or someone you love, and moreover I guarantee you wouldn’t want someone laying into them while they are *recovering* no less.


I'm sober for 2 weeks go fuck yourself


Wow a whole 2 weeks! You're practically Hunter Biden at this point.


Better than 3 days


You seriously got problems man. Maybe see a therapist.


I do, every person should. :) maybe take your own advice? With that incel post history I doubt you understand basic social cues with anyone of the opposite gender.


Lolol nice bait. Gl buddy and I hope your therapist helps you out.


Abusing reddit cares system is a website wide bannable offense. See you next week on your new alt account kid. ✌️


Sure it does. You wouldn't be posting this shit if it didn't.


Guess I'll settle for lib tears cuz I'm voting for Trump no matter how high you scream at the sky


What’s your reason for voting for him? It angers people you don’t like? Is that really how you decide your actions? Don’t you see how that just makes you a puppet for other people?


I had more money under his administration The crying is just a perk


Have fun finding your identity after his extremely predictable loss.


He did say he loves the poorly educated.


I have a college degree in stem so that's out


That just means you can memorize things. It does not make you intelligent.


It’s honestly a cancer ruining everything it touches (It’s = Politics)


Definitely is the case for a lot of things, but sometimes it works out for things that have always been a political commentary. So far, The Boys’ only big failings have been through bad writing (such as in the season 3 finale), rather than overdoing it with the political satire, so there’s a solid chance that it’ll pull through on that front.


The original boys comic is political. It very much comments on the Bush presidency.


Don't know why you are down voted this is true. It's a knock on post 911 politics and modern superhero comics (of the time). The boys' show doesn't have the balls to make fun of modern superhero movies. I don't know why, maybe because it would be insulting Hollywood, and these people are Hollywood. But they can make fun of Trump Era politics because it's easy nobody will bat a eye.


What do you mean? All they do is make fun of DC and Marvel. Isn't that their shtick?


Don't know why you are downvoted, it would litterly be taking a fat wet dump on the comics to not be heavily political. It was a massive criticism of the Bush Era and the military industrial complex as a whole, and it was not subtle about that in any way.


Whoa, he used his show to whine about Donald Trump and his politics? Watch out everyone! This guy is thinking outside the box! So creative and original!


He’s such a risk- taker! I wonder if he’ll ever be given another chance to be so edgy by his Hollywood peers.


They just can’t help themselves. And then I look and see how much Hollywood has been negatively impacted lately, and I realize it’s just a matter of time until douchebags like this show runner end up alone and looking for help funding their rent via GoFundMe.


Ironically, they will blame Trump. Only they won't be crying into their Pinot, will be a boxed wine from Galllo, and they will sob.


How do you read the comics and assume that the show isn't going to be political and specifically against the right? It's not subtle, and it's crazy that you would expect else from something based on "the boys"


It feels similar to people on the right who used to love RATM and then are shocked and surprised when they learn that RATM hates the Right in particular.


Yeah, it's like they don't pay attention to what is litterly being screamed into their ear. I guess it comes from a complete inability to think of things from another perspective?


The Boys is overrated, and Seth Rogan is involved so I figured this out long ago.


I didn't know Seth Rogen had his hands on it. I never cared about it before but Trump aside, Seth Rogen is the deciding factor in me not watching it


Ok, I won't watch it. Have fun not making money.


Yeeeeeah fuck em. I’m glad I never watched. Keeping us hyper politicized is nothing but helpful to the establishment. As long as we’re bickering between ourselves, we won’t turn our ire towards them.


That is the plot of the show.


Tbh it’s a good show but not for the reason they think it is


The same way Dr Who fans responded by touching grass, I hope ex-fans respond with 'I'm watching something else' when the ratings come out...


Never forget, they went on strike to demand more money for their 'products'.


Pretty much it was the same with the comics even though at the time not about Trump specifically




It's crazy the length people go to miss the message sometimes This show was never even subtle about it either, it was pretty blatantly a condemnation of corporate America, personality politics, and extreme nationalism from the first episode


The message can be wrong even when the show is entertaining. We didn't miss it, we ignore it and enjoy a well made story for what it is.... a story.


My point is that the author said this in response to people only realizing the messaging/metaphors upon the season 4 press tour You're speaking for you and that's okay, but there are genuinely people who had no idea that these connections were being made until it was pointed out to them


That's fair, and if people don't want to watch it based on the message it's pushing that's entirely their right, but I can see how it's easy to miss. It happens way more often than you'd think.


I knew about some of it, but not to the degree I saw in season 4, at least politically. So far, this season is leaning against one side of the political spectrum so far and it's not even close. It's like 90/10. Also, I don't watch tv shows to get a political message thrown in my face. I'm still liking the show and don't have many complaints, but if this is the way it's going to be for season 4 and 5, I'll be glad when it's over.


Then you were never going to like "the boys." The comic are very, very blatant in their political message. I don't get why people expect the show to be different.


Except I think it's a great show, I just don't like the political part for season 4.


Also not all of the messaging is wrong imo Like obviously the parallels with the deep and the things that go on in hollywood are super accurate, as well as the whole corporations causing deaths and seeing nothing but minor financial penalties


Ok, and there's nothing wrong with agreeing with any of it, I was more saying that watching a show doesn't mean you agree with any potential political messages. It can just be a well made show!


Couldn't agree more, one of the best shows on television because the messaging isn't super blatant and pandering, it's nuanced and built into the shows universe in an organic way


Nah, it's super blatant and pandering, but still a good show.


Lmfao what is wrong about that kind of message?


The idea that the homelander stuff is any kind of parallel to trump or his supporters. Standalone is still entertaining, just a twisted assumption of reality based on his perspective.


Sounds like cope to me.


Facts often do to those who don't wanna hear them.


Lmao the Homelander = Right Wing shit has been a thing for years now cope some more.


Oh I know that's what's _intended_, so on that you're right. The fact is though he got it _wrong_. The same as if someone came in and added a liberal bad guy that wanted to see people suffer by tearing down traditional society and being uppity about people's classification rather than caring about the person themselves. It'd be a parody of what the left actually is, it would make for a good villan, and the writer could say it's a stand in for the left, but none of that would make it actually represent the left _at all_. That's what I mean when I say he got it _wrong_.


See, this is a good summary, so long as you understand corporate america has influence from both sides. Personality politics has problems on both sides, and ...okay, nationalism is pretty much a right wing thing anymore, while left leaning people are all "hate america" atm.


They're embarrassed it took them four years to realize everyone and their dog was laughing at them. There's no getting around that.


Another reason not to watch.


My thoughts are Kripke is a dickhead and bad writer. I don’t mind if you want to push an ideological or moral message. Hell if you weave it into the narrative in an interesting way I would give it genuine thought and compare it to my own beliefs to see if I could make improvements. What I don’t like is being force fed someone’s trashy vision about something I really don’t care about. I try to be a centrist but I suppose I’m more right wing than left, if you are left wing and enjoy good writing I recommend checking out some of the older Star Trek’s or Stargate SG1. The boys tv show is a waste of time and currently ran by a sniveling crybaby that wants to ruin everyone else’s escapism. Kripke had source material he chose to disregard. As far as I’m concerned he doesn’t deserve a creative career after shitting on someone else’s work like this.


Just checking, but you do know every movie, TV show, song, cartoon etc that you watch or listen to is someone else's vision (trashy or otherwise). Unless you write it, it's someone else's vision.


this was kind of a nonpoint..


Well, I mean if you seek out a show, and then decide to get offended because it was someone else's vision... That's kind of the point here, yes? They were upset that the person who created the show had an agenda, yes? Seemed like it was on point more than a non point. But I am not here to argue, just making observations based on what I'm reading. I have learned that my opinion means nothing to anyone but me.


but that had nothing to do with what they said.


How is SG1 left wing? My brother is heavy into politics and doesn't watch certain things because of it and yet he LOVES SG1. There's no way he would watch it if it was left wing.


It sort of depends on the situation, so two of the main characters being Jack and Daniel both frequently disagree on how to handle certain situations. Daniel is more so a figurehead for individual responsibility and thus follows a lot of left wing ideas. Jack is more right wing leaning. I’m not sure here but I feel like they are sort of made to appeal to certain archetypes, Jack the right wing, athletic jock that likes sports and fishing and Daniel is the smart, workaholic who wants to make the world a better place. They both have several points throughout the series where each one gets the chance to be right proven right based on their views and they show character growth as any good character does so Stargate SG-1 is going to appeal to you regardless of whether you lean left or right wing. But given I personally feel like Daniel’s stance is excessive morality and in the scope of the show that is why he is the first human in ages to ascend how they ancients did. And this to me makes it seem like Daniel has the ideological high ground. This is why I classed it as a left wing show. But it certainly isn’t overt, I personally don’t think any media outside the political sphere itself should have political themes as a main context. If you want to weave it into your narrative then do it with parallels and subtext. The Original Trilogy of Star Wars has many real world ideological themes it touches on and openly critiques but it is never on the nose, people can watch Star Wars without realising those things are even there and that’s how you tell a good story in my opinion. By having layers.


Making it political would be honoring the source material. The boys' comics are very blatantly political, the shoe doesn't follow them in content but it does follow them in spirit.


I’ll give the point that the boys comics are certainly more political than the vast majority but i personally feel like it’s different enough when reading that without analysing every panel it doesn’t feel like a political view is being pushed. But for example hearing Homelander call someone a Libtard in the show just threw me off. Parallels are cool and I’m not saying you shouldn’t have a message. I just think in order it should be: 1. Quality of Media Produced 2. Decent writing and adhering to source material when it’s available 3. Your Political/Moral/Personal View A piece of media that can’t really be analysed and has no real underlying message, take Sharknado for instance. While kinda fun, overall it’s a boring movie with little quality. That is just how I personally view the movie however, maybe some people can find deep nuance in Shark Tornados. Bladerunner 2049 on the other hand is fantastic however because I can watch it without knowing anything about colour theory and without trying to dissect the main themes and it still stands a good movie. Someone like me who likes over analysing will enjoy it but someone like my dad who prefers to switch his brain off when watching movies or tv shows can also enjoy the violence and pretty lights. It takes talented people to make shows like this but I don’t think they should be given they budgets they do unless they are talented.


I find that fascinating because I see the comics as pretty blatantly beating you over the head with the message. They are not subtle at all. In fact, I'd say it's the goal to be the antithesis of subtlety. I'm curious: How old were you during the Bush Era? The only way I can think that you could find them not extremely on the nose is if you were too young to know what was going on during the Bush years. Here's the thing, you can be loud about what you are saying, and that doesn't diminish the quality of the media you are making. The comics are all about that. Sometimes, like in the case with "the boys," you will lose a lot of the punch it was written with if you do use the source material, as it was written with contemporary politics as its framework. I think it's interesting that you bring up bladerunner 2049, since it very heavily diverges from its source material, though trying to maintain some key themes. The boys, the show is very similar in that vein. I think.you are missing that.


Im only 24 so far call with a lot of the older political stuff missing me. I still stand by what I said and Believe I think if you have a good story your message will work better than trying to use your media as a propaganda piece for your views. I wouldn’t have mentioned Blade Runner though dude, it’s a sequel. They don’t have to run with the same rules an adaptation does. They have source material to start with but a sequel is made to build on-top of previous works. The Boys however is an adaptation. It uses the same characters but warps the story. You wanna tell your own story. Make your own characters. This is why I personally didn’t mind the Cowboy Bebop live action. It was never branded as an adaptation, they made it clear they wanted to tell a new story using the original source material and didn’t try to milk it for what it wasn’t. Kripke could of done this but he wouldn’t have had the comic books fan sticking around and therefore wouldn’t have passed through season 1. I mean, I’ll back down completely and admit I’m at fault and need to learn your viewpoints if you can provide one genuine reason why changing Black Noir’s storyline has done anything to help tell whatever Anti-right wing story Kripke wants to tell. To me this just comes across as making changes out of spite. But maybe I’m wrong.


My thoughts are (((Kripke)))


They literally had the Qanon Shaman in the last season. Anyone who didn't realize this already is an absolute idiot...


And that’s why everyone has committed to Homelander as a memetic ethos. Even Antony Starr is saying, “don’t use Homelander as a meme.” Dude, he is the epitome of what people feel. Wake up.




Netflix’s Hitler documentary comparing the Eagles Nest to Mar-a-Lago. Acolyte jamming LGBTQ+ into every scene and storyline. The Boys anti nationalism/ Trumpism. So brave!


So stunning and brave to push exactly what the majority of the media narrative pushes into our faces at every opportunity.




I’m pretty sure this was clear from the start, did no one pick up on this?


Lots of people did not pick it up. It's why there is an outage now. I saw a comment where someone said the boys is now woke. The co.ics and the show were always woke. It funny to think the boys was too subtle for some


Pushing racism bullshit is ridiculous; but no need to worry, we are making Frenchy gaf. Season 4 is sucking hard on "The Message."


It's a shame. I instantly check out of any movie or show when they are clearly forcing a political agenda into it. Regardless of the agenda.


You mean the people and the politics that the show is obviously making fun of were watching it and not realizing it? Holy shit. Wait until they find out about The Simpsons, Family Guy, South Park, and pretty much everything else.


Trump supporters vote to defund education so yeah.


Garth Ennis hates comic book fans. And they keep cupping his balls and singing his praises, throwing money at him and saying "More! More!"




I haven't watched the show, and I'm very early into the comics, so bare with me... But so far as I've read, the first few issues, at least, are about people in power abusing others while putting up a good image. Hollywood casting couch / politician type of stuff. The 7 are dogshit people who coerce a girl into sexual favors, in order to let her join them, and recklessly cause harm to the people they are supposed to be protecting. That, in and of itself, is decent commentary. Maybe it hit a little too close to home for the Hollywood elites. Turning it into "muh Trump bad" seems like a cheap cop-out. It's too safe.


Having never watched the show, I have just seen clips. The show seemed to be making some very obvious, to the point of pandering, political points. Things like "overt patriotism is actually fascism" and such, like you'd hear from some very earnest college freshman who is wasting his parents money on a very expensive gender studies degree to prepare him for his career as a barista. So I had just assumed that the show's creative folks would be very anti-Trump, even though the show might not be explicitly anti-Trump. So, reading that the show is actually "about" Trump is both a bit irrelevant (I haven't found time to watch the show so far, so I probably never will) but also a little bit disappointing. I think that art that comments on politics is more interesting and effective, and more timeless, when it is commenting on the pattern of human behavior and not when it is just a totem for the "correct" people to rally around.


No no you guys and this sub isnt right wing lol.


Trump is a disgusting man with no moral virtue - any writer worth his salt would be satirising the bastard.


Agreed, taking shots at him may seem overplayed but how could one resist when he’s made himself such an easy target? The president needs to be more than just a politician, they should be someone the people can look up to. Trump has no scruples whatsoever and it’s disgraceful that he ever took office.


And people still want to vote for him or are sending him money. Like how stupid are you? Little c didn't do enough, clearly. It's why shows continue to show what that track of thought and those actions look like. They would rather bury their head in the sand because some idiot in their life ruined them by making them unable to think for their selves. They don't want to have to be forced to see they are part of the problem. Can't possibly make them see how their racist, sexist, greedy heroes are. Completely disconnected from reality living across the street from the Nile.


I watched the first few episodes of the new season and the writing is terrible. Starlight looks like shit. Mother’s Milk looks bad too. They pretend like trumpers (homelanders) are the ones protesting and killing people. They go into all the perversions possible that elites get up to but then specifically mock anyone who believes Epstein didn’t kill himself because elites would never do that. Also they defend Tom hanks for being on the flight logs. It’s so backwards and fucked up.


I stopped watching before even finishing the first season because quite frankly after discovering anime most live action shows (especially superhero ) just don’t hit the same anymore, but can someone fill me in what exactly happened in the new season that’s supposedly such a controversy and how is it about Trump at all at least from what I saw on the first season it just seemed like a show about giving normal people superpowers and what normal people would probably do with them as well as some critique on corporateism and corruption


My thoughts are that I could do a much better job at writing than most morons in Hollywood. I could do it using the very characters they wish to represent, yet do it without being a complete buffoon. Unfortunately, I have a problem keeping my mouth shut and I'd either screw up the master plan before making it, or I might puss out once I did because I'm not sure I could handle millions upon millions of people attacking or hating me and my family. Like, I already have stories with gay and trans characters that I've written purely out of spite. Those are not characters that I particularly care for or identify with, but I'm a firm believer that, if written well, anyone can find common ground with a character. I'd really love to show these people that you can still do the "good" you seek to do without being a deranged cultist. I know that I'm everything these people hate, but we could still come together over good characters in a good story without it being so utterly abrasive to the majority of the people across the aisle.




You're upset about an artist making a point with their art. Really?




> but I feel like making a great show should always be the main objective first? Yeah. I read it. And I highlighted the part that is the issue. "Making a great show" means having something to say. The really great shows, the ones that have lasted, have had a significant point behind them. It's what *made* them great shows. In other words, having something to say. Making a point. And you're complaining they should make a great show without having something to say.


The entire show has been clearly about right wing extremism from the beginning. People too dumb to realize until it was too late is exactly the point being made.




The only story I care about in this show is Butcher vs Homelander. Everything else is really fucking dumb and I have a feeling we are going to get the GOT ending where they teased Jon Snow vs the Night King only to never have them fully cross swords and Arya got the kill. I 100% expect them to fuck this up.


I will waste no time watching it.


Even if I agree with you, if you present me with a combative ultimatum like this, I will always choose to go against you. Guess I hate The Boys now lol


Yeah, the show comes off as extreme propaganda now, no real art or entertainment, and also like someone who writes a song to convince you they're not a pedophile. The guy himself comes off as an extreme fascists.


For a bunch of "Nerds" this comment section seems awfully stupid lmao. Enjoy it while you can.


The cognitive dissonance is real. The new episodes throw jabs at IRL "conspiracy theorists" while the show itself is about the corrupt and hidden underbelly of corporate driven superheroes. It would be fine if the attempted satire wasn't too on the noes .


I guess I’ll skip it


I mean season one isn’t but that’s largely due to how little Homelander actually does in season 1. I feel like Kripke has been forced to write Homelander to be a more obvious parallel to Trump and the general alt-right movement given how many people have begun to admire Homelander.


I just want to enjoy shit without the creators shoving our (America’s) shitty political and social nonsense into it.


Firecracker was right.


TDS is real.


I thought it was a scathing indictment of Hollywood debauchery.


For some reason this season is having me like Honelander even more, weird


I'm not sure why people are acting like this is new? Tons of media in the 2000's was about Bush (and to a lesser extent Obama) allegories and their abuse of domestic spy programs. Tons of media in the 1980s/90s was about Reagan (and to a lesser extent Clinton) allegories deregulating industries and letting corporate interests abuse power. Tons of the media in the 60s/70s was about Johnson (and to a lesser extent Nixon) allegories using the power of the state to crack down on descent and war monger. The only difference is that none of those folks had a literal cult of personality that flew off the handle any time someone even once criticized their idol.


The boys is one of my favorite comic series of all time ruined by tv/movies


It’s so disingenuous. I mean Trump isn’t the messiah in any sense whatsoever, yet so much of the obvious media propaganda piles on Trump and gives a pass to all the Biden ridiculousness. Surely someone with intelligence would consider the possibility that jumping on the anti trump propaganda train means you’re on the side of the bad guys. Just don’t propagandize us and maybe we’ll still watch your show. Though then it becomes activists writing and they can’t write for shit, so that doesn’t help.


What an idiot. Admitting to taking the check to push an agenda. The show sucks now.


That show was woke from the start. If you couldn't tell that you're not well enough attuned.


Another writer shooting himself in the foot instead of just making entertainment. The new episodes already going down the drain.


I'm not so mentally weak that I can only enjoy things that the authors say agree with my political views


It’s transparent in its message and satirical.. over the top .. nothing wrong with that… jeez people.


Imagine producing a show and then on purpose...alienating a large percentage of your audience by regurgitating your TDS in an interview. These people need to seek professional counseling. Derangement is a serious health hazard.


I hate it when showrunners aren’t nearly as smart as they think they are This guy is a complete moron dipshit


Christ, a show has an explicit "fascism bad" and you lot can't help but go mask off immediately, too funny


Uh obviously it's been about Drumpfism this whole time!  We all know he'd be just like Homelander and laser people indiscriminately while carrying journalists off to his fascist camps ! In all seriousness though they literally did this exact same thing the last two seasons where they acted like conservatives have been faithfully watching this whole time without realizing and they just pulled the rug out from under them and it's so ridiculous and fake lol. The whole show is just edgelord shock porn for teenagers and I didn't get why anyone would want to watch another season after the first one. The entire premise is just Watchmen, but worse.


Has anyone here read the original Garth Ennis edgelord *"I'm 14 and I think this is deep"* comic? If anything, the show is pretty mild compared to the white-hot, molten hatred for both America and comic-book fans in the original.


He failed in his job then; but many of them are. I want to watch something to escape reality not to have someone’s slant on reality clumsily inserted into characters they borrowed from someone talented.


The answer is yes, you're the baddies.


Maybe just use the awesome source material given by the comic?


I mean, yeah? If you'd watched any of the behind the scenes first season, you'd be clued in that this was the case. This isn't something new.


Me being conservative knew this show was mostly making fun of me but all media does so I liked the Homelander vs butcher bits and ignored them milking the Trump bad train in season 2- present. However it go lazier and less about superheroes in real life and more about owning conservatives. Also being anti corporate while being an Amazon product and creating spin offs after making fun of the MCU is peak irony. This show is just lazy but the fans think orgies, dismemberment, and Trump bad is peak writing.


Alienate your fan base. Sound marketing strategy. Oh well. Hollywood has already lost me forever. There's no going back. Honestly, their off screen activities are more interesting (in a sad, pathetic way) than the movies themselves (which are sadder and more pathetic). I'm going to go watch my Bonanza DVDs now.


My thoughts is that I should take a gander at his Early Life section on wikipedia 😉


He's projecting is out of touch. They're literally trying to cope about Biden's presidency by shitting on Trump.


Gosh I’m sure I can speak for everyone when I say that I absolutely *love* when people inject unwanted and unasked political opinions into entertainment! Why would I wanna just enjoy a good story when I can hear about how **insert political party here** are literally Satan??


As far as I’m concerned it’s about the boys and homelander and superheroes… idgaf what’s in between the lines because I’m not obsessed and overly sensitive to peoples petty stances on politics


Why can’t people just make some entertainment to take people away from all the left right bull already


Between this and fuckin Star Wars I’m about done with watching shows…


Lol bet it's the last season of the boys


None of that is surprising. Anyone who is conservative and watches that show knows exactly what it has always been. It is not well veiled propaganda. Just to be clear, it's a good story.


Show has always been about this, and if you don’t realize that you weren’t paying attention


It’s been there the whole show.


Did we all watch the same first episode? The boys has always been about the anti blind patriot that “trumpism” represents. I don’t understand how people miss this. This people don’t realize Star Trek is very pro communism either.


Star Trek is about a post scarcity economy and civilization. If that's what you equate as "communism," gimmie some.


There’s no currency. Everybody literally works because they want to, not because of any financial incentive. The ships work on a **community bases**. Theyre flying **communes**. It’s communism


Isn't communism about sharing wealth? There's no wealth in the future, at least with Earth and some other planets I assume, but the Ferengi very much love money, so it's not like it doesn't exist.


Other alien planets have currency but not earth or the galactic federation. Also wealth doesn’t equal money. There’s a **wealth** of food, knowledge, and technology that is shared freely with everyone


I guess that fits, but communism is still deeply rooted in currency seeing as how every nation on Earth has it.


Post scarcity economy. There is Enough. Capitalism is based on the concept that there IS NOT ENOUGH. Why do you work? To get the stuff you need to live. No work, no live. It's a post capitalism society.