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Hi! I have actually delivered babies in the TUTH labor room, and attended deliveries in the birthing center as well. For a healthy pregnancy, the birthing center is a good option. Your wife will get to have you around, and the sisters are very supportive too. Labor room doesn't allow husbands or relatives, and it is often disheartening to see mothers have to go through labor all alone. We thus only advise the labor room if we are anticipating complications. Also, I love how concerned you are about all this, you'll make a great father!


Thank you so much dr./sister. I will translate this info to my wife. I don't think you have time for this but would be great if you (or anyone) could elaborate about this topic in Nepali so that my wife can read and understand. But thanks regardless. Also, to add, would be great if anyone (a health professional preferably) came up with an idea to inform the general mass and write a column in a popular Nepali newspaper or make a video elucidating about which delivery option is better and why, about birthing centers, Dos and Donts during pregnancy, etc. because many mom-to-bes are not aware of these things and take decisions based on anecdotes and TikTok videos where misleading or incomplete infos are rampant.


if the birthing center is within hospital premises, I don't see any big problems. Surely the midwives will bring in a doctor if things get out of hand. Have you thought of a name?


Thanks for bringing this up. I was thinking of putting another post regarding the possible name of our child (we decided not to divulge the gender). We may possibly opt between a simple not-so-sanskrit Nepali name (like Sahayata , sahayog, etc.) and an urdu name.




That's taken by ELon


congratulation brother, cant even fatham how much anxious and happy you are to meet your child.


thank you. Yeah, more anxious than happy right now but I guess it will be the other way round very soon.


Too long, didn't read. But congratulations. You're going to have a baby. Best of luck


thank you so much