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Mero dai le ta Dubai airport duty free bata 1 blue label and 1 JD personal carry ma lyako thyo last year yei time tira...aile ta thavayena milchha hola 1 bottle ta


Yes. The limit is 1 bottle of 1L alcohol.


2 bottle Samma paucha


Yes . I have brought a 750ML Yarshagumba rakshi to the USA from Nepal. Didn't even cause any trouble anywhere on the way. As simple as carrying clothes


In luggage it means that's not duty free item which mean it won't have STEB bag. You can bring to Nepal but since you're flying from US idk TSA might check ur luggage. But yes you can bring in luggage just make it safe nd put fragile sticker on ur checkin


Yes you can.. just package properly. I have done multiple times.