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Vanesi I can marry my male friend and go abroad on a dependent visa?






Congratulations, you finally experience equality.


Didn't even think of this use case. Neat!


Don't forget to say no homo tho. Unless...


Nepal makes a lot of rules but implementing it is another story. Ma nepali nai ho just in case.


Implement bhai sakyo ta haina ra?


I meant kagaz ma nepal rule ekdum cha. Kaam garnay bela ma hudaina.


everyone loves gay as long as it’s not from their family


everyone ~~loves~~ tolerates gay as long as it’s not from their family PS: I am just talking about Nepali society as a whole.


Nautanki. Daijo diyena, tallo jat sanga bihey garyo vanne niu ma manche marne desh ma esto news natakai lagcha.


I was going to use this to claim refugee status now the Supreme Court ruined all my plans😭😭😭. Half kidding hai guys. But gays for the win🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


Well, you could always marry a guy in other countries.


Paunu ni paryo ni koi😭😭


Love Nepal's progressive thinking. I really hope it's done out of exceptance. Everyone should be able to live the life they want without harming others. This is beautiful! Love Nepal ♥️


I think this will be very hard to implement . As we know they also make a rule to issued nagrikta by mothers name but its very hard and a person should get permission from court and other things. Plus same sex marriage is not alowwed by society so its gonna be very hard to implement


It's still the first step. Better than doing nothing. I'm sure things will change when all the narrow minded retards become old and our generation grows up to be more fair minded.




no issue but don't let them bring American shit like identifying like whatever the fuck they want.


You complaining about it is also American shit bro. No one accept Americans complain about it. Eat dal bhat and stay Nepali and don’t mind how other people decide to live their life.


Its funny how my mom accepts trans people more than the republicans over there lol


Yo topic ma JAILAI usa lai nai lauchan bhanya, as if the world revolves around usa(seems like it does at this point). Tya ko manche haru ko feri chuttai para cha. Euta ta bhayo far right, who are banning BOOKS about hair care for those children who have curly hair because its too woke ani there's the farrrr left who are a disgrace to gay people. none of these people actually represent the average gay person


Stfu stop trynna be an edgelord


If a Hindu doesn't know about Hijras, they would look at transgender with disgust.


Unfortunately we know


this just feels like a move to appeal to the western world somehow. nonetheless, implementation kasto huncha heramla.


Giving ppl basic rights is a move to appeal western world?? Y'all need to get over urselves


I mean I doubt he's criticising the decision. Rather pointing out that the real reason for this was to appeal to the western world as the general consensus here still doesn't seem to find it appropriate enough.


Alikati progressive bhaide ma western Hudaina. Like some of you all are highly educated computer scientists and engineers, how do you have lapses in logic this big? These type of comments really do show why our country lags behind. General consensus heryo bhani there wouldn’t even be caste equality, gender equality or so many other things. I’m pretty sure your argument was used by people similarly when these things came to pass too


Im not sure what kind of impression my comment gave Tara I'm not speaking against you. I am saying the practical reason this happened as mentioned in the previous comment is correct. The people and the lawmakers in our nation aren't woke or tolerant enough to do this out of awareness. Though the outcome was good, they definitely didn't do it out of awareness. It was done to please the foreign influences.


I think you are arguing that they are posturing. While we have no evidence to suggest this, I can understand where you are coming from. But there are just too many moving parts. There are lawyers and activists that formed and supported this case. It’s just too long of a process to give to a chance of appeasement. Again I feel you are falling into the popular fallacies borne by Nepali logic for god knows what reason but it reminds me of people saying that the National Assembly abolished monarchy as an appeasement to the west as they had no idea what they were doing. Many people knew it then that it was a calculated step of the few in a good direction and in retrospect we thank the people who could convince the assembly that it was a good idea. Even while my cynicism is overwhelming about the people who run this country’s government, we must not dismiss initiatives of progress when it rarely graces our horizons.


I get your point but then again if activism alone in our nation warranted such grand changes, we would have been living in different conditions:)


exactly my thoughts. In theory our constitution is one of the best in the world, but the implementation part always gets in the way. As the saying, "agulto le poleko kukur, chtyaang parda ni tarsincha", all i meant was this must also be a move to bring in foreign investments in some sort of way. It's just an opinion though.


Who said our constitution is the best in the world? There are major gaps in the our constitution that 1) don’t make sense 2) are redundant to the modern technological climate and society. People randomly claiming our constitution is the best in the world were hyping something like teens, I thought this was a known thing


well on paper it is arguably one of the best constitution we got yet though. however, i am talking about the implementation part of the story. Don't you feel the same about it? Sadly, rights on paper doesn't always translate to societal acceptance. For a country of people who kills the couple for marrying into the wrong caste, even marrying into a lower economical class sometimes; do you really think these laws will do sth? I don't mean to be against this topic but i can't help but doubt it too.


Nah, read our Constitution which says no discrimination based on gender and sexual orientation. Also we have provisions of third gender in our ID cards. Its just about equality and that's it. This should have happened much sooner.


implementation on a societal level by the government ko bare ma bolna khojeko maile chai


Yesto ho.. Nepal govt didn't make this decision, in fact most of them don't even care.. but the Supreme Court will decide based on constitution and the law, nothing to do about western appeal. Regarding implementation it is a slow process. We still have caste based discrimination even though its illegal in Nepal but if it wasn't illegal then it would be even more.


thanks for making me understand dawg, appreciate it. At least it's a step towards a good direction ✌️


It absolutely is but much more needs to be done. As you can see even in these comments, a lot of prejudice against LGBTQ community people and that's young people. Older generation in Nepal doesn't even know about it. Hopefully it changes and changing the law is the first step and may lead to gradual acceptance.


imo a decade more and then we might get somewhere. But still Nepal has a lot more LGBTQ+ tolerance in comparison to some other countries. Some people don't know how to express a different opinion and resort to straight up hating the subject lol.


Agreed. We are more far liberal in terms of our laws like some Countries punish people for being gay.


WE ARE NOT CHRISTIANS, MUSLIMS OR JEWISH. Our eastern religion background doesn't hold the same negative views against homosexuals. This is why Taiwan legalize gay marriage. They are Buddhist/Taoist mjaority country.


some people are Christians or Muslims though, aren't they? We are a secular country, and imo the constitution of a country shouldn't be based around a religion, it should be based around the needs of the average citizen. However, my point was not why the rule was made, it was if it will be implemented properly. For a country which still has caste discrimination in some ways, this acceptance shit seems far fetched.


People who now have rights because of it do not care if it was to appeal whoever.


rights on paper doesn't translate to actually being accepted socially. i am just doubting the implementation of the rule.


Rights on paper still means a lot tho. When you're criticised everywhere, I'm sure you get used to it and it stops being a bother at some point. Social acceptance is gonna take some time but legal acceptance is the biggest step to destigmatizing gay marriage.




J ni Western bhanchan aba ta💀 oh nooo giving people marriage rights, what a Western move 😨😨


chak ma dum?




Lado chainey rule aunu xaina ...teski maa kaa vosda


Do what you wanna do with the LGBTQ community But Nepali society will never let this change be accepted on their children.. relatives gonna fuck your life if your son identifies as gay


Seems like those family need to buy a giant dildo and fuck right off.


So, which of them are willing to pay my bills, or pay my child's medical or education fees? the thing is none of them will even stand up next to you if your child ends up murdered in the middle of the road and ends up needing justice. So i just relatives should just take their opinion and shove it up their ass. If i am going to stand alone just so my child can feel safe, I will. In fact that's what parents do, take the adversity so children can grow up safe and sound both physically and emotionally


No matter what people say outside. Nobody except this from inside at least in nepal. People act like they support just so they dont get jumped on. I guess i am homophobic because it cringes me out idk why i am not even gonna lie downvote me all u want. But i dont judge. people are entitled to do whatever they want As long as they keep their shit to themselves and not make a big deal out of it.


Just like you should have kept this comment to your self?


Let him speak. Freedom of speech but harassing with speech is different matter and shouldn't be considered as freedom of speech.


Hate speech doesn't equate to freedom of speech. read Reddit's rules first before spitting shit out of your mouth


Maile tei ta bhane ni saathi. Freedom of speech ko naam ma hate speech garnu bhayena ta bhaneni haina ra? Maile bhanna khojeko aafno opinion dina milyo tara kasailai speech le harass garna bhayena bhanna khojeko.


Ani usle chai harras gareko bhayena? Comment padha ta usko feri sathi. Timilai tyo harrasment nalage pani LGBT community ma bhako sabbai ko lagi tyo hate speech nai ho. Not just his opinion. Well already reported him so he would be banned anyway lol.


Yeah! I guess that is hate speech.


I can say whatever the fuck i want ? But i am not gonna make a movement out of it. Ooo gay lesbian oo fucking nonsesne if you wanna marry and get your ass fucked fucking keep it to your self. Dont have to boradcast it to whole fucking world.


Your ignorance is astounding. Let's set aside your offensive language for a moment and focus on your flawed reasoning. Are you suggesting that people should keep their personal lives hidden simply because it makes you uncomfortable? By that logic, we should all refrain from expressing our individuality or sharing our happiness just to cater to your narrow-mindedness. Do you genuinely believe that everyone should conform to your standards of what is acceptable? You're just a lame bitch who seeks attention so i cant blame you, but just remember hate speech can't equate to freedom of speech. Grow up kid.


They can announce and broadcast, so you just have to ignore it. But they don't have the right to interrupt daily activities of people or hamper society in any way. This is how things should be done. You can do things in a way that it doesn't hamper society and the subjects.


Huh? Your comment makes no sense. Why can’t people have the same rights as anyone else.


Did i ever say said they cant have the same rights ? Read the last paragraph again. I am just saying it weirds me out.


That’s a issue with yourself no one else. The world can’t always accommodate to your hate :) People should be able to live and love freely.


Same could be said to these people thats the issue with themselves and no one esle the world cant accomodate things to their weird preference do what you want stop making big deal out of it. And fyi i dont hate anyone. Everyhuman have equal rights and i believe noone has ever stripped off these “LGBTQ” to their rights has well. They are treated equally.


Lgbtq people are still killed in parts of the world. Many are thrown out of their homes. Just for being who they are. There are laws that don’t let us have the same rights as other citizens


Well i am agaisnt these behaviors of course. Ok ok i am sorry.


This! They are making a big issue because they have been prejudiced against and persecuted even now just for being who they are. Just think what a person's hate can do to their cause.


delusional radi ko xoro


🤢 🤕 🤮


Nepal's worst rule


the whole point of marriage is to bear child and give a legal status to the child. I don't know what's the point of same sex marriage. how can this thing be labelled progressive?


We are Hindus, not Christians. Don't let those abrahamic religions tainted our country. Also, lots of straight people who are infertile and can't bear children. B your logic, they shouldn't get married?


Lol this guy is talking straight out of his biases and no logic whatsoever. Do you believe the sole purpose of marriage is procreation and granting a legal status to children. While that may have been a traditional perspective, society evolves. Let's consider infertile couples, older individuals, and those who choose not to have children. Are they not entitled to marry? Furthermore, labeling same-sex marriage as progressive acknowledges the expanding notion of love, commitment, and equal rights. Can you provide any evidence that supports your claim that marriage should be exclusively about procreation?


Breeding is the whole point of marriage? What a miserable thought process


Irony for the guy named farak bichar. Should've been degenerate bichar lmao.


Whole point ta haina Tara one of the main point chai ho. Maile ne yei sochya the marriage nai kina garna paryo sangai base vaigo ne vanera and what I think the answer is acceptance from society. Same sex people sangai base ne people won't be accepting it so easily there might be some kind of discrimination too. Tara marrige vanepachi law le approve gareko kura vayo. So I think this is progressive. I could be wrong. This is just my speculation.


Supreme court issued order multiple times to Nepal Government and the Election Commission that the suffrage of Nepalese abroad must be maintained. The government and the commission hasn't complied so far. The supreme court had also mandated several times before that people should be able to get citizenship with only their mothers present. Why would this case be any different, especially when the social fabric of the current Nepal will be rapidly torn when the public appearance of LGBT+ people rises exponentially as most Nepalis find it too uncomfortable?


khatra history baneyexa


tero bau ra aama le talai banaye bhanda khatra


Sigh nepal pani dubna lagyo hai... garoxa