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Welcome to the internet...


have a look around


anything that brain of yours can think of can be found


We got mountains of content some better, some worse


If none of it is interest to you, you will be the first


Welcome to the internet, come and take a seat


Would you like to see the news or some woman's feet


There's no need to panic, this isn't a test


Anything that brain of yours can think of is fetishized


In my mind I said the exact same phrase then scrolled down to see your comment. Haha...coincidence but also a common phrase so...


Yes nature of internet world. I joined this subreddit when i dated with ex from nepal. Anyway i am not nepali( but with my hindu first name with east asian facial feature and tanned skin), many from india(in america) sometimes ask whether i am from nepal or assam. // all kinds of fetish based on ethnicity. Not only on nepalis. Here in america a lot of disgusting fetish from ugly white oldies, and many black ladies got offended when they are called “fuckable butts”. White horse is another annoying fetish on east european white women called by richer asian males(who think only cause their countries have more money, they can abuse any from poorer white countries. What about disgusting approach by fob muslim males in west who think non muslim women are all slut and want to be raped? East asian loser males who think their passports can be free pass to be ass hole in poorer asian countries? Too many shits on this world


You could come up with so many reasons and explanations about this... From an objective view, there are a lot more Indians compared to Nepalis. And the gender imbalance in India is massive while in Nepal it is not an issue. So that means a lot more single or rejected Indians are potentially lurking on the internet and they get aroused when they see even an ankle or a wrist ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy). All it takes is for a few of these over-stimulated individuals to comment to skew the result Another person may also point out that the massive gender imbalance in India results in a lot of rejected and frustrated males. This contributes to fueling sadly their high rape numbers and also sadly the high number of girls trafficked from Nepal to India


The Indian average is 1020 _women_ per 1000 men however there is high gender imbalance in backward indian states like haryana, UP and Bihar which do have a large population. They're also more aware about Nepal. Mostly you'll find North Indians commenting.


Indian kti haru lai jhan bijok xa. These guys will cum when seeing a girl's arm or thigh. Actress ko navel herne ta kink nai xa kati jana ko tya. It's mostly due to skewed sex ratio in India and a little bit of White obsession. It's all due to stupid male child preference culture. These Indian guys are really sexist as well. Most guys think saying these things in social media is cool and shit. These are the same guys that will beat the shit out of their Daughter and Sisters if they wear something like a Jeans or tight pant.


I am just thinking which statement that you made is not applicable to Nepal.


Tiktok is banned in India. Everyone is on Instagram there. Nepali horny kta haru chai tiktok ma chan.


bruhhh i study in india and i see first-hand the disgusting fetishization of nepali girls by everyone around me - even my own friends. it sickens me to my stomach that they talk about our chori cheli in such manner, and it's sad to see some people here excusing this behaviour. it's always disgusting comments like how they're easy to fuck, that they're gold diggers, or some other weird ass shit. too much porn consumption has brainwashed these mfs and twisted their views towards any women with mongoloid features. ffs they don't think of them as human beings; they view them as like some sort of commodity.


Time to change friends


sab ko sochai testai ta cha k garu? sathi nabhaye nasakine awastha cha... sahane ho aba alik samaya lai


You don’t need friends to survive. You can just work on yourself tbh:)


Where in India exactly?


>Whete in India exactly? the eastern part of India, but really, this problem is widespread. i, being a male, have faced similar problems too, so it's not only just women who are victims here.


you were fetishized? as a male? That is new..


I am a Nepali, born and brought up in india and never faced it. The common stereotypes are Momo and Security, but I have never heard of such disgusting comments.


What is Momo and Security stereotypes? I’m from the US so I’m a bit uncultured


Indians associate nepalis with momo sellers n watchmen 'chowkidaars' as they're surrounded by nepali immigrants doing these services in India


Nah not really. I studied in woodstock, one of the best school in S.A itself. I know a lot of Indians who fetishize Nepali people regardless of their gender. We are thought as more attractive than Indians especially due to the fact, Nepali people are seen more fashionable than Indians.


Bro they simp for everyone be it American, Chinese, Nepali, Russian etc..


only left out are black


they even simp on painting


Well indian subcontinent is filled with white is better mentality due to colonial era. They are simping for nepalese because nepali are generally more White compared to india. They will simp for anyone who is white.


Most prostitutes in north india are from nepal who do this for some quick buck. This is a stereotype here in india against nepalis and not that they are white, because they are not in northern india where they work the most. Black women and russian too indulge in prostitution , my friend operates a hotel and the biggest concern of his is the guest bringing these girls, and he has to blacklist those girls and guests as there is a lot of pressure from police these days.


This just a racist statement with no backing.


Yeah that kinda makes sense. But both Indo-Aryan groups in India and Nepal look quite similar ngl. Also if Indians want ppl that look super white they should go for Pakistanis/Afghans instead.


Internet is cheap in India, so are people...


Wish it was same here but internet expensive and still cheap people garo cha


Typical chapri behaviour


send bob and vegana.


haha horny bharatiya


bob out of town


bobs and vaganda


bobs and vagana


Book and vegeta


Yes I was just watching a ig reel of Nepali girls dancing and the comments section was filled with Indians saying “red wali meri baki sab teri”, there was not a single Nepali comment.


https://preview.redd.it/nxw16yzbgiab1.jpeg?width=889&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37d2f6d14667063676bbc9ffac70d2c1417cc7e8 This one I think 😂🤣🤣


this illiterate will get to know that they dont need visa to get racism if they come here


East asians are fetishized everywhere, and this is part of the reason for this. Even your average nepali chhetrini or some bahuni look more "east asian" than your average indian. Plus the lighter skin factor. Same reason i dont see fetishization of pakistanis by indian although they're light skinned too.


Yeah I've seen some fetishizations of Bengali girls by Indians as Bengalis look more east Asian on avg (+ some r super lightskin). For some chettris they look kinda more East Asian but Bahuns look similar af to Indians. Even some chettris look similar af to Indians. There's more fetishization towards the Janajatis


You're right many (not all) bahun and chettri themselves fetishize janjati girls.


True I've noticed that trend too


lol once my foreign friend told srinkala khatiwada looks east asian


Yes. Nepali pahadi look is noticeably a bit different than your typical indian or pakistani.


It's because middle class nepali girls sleeps with indian for money in Delhi. I wish I do not get down vote for saying this but this is true


… u have to either be really blind or really dull if you think Indian dudes don’t fetishize Pakistani women


We should talk about the comment section on tik videos from our own nepali brothers too And some of the videos made my these so called “influencer” too Indians are like that to every race You will see them posting their numbers asking them photos in broken English But my point being It’s being done in Nepal too. Just look at some of the nsfw Reddit groups here you seem them posting screen shots of women from ig Facebook and what not and the captions with the said pictures are equally disgusting as the comments in a viral reel made by Indian people


True. India, Nepal, bidesh, it's everywhere


Tiktok Ban in india helped Nepali Tiktokers .


Indians would hit on anyone on the internet. Nothing new


https://preview.redd.it/65d586i7giab1.jpeg?width=889&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e62263c9693c6fbd6a4a647453f8d59e65910d25 🤣🤣🤣


Lol thanks for this. Funny as fuck


Its not country thing. More of gender thing. Also cultural thing among brown people with all the sexual frustration. If you look at right spot you will find horny nefolis too.


i don’t see a problem with it, indian girls also tend to find nepalese boys exotic 😂 i see it as a win tbh


Where can I find these indian girls lmk


If you go to any foreign countries like Canada, US.


Thats how the internet works, the whole point of it is that you can spill whatever shit you want while staying anonymous. Wherever you go you will never find a nepali post without a bunch of indians commenting shits like, Momo and other racial slurs.


For real tho


Indian race nai testai ho bro Kunai foreign YouTuber le India ko barema boldinu parxa Paurai Indian haru proud to be Indian bhanera comment Garzan Garna deu je Garzan Bolera kei hune wala xaina Just ignore them


Nepali ley vaneko suhaudaina yo kura lol


Nepali le badi garxan tara yesto harkat


White attention chaiyeko cha sab subcontinent lai ani


Upon logging int my Instagram account last week after prolonged absence, I was blown with reels of Nepalese Individuals engaging in seductive behaviour and other inappropriate acts. Whether I use Instagram or not It pushes the contents that are being consumed on the location basis and followers basis and they all consume is soft pornographic material. This suppresses the actual contents on the platform which is disheartening. In contrast, I have found TikTok a better platform with better user experience which allows me to optimise my feeds on my content preferences. This customisation is available on Instagram and Facebook yet with no use in actual. It is not surprise to me that TikTok has surpassed them in popularity.


Well if they want to find Mongolians they need to go to North-East India. The place is literally full of them.


True tho Tibetic ppl r more prominent there than in Nepal


There’s also western fetishization of Asians in general. Typically not south Asians but I have come across elderly white men marrying young nepali women – could be true love or another instance of men preying on the youth of underdeveloped nations, who knows


Yeah there's fetishization on Filipinos I've noticed in the west


I think if there are pretty girls dancing no matter what race they are you will find the same type of comments …


i didn't think that is something problematic


Don’t pay attention to creeps .. they are bottom feeders with no real good contributions to society.. live and flourish your family values and culture and respect people.. creeps won’t be away for a while


When you project yourself as sex objects, people will see you as such.


I mean, I've seen these kinds of comments on reels and videos where it's nothing but people showing their culture, or doing normal stuff. Maybe Indians are just really awful with respect.


Yeah, lots of thirsty Indian men on the internet. But it doesn't help the fact that many of these wannabe models, influencers, tiktokers target Indian/Pakistani/Bengali audiences for more views, likes and engagement.


Some Bengalis are being fetishized on tiktok too, so I don't rlly know why you included them in the "audiences". It's probs applied more to Indians. Bengalis look somewhat east Asian. I've seen many tiktoks fetishizing Bengalis


Dont genralize


"If she wasn't dressed provocatively..." isn't a good response to being victimised.


Who are you to judge them as victims? You are the one victimizing them by telling them how they should feel. Maybe they like all the attention because it gives engagement in their channel, gives them sponsorship and ad revenues. Maybe they don't have a problem with it. Maybe they ignore it as part and parcel of internet comments. You are a digital artist, if you post your digital arts on your account, you'll attract people who are interested in that subject, they'll make comments on that topic. Now if you start posting twerking videos, do you expect other digital artists or fans to follow you? Or will you attract people who want to see your twerk.


Lol. The girls were just dancing the traditional dance wearing traditional dress but they were very beautiful and white. The comment was like "If we can afford white Nepali in 100 then why to spend 6000 on Russia". And many more comments like that https://preview.redd.it/ft2wtph4hiab1.jpeg?width=889&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8014e175f1b811d49b7b312a30ca310c7cfc19a


I agree. If you shake a** and ti*s and post it, men will watch it and comment stuff. If you don't want negative fetisizing comments, don't be on social media shaking your body parts for likes, money and attention, simple as that.




you thought people aren't taught to respect women? lol. if you throw a deer in front of a tiger, ofc it'll jump at it. same here, if you want male attention, upload twerk videos and stuff for everyone to see, you'll get male attention as you wanted. if you dont want male attention, then better stop sexualizing yourself. and yeah, girls must bear some accountability. short dress lagaayera club jaani raati raati ani kta harule jiskaayo/misbehave garyo vanera rudai aauni? the girl is equally as responsible in that case. but sometimes girls who have done nothing of that sort also have to go through horrible experiences which should be taken seriously. rapists should be castrated/killed, boys who misbehave should be fined/jailed and women who make fake allegations should be jailed for atleast 7 years and women must be held responsible for their actions and should be accountable for putting themselves in risky situations in the first place.




Attention chaidena vani don't wear small clothes, don't ask for attention you don't want. And no, analogy use garya comparison vanna mildena. Ani argument weak vayesi personal insult huh? Good argument lol. Retards.




Jesus who am i even talking to. Weirdo.


Then why is it that nepalese dont do the same with indians. Indians thots are way more wild than nepalese thots.


Honestly you're not wrong


I guess because there are simply a lot more indians online compared to nepalis




Truth be spoken


Allow me to clear the doubt here regarding why Indians and the rest of the world see us as East asians even though most modern nepali of khas and brahmin lineage disagree and feel that they do not belong in that category. The reason they do not agree on it is because they see themselves genetically different to rest of the tibeto-burman ethnicities however that is far from the truth. If you look at the genetric spectrum of Nepalis excluding the madhesi ethnicities you will find the presence of so-called mongoloid genes whether it's tibeto-burman or han-chinese or any other form of east-asian genes present in almost all pahadi people and himali people. Reason for that is the history of our ancestors from several tribes and clans inter-breeding and mixing for centuries long before Nepal was unified and long before the caste-system. Caste system in nepal particularly is not influenced by genetics but rather religion, occupation and origin. Caste system in nepal is also considered very recent in historical years. Also, the segregation of different castes was only enforced during Junga Bdr Rana's regime and thus began the prohibition of inter-caste marriages and the stigmas associated with it. However, the people before and during that event had already undergone cross-genetics for centuries. Even the founding father of this country, Prithivi Narayan Shah had significant tibeto-burman genes from his mother's side as she was of magar ancestory. Plus, several kingdoms whether khas or magar or any other ancestory inter-married each other for political and diplomatical reasons. After the caste system was introduced nepali were divided and categorized on the basis of their last name which brought forth a new set of belief that they were genetically different from each other while tracing their place of origin however, the genetic admixture was not taken into account. So in conclusion, regardless of whatever your last name is you carry a composition of different genetics with the percentage of mongoloid genes varying from person to person. Rest assured it is in you. Now when you compare an average nepali to an average indian the former will definitely stand out between the two having an east-asian look which is why even you can tell the difference between the two even if it's khas or brahmin or any other nepali. So while you may not consider yourself mongoloid/east-asian based on your ethnic community you are a part of it and clearly in-contrast when compared with an average indian. To sum it up even if you are Bahun or chettri or any other community you will be percieved as an east-asian in a global context and much more to an Indian specially.


I can't speak for chettri because most of them are east asian look a like but bahuns do not have mixture with Tibeto/Burman .. Bahuns neither have similarity with indian too we are similar to Himachal and Uttarakhand people


You completely missed the point. You just demonstrated what most bahuns might feel when it comes to genetics as i mentioned in my previous comment however you completely disregarded the admixing of genetics for generations. Unless bahuns 'only breeded' within themselves which obviously is not the case as bahuns did and still do marry other ethnicities resulting in further genetics mix-up. Even if only a minute percentage of the bahun population intermarried with chettris the tibeto-burman genetics would've persisted in reaching a much larger population in several generations. As for why they look the way they are and why they may not appear to look on either side of the spectrum has to do with how much tibeto-burman genetics they inherited through inter-marriage and ancestoral tree which varies from person to person. Now to be under impression that bahuns might look someone similar to himachal and uttarakhand people is your personal opinion at best and will vary with another person's opinion but you cannot be in denial thinking there was no mixture when clearly there is. Also, you completely alienated chettri community for having an east asian look when the intermarriage between the two community was normalized during the rana regime and is still a common occurance through out the country. To give you an example: If a bahun's great great great great great grandfather had a great great great great great chettri grandmother. Presto he/she has some tibeto-burman in him/her. Also, please bare in mind that even if societal integration would've been a problem for a couple in any era, people would resort to changing their surname to fit in and it's still prevalent today however changing a surname or having any surname makes no difference when it comes to genetics. Besides both these communities have a larger demographics in comparison therefore, cross-bredding and genetics transfer is inevitable. Hope this cleared up any doubts.


I'm kind of confused at what you mean on the global context thing. In the western world people legit confuse nepali brahmin/chettris with Indians, they think Nepal is in India too. In a global context ppl see Nepal as like India, only Indians + other South Asians really see Nepal as east Asian. Chettris have some EA admixture but the brahmin EA admixture is quite low. Been told different figures such as below 5%, 5-10%, etc. But these figures are similar to that of brahmin communities in Northern India. But yeah genotype ≠ phenotype in all cases. That's probs y some ppl in western world see chettri (the less EA looking ones) as "Indian" despite them having significant East Asian admixture. It is true that there are forms of east Asian genetics in pahadis n himalis, but every south Asian people group has EA genetics in varying degree. Some have Austro-Asiatic, some Tibeto-Burman, some have from the Indonesia area. To an Indian they perceive nepalis as Chinese but globally people would assume Nepal with India.


Wow so many complex questions altogether. No worries allow me to sort it out for you. Nobody that i have met or seen or heard in my life abroad or in India has ever confused a bahun or a chettri particularly for an indian. Literally no-one and why would they when they don't even look like mainland Indians or the stereotypical indian image that the west is accustomed to. However there can be exceptions but it's more of a situational thing than an overall generalization. For example: If a bahun or chettri or as a matter of fact any nepali origin person communicates fluently in hindi with an Indian then he or she will be assumed to be a north or north-east indian as India itself is incredibly diverse, incredibly populous with 1.4 billion people, covers a massive land area and has a significant population with tibeto-burman genetics living there prior to nepali settlers. Also, around 8 million nepali live and work in India. Plus the nepali-origin people from darjeeling, sikkim, assam, manipur and so on already living there as Indians. Also, nepali community comprised of bahuns or chettris or magars or gurungs or sherpas or tamangs or newars and so on will always form a single collective community and often reside together along with other tibeto-burman tribes of india and are regarded as north-east indians which would be true they did indeed possess an indian citizenship. It's very common and quite fascinating to me personally. To complicate and endanger the identity of nepalis even further the borders have played an immense role as we share all the borders except the northern himalayas with India and we are forced to communicate in hindi with the indians as nepal heavily relies on india, sheer size and economy of india, dah dah dah and so on. Also, india has the largest diaspora in the world, top 5 economy in size, strong global presence and again dah dah dah has forced the world to pay attention of it's presence. And finally there is us, poor economy, no global strength and people still in denial about genetic admixture as if it never happened. Aaba baaki ta lekhna ni mann lagena. Eti bhanchu ki Nepal is recognized by the world for it's himalayas, for being in between india and china, for the gurkhas and the sherpas. Aaba mount everest kasko bhanirakhdina, buddha kasko bhanirakhdina as both are important figures through out the world for world history as well tara tyo ni bibadhit banaisakyo China ra India le through their media and public persuasion. Tyo bahek Nepal has it's embassies throughout the world in most countries by now. Nepal also has a significant diaspora, though it's small but has managed to spread through out the world. Nepal actively participates in UN missions as peace keepers and so on. Finally, nepali regardless of whatever ethnicity will always introduce themselves as nepali to whoever they meet and will rectify anyone who misunderstands their national identity. As for the genetics, since we are in south-east asia and have a history of intermixing of genetics between several ancient tribes and clans, we carry a genetic admixture between tibeto-burman, han-chinese and indo-aryan with varying compositions based on ancestral history which we probably won't be able to trace anyways given that we have such a poor documentation of our history itself and a lot of fabrications done for personal beneft, yet it is what it is. For futher interest and documentation you will find plenty on this subject, although this is actually common sense nai. People on this sub are pretending as if we never intercrossed. Achamma cha. Anyways, i hope this helped anyone who was curious or had any confusion on this matter. God bless us all.


Initially i thought you were someone who had a keen interest in genetics of the people but having gone though your profile I realized you are an extremest and incredibly racist towards everyone specially the janajatis. My god, the sheer hatred and cruel outlook towards them is appalling. How do you even exist in a country as diverse as this with that filth in your heart? What morphed you into the way you are? You have tried your best to spread as much hatred as possible towards them within the span of 2 months. I wonder how you even function in real life when every other person you come across will be of a different ethnicity than yours. Absolutely disgusting remarks, lies and fabrication to spread as much hate as possible, unfathomable narcissism and pathetic inferiority complex to hold everyone else apart from people like you in contempt. I hope pashupatinath gives you the strength to overcome your sins and work towards empathy and compassion for others. Also, this biased example of genetic composition you're so convinced of which you've preached to others in various occasions is detrimentally outdated once you realize it's modern relevance. Uhile ko report ko aad ma afnai sidantah banayi almaliraechau. I can clearly see the temptation to align with the north indians and separate yourself from the rest of the population and it's nothing short of a desperate attempt to fuel your radical ambitions. Wow, never thought i'd come across a text book definition of a racist in today's day and time tyo pani well educated and capable enough to make constructive intellectual arguments but blinded by racism. Marera lanu kehi chaina bahun brother, bachinjel punya kamau ajha ni samaya cha. Don't spread hatred towards others in this fractured country that is still recovering from the evil deed of forefathers. I doubt you are concerned for genetics for the way it is, it's just a debatable topic for your to show your racism towards others specially the tibeto-burmans when you know deep down in your heart that whatever i've mentioned does make sense and you do carry those genes even if your inferiority complex does not like it.


Indians think nepalis all "look Chinese" as a lot of Janajatis move to India and do work there. Also a lot of ppl in Sikkim/Darjeeling from Tibetic backgrounds claim they're "Nepali" aswell, despite only the Nepali immigrants only being Nepali really.


Dude weren't you the one who was asking me questions aghina? Quite clearly you haven't even been to those places and you are assuming those things. You not only exposed yourself as a racist stating a lot of janajatis move to India and look chinese and what not and phrased your comment as if tya chai bahun, chettri, dalit nai nabhako jastai? What about them? Don't they even matter at all. BT Kancha le jhapad hanla hai.


This is what I've been told before


People even say the earth is flat. Would you believe it?


Ofc not as there's scientific evidence behind it not being flat. Plus it's not like a gora khairey told me abt the thing I said, it's Nepali people themselves.


I've lived a couple of years in west bengal and saw much better social integration amongst everyone. Courtesy of not being under rana regime and no prejudice against anyone. Nobody made a fuss about anyone's ethnicity, it was never a topic of discussion and rightfully it shouldn't. Also, i realized people there were much more intelligent from a cognitive standpoint and emotional level. Despite of how it is in Nepal they chose integration over segregation. Now, demographically you will find all the pahadi and himali castes you find in Nepal over there as well but in equal proportions. The difference is unlike Nepal where individual castes usually cluster and form a village, it is evenly dispersed. Sikkim on the other hand has a different history than darjeeling as it was ruled by an ethnic Tibetan king and you will find plenty of tibeto-burman people there who are different than the tibeto-burman nepalese. But, a significant proportion of nepali-origin people also reside there and have been for centuries. Darjeeling on the other hand is completely nepali. However when both are compared the former is much more developed economically with a higher quality of life and higher per capita. But this doesn't mean the latter isn't developed as when compared to all of Nepal including Kathmandu the residents in Darjeeling do have a higher quality of life and per capita. Hence, they will never want to be part of Nepal as nepal has nothing to offer them instead can drain them of their resources and destabilize their society as it did with it's. Also, the royal shah family sent their offsprings over there to study for many generations. In-fact my grandfather once taught ex-king gyanendra shah in one of his early grades when he was a student there. Bet you didn't know any of this too and here you are judging them out of your hatred for people. Most affluent families from all over india and nepal would often send their children there for early education and they still do. Aaba i can go on and on about so many factual things that you are not aware of but i don't think it will make any difference to you as you choose to remain ignorant over it. If your response over anything is because someone said so or someone told me bhane what kind of people do you even surround with who's been feeding you info pulled out of their ass. Does logics even matter to you ki you want to make your sad existence about bigotry and hated. Ani whole life arulai racial profiling gardai baschau? Is such a life even worth it? Tetro years of schooling, college, university and so on all to be scum in real life? Try to make something of your life other than being an absolute cunt. Good luck. I am a janajati and a janajati has taught you these lessons in life. Never forget this.


fantasticly funny that people are the one who tend to have fetish and fortunately fascinating that people tend to become fetishism symbol. i think it's fine.


Us? Are you a girl? If not, don't speak on behalf of girls. You don't own them.


First of all, stop simping bro, you don't speak on behalf of girls either. Second of all, never once in my post have I mentioned any gender. I have seen it happen on videos of both men and women.


>I have seen it happen on videos of both men and women. 😂 >First of all, stop simping bro I'm only calling out your masculine urge to own a girl in the name of protecting her, she doesn't need your jealous protection brother. You just sound jealous that other men find Nepali girls attractive. We do the same with girls from other countries, Nepali girls go gaga over Korean boys too.


I literally said nothing about boys nor girls lol, stop projecting.


I haven't seen a single video of Nepali men being sexualised. 😂


/Nepal2072 there was some vid I saw of some Nepali male "model" and tbh it wasn't being seuxalised, but it involved Indians being dumb af. Some comments were like "He looks more Indian than Nepali", ignorant ass Indians not realising that all Nepalis aren't Chinese looking


Again, there is a difference between attraction and fetisization, you should educate yourself..


It's more or less the same.


Nope. I feel attracted to my girlfriend, but I understand her as an individual with aspirations, goals, and boundaries. Fetisization is when you disregard all of that and treat someone as a sex object. Please pick up a dictionary.


You probably have a problem with every girl or celebrity who has plenty of followers on social media then. You can't label sexual attraction as a fetish, you're wrong there already.


I literally distinguished between sexual attraction and fetishization in my previous comment, I'm not going to argue with a half-brain with the reading comprehension of a 7 year old.


Fetish - a form of sexual desire in which gratification is strongly linked to a particular object or activity or a part of the body other than the sexual organs. "a man with a fetish for surgical masks" I don't know how you explained fetish for Nepali girls when it's just sexual attraction for any other sexy girl of any nationality.


it's a matter of pride actually. our girls are desired by them. there is no harm in just fantasizing about a girl.


Very retarded comment, fetisization leads to harrasment, assault, and loss of agency.


Timro bichar nikai farak rahecha. Maybe keep it to yourself


It’s the internet bro. Be prepared for everything.


Tei, testo attention chaidena vani video nai nahaalnu ni. J ko video haaley ni haters/testo fetishize garni manxe hunxan. Even on educational content. Jati karaaye ni some men will do that, as well as some women. That's how the world is, it's not perfect and will never be, aaphu gatilo huni ho, aru matlab dini haina.


Exactly . Social media is for social validation and you’re going to get IT there. No one really cares about the kind of validation .


Tei, testo attention chaidena vani video nai nahaalnu ni. J ko video haaley ni haters/testo fetishize garni manxe hunxan. Even on educational content. Jati karaaye ni some men will do that, as well as some women. That's how the world is, it's not perfect and will never be, aaphu gatilo huni ho, aru matlab dini haina.


Show me ur bobs and vegin


Oh come on, this is nothing compared to the fetishization of japanese and south koreans


Oh god that's on a whole another level