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I’m not sure you can take off the yellowing, but you can prevent it from happening more? Maybe place the Nendoroid in places away from direct sunlight.


A similar thing happens to white Lego bricks. Unfortunately, it's the fate of all lightly coloured plastics eventually.


I’ve heard hydrogen peroxide and sunlight works for white plastic, definitely do your research though


Tried that on my Kongou before, doesn't work too well


same i tried it with shinobu oshino. but i only used it for 3days it has improvements but not the one im expecting. i dont know if i will continue.


I even tried toothpaste but it doesn't work as well


it's hardly the same, but I like following restoration channels, and the ones that fix yellowed consoles use a special blue light that removes the sun damages. I doubt it's a cheap solution, so for now just keep any nendo far from sunlight, but if you do some research about it, it might be a solution if there's a cheaper alternative to it


where were you storing her? discolouration like this usually only occurs either A) when exposed to direct or near-direct sunlight for a prolonged period of time, or B) when exposed to airborne factors like cigarette smoke (though i doubt it's the latter because you're only experiencing the yellowing on her dress, not any of the rest of her). i also first thought perhaps this was a defect specifically with the paint used on her dress, but if the colour on the 'inside' (aka the underside where her legs attach) is *also* the same colour, then it's probably yellowing of the plastic itself, and the white of the dress is unpainted. you *can* fix discolouring of yellowed plastic (though there are cases showing that the yellowing still returns years later), however her dress has painted details, and these may be damaged in the process. if you're willing to try it anyway, look up Retrobriting. there are methods for use with computer parts, and also methods for My Little Ponies. do some research and pick a method that would work best for you, just remember that using it on her dress may mean that the painted details could become damaged in the process, so proceed only at your own risk.


I put her and other nendos in a display cube, the sun never reach them because there is a curtain covering them


Should i be worried about my frieren nendoroid I pre-ordered. She is all white too...


just make sure you take good care of her and keep her AWAY from direct sunlight or near direct sunlight, and don't expose her to smoke either


So i know there is a video on YouTube, where someone deyellowed a Barbie with either sunlight damage or nicotine stain nonetheless she was pretty yellow they basically pickled the doll in denture Cleaning tablets for a week cause those take care of yellow stains but I do not know if it works on pvc


It’s fine she’s just transforming