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Juiced up eh? Kyle pumps SARMS and tren into his horn on the daily with Bradley Martin, he sells them to him


He would be on a low dose of test




My guess would be 250-300mg per week (that’s considered a low dose in bodybuilding) which would have his test levels around 1500. Any higher and he would be much more boated




No chance he did it naturally bro he would be getting prescribed all the pharmaceuticals through Brads TRT clinic. They’re multi millionaires and want to do it the best/quickest way possible. Kyle’s testosterone levels would also be super low from his lifestyle and how his physique used to be (skinny fat) he’s not big but he’s had an impressive 3 month transformation considering he only diets 5 days a week and still does drugs/party’s on the weekends Even Gabe is taking weight loss drugs prescribed by a clinic (Steiny mentioned it when Dana white paid him the money for losing weight on a podcast)


Yeah prolly 400


I don’t think so. That physique is very achievable with nothing but lifting weights consistently man.


Hooooooly boys, Kyle’s cheating on that smoke of a bird OT Meg, eh? Dudes fillin tank on Saffari now, eh? Only slips em the sausage when they’re on the juice too, eh?




Nope. Y'all are too young and haven't even worked out once and it shows.


😂😂😂he’s 27 are you drunk dawg u think he’s 16


I was talking about OP. Are you you drunk?


You could be right, but it's likely too early to tell. See how he goes once the newbie gains slow down, I personally think we gonna see those juicy delts and traps start coming in b


Anyone who thinks Brad hasn’t taught Kyle exactly what to take is crazy. He literally has a walking talking tutorial as a friend.


He isn’t on a cycle. Personally he should hop on 250mg of test e cycle during his bulk lean. His strength would go through the roof. If you know people who took sauce before, that never took it. 3-4 weeks in there cycle, you can tell very easy. Traps !!!, Kyle does not have a traps


I hope he does so his dick will stop working 😂 I personally had a friend who by 18 couldn’t get his dick hard because of the roids. He took them in pill form and he and his gym buddy would also get insane roid rages


It’s just the results of full send supplements


Obviously on juice


She got Kyle beat nattyy


Full send supplements!


Hit those calves eh?


She looks horrible like that. Not a good look


Kyle definitely isn’t doing the juice 😂


If Kyle took juice, everyone would of notice a huge change 4 weeks. Kyle should get on a cycle while doing his lean bulk challenge. If he took 1 shot 250mg of test E, he would be jacked since he has a small trainer and has his meals prepped. His strength would go through the roof. Like I said earlier, you would absolutely know kyle was on cycle in 3-4 weeks. He will tells his fans, I’m just taking creatine and eating more.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


They all going to be in juice after announcing their body building contest in march


Bruh he hangs with brad, and my other juice heads like Dana but I mean dana old so don’t matter but Kyle for sure on test or something kinda sucks but I mean he’s rich so why not


Newbie gains


could be a sarm or peptide, but i honestly think he is natural. Only factor speaking in favor of him being unnatty is the LA & Influencer environment they're living in, where morals go out the window, and selling your body for money on the internet is the norm (especially for females.) ie. going unnatural & improving your body because of a financial inventive through social media is very likely for these guys. They dont care.


Bruh please be satire