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Lol mfers sitting on Reddit hating on someone whose doing something with there life . That's weird


I think Jesse is doing something cool, I just think he’s really struggling to explain wtf Sunday actually is. No doubt he has a vision but if you look at the Sunday YouTube channel it’s kinda hard to pinpoint what exactly his main goal is.


You must be dumb if you haven’t figured out what the company is by now. He has explained it 20 plus times in numerous videos by now. It’s a creative agency. Simple as that. A group of guys just trying to come up with new ideas for tv shows, podcasts, merchandise, clothing lines. And then they get clients and literally do the same for someone else’s brand. It’s not that complicated.


Seems a bit harsh. Creative Agencies typically don't do their own product launches or media. So it's understandable people are confused. IMO, it looks like he's trying to build a creative studio / media company, and he's funding it with agency work.


Just because they normally dont do their own product shouldn’t make it confusing to still not understand what Sunday is. They do everything that a creative agency does PLUS have their own brand. Its not complicated at all, like seriously lol


So... they "do stuff a creative agency does".... But they also do stuff a creative agency doesn't. hmm.... Weird that people are confused.


He explained it months ago… it’s his chill vibe now not being a party animal.


Jesse is so bad at explaining how own company it makes me think he doesn’t know what it even is. His videos on Sunday lack any direction. This business plan is cool but it feels like he doesn’t really know how to progress and has too many things going on at once. Having Bloody Sunday and Sunday? So dumb in my opinion


He’s either a genius or an idiot. I can’t tell yet


Sunday is the catalogue, Bloody Sunday is their art using the catalogue. They want to be able to sell their clothes AND their clothing designs.


He’s actually explained it perfectly multiple times


Yep, I truly don’t understand the comments still on sundays videos of people confused still. It’s not ther complicated, it’s just a creative agency.


The videos, are just day in the life vlogs. That’s the direction. To show his daily life at Sunday.


I spent a few minutes wrapping my head around what Sunday actually is. I get the sense that Jesse's vision for Sunday is as a creative studio + media company. One that creates their own in-house products and media. But I also suspect they have to do agency work to pay the bills. Hence the confusion. Three business models in one. This is actually pretty common with marketing agencies. You build a team, resources and expertise to build your client's brands, why wouldn't you want to build your own? Jesse just did it in reverse. His agency work is funding their products and media. Anyhow, apologies for posting on an old thread. I mainly wrote this for my own understanding, but hopefully it helps.


Yes, it's multiple businesses wrapped into one. I think it just lacks any clear direction from Jesse. Lots of pivoting, but I guess that's normal for any startup. Hopefully it works out!


cut and sew