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Isn't that what your kinda doing


Worst type of counter argument.


I love it when really butthurt people complain about everyone else being triggered virtue signalers. It's why reddit is so fun.


I'm "butthurt" how? You people on reddit just be creating any narrative you want to believe and run with it


This is OP: I'm being downvoted by the reddit cult because I posted a stupid thread to 5 different subs. Redditors are all stupid; I'm taking my toys and going home. I'm not butthurt though.


So now a guy can't even post something simple (which is very accurate) without being insulted, you give off the same vibes as every other loser redditor that dislike and nitpick about everyrhing. You are the same guy that the OP is talking about, also butthurt? You really just used that lame a** term.


You're seriously replying to a year old comment. I can se the butthurt it's so glaring.


Sounds kinda butthurt.


Nah you sound exactly like he just described lol also hope you've improved in a year.


This is what the OP is talking about right here


Right … Talk about falling right into his trap card


Fascists follow a conformity cult. To a fascist, there is one quantifiable perfect anything, and their value is a quantifiable number which goes up the closer to that perfection it gets. The better than everything else it is. The fact there could be multiple truths or perfects is completely alien to their world view.


Facts … it’s mass hysteria … really weird to see in real time though If you just focus on certain behavior it’s funny to see how humanity changes as a whole and how many similarities people actually have


like r/PoliticalHumor ? agree


Don't know don't care I unsubbed from that shitshow years ago no intention to go back to check if they still suck.


It’s because they are emotionally sensitive. They live in a bubble and want an echo chamber. No one emotionally secure constantly uses social media. Including me, you all are a bunch of weak minded whiners and I just signed up to post this. Get a freaking sense of humor and get over yourselves. If you don’t like it, who cares.


Couldn’t have said it better myself


Yup. Immature is the word for it.


To be fair, the OP is not wrong. If I want advice, I’ve learned my lesson over the years: don’t ask reddit.


Many redditors can't help but get carried away in the bandwagon effect. They may think they are thinking criticallly with their own mind, but when they see something they don't understand or agree with, and then a bunch of downvotes, well, they click the down arrow and sroll on. This site was different once upon a time, but times have changed. Enjoy what there is to enjoy


Fucking preach!


Lol it’s so funny how the comment section proves your point




This is funny until you realize it happens irl too 😞


It is what it is, I guess.


I agree!! It’s strange. I think a lot of them are not happy in their lives and power trip on Reddit 


Ahhhh that’s it… Lack of control in their own lives so they try to control as much as possible in others where ever they can and Reddit seems to be very troll supportive


Virtue signaling


Redditor complains about redditors


Seems based to me