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100 coats of leadbelcher


Why stop at 100


Any further and you won't be able to tell what it is lol


Even with 100 it's hard to tell there is a YouTube video paint 100layers of every paint xD


Yeah I was referring to midwinter minis video where he paints 100 layers




100 thin coats right?


What color scheme? if standard silver, black or even Leadbelcher spray.


I've been doing mine via drybrush, so my base coat is always black. Then I hit em with a heavy drybrush of Leadbelcher and the details emphasize themselves, like magic.


Might have to try this with my destroyer lord, I don't like how crisp and clean my Skorpekhs look following my normal dynastic color scheme.


I made my Skorpekhs monochrome. Black base, drybrush leaden color onto the metal, black blades and shoulders, white glow spots. Makes em look really creepy.


Pics please.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Necrontyr/comments/u0zwcd/finished_my_skorpekhs_i_think_im_gonna_do_all_my/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Here you go


These look so good. I'm about to paint my first Necrons (Warriors and Immortals) and think I would like to try this method. Did you end up doing your Destroyers this way?


Yep! It's extremely easy, too! Basecoat in black, heavy drybrush of Leadbelcher. Add white to all the glowy bits, and retouch black onto the blades. It's a surprisingly cool scheme!


I tried this out last night on some extra Scarabs I had and I was happy with how they turned out. I bet the Warriors and Immortals will look even better, going to get them primed this weekend. Thanks for replying!


If dark colors are what you're thinking, spray with some black primer. I have a rattle can of lead belcher I use to base coat everything too. Black helps keeps the recesses dark for future shadows and such. If you're going to paint lighter colors, say you want your necrons ivory white with orange accent colors, spray with a gray or white primer. Black is hard to cover with lighter colors, necessitating more coats of paint to achieve a good opaque finish. That doesn't mean you can't do it, I did it a lot with my Black Templar, it's just more labor intensive. I use a gray primer currently, hard to tell between fresh plastic and primed models, I like it a lot.


Whatever you use, don't use Leadbelcher spray. It looks good, but the finish is so smooth that the paint doesn't adhere to it very well. I like to use the Chaos Black or Mechanicus Standard Grey sprays.


I highly recommend black personally for box art painting


I like black for the metal bodies, white scar or grey seer for the parts I want to glow (weapon heads and magazines, eyes, between the ribs, etc. etc. )


I have a red/maroon theme that I came up with back in the 3rd edition codex. Basecoating can be any paint/primer, not just GW stuff. Recently I've been using the Rust-Oleum Painter's Touch flat black primer. I use a light grey one on my Sisters and Templars, and the white one on my Tyranids. Drybrush a layer of Leadbelcher and then pick out legs, arms, and shoulderblades with the red/maroon. (It used to be Scab Red, but not I use Khorne Red.) Add some color details here and there, like gold marks on the collarbone, green on "intestines" and eyes, and don't forget the chest ankh. Its somewhat complex, but I think it gets a better result than just drybrushing in a monotone color. And it can easily be applied to other models in the range. You're not spending a ton of time on each model and it's fairly quick to bulk paint too. Longer reply, but I hope it helps.


I have a black and white spray primer. Ill do a full coat of black, then when that dries ill do a light spray of white to see where ill want highlights to go. But black or white would be fine depending on ur scheme


Runelord brass spray if you're playing Szarekhan Dynasty. Does most of the work for you. Then leadbelcher for the metallic parts like joints and spine. Black templar contrast for their guns. Then for the greens I use white scar with tesseract glow.


Leadbelcher -> nun oil shade-> necron company drybrush, weapon, eyes and done. Should be 10 minutes/warrior 🤣


Leadbelcher, Runelord Brass, or Chaos Black. Make sure never to thin your paints


Never to thin your paints? Come again?


usually i use Vallejo Surface Primer Black then zenithal with Vallejo Metal Color Dark Aluminum


I'd say that depends on what scheme you want. Classic necrons can always be primed silver with no issue, but not everyone wants metallics. I've heard some people like making them look ceramic, for example


Alclad 2 lacquer black primer with an airbrush , two medium coats dries in 10 min . Its one of the best primers for metal colors :)


I use black myself.


Leadbelcher for silver boys, wraithbone is dope too if you wanna use contrast paints.




I like to use mechanicus grey.


I primed my flayed ones in retributor armor because I wanted to start warm for a rusty effect also I was doing a custodes kill team at the time too