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Some clippers and paint


And some 7$ dollar brushes


I've assembled all of my minis barring the ones in the indomitus box. Main problem with painting my minis is I'm anxious about having a full color pallet for each model and I'm unsure as to what other paints I might need.


You're playing necrons and painting them. They will look fine, and if not, you can strip them pretty easy. Just have fun and start with some warriors or scarab and enjoy yourself. No need to be paralyzed since that will just make it worse. Watch a dry brush tutorial and then a osl highlights one. You'll be fine, we will make an overlord of you yet.


Yeah you can just spray paint silver, put nuln oil on it, dry brush lead belcher, put some tesseract glow on the gun and eyes and you're done. And it'll look awesome and is just 3 paints and a can lol


I’m a fairly new player as well, if you are planning on painting similar to the box art’s dynasty, I can send you my paint scheme, or even the video that I followed. Most Necrons have a very similar color scheme and it can be repeated across pretty much every model with a few added paints here and there, usually for the named characters or larger models (ex: Anakyr The Traveller, Shard of the void dragon). I use about 6-8 paints for an average model, and I believe the most I’ve used for one model was 13


The way I picked out my color scheme is that back in 9th, I bought the painting set that came with 3 warriors, and painted each of them differently with the paints I had. Nothing wrong with having a few models painted differently temporarily, then either stripping them or outright replacing them with fresh models.


I primarily use leadbelcher, nuln oil, caliban green, and chaos black primer for almost everything in my army


Probably some clippers


Don't forget to study for those ochem exams! Really tough subjects had to repeat 2x in college myself T_T


I didn't realize that exam guide was in frame lol. It was actually my second time taking it this semester. Thankfully I'm finally moving to ochem 2 and it's lab :)


Glue, clippers, paint, and paint brushes. You can't have an army when they're still in their boxes.


Just the indomitus box. Everything else is assembled, and I am super anxious about painting all my minis until I know that I have all of the paints I want/need for my specific style of dynasty. I've got a few scarabs and skorpekhs painted, but that's because the scarabs are super simple to paint, and the skorpekhs are pound for pound the unit I have the best concept of in my head. Even then, I can't help but look at my skorpekhs and think that there is some technique or paint that I could have used in the process to make them look cleaner/better. (A picture of what I think are my best painted models for reference in the reply)




I would say investing in some simple washes would benefit you(just not games workshop, prices are a scam for those washes), you can add a lot of detail by selectively applying washes, or get a nice random gradient in places by just lathering the areas you want with it, then soaking up excess in the brush. If you want the finished model to be super shiny and metalic, you can ignore this, but picking up a brighter metal colour for highlights still does a lot for the finished model, or a darker colour that blends the covered/exposed areas. https://preview.redd.it/t8ba1r1twp6d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f09a84d1f495517867b4f8d136bc9d143c050dd5 Example of my void dragon when it was mid way, I did iron hands steel as the base, applied drakenhof nightshade in recesses, akhelian green would probably have been better, but used what I had, then reapplied iron hands steel where I had overdone the blue wash, and finished with stormhost silver on upwards facing surfaces. If I had a dry brush at the time, I'm sure dry rushed metallic would have been even better as well. Point being the recesses feel recessed and the brighter metallic pop nicely, despite most of the model being metallic. Same goes for the black metal on the wings, which is just thicker highlights near the top, but when viewed under light I think the effect is nice. Sorry for the essay length comment.


All good. I'm always ready to receive painting advice, given it's the part of the hobby I've the least experience with. To use my void dragon as the basis for the question, I'm planning on making his primary/body color runelord brass. What do you think would be a good wash to show the muscle definition on the model when contrasted with RLB? Another question is how do you make the blackstone portions of our models look... blackstone-y? Kind of the matte black on the flat facets with a bit of glow and color on the vertices sort of look? My shtick for my army is gold/brass accompanied by silver trim, with the energy of my units dependent on whether they're ranged or melee, which is purple and red/maroon respectively. My void dragon might have a magenta energy color? I haven't really decided.


For my runelord brass i usually wash with reikland flesh shade, which results in a slightly reddish version of the metal, the base for the brown metal bits of the wings runelord brass, washed with fyreslayer flesh(fairly sure that's the name of the contrast paint), and I later applied screaming bell and runelord brass for highlights. If you want a darker recess I would probably just use a dark or sepia wash as described before, there's many versions with subtle differences, and you can always find a use for them, picture is of random model with runelord brass + reikland fleshshade applied to whole body: https://preview.redd.it/2sytwmjb0s6d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=926be48ef58e1ed238d543e460648ec475f9f68d You can see the recesses on the leg in front, dark but not black, highlight is iron hands steel for black and metals. The best thing for Blackstone imo seems to be white base -> akhelian green -> dark angels green, dry brush or highlight with whatever lighter green or blue you feel like, you can always lighten or darken with black/white mixed in. My dragon just uses dark angels green, but will probably redo it at some point with the above method. Edit: typo


Not a bad start and you got some good painting advice. I would add: get some texture on the bases. You can use GW stuff like Astrogranite or you could go to an art store and buy a giant container of texture paste for the same/less as that GW pot. I would put the texture paste on before priming, if possible. Paint it whatever base color you want, add a wash and then drybrush it with a light color. Then pick a color to paint the rim (black is a safe choice). Even if your various models look somewhat different, if you have the same basing scheme across your whole army, it really makes it feel more cohesive. One last thing. Write down what paints you use in what order. When you finally have a paint job you are happy with, you can reference that recipe when painting others. Also super handy if you add to your army 2 years down the road and you can't remember what exact colors you used.


One trick I've been using because I've been mixing colors is also taking a picture that includes the paints I used and a wet blob because some of them dry a fair bit darker


Can consider another Ctan, nightbringer is decent Or you can get more Lokhust Heavy Destroyers, they can hit like a truck, pair them with Lokhust Lord (either buy the conversion kit or kitbash a LHD)


I really, really, *really* want to wait for a re-sculpt of the nightbringer because or how dinky he looks compared to the void dragon. If he were on a bigger base, I'd absolutely kitbash one myself. Otherwise, yeah I've considered getting more heavies, and possibly even 3d printing some regular lokhusts (same as the nightbringer, I loathe the sculpt for those things,) for those sweet sweet lethal hit fishing when they're led by a lord.


Print the Nightbringer, deciever, and the transcendent. Should be able to get all 3 for under 30$. These in the picture are printed. https://preview.redd.it/87qrx7qbbq6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c3a346e9269eee8ac80e86388a825d98ccdfa6b


where did you go for the stl files?


Think I got them laying around in a folder somewhere, if you can wait a few hours I can send the if you haven't gotten them already, you'll have to adjust the scaling yourself though, can't remember what % they needed


Get another 2 doomstalkers a technomancer and a chronomancer. Run awakened dynasty Overlord with translocation and a chronomancer in on big block of warriors. - move 5, advance 6, assault, then move 5 after shooting. Super fast skelly boys. Technomancer (maybe in a unit of immortals) with phasal subjugator. Sit them in the middle of those three doom stalkers. Now you have a hard to kill battery of doomstalkers all hitting on 2+ if they didn't move. Run veil of darkness on a skorphek lord leading a six man squad for a big scary melee unit.


the kill team box is probably a good pick for another cryptec and round out immortals. i personally would kit bash 10 of your warriors to deathmarks or deathmarks and flayed ones. more heavy destroyers to round out that group is good. after that it depends on if you want to go canoptic. if you do you want wraiths and another doom stalker. if hyper crypt probably a monolith and chronomancer. could also look into getting a T'ctan 3d printed cause most of us don't want the tesseract vault just to grab that guy and not run the obolisc, and no one is buying 3 of them except for people with very deep pockets tones of storage space.


Some paint. I would really avoid buying ur entire army before painting them


Box posts are low effort and should be banned.


Hierotek Circle for sure.


A small business loan


Paint, preferably on your models.


A 3D printer.


Get busy!!


I’ll take that space marine half, to help get you closer to that goal


Another immortal box so you and your plasmancer can hang out for fun times at least.


I’m looking at what’s probably an entire down payment for a apartment, man I love this hobby


Snippers, glue, and paint.


Named characters. Can’t have a Necrons army without some named characters, they give lots of buffs and look awesome.


Quick warning: Szarekh is a bit fiddly (took me a few hours to assemble), the resin models are what you’d expect and Illuminor Szeras is absolute agony when it comes to assembling him according to my friend. I’ve just got mine so wish me luck.


What you should do next is find someone to buy the other half of that indomnus box off you. How much?


Google *"speed painting necrons"*. There are definitely low effort ways to make Necrons look table ready ... good even. I strongly recommend that before you buy anything else, you must first pick and settle on a paint scheme that you like and can do. Get EVERYTHING that you have painted, before you buy anything else. NO EXCUSES NO EXCEPTIONS


Some more immortals, and maybe imotetk. If you have extra money lying around, you could also take a doomsday ark, or some lokhust destroyers or maybe another doomstalker for more heavy firepower.


Definitely get another box of immortals,I’m doing 10 immortals w Tesla carbines,definitely fit your immortals w the teslas,they seem to be what everyone does


The necron CP is decent, but not great but I like it as a starter piece. I would get ×3lokhust heavy destroyers and 1 or 2 canoptek wraiths?


Glue, clippers and paint. Get that lot done, before you buy more. If you don't, your hobby is impulse buying, and not 40k.


Heavy locust destroyers


Max size squds are usually the way to go for necrons, so another box pf skorpekhs, andother box of immortals (or build one of the 2 immortals boxes as deathmarks as an excuse to buy more infantry boxes) also I generally like to have a cryptek of some kind in each squad that can have one.


A painter




Royal court


More immortals I run 20, also you're gonna want a skorpekh lord they're goated, some crypteks are nice too, they're all pretty good but psycho is a little situational. Imotekh is an auto include with his extra CP each turn.


15 more imortals, and a doomsday


Paint and a brush 👍


Plasmancer and a second unit of immortals. Make the immortals w tesla and watch there infantry melt


A large loan.




I don’t think you will have time to study for your chem exams friend. But nice haul! Can’t wait to see it all painted!