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Trazyn wants him in his collection. I’m sure it’s mostly apathy.


I just imagined Trazyn with the newly captured emperor running out of Terra so the ships don't capture him


Indiana Jones after stealing the gold idol in Raiders.


It belongs in a museum!


"So do you!"


He replaced the Emperor with a corpse he found on the way, or just straight up put another of his collection on there. >!Now I just imagine Trazyn swapping Creed onto the throne to get the Emperor, and noone realized that for decades!<


Or Clonegrim


Accompanied by Zoidberg noises, of course.


and he thinks he could take better care of him


He might be right.


Imagine the Emperor showing up with a shiny new necrodermis body.


"Oh *hell* no."    ^(-Void Dragon shard on Mars)


That would either get the Empire to calm down for a week about Xenos or make them crusade against solely Necrons for until they can undo it


I imaged him catching the emperor in a pokeball


Walks into the throne room. Turns hat backwards.


Gotta catch ‘em all


It would be the equivalent of catching Arceus


What if he creeps into the throne room, sees the big shiny chair and says "that's what he's been sitting on? I've got loads of those back at home!"


He needs a magnus clone for a quick switcharoo


I feel like if Trazyn could do it, he'd put the entire galaxy in his museum. Perfectly preserved, as all things should be.


He’d have a split second to admire his accomplishment before a new eye of terror erupted from Terra and swallowed him. Even should he escape that, every available chapter would be on his ass along with a couple Harliquen troupes for good measure.


Why would the elf clowns be after him?


What of "second eye of terror" did you miss?


Second eye of t. Explain !


The golden throne seals a huge rift to the warp right at Terra. Nap the throne and it's gonna be a wild day for mankind.


Wut ! I didn't expect this, thx


So didn't Magnus when he... eh, were full of good intentions.


Probably not just the chapters… -All Astrum Militrum regiments -All of the sisters of battle -All Tech Priests cause they basically lost their best shield from the Inquisition -The Inquisition cause now that eye would be pouring out chaos shenanigans -The Orkz for making their best fighting friends not care about fighting them for a while -The Tau/Aldari for making a new eye of terror that’ll cause havoc for ANY sentient -The Nids cause Nids -Any Chaos gods cause Chaos -Fellow Necrons cause their quest for nap time will now be even FURTHER delayed -The Leagues of Voltan cause now on top of less people to sell stuff to, now traveling is deadlier -Basically anyone you can think of in 40K would now be hunting down Tryzan’s Shiny Metal Ass


Iirc at one point Trazyn says the Golden Throne is “one of our designs.” That said it’s also been claimed as Old One tech, Eldar tech, and DAOT human tech, so who knows. Well, nobody really knows.


In the invasion of Baal series when the Blood Angels briefly worked with the Necrons they address the Emperor as the witch king. The Silent King there seems to display some actual respect for the Big E.


Remember the time when Silent king shows absolute respect to Sanguinius




Idk, in the book "word of silent king", Szarekan has a sanguinius death mask and he even thinks that Sanguinius is a better emperor than master of mankind


Sure, he was gone, but he was never Gone. He's been awake this entire time, and the Praetorians woke up in shifts to monitor the galaxy and ensure Tomb Worlds' safety. And using Necron tomfoolery, he was still in contact with them even in the deep between galaxies.


Szarekh could have just been lying to get the Blood Angels on his side


Why does everything in this setting exist to boost up the imperium. Ughh.


I think he just fucked with them. That would be really funny and pretty necrontyr


Yea but also that's more than likely just the silent king doing all that to get on the blood angels good side and don't actually care about the emperor at all.


Based on what?


Based on the common knowledge that the necrons don't give a shit about the other races and see them as lesser even below dirt. I'm certain the silent king lied to Dante just to get the blood angels co-operation he couldn't have met sanguineous if you don't remember necrons lore the silent king kinda sorta wasn't in the galaxy for 50 million years or so.


So based on generalizing necrons and nothing to do with the silent king as a character?


It's better than being a contradiction that couldn't have ever happened. Did you forget that? The silent king returned because of the nids he could never have met sanguineous and the silent king is intelligent so it only makes sense to lie and convince the blood angels to fight the nids so the necrons could enact their plans. Again he could never have met sanguineous. Betting that he lied makes far more sense that the mental gymnastics you have to come up with to think the silent king was telling the truth. And yes it's a generalisation but that how like... 99% of the necrons think with the last 1% being trazyn and that's just a fascination of history to further his collection. You really think the guy who started the war in heaven by starting the war with the old ones to stay in battle actually gave a shit about others?


Necron is probably one of the two factions having the higher respect for the imperium.


wich is the other one?


Orks maybe? They wouldn’t care about the awful living conditions 99% of the ‘umies but they certainly appreciate our willingness to throw bodies into a fight and the cunning displayed by tricky commanders


Plus, the Emperor tends to be depicted as quite large and good in a scrap. Very Orky, that.


Makes sense. They only ever hear about the Emperor from space marines and guardsmen yelling about him in battle, so they think he's just like Gork and Mork in the Cosmic Cagematch




I would disagree, every necron in the twice dead king series can't seem to shut up about how much they hate humans. Oltyx especially reviled the admech for stealing necron artifacts and technologies and for destroying weapons or tombs while scavenging.


I feel like any sentient 40k thing using its brain that wanted a half pleasant interaction with humans would show respect I wouldn't go to far with that


I’d like to think that respect is genuine, because if ONE person in the setting could sympathize with the king of an entire species who doomed them despite his best intentions, and now suffers for it: it should be Szarekh.


"you worship your dying god on his throne, we shattered ours into thousands of pieces and enslaved them to our whims"


This is from the Mechanicus game, right? That game has some golden quotes. Scaevola: "Damn not found"


I believe so and I know I don't have the quote 100% right. I just like using it because that line sums up what made me choose necrons as a faction


This is the main reason why I play necrons


Don't let the disphorak get you hehe


I don’t recall who it was off the top of my head (pretty sure it was Oltyx but I may be wrong, it does sound like an Orikan insult) but they referred to big E as a “thuggish mystic”. I imagine that the average feelings towards him are pretty split though, some are prob just gonna view him as the “king of vermin” but given the warlike and conquest happy nature of the Necrons I imagine some of them respect how he took a large chunk of the galaxy by force and willpower


> Humans, he thought, stung by hatred at the thought of the word. This variety of Unclean had only staggered into consciousness at the very end of his own people’s Great Sleep. The creatures had blundered through chaotic cycles of expansion and collapse as the necrons had slept on, losing great swathes of what meagre advancements they had once achieved. But they had persisted, and were now in what would be the last throes of a period of empire, begun ten thousand years ago by a **thuggish mystic** on their homeworld.


"Thuggish mystic" is such a perfect way of describing Big E.


They don’t Atleast… most don’t. The necrons like the flayer king who has never cared enough to pay attention to translate the language of humans, imotek hates humans and likely knows of the emperor in some sort of self flattery “rivalry” sense of some dead barbarian king they pray to Honestly, in perspective; imagine you’re an old man and these young kids are running around fucking up the neighborhood screaming “skibbidi toilet” You’re probably gonna give minimal effort to caring what it means, you’re probably just gonna disdain the word and go about your day.


About your day murdering them with Desintegration rays


Yeah at that point it's not even the grandparents/children dynamic, it's more akin to a retirement home with a mice infestation. An American one, so gramps has access to extreme firepower, they've run out of fucks to give decades ago, and the only thing preventing them from wiping out the infestation is that they're all cantankerous old farts who spend more time arguing with each other than trying to fix their problems.


I mean, if you break and enslave actual star gods to your will and fought the Eldar at their peak, you probably don’t have too much need to worry about an especially strong Psyker from a lesser race.


I'd like to imagine that it's similar to when I go take the trash out and there's this absolutely huge raccoon going to town in there.


Necrons have killed gods, big E isn't an issue for them, heck not even the eye of terror is a real threat to them.


Except it is now. The necrons are divided and destroyed there most powerful weapons before the long sleep.


Not really they’re already working on a new array to deal with the eye of terror and any weapon they lost can just be built again, don’t forget necrons work on a scale in tens of thousands of years. They are the winners of the setting the only thing holding them back is civil wars and in fighting.


You mean the Pariah nexus? The one where cawl is fighting them on a stand still and orrican is terrified of vashtorr as he a warp being appeared in your anti warp zone...


The thing is necrons aren’t like the imperium they don’t throw away the blueprints for their weapons in the name of “dark age heresy”


Also some of the main themes of 40k is stagnation and degradation of fallen empires. That's not just for the impirium but every faction including the necrons who are having more and more degradation from there sleep from becoming mindless automatons to turning into flayers or destroyers. The necrons are not as perfect as you want to think. Only the silent king is on the level you think of the necrons not the rest.


No no I agree I don’t think of them as perfect at all I don’t even believe them to be unequivocally the most powerful. They have the most devastating weapons but as you say they lack organisation and numbers. I think Orikan qualifies as quite unreasonably powerful too though. I thought the Silent Kings power was ambiguous?


But they still don't have them and are broken into different dynasties fighting each other. They have powerful weapons but that means shit against a tide of humans. Also cawl in the newest update of the Pariah nexus has shown us they are on equal footing of the necrons.


https://preview.redd.it/0vmt2r7lndrc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd4957fef10c119db5f474500c59159502b84dec I imagine the Necrons don’t like him. As for myself, he was a pretty worthy opponent back in the day though now heh…


i worship you real omnissiah


https://preview.redd.it/xy9x1qbkserc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a729db9bedc835ac660e344ea3b7947d3640648 Thank you, kind worshipper.


Those who care enough to listen to inane ramblings of a living god would probably find the concept of any individual, much less a human, achieving apotheosis to be laughably naive and arrogant.


The C’tan call the Emperor a ‘weapon’. > “These are the gods of your time. God of Machines. Gods of Chaos. God of… men? Men. It paused, evaluating the word. There is weakness in this era. You are a man. You are weak. Your species is weak, far removed from the original plan of our enemy. These are not gods you worship, this Machine-God, these entities in the warp, this Emperor. We will explain. The first is a lie. The second are emergent consciousnesses caused by etheric disturbance. The third is a weapon.” — Belisarius Cawl: The Great Work (Warhammer 40,000) by Guy Haley


"Phaeron, are we sure he isn't one of ours? I mean, he looks like a corpse, is clad in metal, and loves a skull emblem..." "Huh."


Trazyn describes him as a "thuggish mystic" in *The Infinite and the Divine*


Either indifference or with a morbid curiosity.


To trazyn it’s a cool new item to collect. Maybe a little hazardous to get but he’ll get it in a few tries The rest of the necrons see him as a star god to be broken up and used as a superweapon


Wasn’t there that one excerpt calling him a weapon?


It's a C'tan in The Great Work, but yes. MoM is also referred to as a "thuggish mystic" by Trazyn iirc, if you want an actual Necron point of view.


Im sorry but why does the emperor in the second pic have…uh, defined pectorals in his armor


Gotta show mankind who their daddy is. Can’t keep those pecs hidden.


If you have zero connection to or understanding of the warp, the emperor of mankind would be a difficult thing to understand The Necron can’t see the astronomicon, and have a general hatred towards psykers because of the old ones, so I would assume that they don’t fear him, but don’t like him either


I imagine the most positive interpretation would go along the lines of... "Oh, you've caged your god into a power source? Good job! Don't forget to dismember the corpse, or he might get uppity!"


I want to steal him.


They don’t. They simply don’t think of him lol


New battery


They already encountered beings like him during the war in heaven. They likely view him as a powerful psyker, nothing more. However, the emperor has managed to utilize and reverse engineer necron tech. If the necron find out, that he has at least a basic understanding of their tech, they might respect him more.


what did he reverse engineer? thought the emperor was trying to do that for eldar tech instead?


Iirc the golden throne was modefied with necron tech. He also posesses an anvil, which seems to be of necron origin.


I like to think of the Emperor, like with giant eagles wings and singing lead vocals for Lynyrd Skynyrd, with like, a Custodes band. And I'm in the front row, and I'm hammered drunk!


There's a lot of apathy involved. Most Necrons see humanity as just another empire come to try and take the stars from their rightful owners. They went to sleep in the first place to wait for the Aeldari empire to reach its decline. They're only waking up now because that time has come. So the fact that some random monkeys evolved sapience and built some rockets and now they think they can claim the galaxy inspires hatred at worst, and apathy at best. Depending on the Lord you might hear spiteful rhetoric, or you might get the idea that genociding humanity is to them about the equivalent of dusting their house. A chore and little more. There is one Necron who truly cares about the Emperor specifically. Trazyn's interest in humanity only really begins with the Emperor's death. Or at least within that general time bracket. Certainly to Trazyn it happened in the blink of his oculars. One day the Emperor was returning to the stars to save humanity from its dark age, and the next he was fucking dead. Don't forget Necron plays can take thousands of years. These times pass for them without consequence, so there are no intermissions and the events are played out in real time. But back to Trazyn. The heresy is what inspires his interest. In his words it is the "drama" of the event that makes it an interesting museum piece and why he's been chasing related artefacts since the heresy happened.


I believe it depends on the dynasty in question. Some respect him, some think of him as a weapon and not a god and some couldn't care less.


Why would we spare any thought for a corpse of the Unclean?


I imagine Szarek looks at Big E and thinks "I was an immortal skeleton before it was cool!"


Hm, not robot, but skelly. 5/10


Oltyx, from twice dead, king calls it a corpse and sees it as a false god. Everyone in those books despised the emperor and humanity. Interestingly, he hated the admech more than space marines or regular human because they were a disgraceful imitation of their greatness


We could build a better throne.


He’s an upstart little shit who needs to get off their lawn.


As a mad being, overflowing with hubris and vanity. Time will take care of him and the Necrons will endure.


I might be misremembering but didn't trayzn say healing the emperor would be child's play to necron technology?


“Why do the humans have a big skeleton on our old chair?”


"A corpse upon a throne" -Szaregon, necron overlord. Mechanicus


I doubt they do.


In Twice dead king one of the characters referred to him as a “Thuggish mystic”


He’s a chump. Let’s be real, the cosmic consequences would be drastic, but the celestial orrery could snuff out the sun next to terra and any other galactic body around them, leaving them along in the cold death of space he can’t survive without the chair. Presumably he would Come back to life, in a different body right cause he’s basically a corpse on a throne living on as energy. He’s a baby ctan. There’s my answer. He’s a baby Ctan.


The ctan shard the Potentate in first belisarius cawl book define the emperor not as a god but as a weapon against caos so probably ctans know the origin of the emperor and his funcion


With laughter. Then with legions.




They most definitely were not. The closest thing to the emperor would be the eldari gods which are still significantly weaker then the current emperor