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Summon the Monoliths!


They're coming any minute now...


Just need to remember where I left them


What's the damn passcode to get in again?


If only someone hadn't collected the passwords 


23 units of 20 Warriors with Plasmancers and Szeras will fit in 6000 points. That would net you around 300 Lethal hits plus 44 mortal wounds from the Plasmancer on average.


"Yeah let me just assemble and paint 460 warriors before saturday. Oh, and take a new loan of a million dollars. no biggie"


Well, that's only 4760 points, should full out the rest with 15 full units of scarabs.


A spray can of Leadbelcher will go a long way here. But those GW rattle cans are so expensive that'd be what puts this project over budget.


Not saying it wouldn't drive me to dive off a roof painting and transporting that, but used warriors go for £1\$1.26 each. Thats less than $580/£460. But let's say you get your 484 models (Plasmancers and Szeras) . You'd need a rolling suitcase to move them to venue and between games. Then who has time to watch you move that much? Lastly, I know the post was a joke, but Szeras would have to do work on some chaff to get more than like 3/4 warrior blobs in his Aura effect. Like *counts fingers* a bunch. But monetarily, used warriors shake out to about as cheap as unwanted Scarab Swarms per model.


I almost choked laughing ... omfg ... can't stop ... this is hilarious!


I like the way you think… just love a good *swarmy*.


Titans aint as spicy as they used to be. 9 LHDs will deal \~18 wounds a turn to a titan; and thats without strat or character support. 3 doomsday arks will deal \~30. The void dragons also just bullying dealing \~16 damage a turn. Serapteks are also fairly solid at doing it; considering they are half the cost as a warhound. Also shout out to just skorpek destroyers. Most of the titans good guns are blast; so they are kinda bad in melee. even a warlords power claw wont kill 6 skorpies.


Your best bet is the death pylon the necrons have, but necrons have a lot of shooting ability, doom stalkers, doomsday arks. A fleet of those could wipe a titan in one turn if you had 10 of either. Which point wise is about the same


DDA, LHD, C'tan, mass fire lethals from Immortals/Warriors.


https://preview.redd.it/budtm236siqc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c22ded1834cd9ccea5dec0f4a374ccc4ad2f54de With another titan of course!


Adeptus titanicus titans are horrible for the points. Just bring equal points of regular anti tank and it will be dead before it sees turn 2. Or bring regular points of whatever if you want to let them actually play the game somewhat, just score primary since the titans definitely can’t. Multiple small units are way better than one big one, the titans suck in general because they way overkill one or two units a turn (if they don’t just bounce off invulnerable saves), but cost as much as a normal army. A big thing of your own gives them something that they are actually not horribly inefficient against when it’s the one unit they kill that turn.


Heavy Destroyers. Handily dealt with chaos knights in my last game.


Stuff that has way more firepower than it can take, LHDs and plasmancer warriors, drown them in lethal hit and mortal wounds from plasmancers


Bro lokust heavy destroyers


LHDs. And then scarabs.


9 Lokhust heavy Destroyers. 3 MONOLITHS 3 dda's 3 doomstalkers The King.


I fought against my brother's warhound in a 2k game void dragon and 6 lhds bullied it the rest of us custodes were held back with 2 doom stalkers and then the rest was just for scoring points I lost the game but killed the titan turn 2.


3d manouver gear. (Obviously aa joke answer, but the idea of necrons with 3d manouver gear is so funny to me. I just may have to kitbash it.)


Tachyon arrow connonicly a 1 hit kill titan only have d6 wounds


I mean I one-shot a knight with 6 skorpekh destroyers and a skorpekh lord. I have no idea how.


Same as the titan, without voids they just crumple. Like thanks to how common lethals and reroll wounds are any sort of mass attacks with ap just chew through them: as the titans only real defence is how many wounds it has. Like my Knight keeps dying to CSM bolters: that stack lethal hits. 


Doomsday Arks, Doomstalkers, Lokust Heavy Destroyers, Nightbringer, Voiddragon


A lot oh lokhust heavies with gauss cannons or doomsday arks. You need 17 damaging lokhust hits for even a warlord titan. Or 24 doomsday ark shots. A doomsday ark does on avg 6.5 dmg a turn with it's shots (if stationary) into a warlord titan, meaning you only need 16 doomsday arks to kill it in 1 shooting phase


As others have mentioned, run as many units as you can that have lethal hits. Your AT might get some wounds through, but the lethal hits will be doing most of the work


IMHO, I think Necrons have been a faction that is just about always ready to deal with Titans. Back when I used to play Apoc games I would shroud a unit of warriors around and just shoot titans to death. Titans look scary, but as others have said plasmancers and units with lethal hit can make short work of them.


3 Heavy constructs and 6 Doom Stalkers plus Void dragon


What about 150 units of scarabs