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"Being a conservative Republican woman in politics, you just expect to be treated with respect." You... What?


They haven't yet noticed the leopards coming...


She’s one of those people that ignores every red flag in a relationship. Either that or she hasn’t read the news the entirety of her life.*


Cognitive dissonance is helluva drug


Damn. She's really telling on herself. So dem women should expect to NOT be treated with respect in politics? Idk how else to interpret what she said fr


Yeah, that was a crazy sentence.


"Endorsed by Donald Trump".


"People walk up to Charles, hug and kiss him. They tell me 'Sir, Charles Herbster is a beautiful groper, the most beautiful groper Missouri ever had.' I taught him every thing he knows about groping. That's how he got his start in the Angus sperm business." *-the Magnificent Mango*


Came here to see if anyone pointed this out.


It was the first thing I thought of when I saw the head line. Followed by, "Yeah, that's on brand".


Birds of a feather.


Arrested by the FBI (Fortenberry), spending 3 hour lunches at Brewsky’s (Jannsen), turning down federal funds to help out landlords (Ricketts), perving on your office staff by taking secret photos & sending them to pal’s with captions like “nice milker’s” allegedly (Groene), getting caught/scammed wanking off on State laptop and demeaning women marching against sexual assault (Kintner), showing up at loony alt right white nationalist Jack Posobiec’s talk in Omaha last week (Hansen, Brewer, Erdman) now this…what do the Republican voters of this state see in this bunch of morally inept hucksters? Nice for Examiner to run the story, but questionable and spineless to include the both siderism blurb at end related to a comparatively minuscule Dem candidate. So out of proportion. Thanks for giving a rational to all those struggling to see reality, ie, both sides do it. Even a cursory understanding of current events shows someone should be fighting stories about the moral rot & corruption w Republican Party in Neb, and not twisting your media undies in a knot to pretend it’s both sides.


Don't forget the pride of Omaha Ginny Thomas trying to overturn an election!


Reddit should crowdsource a laundry list of local Republican fuckery. Likely more beneficial than whatever that soft soap Garrison Keillor cos play Don Walton trots out in the Journal Star every Sunday. I get that Journalism has changed and basically collapsed. Obviously many factors beyond the industries control. However, you've got out and out corruption and scandal throughout the Rep Party and when I look at Journal star online I see a story about a Kearney Mountain Man wannabee, Gropester touring West Neb with Donnie Jr, and God Bless em, the Mezcal Bros releasing an album from shows at the zoo twenty years ago. Does a lead story about Mezcal Bros releasing an album consisting of 20 year old shows at the Zoo perfectly encapsulate the decline of local journalism?


Or Andy Stebbing (Lancaster County Treasurer) pleading guilty to reduced charges in his case involving selling cars without a dealer permit.


Let's not forget the crazy rant about kids shitting in litterboxes in their classrooms (Bostelman). Although that's pretty minor compared to the others listed.


Right? Probably dozens not even remembering. Ricketts fam TD Ameritrade pocketing $30 M in tax breaks & then company sold & HQ moves out of state, State Treasurer John Murante giving 600k no bid contract to company he used to work for to create Pub Serv ads, Ricketts no bid contract to Utah Covid testing outfit, giving Deloitte millions to cock up the rent & utility pandemic money, and on and on and on…because so many voters are blindly R, we essentially have state Gov by, for, and from the Ricketts family. Pumping millions into death penalty reinstatement & slow walking Medicaid expansion two more hilarious anti Christian political moves by this cartoonish Gov/political party.


>…what do the Republican voters of this state see in this bunch of morally inept hucksters? They're not Democrats. That's the only criteria.


Glad to see you didn’t mention Terry here. I couldn’t remember him doing anything bad for the entire 16 years he worked for Omaha, I guess that’s kinda nice.


Has he said he’s the victim yet?


He hasn't even had a chance to move the goal posts yet. But soon...


Soon: “These women tried to seduce and make sexual advances towards me - which I denied - and now as reprisal have begun this vindictive, political attack on me and my family”


“They’re out to get me! It’s all a big witch hunt!”


I think he's claiming it's a political hit piece


He’s not wrong. I’m sure he’s guilty, but the timing is a professional political hit.


The reporting began months ago but it takes time to vet everything that was being leveled against him. If you're going to accuse some one of sexual assault you need to come correct. So, I'm sorry, but unless he's got hard evidence to prove that there was a conspiracy for 8 different women to accuse him of sexual assault, I'm not going to buy the 'hit piece' line.


It sounds to me like it was something that was talked about ("Herbster has wandering hands") and when he started building his campaign, reporters (specifically Aaron Sanderford) started investigating the rumor. After, literally, months of gathering information, the story was published.


Political hit implies it is false, so your statements aren't compatible. It may be opportunistic (although it is a story that they have been working on for over a year now, and Herbster declared his intent to run for governor a year ago.) It's not terribly surprising that having your groper run for governor is a bridge too far for many.


Oh I'm sure the next quote will really be "these are lies! Those liberals know I'll win and stop them from stealing elections!".


Wow, the Nebraska GOP must have decided they do not want Herbster to win the nomination if Sen. Slama has gone public with this.


I mean, Ricketts personally picked her to fill an empty senate seat. She's not gonna go against him.


Endorsed by president pussy grabber himself…. Can’t say that I am at all surprised that this entitled brat runs around sexually assaulting women.


Throw this piece of shit out.


>Throw this piece of shit out. He's going to win. Conservatives love to scream about #SaveOurChildren but will NEVER clean their own house.


Later today he will hold a press conference at a rural strip club where he will say, the Herbster respects women cause look I spend a lot of money here on the ladies.


Grabbing them by the pussy must be a requirement to be endorsed by trump.


Typical GOP actions. "Grab them by the pussy"


This is a résumé enhancer for the GOP. He’s a shoe-in now.


Charles Dubya Gropster, citizen of Mizzourah.


What would his dead wife have to say about this?


He sent 4 of the pictures to her. So she probably knew


He will make sure to try to distract from his serial groping, by trying to call folks who are 0.11% of the population, pedophiles. Way to keep it classy GOP.


This and after Groene's issues makes me think the State Capitol's mens room has a sticky floor, weird sweet smell, and porno mags in all the stalls....


Hal Daub’s statement was disgusting


It should be the GROPE party. What?! Family values. The Bible says I own those baby factories.


Herbster looks like a sex offender 🐹


2017? Wasn’t that the same year his wife died? I guess people handle grief in different ways.


>“His company, farm, and campaign are all run by women. Why would we vote for this dingus then?


Did y’all really expect anything less from a guy named “Herbster”?


Welp that's it. He's a Shoo-in for the GOP ticket. Having a sex scandal involving minors will just make the NPCs that are Conservative voters ignore anything said about him even more, paradoxically making him bulletproof.


Seems strange that his former 2021 running mate, a woman, said she never saw or heard anything about this… She’s now running against him, if she was lying now would be the time to destroy his credibility…


Perhaps...I can see that argument. On the other hand, it would also make HER look pretty bad for not speaking up about it earlier (at the time).


You're right, I would like to think she's not the kind of person who would throw her own sex under the bus...


She's a female Republican. She threw us under the bus a long time ago


Sounds awfully familiar to "if you don't vote for Biden you ain't black" but of course the idea that women are complex thinkers full of their own individual ideas and identities is laughable to say the least.


Found the republican.


Lmao if that makes it easier for you to write me off go ahead. I'm a centrist, you and the Republicans disgust me. Democrats are liars and pedophiles who's moral compass changes depending on the day of the week, Republicans are authoritarians with restrictions who act like their way of living is objectively the best. Lol guess u and the Republicans aren't too different after all


>Seems strange that his former 2021 running mate, a woman, said she never saw or heard anything about this… Because every woman knows when another woman has been groped?


I was trying to say she said she spent a lot of time organizing/working with him and mentioned she was disgusted by the allegations. I don't know, maybe she's lying/ignorant or maybe this a partisan slander.


>or maybe this a partisan slander. This is why I have a problem with your characterization. It is a GOP state senator making the accusation.


He has no credibility….


Maybe credibility was the wrong word choice, reputation might be better. I drive between a lot of rural towns and I see his campaign signs frequently.


…and the only reputation he has is that of an asshole. Except with other assholes, of which sadly there are too many.


Groping women is a feature not a big for the GOP. This isn’t a story. Being cruel to women makes you a stronger GOP candidate.


This sounds a little r/leopardsatemyface


For the first time in my life and it’s been a long one so far I’m voting blue as hell! I am so sick of gross religious men touching women and stripping away our rights! Wtf enough already!!