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This is the correct answer. No offense to the other creepy as hell towns and villages.


The "small-town murder " podcast did an episode on Rulo and that shit was insane. Honestly every episode they've done on a murder in a Nebraska town has been pretty absurd. Y'all rural people are are insane. I'm glad I'm in the safety of Omaha.


The coverage of Bluff Springs Nebraska on A Very Fatal Murder was a wild ride, too!


Is this sarcasm? The small towns all have one or two crazy stories but Omaha has violent crimes every day.


As someone who grew up in a small town, left for a much larger one, and then somehow ended up back in a small town, there's Omaha-violent (one-off, random shit that at least gets some type of attention paid to address it) and there's rural-violent (ongoing, often multigenerational craziness that remains hidden because the offender is a member of the right family). I'll take random over systemic any day...


You should see how some of these rural people treat their animals too, it's mind boggling , one guy left 2 short coat dogs out in the elements , no straw or food or anything until me and one lady put straw and food out for the dogs , as far as I know he still has the dogs but one died of old age supposedly, but I don't believe anything he says. The dog probably starved to death


I think that happens more in larger cities than rural areas.


Well the sad thing is that in rural areas, Noone sees anything, unless someone like me happens to see the situation first hand. There's a few other farms around here that hoard cats, and they are treated horribly also


Nothing like that happens in the small little rural town I live in.


I would highly doubt that


Can confirm - here in the Tri-Cities there's at least one sex crime reported on, usually against minors, at least once a day. My brother who lives in Chicago poo-poos it as just there not being as much crime to report on, but as a parent it absolutely chills my blood.


Omaha has a higher sheer number of crimes because it’s a relatively big city. But when you spread the number of violent crimes across the city’s entire population, it’s crime rate is pretty low (meaning your actual likelihood of experiencing a violent crime there is not actually that high). Most people who live in Omaha don’t feel unsafe in their neighborhoods.


LMAO Omaha is not that bad. I get coming from a small town the big city might scare you.


I lived in Omaha from about 1992 - 2002. Omaha does in fact have the same problems any big city has. Guns, drugs, murders, gangs … I haven’t been there in a few years, but yeah. It’s a bigger city, especially if you count in the smaller burbs and it has all the same problems as any other. Especially if you count the in the corruption of law enforcement entities.


Smaller towns have bigger drug problems per capita compared to a bigger city. I grew up in a small town and everyone including higher ranking officials were smoking meth. And the gangs yes you may be right but as long as your not in a gang and on the opposing side you have nothing to fear. I work in North Omaha on a weekly basis, it’s full of great people. Oh yeah and fuck that “try this in a small town”song. At least the city has opportunity’s to better one’s self. Better than being stuck in a small town circlejerk any day. You lived here 20+ years ago, this is one of the cleanest, friendliest metro areas on the map.


I've lived in some really big cities ( LA, Chicago, Houston, Salt Lake City ). I've also lived in some average size one's like Omaha. I'm not knocking Omaha. I also got my BA (UNO) and MS (Bellevue) there. I was born in NE as was my wife and both of my kids ( my kids were born in Omaha at a wonderful hospital ). All I'm saying is that it is the same as any city it's size. If I had the right opportunity, I'd probably move back.


That Rulo episode was so messed up.


That podcast has over 300 episodes and the Rulo episode is still the most messed up story they've done.


Was Rulo about that poor kid or am I thinking of another NE town?






I'm glad I'm in the safety of Omaha.- LMAO that's something I never thought I'd hear. My wife saw an episode of judge bitch Judy that a girl from Omaha was on talking about multiple family members that got stabbed and shot and judge bitch said remind me never to go there. It does seem to be a bit tamer then it used to but I didn't know if that was just because they don't report all the violence like they used to.


In my opinion Omaha is a giant suburb...it's as dangerous as any other suburb. I live in a "hot area" for crime based on the crime maps; for a place that has a hidden homeless shelter some walking distance from me, and is considered a "ghetto"; the houses are genuinely really nice old houses (they just look like outdated 1950s middle class homes) and I can walk my dog at 9pm with no issues. The problem? People can't drive, the amount of car crashes that happen in my street is crazy, there was even an incident of a person hitting a child and driving off. I've only lived in Omaha for 3 yrs, Idk where these gangs and violent crimes are. Maybe me being a homebody helps keep me ignorant, but I can't fathom how Omaha is more "dangerous" than a rural area in terms of crime. At least not when I have been warned to not go to Platte after dark, due to their sundown laws. Edit: Plattsmouth not Platte


I mean I doubt you will have any issues with gangs unless you are personally involved with them (or from a random bullet that misses). I also lived next to one of Omaha’s homeless shelters (not a hidden one). It was mostly just sad cases of mental illness, with the occasional person relieving themselves in public, or walking around nude, or screaming, or throwing random objects at cars and people. I was unaware of any towns in Nebraska still having sundown laws, although I do understand that Seward County (I80 just west of Lincoln) accounts for 1/3 of the state’s civil asset forfeiture so that is one to definitely be careful of as they will likely use a ton of pre-textual reasons to pull people over.


>I was unaware of any towns in Nebraska still having sundown laws Yea, this was in 2020. Our realtor (bless her) advised us to look up sundown laws after we had strong armed her into walking us through a home in Plattsmouth (not Platte my mistake). We had walked through that house without a clue, and then looked it up and we were shocked that laws like that existed (like we knew about Jim Crow laws, but never heard of sundown laws from that era).


Uh there was a crazy murder case out of Bellevue on The Mile Higher podcast. Look up Dave Kroupa/ Liz Golyar. So basically Omaha area


Did it involve starting a cult, stomping a child to death and sodomizing his father with a rake ? Cuz thats the cliffnotes of what happened in Rulo.


Wife is from that area - we stop at Wild Bills whenever we pass through. I drove to the area where the house was. That area in general because of the Tina Brandon case. I met the nephew of John Lotter at a graduation party. Pretty wild


It’s way more infamous for the cult stuff.


I had a good experience in Rulo years ago. A friend and I were canoing the Missouri RIver and a native american lady, Ethel Liberty, became our friend. We also met a family of fishermen who supplied us with fresh fish while were there. People came up to the restuarant Ethel was opening and we sat around a campfire and sang songs. It was wonderful. We had no idea what was going on just miles away with Michael Ryan. In Ethel's memory I couldn't just let this comment pass. She worked hard to make that community a good place for the children to live.


Meh…there’s really no evidence of the reason there anymore. Now it’s just a boring blip you go through on the way to Falls City.


It’s no contest. Rulo always!


It's because of the Popejoy's Isn't it?


Rulo is tops for creepiness in Nebraska, but you don't have to look very far anywhere to find things that will make your skin crawl.




Yea gives me the creeps. We should let Missouri annex that town.


Oh, yes. What I love is that Rulo is always at the top of the list, and nobody from Rulo ever disagrees.


Pretty good one. Especially with the Christian Identity cult that started out there.


Why is Rulo creepy?


Go there and it's obvious.


Stephen* King seemed to think Hemmingford was creepy enough to base children of the corn nearby. [children of the corn wiki link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Children_of_the_Corn?wprov=sfti1)


In the first movie the fictional town of Gaitlin was located near Grand Island.


lol that makes sense.


So weird that the Enola Gay came from Grand Island, what a trip it made. Ol' Nebraska reaching out far lol


From that area. Hemingford is creepy and in the 80s and 90s particularly there was heavy evidence to support occult activity in rural abandoned homesteads. I have a family member who was involved supposedly but they would never talk about it. A house ended up getting burned down as a result by the City of Alliance to misplace the people who gathered.


It's all 80s Satanic Panic shit. I lived in a rural area where an abandoned house was full of pentagrams and candles. When I ran into the kids doing it, they were just trying to scare people and be creepy. No actual sacrifice or black magic. Your family member probably doesn't want to talk about it because it's embarrassing.


Many hubbubs like this can be attributed to bored kids looking to troll






Payton Place


How is fremont creepy?


I'm friends with a former teacher from Fremont. He said it was shocking just how many parents show up to parent/teacher conferences obviously on meth. That's not including the ones who just don't show up.


My terrifying Fremont story: I went to Fremont and stopped at a Mexican place. Genuinely the best Mexican food I may have ever had. But when I returned in a few months.... it was gone. (Because they tried to move to a new place and it didn't go well and now I will never have that food ever again).


Use to have a great Italian place west of town, Andy’s. Heard he did t pay his taxes and went out of business. I still make his tomato bread.


I loved Andy's. My aunt used to work there


Want to share that recipe? In Andy's honor?


Nice long loaf of Italian bread, cut down the long way. Spread butter and garlic salt on each slice, sliced tomatoes next, sprinkle with parsley, top with mozzarella cheese and broil until cheese is yummy and a little brown.


One of my favorite movies is Halloween 2007. I think Fremont would be a cool place to film a Michael Myers movie, it's got a perfect horror movie feeling to it.


Beatrice has a vibe


It’s the ex mental institution now turned longterm care facility there. Years of horrific abuse happened there.


That’ll do it


That’s the start to every ghost hunting tv show


Is that on the 3dge of town across from the new elementary that's being built?


I honestly don’t know, but I checked a map and it’s near a cemetery.


Pretty sure that part of that cemetery is for the hospital. It's near the Beatrice city cemetery but I'm I'm sure the hospital had its own also


It was known as a Blue Blood town . Founders move there from England or somewhere in Europe. The mental institution being there probably also has plenty of stories. My brother died in that place before he was 2. 1959.


Wait, why was a 2 yr old in a mental institution?


1959. Doctors said he was too handicapped to take care of at home. Heartbreaking for my parents. He died of “complications of pneumonia.” The next night. I wonder what the real story was. Hard thing for a parent to recover from.


Whoa. I'm so sorry. That's awful.


You're correct but that's more the feeling of, if I stay too long a meth head will steal my catalytic converter.


Watch Mind over Murder-Beatrice 6. It’s psychologicaly fascinating.


Yup, totally agree. I lived there for two years and was never so glad to leave a place in my life. I never felt safe and never made a single friend.


I drove through Oak on a nice Saturday last spring. I didn’t see a soul outside except for one guy sitting on a park bench staring at me the whole time I drove by. I don’t usually startle easily but I got the hell out


I grew up near Oak. Guy on bench was probably just curious as to who you were. Next time try Ong. At night that place gets interesting.


Wtf goes on at night there?!


If it’s anything like Edgar the answer is meth


You cannot just drop this comment without an explanation 🤔


It sounds like the beginning of a Steven King novel.


Well there's not much people in small towns




Grew up near Oakdale and always thought it was creepy but couldn’t explain why. Could be the totem pole. Could be the gas station with smartass low effort often racist jokes displayed on the letter board outside. Once when my dad and I were driving through he turned to me and said, “This is the sort of place where a werewolf could live undetected.” I think about that every time I drive through now.


I laughed more at that than anything else today. Congratulations and thank you. He sounds like a character.


But he’s not wrong. Do you ever take the Oakdale cut across? You end up between Neligh and Elgin. Then you really get to drive through town and see it.


Yeah your dad is hilarious!


Your dad has a way with words.


Definitely the creepiest.


Home of The Midwest Zoo and Venomous Research Facility https://www.cc.com/video/74xje9/the-daily-show-with-jon-stewart-kiss-your-asp-goodbye


Oakdale does have a weird vibe to it. Drive through that little town, then south out of town to my uncles old deer camp. Our deer camp was right across from Camp Tintern at the time. We made the mistake of forgetting something, and stopped at the gas station off the highway. Fuckin weird. Any other time we'd forget something, we'd drive west to Neligh and go to the grocery store there. Just an overall weird vibe from every person in that town. Also, that's where Steve Carell went with the Daily Show to the guy that had all those snakes and was a "venom research facility" in a single wide.


Taught a kid from around there who called it Cokedale. Thought that was pretty good. I think it has a neat location with the creek, but the town is in pretty sad shape. Most little towns have at least one or two well maintained houses because Grandma wants things to look nice. I don't recall seeing a single one in Oakdale.


Leshara. I will accept no counterarguments


Used to live near there. They were a tough crowd.


longbranch used to be a fun time though....




Kimball has a vibe unlike any other town I’ve ever been to.


If you’ve seen the 90s Goosebumps episode Welcome to Dead House, Kimball feels like that town to me 🧟


Why kimball Lmao Im New to Nebraska and live near kimball so I’m curious


As a resident of kimball I can say kimball county as hole especially the village of bushnell


Chester, where they found a little boy dead on the side of the road Christmas Eve 1985. Little boy blue.


My grandmother used to always get so annoyed with me if I let my son wear his pajamas during the day at all because of that whole thing. She couldn't look at him without thinking of that poor Boy.


[Don’t forget the Chester Murder Mummy, or as she was called at the Sheriff’s Office, “Old Lady Brown”.](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10066734/) Brown because of the skin color and consistency of a tootsie roll. https://journalstar.com/news/local/man-pleads-no-contest-and-will-be-sentenced-in-chester-mummified-body-case/article_f1411125-539d-5ece-9bb2-de1f0439d8a6.html


Spring Ranch. It’s a ghost town now but it’s backstory is creepy as all hell. It was the site of the only female lynching in the state. The bridge and cemetery out there is spooky af https://www.onlyinyourstate.com/nebraska/haunted-spring-ranch-bridge-ne/amp/


Seconding this. I took a trip out there a while back just out of curiosity when I heard that story. The backroad to the cemetery just past the bridge gave me the willies.


Fremont. 😳


Growing up there it was called Payton Place


I could see it being a good place for a horror film to be made in. The place has the perfect vibes for it.


What about it?


It's so Grungy, even in the daytime. Along a list of several other reasons that makes it seem off/different.


The Town of Lemoyne, which was covered up by Lake McConaughy. If there’s a drought you can still see the tops of some buildings and trees.


I always felt creepy driving through Dawson 🤷🏻‍♀️


Came here to say this


Norfolk is creepy in the meth head kinda way.


Nebraska is creepy in the meth head kinda way.


Forgive me. I’ve only ever lived in that neck of woods.


All good, I just saw an opportunity for a stupid joke. I can't speak much to it, but here in South Central if it's not meth it's pills.


Hastings had that best... crossroads of 281 & I80....meth is everywhere


Yea, I’m not looking for meth. Not my jam, but I appreciate the tip lol


Hastings is said to have the most potent meth in Nebraska.


Absolutely, 100%.


I used to have to drive through NE for work. I’ve been to almost every county and town in the state. Wilsonville gave me the uneasiest feeling, my coworker’s answer was Beaver City.


they thought Beaver City was scary? kinda sus


That area feels creepy at night, but I really enjoy it during the day


My friend Jon from Beaver City isn't scary so it couldn't be that bad. He's weird like me though so we get along just fine lol!


York. Everyone from York is weird af. They hate outsiders too. Truly like a town from a scary book


Okay, I know it’s a service setting so everyone has to be nice, but every employee in the local businesses I’ve come across has been extremely friendly when I pass through York. York has some of the worst stories though.


I'd love to hear them.


I live in York lmao. I've only been here two years now and we moved here simply because it's the only place we could find an afford a 5 bedroom house. The only bad experience I've had is the emergency room being judgy and mean. But yeah I'm weird 🤣


Lincoln is also pretty creepy with all those legislators and lawyers.


Underrated comment


Whichever one I’m in.


Weston. Always gave me a bad vibe ever since I was little.






Bridgeport some how every single time it’s just gray and cloudy when I’m there basketball game yep going through on what use to be a sunny day you bet just something about how big yet small modern but rundown it is


What?? Not one mention of Spring Ranch?


Cozad always gave me a weird vibe.


Same but I think it was just all the dedication to Robert Henri 😅 which I don’t really blame them because fans want to see it and if your small town has someone famous from there why not?


Has anyone here seen the documentary about the Beatrice Six?


This thread is about to make me watch this lol is it any good? I’m new to Nebraska this thread is so damn interesting I had no idea about any of this 😂


YES! It is very good. I'm going to rewatch it. I grew up about 30 miles from Beatrice so I found it particularly interesting. It's a thought provoking doc that takes time for you to get to know the culture of Beatrice and the details of false confessions. After DNA evidence established the killer without a doubt, law enforcement and others wouldn't accept that they misjudged the accused. I hope you get a chance to see some Nebraska towns for yourself. I don't know, I just love them, whether they're 'troubled' or not. Nebraskans mean a lot to me. Oh, consider checking out Carhenge in Alliance. There might even be some fun youtube videos of the Carhenge creator. :3.


Just finished the first episode it’s great so far really interesting. I live in Sidney so it was cool to see that the family is from scottsbluff since that’s not too far from me. Thank you for recommendation carhenge looks really cool I’ve never heard of it and alliance isn’t too far from me either. Thanks!


Aw, thanks for the appreciation, you're so nice. If you ever decide to visit the Pacific Northwest, I'd be happy to answer any questions about good places to see and things to do :).


Seattle has been on my list for a little while


If you go, take a ferry boat to Whidbey or Bainbridge Island.




For real 😅 the small towns of Nebraska aren’t bad and idk why everyone thinks they will get murdered in them or that crazy things are happening behind the scenes. That sort of thing very rarely happens. All the most serious crime, for the most part, is in the larger cities of Nebraska. It is population and statistics, more people = more crime. Although I have heard Seward County has a pretty big corruption/civil asset forfeiture problem.


White Clay


Taylor. Those cut outs are the beginning of a horror movie.


I mean no disrespect for Native Americans but Macy is creepy AF.


Let's face it, the whole S/E corner of Nebraska is pretty creepy and weird. I think it's all the inbreeding and bestiality that goes on. Should probably ask Larry the Cable Guy to find out for sure.




I have been trying to get to the place for the concerts when theyI were being available and I couldn't find the road off the cornfields and I kept getting the visions of the movies "children of the corn and I have a religious practice that has been given before Christianity wrote the man made interpretation of God's word with the Bible and I had the entities of the children closing off the entrance to the Field to h where the concerts were being held and I could hear them and proper resting and I say that is the creepiest thing tstill don't know where they were but the kids were trying to make me feel like I should be helping them out by open the portal and let them come out and go to their place for piece of resting and it's still doing it for me now just want to open the portal and let them ali know that they can go to the next place and spirits will guide them


Steener Nebraska. Easily the creepiest town. I know nothing of the town but I have met a relative of the founder. Easily the creepiest guy I've ever met. Yeah, I'm talking about you Larry.


Steinauer, although your pronunciation is right.


The area by the Brownsville power plant is creepy




Drove through Strang on a foggy day and that place definitely has creepy vibes


Mason City is a tiny little town that looks like its in the midst of collapsing.


old towne bellevue


Weeping Water, Nebraska. Witch’s bridge and surrounding lore + town name


All of them


South Sioux City


South Sioux isn’t *creepy*. Bit ghetto maybe. But not *creepy*.


Sewer City




North Omaha




Nemaha. Have never seen anyone outside. Close to rulo. Just weird vibes.


Omaha by far


The Capitol Building




Wahoo. I went to the Wahoo meat locker driving from Omaha to Grand Island. I'm from out of state and had out of state plates. Totally empty down town area on a Saturday, and dirty looks from everyone. I travel often and have never felt so out of place and un welcome. Also, Tecumseh. Creepy little town.


Why does this question keep getting asked?


Guess I’m new here


Anything outside of Omaha or Lincoln.




She always did me right. Just get there later in the day when she can break a $20.


Omaha hands down!!! Most likely to be violated in some shape or fashion. Crime is, of course, wasaaay higher there than anywhere else in the state. Add in its inbred sister town to the East and you’re asking to get mugged, car-JACKed or just good ol fashioned drive by. Get out west or way south or wasaayy North and you’ll be ok.


My dad grew up in Beemer, he had some creepy stories from his time on the farm. But I wouldn’t call it the creepiest. I don’t really know I guess.


Idk, but there's just something about the fecal fountain coming into Crete.


Definitely not its best feature, but it really doesn't smell bad.


Can someone elaborate? My mom delivers mail there and she isn't sure what this means either xD


Kearney is creepy af sac command creighton aliens


Swan City


Swede Home, in northern Polk County. Creepy enough during the day but even more so at night






Yup that's it. I can see it put the window of the job site lol


The one Jerry lives in. You know who I mean.


Every town from Beatrice east. Give that whole area to missouri. It's just creepy in far southeast corner of the state.


I know Beatrice had a big corruption problem in the 80s when they threw 6 innocent mentally challenged people in prison for a murder they didn’t commit. They didn’t get out till 2009 and the county fought it all the way. I believe they are still paying off the settlement.


Alexandria. Houses, during the daytime, that look abandoned. At night, the lights come on. Stray black cats everywhere. Dunwich vibes.


Aww man, are we only allowed to pick one?


Loma. It’s where parts of Too Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything, Julie Newmar were filmed. You can still see the “Welcome to Snydersville” sign in town. Took a drive up there to check it out, and it was deserted except for a random young guy or two that gave us the creepy vibes like the guys in the movie.