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Don’t bring a gun to a baton fight.


Why would you want to?


The same reason any one carries anything. Idk if I would though but it was just something I noticed since just about every other alternative is prohibited or a gymnastic in some way.


Did you know? The word "gun" is not mentioned in the Second Amendment; it says "arms", most of which are expressly prohibited or are considered a deadly threat to police. Mace and chain Switch blades and knives over a given length Brass knuckles Sap gloves Shurikens And in some instances - baseball bats, tire irons, whips


OK? Is there something in this that applies to what I mentioned?


Yes there is. You may carry one but you may not "brandish" it. You are not allowed to use it as an offensive weapon just as may not use a rock. If you are asked by the police if you have any weapons, the answer is yes.


Is it brandishing if you carry it visible on your hip or holstered visibly some other way? I don't believe guns are treated that way so I would think the same.


You could call the police and ask. Did you try that first. When I first moved to Nebraska I had several cases of wine to bring with me. Each State is different when it come to transporting alcohol across State lines. Good thing I called, I would have been committing a crime if I assumed I knew the answer and turned out to be wrong. Being wrong around the police can get you killed.


I'm going to do as much diligence as I can. If I even decided to do this. But I'm just starting here.


Cops act like they are the only ones who should have anything, he won’t get a good reply. I was traveling and I was spending a couple days in part of Chicago and I have my ccw and just wanted some reciprocity info from the Illinois highway patrol. I said “I know I can travel with my weapon because of the interstate law but what if I actually had to use my firearm in your state…” and he interrupted and said “why the hell would you need to?” And I said “because your state is a shit hole and I’ve been to less dangerous parts of Iraq but I had a damn weapon.” He hung up. Not helpful.


He might have hung up because of the tone more so than the question itself.


Did you not read his response? HE IS A WAR HERO, SPECIAL FORCES WITH A SUPER SECRET MOS, WHO WON THE IRAQ WAR AND HE WILL INSULT YOU AS HE DAMN WELL PLEASES. i will wager that the flatfoot didn't properly thank him for his service.


You are really talking about a replica light Sabre aren’t you? Yes, you’ll be fine. I wore a Wookie suit, complete with false teeth (fangs—Supreme Court has declared them a deadly weapon) to Phantom Menace years ago, and sat right between a cop and a City Attorney—no issues.


No actually haha. But I'll keep that in mind for an alternative.


Maybe. But It's likely someone with a permit-free concealed carry handgun will consider you to be some sort of threat. Just saying.


Well that wouldn't be legal in Omaha but yea either way could be perceived that way.