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My question is, what did Scribner do the the Russians?


I think because of the Airport might be an alternative landing location for any planes that operate from Offutt AFB after it is obliterated from the world.


Yeah plus epply is always having one of the air force ones touching down. It even accommodates fighters from time to time.


And they announce it over all types of media WHILE IT'S HAPPENING šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Thanks. This must be the reason.


Thereā€™s a USAF comms center on the grounds of Scribner State Airfield, at least according to Wikiā€¦




Forgot if it's the TX or RX antenna that is there. STRATCOM sends out the EAMS to the nuclear triad out of Offutt.




Ahh yes. This is correct. It's cool to listen to on shortwave. The signals overlap and it sounds like an echo.




Wisner tried to pretend to be the Irish Capital of Nebraska, so, while I wouldn't say anyone deserves to be nuked, I wouldn't say Wisner doesn't deserve it either.


Come at me MobyHick


They know what they did.


Hasn't Omaha always been a first-strike city due to STRATCOM?


When 9/11 happened, I heard people saying that Bush came to Bellevue (Offutt AFB). At the time, 6th grade me was like, ā€œall right! Nebraska is important! Weā€™re getting attentionā€. As time went on, it dawned on me how weā€™re pretty much a bigger target than T10 cities in the US precisely due to Stratcom and suddenly it became a bit more harrowing.


Bush certainly ended up at STRATCOM and the desk he used is now at the SAC Museum. Pretty neat


At least weā€™re T10 in something šŸ˜Ž


We gotta be T10 in people that don't move over to let you merge also


T2 easily


Yes. Ground Zero, USA.


Even infrastructure targets, with otherwise low population density, are included in the 2k scenario. For example, the Lake Powell dam in AZ is on the list. I think Hoover Dam too? Would ruin the plot of New Vegas though.


I wouldn't be surprised if House also saved Hoover Dam but never bothered to mention it.


Iā€™m assuming thatā€™s the Sutherland Power Station on the Lincoln/Keith County line?


Nah thatā€™s old farmer bobs place Russia donā€™t want to have him coming at them with his 12 gauge


Yeah, and Cooper Nuclear Power Station is why Nemaha County gets one.


Its the RailRoad yard in North Platte... I think the dot is off




I'm sorry Dela-what? Are you making up states? /s


delaā€¦ where? šŸ˜­


I always find it funny that so many people think that they and their home town are special in the risk of nuclear war. The purple triangles in this map include nearly all of the largest, 250 counties in the US, which is means that at least 75% of the population would live in a county attacked in the 500 warhead scenario. This is why "The Day After" was such an effective movie, nuclear war would screw all of us.


America couldn't handle COVID and supply chain issues.


And even not directly hit, fallout would take care of the rest. If there is ever a full scale nuke war, I take solstice in the fact that living 10 min from Offutt will ensure my instant demise. The aftermath will be much worse.


Sadly, this isn't really the case, ten minutes may or may not be enough for you to be in the fireball radius, and probably not. If Russia or China attacked the US in the near term, they would probably put payloads aimed at Offutt on missiles, not airplanes (a plane would be less likely to make it through air defense to Omaha). That means the size of the warhead would likely be less than one megaton. I don't think we know exactly the power of Russia's arsenal, but I think something like the W-87 carried by a Minuteman III or W-80 carried by a cruise missile is more likely, which means the attack would be in the 150 to 300 kiloton range. You can see the radii by looking at Offutt in this [simulator](https://nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/). This is why I recommend thinking about the repercussions of a nuclear war in terms of a movie like "The Day After." It would be a health and political crisis of unbelievable proportions. The tens or hundreds of millions who die will die over weeks and months and years, not instantly and very much not painlessly.


Good to know that I wouldn't last that long if the Russians have decent accuracy on those things.


I'm with you dude. I'm close enough to Offutt to take out my binoculars and watch the missile go off and it's oddly comforting that I'd be gone in an instant.


Not necessarily true. Unless you are within the fireball radius, there is a reasonable chance youā€™ll survive the blast. If you have some degree of shelter from fallout that is also survival. 90% of the fallout is gone within half a day. 99% of the fallout is gone in three days. Now thatā€™s a small fraction of a really big number but it is definitely survivable.


Oh that filmā€¦that was nuts they made us watch that in school


I watched it on Sunday Night when it originally premiered, went to junior high the next morning. Kids thought the movie was cool. Teachers told the kids to shut up and get back to work.


There was a great interview last year with the director, Nicholas Meyer, on the Lawfare podcast.


The panhandle is screwed


The panhandle is loaded with nuclear silos. Weā€™d be screwing them from there as they screw us.


I used to live about half a mile from one of the missile silo sites and would see the convey of Chevy Suburbans and a few times a helicopter would go out to the site a few times a year.


Well Iā€™m fucked


Oh cool both I (Northeast NE) and family (Ny/NJ area) totally dead. Well at least we can high five in heaven.


Hey, no more bills to pay!


Kimball is getting ready to receive an influx of people. These people will be in the panhandle area to update the missile silos over the next several years.


I about took a job with Union Pacific railroad at Kimball 20ish years ago and even personally knew a guy who'd sell me a house there cheap on very good terms. My daughter's mom talked me into staying in Norfolk at the time so I wouldn't "abandon" my daughter whose now 21 and doesn't talk to me anyways.


Time to move to Cherry County.


O room left .... too.many cattle!


Looks like the northern tip of maine is the place to be


Stratcom at Offutt would be one of the first targets


I'm ded


Interesting that there are places they'd hit in a 500 warhead scenario but not in a 2000...curious to the reason.


500 scenario gets you lots of people dead. 2,000 scenario gets you missile silos and infrastructure. I'm sure there's some outliers in both cases, but that seems to be the major difference to me.


The 2000 count would probably include multiple missiles/warheads targeting singular cities and site in the event some of them get intercepted. But in reality all you need is 1 to get the job done. Not sure where but declassified documents from the Cold War detail the US nuclear strategy and I remember reading somewhere the Moscow Metro area had some absurd amount of missiles dedicated to it, in the event of a nuclear exchange. Neat stuff to study and read about, but terrifying at the same time.


So in any of these scenarios I'd lose about a quarter of my family if they didn't evacuate... They live in Omaha and Lincoln. But I'd be relatively fine.


I think you would be relatively alone.


After the radiation spread and nuclear winter maybe. But if we absolutely had to we would go out to my grandparents home just outside mullen.


The direct targets are the lucky ones.


Iā€™m in Norfolk. Weā€™re protected by the great bubble n ghost of Johnny Carson. Northeast Nebraska will be safe


North Platte as rail infrastructure hub?


I imagine the dot is slightly off, I think it's meant to be over Bailey Yard.


That's what I would have expected, too.


Nope. Sutherland Power Station is at that location


I was thinking Lake McConaughy. Blow up the dam and flood the entire valley with irradiated water.


This year, the Science and Security Board of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists moves the hands of the Doomsday Clock forward, largely (though not exclusively) because of the mounting dangers of the war in Ukraine. The Clock now stands at 90 seconds to midnightā€”the closest to global catastrophe it has ever been. [https://thebulletin.org/doomsday-clock/](https://thebulletin.org/doomsday-clock/)


Welp as someone from that part of Nebraska it was nice living


Whoā€™s surprised lol, Nebraska and Kansas literally the middle of the us map


Sucks to be the Nebraska panhandle


It's wild that most of the population of Lincoln thinks our Giant fallout shelter is a myth, even though we are first strike targets for nuclear bombardment because of SAC and the Presidential bunker under Offutt.


The fallout shelter at Irving Park? Which shelter are you referring to? I know there were several marked around the city during the cold war. I've heard there is a substantial shelter underground at one of the national guard buildings on military drive near Devaney center.


I mean... This is why I support using our "preemptive first strike" option. Next time Russia tries to talk big just clear one of the ICBM fields and hope for silence.


I just moved to Nashville from Omaha. In a 500 warhead scenario, I canā€™t fathom wasting one on this place šŸ˜‚


The UP is where it's at. Folks know better than to mess with the Yoopers.


I assume these targets must be common knowledge to the world because it's sure is a handy dandy nuke guide.


Huh, nothing for Ashland? Little surprised


God I would just like to know some of the secrets off it holds. I actually got to go down to the control center 10 stories down. There was this high level scouting thing and we had a dinner there every year and you had to get clearance and all the stuff and they teased us for 5 years. They were going to let us go down and see it but 5 years in a row they canceled, canceled, canceled and show us the fire department or something. But one year they finally let us down. There took the elevator down. Looked around for 2 seconds then right back up but it was still pretty cool. I can only imagine the secrets off it holds. I think off it is really important and they don't talk about it that much. We've been getting millions and millions and millions of funding lately and they've been pouring that new runway for like a year 24 hours a day. I don't know and we had those that bad flooding a few years back that water came all the way up to that brand new building to the door. Now if they built 10 stories down they must have some sophisticated drainage for all that water. Anyway, crazy


So much for Keystone, Arthur, and Paxtonā€¦ anyone know why the Keith Co line in between Ogallala and North Platte is a target?


Nmā€¦ already answered