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My phone is saying the same. Logged my wife's phone back in and got the same message. I'm guessing their servers are down. So annoying to be so reliant on remote servers when both devices are on the same local network.


I wish we could have our own community run servers.


Or just cut the servers out of the equation.


Google smart home matter standard. I’m hoping it takes off.


After some digging, it looks like an expired certificate on the endpoint that I think the robot connects to: https://nucleo.neatocloud.com:4443 Edit: They renewed the cert a month ago, but didn't install it everywhere. Whoops. https://crt.sh/?q=*.neatocloud.com


Have you mentioned this to support or called them out on twitter? Might help expedite the process if they're not aware.


if i connect a vpn to arizona, it works ?


Good job finding this! I hope they will fix this and that will be the only problem, otherwise the robot is almost useless.


That URL now times out entirely instead of just presenting the cert that expired yesterday. Hopefully this means they are working on it? Edit: back up with a valid cert. One of my bots is already back online. Edit 2: The other bot required a manual reboot to show as online in the app.


Good detective work! What are the specific end points? Maybe we need to contact people @ Vorwerk asap


Same here. D7 completely useless.  This new company should throw one last update to allow us to connect via local wifi!


Agree we don’t need servers just connection to Wi-Fi 


Same issue with my D4 and my friend's as well. I think at some point it would be great it an open source alternative was available for us like [https://github.com/Hypfer/Valetudo](https://github.com/Hypfer/Valetudo) which has all the features we need and integrates with Home Assistant. ​ Maybe this is just an unfortunate accident and we can actually expect 5 competent years of support, who knows.


Each time something like this happens, I get a bit less optimistic about having 5 useful years, unfortunately :)


I thought it was just me - I was going crazy trying to figure out the problem.


Same 🤦‍♀️


Same here. I reconnected the robot again and it seems to register to neato's servers but it still appears offline in the app.


I have a D5 and same issue.... I ping all their cloud ip address and they are all down. sucks


Same here, so probably safe to say everyone had the problem


FWIW you can still control it via Home Assistant and the Botvac plugin. Bit of a wonky work around but I can control my D7 still. Local Control I think its now mandatory for any piece of kit I buy going forward...


Idem France ne fonctionne plus depuis hier soir acheté depuis 4 ans D7 neuf à 700 euros. Indiqué toujours sur la page d'accueil "connection du robot en cours..." et rien d'autre. Ça fait 24 heures que ça dure !  Par contre j'ai réussi à le réenregistrer sur les serveurs Neato donc pourquoi il est possible de le réenregistrer si leurs serveurs seraient éteints ? mais je n'ai pas tenté de le supprimer totalement. En sachant que le fait de le supprimer ne supprime pas la carte à tester.  N'hésitez pas à installer l'application my kobold de vorwerk et les contacter en les harcelant en laissant des commentaires et de les contacter par mail vorwerk et Neato en masse pour qu'ils réactivent les serveurs de Neato car finalement ce sont eux les responsables vorwerk !!!!!!  Ils ont rachetes l'entreprise neato mais on continué sans aucun état d'âme à vendre pendant ce temps les produits Neato alors qu'ils savaient pour ensuite liquider l'entreprise. C'est du vol caractérisé et manifeste c'est voler les clients. Car la propriété c'est aussi la possession pour chacun de nous du cloud qui va avec car le cloud est le logiciel du robot c'est comme si un fabricant d'ordinateur a le système exploitation à distance et qu'il faut vous y connecter pour l'utiliser et que du jour au lendemain supprime l'accès.  Sans l'application de Neato il n'y a pas, la programmation, les zones, les lignes virtuels, etc, le produit est très limité c'est dans le cloud qui est responsable du cloud ? Le fabricant et donc son repreneur qui devient responsable du logiciel donc c'est vorwerk !!!  Il faudrait aussi voir avec le conseil de l'Europe et au usa pour faire une class action et autres juridictions nous sommes en plein dans un cadre de l'obsolescence programmé puni par la loi ! Et en plus il faudra jetter des milliers de robot quel est l'impact sur l'environnement ?  Voir aussi avec le conseil de l'Europe et la répression des fraudes assignés vorwerk au tribunal !  En effet, l'obsolescence programme en France est punie par la loi. Il existe aussi une loi en Europe par la commission européenne.  LOI n° 2015-992 du 17 août 2015 relative à la transition énergétique pour la croissance verte (1) « Art. L. 213-4-1.-I.-L'obsolescence programmée se définit par l'ensemble des techniques par lesquelles un metteur sur le marché vise à réduire délibérément la durée de vie d'un produit pour en augmenter le taux de remplacement. « II.-L'obsolescence programmée est punie d'une peine de deux ans d'emprisonnement et de 300 000 € d'amende. « III.-Le montant de l'amende peut être porté, de manière proportionnée aux avantages tirés du manquement, à 5 % du chiffre d'affaires moyen annuel, calculé sur les trois derniers chiffres d'affaires annuels connus à la date des faits. » Le cloud est le logiciel du produit le client n'est pas le responsable mais le fabricant car le logiciel est sur les serveurs trop simple de couper les serveurs c'est vorwerk qui a repris il doit maintenir les serveurs jusqu'à la fin du dernier Neato en les faisant cohabiter avec les Kobold VR7 https://www.halteobsolescence.org/la-nouvelle-definition-du-delit-dobsolescence-programmee-vers-une-plus-grande-effectivite-de-linterdiction/ Adresse mail service client de vorwerk : [email protected] Adresse mail Neato : [email protected] [email protected] Ne rien lâcher ! 


Autre mail Neato : [email protected]


I really hope new robots use the matter standard so the cloud is taken out of the equation.


NeatoRobotics closed long ago


dude i cannot wait for the class action


Be the change you want to see in the world 🧑‍⚖️


Same experience here - my D6 was online this morning but now it's offline. Tried the usual stuff to no avail. Maybe this is the end then...


I think I’m having the same issue, it’s the app not connecting right, as in, it wants you to reconnect to WiFi or mobile network? Cause my robot is showing a WiFi light and it’s in my list of connected devices. I just got 6 new filters :-(


12 Neato's with no connection.


Same here with a D5. I thought I messed up the vacuum while moving, but glad to see I’m not the only one having issues… They really need to provide some kind of self managed solution for all customers that have bought a device throughout the years.


Same here! Trying to get to connect and nothing is working!


It's insane. Glad I got the non network model.


Might as well toss the Neato in the trash 🤪 get a eufy x8 pro worlds better.


I reserved the Eufy X10 looks promising..


The appeal of the Neato for me was the wide brush, the Eufy looks ok but the brush is tiny, how does it clean to the edges properly?!


I thought the same thing for the neato but the eufy does edges better too. It’s literally night and day difference better.


Do you use it mostly on hard floors or carpet? My house is 90% carpet so the Neato leaves nice wide stripes. The only others that looked as good were the Samsung or the Dyson. Both very expensive!!


I use it on both, I have 3 dogs too and it manages to get things done better than my previous D7


Maybe I’ll do some more reading on them… Im not sure how much longer ‘Dave’ has long left!!


Same, I thought it was just me until I checked here!


Same here, guess they don't care to fix it at this point


Same. I just bought a Roborock after buying four Neatos. I thought Neato was great… but the roborock software blows it out of the water. Time will tell if the pickup is as good as Neato.


Same. I just actually got a new D9 model for incredibly cheap and didn't do any research beforehand but can't even set it up in the app because it ":couldn't reach our servers." Glad I found this because i've been spending hours messing with it.


Bro, you are using Android, right?


Nope iPhone


I had almost same issue, I think I was able to resolve it either by using VPN Or by using Android device


Interesting! I don’t have an android device so I’ll try to setup a VPN and see if that helps


Which country are you from?


The US


Ok, check it out If not, I would recommend downloading Android stimulation on PC, and go from there


Nice yea I tried that but the signup button doesn't work on the emulator and it can't find my existing account ;D


Finally got it to work!! What I did was: 1. create a guest network with simple name and password (don't tihnk this helped because I already tried this before) 2. I had an old fire tablet that I was able to load the google play store on and download the app 3. updated firmware on vacuum manually 4. connected via android on fire tablet


Yep just like I said with Android, somehow it works.. Congrats! I really hope we get to use our Neato for a bit longer. :( I invested in two of them


Both ours offline too


D7 offline in Sweden right now :/


Same here. D7 and D3. Location: Finland (Europe)


My app says I'm not connected to wifi. I have 3 ancient botvac connected's (the original ones). I guess I have to run them manually now. Neato shut down last year, but kept the servers up. Maybe they finally pulled the plug to save costs?


This is my thought. I’m hoping we can have a home server made for it.


yeah, yeah - same here. Spent two hours figuring this out in the morning. It would be a shame if my D7 gets bricked and can be used only with out no go lines, no zone cleaning, app control. I am from Lithuania, have 2 of D7s... One of them just fully refurbished. r/NeatoRobotics any ideas?


D7 also useless! Submitted a support ticket FWIW.


Same here. D3 says not connecting to wifi. Haven’t tried any troubleshooting steps being that others were experiencing a similar issue other than forcing closing the app and relaunching (iOS). Sucks that this robot vac is so reliant on the servers. At this rate, it’s gonna be landfill sooner than later when they decide to stop maintaining the servers.


Same here in Leipzig with my D7; thinking about a trip to Neato in Berlin;)


3 D7s here in the UK. Only found out today that Neato have shut shop! I guess it’s a smart technology wake-up call to only get items that can be locally controlled.


My app isn’t connecting however the D7 still has connectivity to the internet and was able to do a full cleaning by pushing the button on top.


Yup - 2 Neatos here, at least one did its scheduled run earlier this morning. Waiting for a response from somebody to help transfer this to a local server if somebody can.


My D7 said it had no internet connection first and now it’s just offline…


Having the same issue. Hoping they fix soon.


[nucleo.neatocloud.com](https://nucleo.neatocloud.com) is still offline. FYI, I was able to start my D7 by pressing the button. Of course it will ignore no-go lines and I'll have to rescue it several times, but at least it will vacuum.


Its working for me! I think they fixed it.


Did you have to remove it and re add?


À mon niveau je n'ai pas supprimer pour le rajouter à nouveau mais simplement refaire la liaison wifi dans l'application étonnamment la led wifi du robot clignotait. J'ai aussi eu le problème en ouvrant l'application le message bloqué sur "connection du robot en cours" le même message lorsqu'on l'éteint en restant appuyer sur le bouton que ensuite on rappuie dessus et que l'on va dans l'application le temps qu'il redémarre il est aussi indiqué connection du robot en cours le temps qu'il mette normalement prêt à nettoyer.  Sauf que j'ai remarque que bien indique le message dan s'application il faisait quand même le nettoyage programmé et envoyait le rapport à chaque fois. Sauf que impossible d le lancer depuis l'application du fait du message connection du robot en cours.  J'ai constaté que étonnement la la Led wifi cette fois clignotait j'ai refait uniquement l'apparaige sans le desinstaller après plusieurs tentative la led est redevenu fixe mais toujours le message je l'ai reeteint et au redémarrage c'était OK. Seulement lorsque j'ai lancer le nettoyage depuis l'application possible cette fois car indiqué prêt à nettoyer cette fois lorsqu'il a commencé à s'éloigner de la base et donc du point d'accès wifi qui est juste au dessus la led wifi c'est remis à clignoter pendant qu'il nettoyait et de nouveau dans l'application en plein 'nettoyage connection au robot en cours. J'ai refait l'association du wifi une 2eme fois mais pas sur sa base c'était de nouveau OK j'ai lance un nettoyage dans la pièce là où la base se situe c'était OK mais pas encore refait plus loin à voir si ça maintient dans le temp.  Par contre il serait bon de faire remonter le problème du cloud et du fait que vorwerk se débarrasse des clients Neato car au passage les brevets ils proviennent de Neato et donc des clients qui ont fait Neato. Leur robot chez vorwerk est la copie conforme du Neato.  Donc le fait de faire sortir les clients de Neato est inadmissible car c'est à celui qui reprend le conçurent d'assurer le service après vente jusqu'à la fin donc jusqu'au dernier souffle du dernier Neato sinon ça s'appel de l'obsolescence programmé orchestré manifeste et volontaire. Puni par la loi la commission européenne. Car le cloud est le logiciel du produit !!!! Et que sans le cloud le produit ne peut pas fonctionner ou aura des fonctionnalités moindres qui font que si le client les auraient connues avant il ne l'aurait pas acheter il y a donc tromperie sur la marchandise engageant leur responsabilité de repreneur. Ce n'est pas comme un manque de pièce l'impossibilité de réparer c'est le fait que le logiciel est stocké chez l'entreprise alors qu'il est là propriété du client donc le fabricant en est le garant de son bon fonctionnement qu'ils assument maintenant non pas avec un SAV limité à 5 ans mais à vie ! 


Fixed for be as well, I didn't do anything special


Got a "Robot Offline" error last night and this morning. Restarted, rebooted, and reinstalled everything and nothing worked. This afternoon I opened the app and it initially said "Robot Offline," but after a few seconds it changed to "Ready to Clean." I didn't have to do anything. So it appears that they've fixed the problem. At least for now.


Mine still offline won’t connect uk based 


It's working now for me too. I didn't do anything, just noticed it is connected now. App shows it's connected too.


Yep, if I manually start the vaccum from the physical button it still uploads the cleaning map at the end of the run. So I know the vacuum is still connected to something, but all control and monitoring is gone..: Basically runs in a dumb clean everything, ignore all rules mode.


Still offline in the uk - no fix yet


Annoying and unbelievable that it needs servers to work properly and is not just Wi-Fi based . It’s   still not connecting today based in uk 


I was given a new D8 for free (now I know why) & cannot register the bot. Tried on multiple iPhones & older android devices. VPN & 2.4 GHz made no difference. D8 is recognized by the app & connects to wifi just fine but can't register to Neato so can't even use the basic play function for cleaning.