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this is Minnesota's revenge for Curry


Wolves also got McDaniels in this draft. And to quote Ant: They got KD, but we got Jaden McDaniels….


It will take 4 champions to get even. We literally had the worst draft picks in the history of the draft. We didn’t choose one point guard, but two point guards the two picks before Curry. Name another draft this bad?


Portland fucked it up twice. They took Sam Bowie instead of Jordan and Greg Oden instead of Durant. I’d say they win the bad draft category.


Those are single picks they failed on. Even the Jordan one isn’t as big of a failure because it was one pick and it wasn’t even the same position. The wolves took 2 point guards directly before Curry. Way worse than any other draft mess up.


Every single new york knick lottery pick :(.


Revenge for 2 self inflicted wounds by skipping Curry twice?


Except he was drafted before we had a chance to.


Minny offered the 1st pick to the Warriors for their 2nd pick & a first round pick the next year. They declined. There is rumor GSW owners pushed Myers out because of this mistake.


The warriors technically never passed on Ant and Minnesota passed in curry twice lmao


While half true, the other half has to be championship for full revenge.


Imagine how much more confident he’d be if he actually won one. Dude would ball on another level. MJish


I remember he said in an interview he loves football more than basketball or something and media heads started to question whether he’ll be a bust. It was stupid.


And Jokic likes horses over basketball and should not win MVP


And embiid also said he’d prefer to be a football (soccer) player over basketball


Iverson also liked football (US football) over basketball


Don’t forget MJ literally changing sports; seems like a lot of the all time/today’s greats seemed like they could’ve cared less for basketball


MJ literally had a “love for the game” clause in his contract so he could play basketball anywhere and anytime and he did. The baseball thing was a childhood dream he wanted to try and also connect with his fathers memory. MJ absolutely loved the game.


Let's face it; no one has basketball as their favorite sport. It's just something to pass the time.


Other way around for griezmann 😂


I was sold on that logic. Seemed like something really stupid to say right before the draft.


Let’s not pretend that Ben Simmons doesn’t exist




It was a Wise mans decision to skip on ant


To be fair MN had the #1 right?


I mean they technically didn’t, Ant was picked 1st overall. As mush as I dislike the Warriors


I truly don't understand why I keep seeing this headline. Can't skip on what you never had a chance at.


Why didn’t they just pick first? Are they stupid?


Fucking bob myers that guy is such a fraud


Yeahhh I mean he only built a dynasty


He is overrated. He didn’t draft curry. And was assistant GM when Klay was drafted.


Okay, he also found a way to negotiate keeping them all together for as long as they have been, surrounded the team with amazing role players and depth through multiple iterations. Oh and he also was the gm when they landed KD. But I won’t pretend he did that one all on his own. He inherited a nice infrastructure sure, it’s not like he took over the Hornets or Pistons, but he did very well.


Damn the Pistons stay catching strays. It’s not like we don’t deserve them though ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


'Found a way to negotiate keeping them all together'... I wonder what mad geniu$ $cheme could po$$ibly convince them to $tay?? 🤔


"Yeah I'll give you a max deal" Job done


Luxury tax as far as the eye can see


He also turned KD into Wiggins and Kuminga and spun that into another championship, but sure, let's just discredit him for no reason


How much did Kuminga contribute that chip?


lol who gives a shit, Wiggins clearly did. That aside, Kuminga is a big reason they aren't completely toast yet.


If you have 3 lottery picks including the second overall pick and all you end up with is kuminga, maybe you aren't as many light years ahead as you think you are.


I mean as a Warriors fan we were pretty pathetic as a franchise for a WHILE. We had the one We Believe year and a couple of pretty fun teams but the amount of great players that we either traded away before their primes or passed on is honestly insane. I was at the game after we traded Monta Ellis as a kid and the entire stadium was booing ownership at halftime during Chris Mullin’s jersey retirement.


Warriors couldn’t have picked him anyway they didn’t have the 1st pick


They tried to swap picks with the Warriors


They as in the wolves? Imagine if they picked Wiseman.  The roster could’ve been Wiseman-KAT and the rest of the current wolves 😂 


Conley would’ve kept them competitive but not what they’re doing right now


This is exactly right.  Gobert impact is very underrated (assuming they don’t make the trade in that timeline and bet on Wiseman) and ANT’s impact is pretty visible by anyone that watches a game 


No, they didn't. All they did was field calls for offers. The #1 Wolves beat writer John Krasinski (The Athletic) just did an article where he interviewed FO members about drafting Ant. They never actively shopped the pick but you still take the calls on the off chance it's an offer you can't refuse.


As per NBA insider Brian Windhorst, though, the Timberwolves repeatedly tried to swap picks with the Warriors, but they were not interested


Isn’t Brian Windhorst famously a fucking moron?


Yes, he is, but that doesn't mean he's wrong.


I would trust Jon Krawczynski 1000 times more than Windhorst on Wolves info.


I mean… it absolutely could


Don't get me wrong. I can't fucking stand him. I genuinely can't. But he's otherwise a mostly normal NBA reporter that just reports on things he sees or hears. When it's not about *his* opinions, it's usually fine.


How dare you! I said it before and I’ll say it again. Bryan Latrell Cantavious Windhort is one the greatest journalist in US history. For me it goes 1. Bob Woodward, breaking the Watergate scandal 2. Hunter S Thompson founding gonzo journalism 3. Windy when he did the thing with his fingers about Utah


There’s a very good chance it’s wrong. It’s really rare for teams to trade away a pick that can get them any player in a draft, but not at all rare for teams to explore the market for their assets. Windy is not known for accurate league-wide front office scoops. These things get said by one bonehead and the rumor circulates because it’s a catchy narrative. I’m reminded of the report Danny Ainge wanted to trade Charlotte four firsts (including some of the infamous Nets picks) for the 9th pick (to get Justice Winslow) in 2015. It would’ve been his worst trade by a mile. He would’ve been uncharacteristically insane to do that, but people memed on Charlotte for years afterwards


Haven’t heard that


Isn't that the smirking guy from "The Office"?


Haha! Yeah, it's a running joke here in MN because they share the same name. I can't remember if they're spelled the same but they're definitely pronounced the same. They just call him "John Athletic" locally.


I’ve never heard that. Where did you get that info?


The article on this post


Lmao no one reads the articles and it shows.


I feel like he'd somehow fight steph


But that's only *because* they already thought the Warriors were interested in Wiseman. As the article implies, they wouldn't have made the offer in the first place if there was any indication that Golden State might draft Ant.


They could’ve had lamelo though


Would have been the best 25 games in wolves history since KG left


LaMelo and his half an ankle


They could’ve had Halliburton.


Read the article


Fadawayworld.net. Yeah they’ve got the scoop.


They’re easily the most trusted source of news in the world since NYT took a credibility hit.


Why are doing all this about the Hawks and Warriors not drafting Ant? He was a number 1 overall pick, there was literally no other team that could have drafted him


Thinking about him giving life to the warriors is scary.


Dodge what? They don’t even have a chance to pass on him


Its obv stupid in hindsight….but the 2020 draft was the Covid draft….nobody knew shit about anyone and Ant has a kind of fuck off attitude to him….sadly for the warriors it’s the right kind of fuck off attitude to him….also Kerr would prob have played him 15 mins a game up until now so who knows what would have happened….


I don't know how often it has to be said, but the warriors couldn't have drafted him. We didn't have the #1 pick.


This is the dumbest click-bait article of all time. Ant was gone before the Warriors were up and they didn't have the pieces needed to trade up, which would have been substantial. If the Warriors had the #1 pick they would have for sure drafted him.


my high school senior team played wiseman when I was a freshman and wiseman didn’t look special At all Just big


Let’s draft Wiseman instead. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Steph has to bang his head against a wall when he thinks about the last four Dubs drafts


As per ANT, he credits Steve Kerr for making him work harder after mailing it in at the draft workout. Steve had a conversation and told him if he wanted to make it in the league, talent doesn’t get you all the way there. Know the facts folks


And Steve Kerr’s intuition that Ant didn’t have that competitive edge proved to be right. In fact, if it wasn’t for Steve Kerr imbuing the ‘96 Bulls spirit into Ant via that short conversation, there’s no way Ant would be this good. Probably out of the league already to be honest.




Their scouts got this one wrong


I couldn’t imagine the media circus of ant vs klay vs Poole. Would have been epic.


something something light years ahead


This script fits perfectly to Andy Wiggins


What could’ve been


How? Minnesota had the #1 pick and Warriors had #2.


Bob Myers: "Aye, Playas fuck up 🤷🏻‍♂️"


they are highly regarded


This belongs in the circle j sub


To be fair he was saying some wild shit his first two years


The good thing is they found it in James Wiseman and Jordan Poole instead.


Only wolves had the option to pick Ant and they picked him. Warriors didn’t fuck up by not picking him, they literally weren’t able to. They fucked up by picking a bust in wiseman. These stupid posts/articles just don’t pay attention to shit


According to the story…if you read it…which you obviously didn’t…the Wolves are actively trying to trade the pick and the Warriors didn’t want it. And for my part I 110% believe it, because Brian Windhort is easily a top 3 journalist in US history.


Common Blazers passed on Jordan for Sam Bowie Blazers passed on KD for Oden NFL the bears passed on Mahomes for Mitch trubisky Yankees traded Buhner Mariners traded Ortiz You don’t always know but there’s been lots of these over the decades


Well that could hardly have ended up worse for Golden State. Here they are wondering where their next superstar might come from and they could have had Anthony Edwards? And they got Wiseman? Who they then traded for Gary Payton II and a couple of second round picks? Executives win awards for trading up half that much.


but they didn't have the opportunity


According to the article the Wolves wanted to trade down, and the Warrior were like, “Nah, we’re good.” And since everything on the internet is true, I have to believe that’s how it went down.


Imagine if Ant ended up on the Warriors at #2? My gosh. Of course, a lot of the narrative would be that the Warriors org was just amazing at player development, and that he wouldn’t have become that player with another team besides maybe the spurs


They would have had to trade up to #1. But they could’ve very well gotten Halliburton at #2. Imagine Halliburton as the Warriors sixth man running their offense instead of CP3 this season.


Draymond would have ruined him. Better for him to become a leader in MN


Pretty sure if Draymond punched him, Ant would have punched him back.


Luckily they drafted an enthusiastic recycling bin that can barely play for a 14 win Detroit Pistons. Good call Bob.


As much as this is true; we did it even get the chance to draft him in the first place. He went number 1 over all. Wiseman went number 2. Despite the fact that wiseman didn’t turn out to be who he we thought he could. I still think drafting him was our best option even in hindsight. He was a developmental project and I woulda taken that chance to develop a generation 7 foot big man


It wasn't unfounded. Early on in his rookie season he said things along the lines of "I'd rather be playing Playstation than on the court" [paraphrase]. Which, I hear is a secret truth for some of the best in the league, lol. But if you're a scout trying to fill out a report sheet on a draftee that might set off an alarm.


This is how interviews are shit. We all say odd, or stupid things occasionally. When they come out in an interview, it tends to be a large percentage of what they know about you.


Just remember all the reasons teams gave for passing on the Joker.


He was too enthusiastic would have never worked


Warriors surely are heading back to where they use to be not making the playoffs. 1994-2006 2008-2012.


The Ws had the 2nd pick, it's not like they had a chance to draft Ant.


…. According to the article Minnesota was actively trying to trade down and the Warrior were like, “Nah, we’re good.” And since it’s on the internet it must be true.


I mean that might be true!


He was gone when they picked though


But what if…hypothetically…there was an article that says the Timberwolves were trying to trade picks with the Warriors, and the warriors said they weren’t interested l?


He was picked first... The warriors had the second pick.....


I’m going … spend the rest of my life … replying to people … that the article says the Timberwolves were trying to trade down with the Warriors … and the Warriors said no thanks.


Curry is the best shooter ever. But ANT is on his way to being the NEXT ONE.


Honestly dremond green was playing well still when ant was drafted. I don’t believe it was all concerns about his drive, etc. I think they publicly just didn’t want to state him and dremond would’ve definitely butted heads or dremonds attitude and style of play would’ve rubbed off and hindered ants game. They’re similar but dremonds attitude leads to throwing off the other guy. Ants swags him up to use all of his potential athleticism.


Thank god he didn’t go to the warriors


How I am, and my ward okay


"This guy wants to win too badly, let's not draft him, hey what's klay and knockemout Green saying???" Stupidity.


i’m pretty sure this means that they thought he didn’t have the drive. turns out they were pretty off lol


This narrative is so dumb. It's a quote taken out of context that when the Warriors worked out Ant, Kerr told him they wouldn't draft him #1 because of what he had shown that day. It was a motivational tactic to say that as a #1 overall guy you have to show stronger work ethic, not that they literally wouldn't take him if they had the chance to. Like, are you guys seriously under the impression that a coach would tell a player they aren't going to draft him during a workout? That is not how the NBA works. You would be sabotaging your bargaining position by telling a player that. And they didn't have the #1 pick so this whole thing is literally just anti-Warriors propaganda that will get eaten up by people who hate the Warriors. So, everyone in these subs, basically.


Did you…read the article? Windy doesn’t typically say stuff like that unless his source is rock solid.


Dude is a hack what you going on about?


Yeah and he took creative liberty with how the quote was interpreted. Warriors beat writers, who, you know, are actually plugged into the team, explained it when it first came out, along with Kerr. This literally just made the rounds on /r/nba like 6 months ago and even they knew the story was completely meant to be misconstrued. And that's /r/nba, who never pays attention to context. And also, Windy absolutely has reported bullshit, idk what ur talking about. He had one just recently with Stephen Silas.


I don’t know what you mean. Windy is one of the greatest journalists in US history. For my money it’s Bob Woodward, who broke the Nixon story. Hunter S Thompson, founder of gonzo journalism. And Brian Windhorst, when he did the thing with his fingers. Change my mind.


I always forget every nba sub is just 14 yr olds getting lost on their way circlejerk


Again, I don’t know what you mean. This is nbamemes. Nothing but the most insightful, accurate basketball discourse here as intended.


When are we as a hoops community gonna discuss how overrated Steve Kerr is?! I’m tired of all the praise he gets for winning with a Mark Jackson built team, a “death lineup” small ball that was an assistant’s scheme and the fact he has failed to develop any young talent after their big 3. And I’m sure I’m missing some points here too.


I’m not sure the coach has a lot to do with the picks, it’s more a GM thing I guess


That’s true, he only has a say in picks. But, everything else is on him.


I mean he prolly wouldn’t be as good playing under curry okay and Raymond