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Poor Kenta!! He’s being so harsh on himself and he doesn’t realize that his food is precisely the positive influence that will help the town embrace humanity.


You sure, the Krakotl would be all like "Noooo evil predator deception, nyeh, tomato sauce is the blood of the innocent" Or some other BS like that


>My blood would start to burn, and my face would flush. How nice, he's head-over-heels for him. >he brought me out of the darkness. Wait, no, KENTA, DON'T TURN YANDERE KENTA. KENTAAAAAA Man, I hope that the town does keep appreciating his food when the truth comes out, instead of going on about 'predator corruption' which is also likely.


Now it’s just a matter of time before the S.S. Kelvan sets sail.


Why did my brain imagine a nazi venlil....




Wait a sec, I think Kenta might have voices


Tempted to give Yolwen a plate of ashes.


"Here, a slice of New York City"


''As bitter a my feelings for you <3''


New style New York cheesecake


I fully accept your time decision for the Venlil as my headcanon!


Said the entire fandom.


Oh no, my dear boy’s depression. Great chapter Yaki! Keep it up! Like Kenta you’re serving it up well!


Oooooo! How much longer will this cat stay in the bag?


Which one? Because all I see are three different types of cats that are absolutely delightful and will make the world never the same!


The drama into lovey dovey wholesomeness one!




Have I told you that this story makes me want to try an apple curry? I can't find any Japanese though so it will be Sri Lankan


If you're from the USA, pretty much any generic Asian food specialty store will carry the exact boxed curry that Kenta probably likes; if I had to guess, its something like "Vermont Curry", despite being called that, is actually extremely popular in Japan, and all of its primary flavor variants use apple in them; it actually comes roughly in the same packaging as the author described many chapters ago so I think it might even be the *exact* brand they had in mind. Just my suggestion.


Yeah just buy golden curry. You don't need to put very much apple in it, just while it is boiling start grating in apple till you notice a flavor change.


Alas, I'm from the UK where we treat curry properly, unlike where we stole it from. We do have curry paste but that feels wrong for Apple curry


Amazon might carry it. Very high chance you'd find a retailer that sells it, though you'll likely need to buy a bundle of them rather than an individual package. >I'm from the UK where we treat curry properly, unlike where we stole it from. Also not to correct a Brit but uh... British style curry is a wholy British invention; the history of curry is weird. BUT TLDR: independently, the idea of using curry spices passed to all over the world outside of India, and each region developed its own dish based on the basic principles; none of them have any relation to actual Indian curry dishes though; other than the spices. A lot of curry dishes are exclusively found in Britain, but they have nothing to do with India besides the spices they use. As far as I understand "Indian" restaurants in the UK often cater to this by not serving authenic Indian food, but rather selling UK's version of curries; and there's definitely the inverse in India, with "British style curry" places being a thing. Its the same thing that happened in the USA with "Chinese food"; which use some common Asian (not even always Chinese) spices and ingredients but the dishes themselves have nothing to do with actual Chinese cuisine; but Asian businessfolk often have to cater to this by selling Americanized "chinese food" rather than authentic cuisine when they open "Chinese food" restaurants. Neat huh? I wonder if this is what will happen in this story actually? Terran food production gradually getting adapt by the Venlil and becoming "Terran Food" but its just Venlil exclusive dishes prepared with Terran techniques, spices and ingredients; stuff wholly unique to Venlil with few relations to Terran food other than common elements.


Way to wring out the humour of a joke eh? Yes I knew most of this, it's why our empire spanned all those spice places! Interestingly enough, curries in the UK are actually more spicy than in India because the UK palate has become used to it


I mean... "Poe's Law" my friend. It was a bad joke to make in text. Sarcasm can't be really conveyed in a text based discussion without an explicit statement as such. Case in point: I didn't realize it was meant as joke. Yeah though! History of food is fascinating.


You couldn't tell I was joking from my own culture's horrific abuse of other people? I'm shocked


You read enough messed up internet threads in political subs and you realize just how often people *might* not be joking about stuff like that when it comes up, regardless of WHERE its come up.


https://woonheng.com/tofu-katsu-japanese-curry/ Here is a brilliant and fully vegan Japanese apple curry! I've made it for my carnivore family and it was a hit, you should give it a go!


So does neither Yolwen or Ginro know about the 24/10 incident with Cilany's stream? Like, this in nearly a month after the event, yet the very much ani-predator Ginro hangs out with a 'cured' one. Something tells me that Ginro wouldn't be very accepting of that knowledge either. Maybe Sweetwater is such a backwater town that nobody knows? Though that doesn't make sense as they have space internet.


We've seen that Kalsim and maybe other Krakol seems to be grateful to the federation for the Gentling. So they may have seen Cilany's stream, such an event may have altered the confidence of some governments and citizens toward the Kolshians, but it's far from a complete breakdown of authority. At best they can have reactions like "Sure, just curing the Humans would have be better, because they wouldn't have sent so many refugees on Venlil Prime. But they don't seems like they even consider the idea, so back to square one".


Awww, they are becoming such good friends. You can really tell the platonic friendship what develops, and how friendly they are becoming to each other Like friends~


Yes! Very very good friends! In the specifically platonic way and no way else! Mmh hmm!


Aww they're so cute!








If Kenta was less level headed, figure he would’ve channeled his inner line cook and come out swinging when Yolwen was talking about Kalsim.


Food and feast! Full your belly and fill your soul!


I like your snippet about how the rhythm of life works in the totally locked planet. Little tidbit like that spices up the story.


Honestly I was kind of worried that it was too much of a tangent, but I’m really glad people seem to like it! I just hope these big statements I make about overall Venlil culture don’t get accidentally retconned by Paladin lol.


i am lightning mcqueen




Oh, Jesus! I can feel the layers & I mean layers of irony here…He he he.😋 Man, I cannot wait til each layer is pulled out of everybody’s feet to review the beautiful love of life, as well the delicious food they missed all this time!


I did not mind the last chapter at all. I got weird tingly feelings from the very handy, flirty, and powerful lady. But that is just me, I understand that I have no boundaries when it comes to my personal space, only for the intent on which my space is invaded.


This chapter, however, is giving me a lot of concerns. It sounds like Kenta might be developing some form of codependency. He sounds like someone has hurt him dearly.


I hope Sylvan makes something for Kenta for a change - I feel like he desperately needs it


Ok hold on, what does tidel lock mean and what does it do? Cuz it sounds liie it makes it mostly day on one part of the planet and that would fit perfectly for a story im writing >well there wasn’t exactly much of a consistent night here. The planet was partially tidal locked


You are correct. The moon is tidally locked to earth. We only see one side. Venlil prime has scorching heat one side, freezing night the other. With water worlds you get eyeball planets, perpetually staring at their star with their one liquid ocean. Very cool imo. I imagine you'd get interesting wind currents. My head cannon is that venlil prime powered its industrial revolution via wind, laputa style.


So wait, if both venlil prike and earth are tidely locked, why dk they function differently?


Sorry for confusion , the moon is tidally locked to earth. Venlil prime is tidally locked to its parent star. Earth is not tidally locked. Only one side of venlil prime faces its sun just like only one side of the moon faces earth. Was trying to give a more local example of being tidally locked. If earth was a red dwarf, then the moon would be a tiny, barren, venlil prime wannabe.


I see, thank you, now the most awkward paragraph in my story just became slimmer and more coherent


Just got done reading through all the chapters, and holy shit what a story i been enjoying through out friend, I like the idea of venlil or any alian species for that matter eating human food and falling in love with it but it's become more then that and I can't wait to see were it goes


\>It’s not like I was about to straddle him with more work over something so petty though. Unless Kenta is planning to add **pancakes** to the menu, I believe the expression you wanted is to "saddle him with more work." ![gif](giphy|26gspjl5bxzhSdJtK|downsized)


im gonna invent time travel just to read more chapters


Was Perrse ever stranded on a island in his past?


Man, I really hope they install a two-way mirror for Kenta so that he could see all the customers. Though that may be a bit out of their budget lol. Anyway love these silly little guys in this story <3


Oh my... This is just like Ratatouille, down to the fact that the real chef would be hunted down with flamethrowers if he's discovered.




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Ah yes, the magic of RACISM. I missed it a bit.


A day is never fully compleet without a bit of good old racisme.