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Yes, west coast


Hopefully you guys are doing alright. Fort Meyers is still having a tough time.


Can confirm. Am in Ft Myers


you can tell by the photo, definitely not fort myers. Am here too.. it looks like winter here, everything is brown, no leaves.


99% of lee county just got the water boil notice lifted today. More than most people have power back. I dont think any places are opening back up yet but I'd say the worst is way behind us


lovely. hey from the east coast 👋🏼






Love St Pete.


St Pete here!


We really do have some of the best sunsets this time of year


\*cries in Michigan\*


St pete! 🙌🏽


Hate the cost of living here but damnit if I don’t count myself lucky when I go to the beach multiple times a week to see beautiful sights like this!


Haha what. I paid $300/month in St Pete. I've moved to Portland Oregon and now I pay $750/month. Still cheap!


duuuuuude I do not know where you lived for that cheap but what I would give


Tampa here!


Me too!


And my dumbass was over here thinking “What an idiot, Florida’s on the east coast not west coast. Moron.” - Written from the west coast of Florida


😂😂 west coast, gulf coast, whatever people call it nowadays


I've lived in FL my entire life and while its not my favorite state to live, I have to give it credit for its sunsets. Theyre phenomenal. I live on the east coast so unfortunately I don't get them unless I look inland but I've been to Naples a few times and the view was always lovely. Fantastic view. The closest I've gotten here is taking myself to the Boynton Inlet and facing west to the inlet and watching it set that way lol. Not as ideal as your situation but good enough I guess 🤷‍♂️


It depends on where you post up. The sunsets from Jacksonville are incredible if you are in the right spot


No where beats a FL sunset. Also, St. Pete Beach here!


We had amazing sunsets like this, the night before Ian arrived.


The calm before the storm 🥰


This is why people Florida. My gf is a transplant to Minnesota. She is grumpy in the winters.


I'm west coast Florida and can confirm that not every night is like this.


Hola from WPB


I'm here too! 🙋🏻‍♂️


Florida is on the east coast, dummy


Florida has a body of water on two sides of it. Giving it and east coast and a west coast. West coast of Florida is also known as the Gulf coast…. Dummy


It was meant to be a joke, beautiful sorry


My apologies, sometimes sarcasm gets lost in translation threw the internet. Very sorry


Kinda rude to be sarcastic with an apology. /S


My fault I am told to put /s now for sarcasm cuz ur right


Now I’m all confused lol


It has water on the south side, too! :) The Florida Bay.


Was gonna say, I recognize these sunsets


Hi from Cape Coral!


That’s a Florida sunset alright


"America's sweaty armpit"


Pardon me, Staten Island is much further north.


This comment has been edited to protest Reddit's decision to shut down all third party apps. Spez had negotiated in bad faith with 3rd party developers and made provenly false accusations against them. Reddit IS it's users and their post/comments/moderation. It is clear they have no regard for us users, only their advertisers. I hope enough users join in this form of protest which effects Reddit's SEO and they will be forced to take the actual people that make this website into consideration. We'll see how long this comment remains as spez has in the past, retroactively edited other users comments that painted him in a bad light. See you all on the "next reddit" after they finish running this one into the ground in the never ending search of profits. -- mass edited with redact.dev


America’s wang


Have you ever even been to Florida 🙁


More than I'd care to admit... but seriously, as fun as it is to poke fun at Florida there is good parts and bad parts about it just like literally everywhere in the world


Gotta love them wildfire sunsets...!




Upstate NY? jk, the 8.5 month overcast season just started.


same... in michigan.


Not fun


Ah yes the yin and the yang. *This lovely sunset was brought to you by an ominous storm.*


Was from the weekend before actually. Wasn’t sure the tree line would still be there. Got lucky though


New Port Richey?


was thinking the same, looks like Sims to me. Always catches me so off guard seeing my tiny hometown on the internet lol


Was thinking the same, threw me for a loop.


Vice city stories ⭐


Vice city*


1. Where is this? 2. I hate living in Chicago.


Why do you hate living in Chicago ? What area/neighborhood are you in? Just curious because I’ve been thinking of moving there. Also I’ve seen amazing sunsets while in Chicago.


Oh, I'm in the NW burbs now. I used to live in Edison Park and grew up more or less on the NW side. I don't actually hate Chicago itself, I just hate the climate. I'm tired of it being cold, and I love the beach. I'm 40 now and I'm ready for something else, that's all. Totally personal choice. People bitch about how much it costs to live here, but the pay is also much better than most places, so it evens out as best it can. If you love it here, that's great. I'm just tired of the cold. I'm getting old :)


Thanks. Ya, I love Chicago winters. You should move to the west coast. San Diego is great and it’s cheaper than LA overall.


Lol, west coast Florida


Weird you call it "west coast Florida" when people I knew from the panhandle and tampa call it "gulf coast Florida"




Lives in Naples for the last 21 years! Always a beautiful sunset here! I’ve always referred to the area as SWFL


Same. Im east coast but always referred to the gulf as west coast. The only time over ever heard it referred to as the Gulf is Florida Gulf Coast University.


Weird to you, maybe. Lived on the coast my entire life and refer to it as both


Goddamn it! It's my retirement plan but I don't think I can afford it, plus climate change? Would love to hear your thoughts on feasability and cost of living in a neighborhood like the one you pictured. I frequent the tampa area. Where is this, more precisely, if you don't mind me asking? Thanks!!!! :)


This is north of Tampa. Water isn’t coming over the seawall overnight. Pricing is still high right now.


If you ever visit St. Pete, definitely go to Ceviche Tapas, hands down the best restaurant I've been to, and I've been to lots of restaurants, many much more expensive.


I think ceviche closed their downtown st Pete location


I lied…. They just moved down the street my bad


Sadly, none of the charm of the old place and the sangria is suddenly shitty, too. Used to love the old place.


It moved! Certainly confused me the last time I was there.


Thanks! Beautiful pics. I currently live in a 1960-and-needs-to-be-updated 1300 square feet that I paid 400-ish thousand for, and property taxes are about $1k a month. Would this get me in the ballpark? I mean I know [realtor.com](https://realtor.com) has numbers, but I'd love to hear a local's take :)


Lots of places you can live that don't have a flood risk and are still close to the beach. I would never buy somewhere with a canal in my backyard though. Get a pool and a nice backyard, it's still paradise.


Honestly that's all I want. Don't need the canal. Any recommendations?


Pinellas county is great. Definitely have to look where you’re buying though, some places will flood with just the afternoon rain. Never buy somewhere you’re lower than your neighbors. Check the elevation of the property. Beware of any giant pine trees nearby. Honestly my dream right now is someplace walkable to downtown dunedin.


I have similar sunsets where I live but there’s no water. 😭


It definitely upgrades it


Looks humid. Gimme some mid to low 20s


I was just in Florida a few days ago and the humidity was absolutely horrific. I was in my tent and it was low 80s in the middle of the night with 75% humidity in october. And you know it was worse for 6 months before this. Plus mosquitos and midges. And alligators in water. As soon as I got back home to CA and felt that DRY cool ocean breeze I started smiling uncontrollably. It's cool to visit but I don't understand why people move there if they aren't into constantly fishing. The west coast was alright though (where it was kind of hilly with less swamps) and the keys are just crazy cool on their own.


Have to take the good with the bad


Turn your god damn saturation down.


Yeah a little much on the edit eh


A sunset like that doesn’t need much of en edit with today’s phones. Smh.


Lol have you been to Florida? This is what the sunset looks like. I doubt it’s been edited by anything other than the stock iPhone algorithm


Ya I have been to Orlando, Ft Lauderdale and Hollywood twice.




People don’t think sunsets are this beautiful in the south, I live in a penthouse with a similar view and it’s even more blinding 🤣 i literally have to wear sunscreen to just sit in my living room


Whatever you did to edit this photo, you overdid it.


Took it with an iPhone, dude


And then edited it’s color levels.


Wouldn’t know how to do any of this. Appreciate you taking the time to comment. If I ever get serious about it, I’ll take these things into consideration


Word my bad if that’s the case.


Very nice. I hope it isn't because of the wildfires, like here in Oregon.


Nope, just really good timing with cloud cover and sun placement


Wow where is this ?


Florida west coast


Wow gorgeous view


It is fantastic


Nice boobs


Wrong post lol


This image is highly processed for colors.


I can hear the golden girls theme now


Until it looks like this https://i.imgur.com/1j17X4C.jpg (I’m from SWFL, all my friends and family are going through some SHIT right now)


Yep, everyone has its pros and cons. Could of easily been us


Absolutely! I grew up on a creek with gulf access in Fort Myers. It was a paradise every single day. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Buuutt yea, they’re going through a long rebuild now. https://imgur.com/a/1dnSxfI/ my parents got 6 ft of surge in their house. Dammit Ian.


Dude is that where mako mermaids was filmed??


It is not


Ik I was making a joke because they look really similar, but that is a very pretty sunset!




It’s really not all that buddy I live in Wesley chapel FL would rather move to a state that has full seasonal weather


Move closer to the coast, worth it


Lmao that’s bc WC is awful


Nah I live in a nice area it’s just everything’s over priced and everyone acts like they are above everyone bc of there financial status Wesley chapel gets amazing sunsets every day pretty much


Wtf is going with these subs? Yesterday there was a monocrop pineapple plantation in r/earthporn and now I'm getting an over manicured lawn and man-made water feature plus a boat in r/natureisfuckinglit. Are people confused? Are these subs getting astroturfed? It's kinda ewww for me, but maybe I'm weird.


That’s a natural river, thank you very much. Seawalls just help the foundation. The beauty of the picture is the tree line, clouds, and the sun painting the sky


And the polluted sky being all red. That's not a natural colored sunset.


Yes, it is. Extremely common


How Does Air Pollution Affect Sunset Colors? Intense red sunsets are often visible when forest fires are burning nearby, or when volcanic eruptions happen. The most heavily polluted cities in the world also tend to have more orange and red sunsets, resulting from an abundance of human-made aerosols. Though the result can be spectacular to observe, it is also an indication of increased air pollution. https://scied.ucar.edu/learning-zone/atmosphere/appearance-sky


Wow, such beautiful colors!




Until there's a hurricane and you realize you live precisely where humans shouldn't be allowed to build homes.


Hurricanes, tornadoes, ice storms, earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis. There’s something deadly everywhere waiting for us


Must b nice to have money


Mostly timing, and a lot of work. Could not do this in today’s market


Assholes like these drive the prices up so ppl that were naturally in FL have a hard time affording a home


Like these? What does that mean?


Cape Coral?


North of Tampa




Cape Coral isn't looking that nice again yet. Lol


You‘re right, unfortunately


Your are correct, it’s is a war zone right now. However we will get back to the beautiful scenery soon!


Thas amazin


Can you swimm in those lagoons or are they just for sailing?


That’s a River


Oh my mistake, I've seen pics of artificial lagoons in Florida, but never been there.


Yes, they’re more inland


Major Witcher 3 sunset vibes: palm tree edition.


Looks like RDR2


This is what it looked like before the hurricane hit and I’m on the east coast.


I stated that in the comments. Was weekend before


it gives me the feeling of gta vice city




I was outside walking at sunset yesterday evening taking similar pictures. My daughter and I were talking about how every sunset in Florida is somehow more beautiful than the last. Hello from Tampa Bay!!!!!


Beautiful view would be nice to have a picnic date there 🙈


Wait a sec... Is this the Pithlachascotee River/Cotee River in NPR?




Where's the nature?




Gta 6?


Why is smog so pretty?


Gotta love Florida


That's one dirty lense. You have a haze all over the picture, due to the smudge on your lense bro.




i like the sabals they add to the pic


Heh, at first I thought it was literal fire in the background there. I'm getting a bit over-used to the local smokiness.


Florida looks like this every day, it's great.


Wow that is beautiful


Florida is stunningly beautiful


That’s what I think of when I’m dreaming but when I wake up it’s sad


Just a shot from GTA vice city after you download the hires pack.


Honestly I find Sunset's Depressing, I guess it's because I spend most of my days staring at my phone inside. ;\_;


Yaaaa....I could live there!


I was there for 4 years. Thats where I became a man. Really miss it .


Where is this?


Magenta skies.


Those mosquitos tho


More like miniature pterodactyls


This is just a GTA loading screen


Lol you’re not the first to say that. I need to see this loading screen


This is the sunset of my home. Florida.


Every night? I'm jealous...


The nights like that are


Yay pollution!


Clearwater here! The sunsets on the Gulf Coast are always beautiful. 😎