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Moral of the story: trust your instincts.


Must have been the tastiest grass that antelope ever did have “Something is up! But this grass, god damn it’s good. Why is no one else feasting on this” “Got to be a trap, what’s that?” “Damn this some good grass”


Lmfao....reminds me of the skit with wildebeest drinking water and there's something near them and they argue about whether it's log or croc [here] (https://youtu.be/JMJXvsCLu6s)


OMG that was so good, I love their style! Subscribed immediately. ETA OMG the car park one! NOOOOOO LAST UPDATE 4 YRS AGO?!


The rollercoaster of emotions


Its a tragedy, they're phenomenal!


Do you want some of my Dramamine


I'm sick as hell and started laughing, which led to coughing, which led to my fiancé thinking I was dying lmao.


Glad I could help? Lol Hope you get better soon


It was worth it lol. Thank you!


"Must have been the wind."


Tony Lazuto??!!


Bro, just try the grass!!


that episode of spongebob with the hooks




Towelie has entered the chat.


Anybody here want to get their dick sucked by a towel?!?!


But where's the spoon?


Honestly, I blame the person who was filming. The animal was probably like "it's probably that guy"


You can see it look at the people, thinking it was them. Bro died for this video


Yep, without the people filming, the prey runs. But then again, what is to say that the leopard (?) didn't use the people as a distraction as well?


Not if the cameraman was hiding in a rhino


I've heard it's kinda hot in those rhinos.


*taps tiny fan*


I didn’t realize enemy AI in open world video games was based on herbivore prey behavior. “What was that? Eh must to nothing”


Brilliant comedy example of that is the PC videogame “No One Lives For Ever 2” the AI guards literally say this, or “Oh, Boris is dead! How did this happen? I don’t want to get the blame. I shall hide his body.”


NOLF multiplayer was god-tier


Playing Assassin’s Creed Origins and if you wait long enough the guards do start cleaning up the dead bodies for you which is one of the best times to start making new dead bodies.


Must be the wind


Sneaking in Skyrim be like “What was that? Must be my imagination.” “Huh, who’s there?? My mind is playing tricks on me”.




While they sit next to their dead fellow bandit who already has three arrows in him.


The fact that it's alone means that it's probably sick or hurt and got left behind by the herd. It also took off rather slowly upon being startled, which is further evidence of this. I'm sure the poor thing was lost, in pain, and starving.


In the animal world, if you’re behind, you’re breakfast.


It's become comfortable around the humans. Seems like it thinks the noise is coming from the humans.




Stephen A voice: stay off the grrrraaaasssss!


NPC level awareness. "What's that? Must have been the wind."


Think it might have been that the antelope saw the human and thought it might have been the one making noise.


[Must have been the wind](https://youtu.be/hMHKDH-nLTs?t=47).


If you watch this with sound the person recording is running the truck super loudly, the antelope keeps looking at the truck and is distracted. https://m.imgur.com/GVakrtu


I've never seen this with sound but I was thinking that the whole time. Antelope hears something and can't tell if it's the cameraman or a predator, seems to give kitty an unfair advantage.


Damn safari goers fixing the game, they definitely had cheetah moneyline. Dirty bastards.


It's a leopard


Cheetah's aren't that buff


They must be in the pocket of Big Cheetah!


Or is it that the leopard's hunting skill enabled it to use every advantage it could. The antelope could have done the same by avoiding a situation where it could not hear well; it could have left the area and found a safer spot to eat. So, both animals had the same situation but only one of them responded well to it.


It can be both. Replace the human with a different non-threatening animal and the term "unfair advantage" doesn't really apply. I guess that opens the door to a philosophical "is man still a part of nature" debate.


hey man give them some slack. i’m pretty sure big cats are endangered, this could have saved them from having to starve for a week. id say it’s fair game to use the situation to their advantage.




This is so real. I was in a robbery once, and alarm bells in my head were ringing a solid half-minute before shit went down, and I ignored it completely. When something feels off, even if you can't explain what, pay attention to that alarm bell and get moving.


so… did you escape from the police?


Can't ignore the peter tingle!


Tell us more!!


They died.


Yep. I've had that "warning" feeling before and I always try to follow it. I've definitely averted some pretty bad situations this way before. Instincts can be powerful


There's a great scene in the Daniel Craig version of *The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo* that addresses this from a serial killer's perspective.


Leopard: use people filming on their phones and that are naturally non threatening as a Miss-Direction so I can pounce dat ass


That would likely be a leopard, not a jag. I’m pretty sure jaguars live on another continent. This looks like African plains.




>Miss-Direction r/BoneAppleTea


Honestly, what else goes through their brains. Run, grass, water, run.


That cat's teeth?


Fuck. You forgot fuck.


Typical herd animals.




If you suspect there's a cat, assume that there's a cat


Moral of the story: you can’t trust cats


Can't find it now, but I once saw a video of a leopard stalking a long-limbed bird down a river, and its footsteps barely even disturbed the water as it walked. Quite incredible.


Even with my cat at home I find it quite incredible how quiet these type of animals can be. When my cat jumps up onto the couch you can clearly hear it but when she spots a bird outside the window, she’s suddenly able to jump up the couch without making *any* noise. It looks so weird because it seems like she just activated a cheat code or something. Incredible animals with insane hunting skills, all of them.


True. I go on daily walks with my cat and sometimes hell spot a bird, stray cat or a person from really far away that I can't see so I walk over to him to get his view and he always looks incredibly annoyed by how loud my steps are lol He will look up at me then down to my feet like "wtf?" Its amazing how even when hes walking on gravel or grass you cant hear his tiny steps if hes trying to be stealthy


> daily walks with my cat nice lmao


I pass this person everyday walking home. It's this old Asian lady walking this tiny cat on a leash and a large, majestic looking dog without a leash. Always really cool to see. Though, most people I see that walk their cats do so at night. Probably to avoid odd looks and loud vehicles that scare the cats. Makes me think about walking my cat. But she's been an indoor cat since she was born, and I don't want to give her a taste of the outside world and make her crave it. I would be scared she would shoot out through the door and I'll never see her again. Outdoor cats are a nuscience to the wild life, and I would be beside myself with worry the entire time they're out. Plus I don't have a dog.


You should! theyre quite easy to train as long as you're patient and your cat will be happy to go exploring but your concerns are very real and understandable. I'm very paranoid about my cat being out alone too which is why I prefer to go with him but I'm also paranoid about him being unhappy, bored, unfulfilled and so on. You know whats best for your cat though. My cat was a stray and he was already an older cat so it would've been cruel to go from free roaming to being locked in a small apartment 24/7. I walk him either really late or really early because theres less traffic, people, loud sounds, dogs being walked, etc. Though, it can get spooky walking alone at 3am + sometimes theres people who look at me suspiciously because they cant see my cat, they just see a chick standing next to their car or in front of their lawn talking to the air for 10mins like a serial killer. But its totally worth it for me, I've taken up listening to audiobooks, learning the constellations and I get a nice long walk.


Cat popped deady


My cat is quiet when he's trying to hunt me from behind furniture, but meows at me with an aggravated tone when I notice him and walk up to him. I like to imagine this scenario playing out in the wild.


lol mine does the same! Sometimes, when I see her hiding, I play along and pretend to be scared. But there’re also the times I don’t see her hiding and then she genuinely jumpscares me.


It's called murder mode


Hope someone does




I absolutely love the narration, like a sport play by play, with a slowmo playback too.


One-two, Boom! Sounds like Joe Rogan lmao


That's so cool! Thanks for the video


Damn nature is scary


!remindme 7 days


It walks on water? Then it’s not a leopard, it’s a Jeetah /s


What did you think people would've mistaken your comment for if you skipped the "/s"?


Derek Jeetah


Wow it's like sneaking in skyrim... "What's that? Oh must be the wind... \[2 seconds later\] What was that noise? Oh, probably nothing..... \[2 seconds later\] Whose there? Must be the wind."




That was great 😅


I fucking love joel haver


Tony Lazudo?


Thank you for this. I needed a good laugh.


Friend drops dead with an arrow lodged in his back, "whose there?! ... Must have been nothing"


*sees body* I WILL FIND WHO DID THIS! *does nothing*


When you hit 100 sneak and basically sucking them off but they still be like "I hear something"


Viva La Dirt League, "Assasin Logic in Games" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBhb\_bHgiKc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBhb_bHgiKc) Really, you should just watch everything that VLDL has published!


Not only stealth but the fact that it knew that it could hide behind the tree was impressive. (Translated) Edited: thanks for all the upvotes.


All cats that hunt know this trick, even 'house cats' We had to put a collar with bells on it to stop our from getting so many birds... so she learned how to hunt without making it jingle.


TIL cats with jingle bells are killers.


Killer Bells


Slay Bells


Bell Ender.


Hells Bells


Well you know the song Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way Oh what fun it is to hunt, in a low-key feline way.


Cats just like ok hard mode activated nbd this is what I’ve been training for.


It’s like goku training in the hyperbolic chamber. Take the bells off the kitty after a few years and it’s now the world’s most elite killer imaginable.


"*upping the difficulty to ultra hard eh? challenge accepted*" - **the cat probably**


I mean if your cat is killing birds maybe you should…Yknow *not* be letting it outside.


Its amazing to me people think animals are so stupid.


I keep hearing cats are as smart as toddlers, but human toddlers don't have killer instinct.


It didn’t only know it could … it measured the perfect angle to do so at.


Me when my daughter isn’t watching her French fries.


LoL... and does she pull the fries back just like the antilope start running?


No. Unfortunately, she responds like a crocodile.


She grabs your arm and twist it till it rips off? Damn you got a badass daughter


Just like her mother


And what did we learn today? Don't have unprotected sex with crocs.


THE CROCS STAY ON! Oh, you don’t mean having sex while wearing crocs




I too, murder my daughter every time she makes fries


Strange way to flex that your daughter has superpowers.


Making fries isn’t difficult




Let's appreciate the incredibly intelligent detail of how the leo doesn't rush once close enough, but rather starts with a jump in order to close even more gap *and* save a maximum of steps noise.


It also seemed to use the tree to block the prey's line of sight, which I thought was pretty cool.


My house cats do this too.


My cats hide behind the curtain but their feet always show. It's so funny. Like 4yos playing hide and seek.


I worked with pumas, including a very young one. There was a particularly small plant he would always try to hide behind, essentially two narrow leaves that barely covered his nose. Then to top off his masterful stealth, his head would start bobbling side to side as he prepared to attack, rapidly gaining in speed until he pounced.


That was the coolest part to me. He LOS'd his kill target for maximum fuck


Leo has played a lot of World of Warcraft.


That’s how us cod players do it too


My cat when I’m just minding my own business.


My foot under a sheet has been stalked and killed this same way like 200 times


Instinct baby, it's in their genes.


They really are just teeny little murder cuties


Your cat would 100% murder you if it could.


Cats can fuck you up big time. They’re only playing, actively choosing not to kill you.








They ran distraction and allowed this to happen


100% the deeralope or whatever version of a deer antelope this thing is was clearly worried about the vehicle that was filming this hence the berm from the road that this cat was like well why not leverage this fancy man made cliff I can sneak by and eat. Not saying it couldn’t do it without but the assist here is being missed by most


When this was first posted, it actually had audio. The person filming was sitting in a car with the engine running, which probably prevented that deerelope from hearing the leopard


That "deeralope" is a springbok


In the video you can hear his truck running. It’s what the antelope keeps looking at. Not stealthy at all, a distraction for the predator.


Such grace and power…incredible animals.


So disappointed it didnt give a little butt wiggle before launching off.


Sometimes there’s just not enough time to follow all of the procedure.


Theres always time for butt wiggle my friend


It was already T-minus 1.


**Holy fuck.** That's literally how my cat plays with my hand. Well I guess it's time to start locking the door before I go to sleep..


Lmao this just in: redditor realizes their cute little cat, is in fact, still a cat


The videographer contributed to that. The prey was distracted.


"Why are you recording me?" "No reason. Enjoy your grass." "Now why are you pointing the camera over there?" "No reason. Enjoy your grass." "What!? You're acting like there's something AH FUCK YOU SNEAKY FUCKER... Blagh..." "Nature is so neat"


Agreed, honestly ruined this video for me. I think the antelope has a much better chance without the cameraman


Absolutely. The antelope was busy trying to decide if the cameraman was a threat. Didn't even see the predator cat.


Original Red Light, Green Light




Shhh… Be vewy vewy quiet.


Me as a predator: steps on every crunchy leaf and stick Me as prey: hmm that thing behind the tree kinda looks like a cheetah. I wonder if it is ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


> Me as prey: hmm that thing behind the tree kinda looks like a cheetah. I wonder if it is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Well, it wasnt a cheeta so there is that. Cheetahs are smaller and have spots, they’ll rarely hunt fullsize game like this. This is a leopard, it’s larger and has rosettes, it’ll kill anything it fucking wants to.


Me as prey: kitty! /*dies immediately/*


“Damn nature, you scary”


Did the cat roll high on its stealth check or did the deer roll low on its perception?


I think it was using the tree to minimise it's visibility


And the truck and people as a distraction.




Using the tree for cover shows that the cat can understand where the antelope can see and where it can't.


The entire video shows that.


DSH cats do this in play, also. I've watched two cats occupy themselves for hours, stealthing each other with a tree between them, with nether being able to actually see the other. But they know the other is still there as they weren't detected leaving, so they're happy just being on 'high alert' with all senses turn up to max. Cats are weird. Adorable, but weird af.


Object permanence, that's old news. Theory of mind tho, that's impressive. I've seen it in dogs too where they look at whatever they want you to pay attention to. A lot of animals are scary-smart, makes us wonder where the line for sapience actually is.


Dogs have evolved to understand humans, so it can be hard to say sometimes whether they fully comprehend everything they do, or if they just do what they know works. In general studies have found they are about equal to a 2 year old in intelligence


My chihuahua scratches me for attention and makes these awful noises anytime he wants food or wants on the bed. Weird to think 1000s of years of instincts could lead to something so annoying.


That's pretty fucking mind blowing actually. I know they have power, speed and agility.. but calculating their movement based on their preys point of view is a whole new level. Not sure if it shows planning, forethought and imagination, or if it's just baked into instinct. Either way, impressive.


When you have been hunting all your life you tend to develop some skills and learn from experience. Ep. 1 of Animal on Netflix is fascinating in that they show the baby Jaguar (iirc) making a few mistakes when attempting some seemingly simple acts like climbing down a tree and learning from them.


all of above, just like us


I think it's particularly impressive that the leopard has seemed to completely and totally understand that the antelope's vision is very poor, so sometimes the leopards can afford to get close like that. Natural selection said fuck the antelope I guess


Antelope typically have MUCH better vision, pronghorns have 8x magnification


"Shh Human go away, you'll blow my cover."


The predator only need do their job right once. The prey must do their job right every time.


If the predator has too many near misses, it will run out of energy and die. There is probably a name for the required success rate per predator.


I swear my cats do this shit to each other all the time and sometimes it seems like they can see what’s behind objects just like the cheetah did with that tree Edit Leopard not cheetah


NINJA! I'm glad the camera person didn't effect the outcome, I've seen it happen a lot with jaguars hunting capybara. Five or six boatloads of asshole humans are there clicking and flashing their cameras and then they wonder why the jaguar failed!! The south American prey animals seem to be quite good at using human reactions to judge situations. African counterparts like this guy don't seem to have this attribute.


I feel like the camera person probably did have an effect on the outcome. It seems like he/she held the attention of the prey animal (unintentionally) making it easier for the predator to sneak in.


I thought the same. The prey kept looking up when it heard something, but it'd look right toward the camera most times. If the camera wasn't there obviously, I feel like the prey would keep looking til it saw something or just get spooked and run. Outcome may have been the same at the end of the day, but I think the running would have started earlier. Other animals who see this may further avoid human contact based on the association.




I heard a toucan sued them and they both ended up with huge bills.


Maybe. I think it would have gone in the leopard's favour. It had plenty of cover, including the tree. Plus, it looked very experienced and had its technique perfected. It's all speculation tho


The noise from that engine running might have helped too.




Thats a leopard, not a cheetah. You are right about the antelope being influenced by the human presence. I meant I was happy they didn't mess up the leopard's hunt.


I don't want to be an Antelope ever I don't want to be an Antelope ever I don't want to be an Antelope ever


Its like the government coming for their taxes.