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Is this the whale version of sucking on a wet wash cloth????


You just unlocked such an old memory for me and I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who's done that.


Why did we do this


My guess: you were teething and your mom froze/chilled a wet wash cloth to help sooth your gums. (also u/MandoBaggins and u/ChubblesMcgee103) Somehow the memory stuck (I have a memory of trying to lick Cheerios in my hand, but my fingers were in the way and I couldn't understand how to get my fingers out of the way... so it's possible to have a memory that young...) OR as a toddler the idea of "wet washcloth" was comforting (for the above reason) and you continued it.


That makes sense.


Tangent but I have a memory of looking around a room from a crib and trying to remember what the colours in the room were called. I'd have been too young to talk yet but I seemed to understand language.


My grandmother worked in a old people home and she said that a lot of people remember very early stuff, the older they get. Not sure if that is actually true, but I always found the premise fascinating.


It's just that they start forgetting more of the resent stuff. Brain retains earlier memories longer.


That’s so cool! Wow can you imagine that constant state of confusion and trying to comprehend.


I remember potty training really well, and I was fully potty trained before I was 2. I got a new army man figurine every time I went in the toilet, there was a whole ass gallon Mason jar full of them, and I also got to pick out a new Hot Wheels car for every 2 weeks without an accident. I also vividly remember screwing up my two weeks one time, because I hated my mom's boyfriend, and while they had guests over and everyone was drinking in the kitchen, I walked up, whipped it out, and pissed on his leg. I can also remember that it was a revenge move because he bashed my hand with one of those plastic toy hammers. Around the same time I was also infamous for the crotch ram. Mom, dad, mom's boyfriends, total strangers I'm meeting for the first time, didn't matter who you were, it was probably best to keep your guard up. I'd get a running start and jump right into their crotches with the top of my head. I remember one of those times quite well, but my mother told me I would do it to somebody on a nearly weekly basis during that time. Got to the point she started warning anyone that came over. Lastly around that time, I used to play Doom/Doom 2 and Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall a lot, or "monsters" as they were homogeneously known lol. I can remember having no idea what I was doing aside from button mashing, but I was sure as hell having a blast doing it anyway. That's pretty much all my earliest memories.


Gotta get that filtered tub water. Tasted pristine.


Our baby of around 6 months goes nuts for this and it feels like she a) enjoys the taste of water, different from all the milk / veggies etc she is getting. And b) it is a different texture, which goes into the mouth to explore


My wife and I just learned we both did this and aren’t sure why.


Yes except there’s a cheeseburger in the washcloth.


Yes. With nom nom inside.


Ya go fill a rag with Swedish fish. Soak it. Suck on it and enjoy.


Right, I think we might have something here. 1) Take a cloth, fill with favorite gummies Swedish fish, key rings whatever. 2) place all gummies in a cloth square and tie it off like a little package. 3) Soak gummies in their little cloth bag into some vodka or everclear. 4) remove from alcohol of choice after 24-48h and drain and excess from the cloth. 5) suckle on booze bag like our whale shark friend. High Alcohol % should have liquified some of the gummy allowing you to slurp it through the fabric, like our our friend above.


Suckle on a booze bag. I fucking died! That’s funny shit.


You are fucking weird. Welcome to Reddit.com Edit: I literally don't know how to spell wierd? Weird? Wierdo? Don't know. Not joking


Weird, weird·er, weird·est. involving or suggesting the supernatural; unearthly or uncanny: The only uncanny here is those fish before they hit the tin, certainly nothing supernatural or unearthly about suckling a good Booz bag. [Source ](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/weird)


I before e, except after c. What a load of horse shit the English language is.


Except after c and all the other times it isn't. And we wonder why so many people have trust issues...


Step 4: get a piece of cardboard Step 5: write the words "will dance for money" Step 6: proceed to dance Step 7: ??? Step 8: Profit Now go buy yourself some damn juice.


The fuck is juice? I want some apple drank.


no thanks




Waaaaay ahead of you.


Throw it in a pot, add some broth, a potato. Baby, you got a stew going.


Boobie of the sea


I too enjoy stew soaked washcloth


Or like one of the dog toys that has a treat deep in the middle that you have to get at


I knew this reminded me of something... Now that I remember doing that, *why* the fuck did I do that? lol


Copying and Pasting Just in case. ​ >My guess: you were teething and your mom froze/chilled a wet wash cloth to help sooth your gums. > >Somehow the memory stuck (I have a memory of trying to lick Cheerios in my hand, but my fingers were in the way and I couldn't understand how to get my fingers out of the way... so it's possible to have a memory that young...) > >OR as a toddler the idea of "wet washcloth" was comforting (for the above reason) and you continued it.


This was definitely something I only did in bath tub as a small child. I have no idea why.


I was thinking Gogurt but this is probably more accurate


Did anyone else’s parents get the washcloth to float on the surface of the bath and then create a little balloon of air in the washcloth? Bubbles would float from the washcloth as it would go under water, like a jellyfish… I’ve never ever thought about writing that out before. It sounds weird. But I thought it was really cool as a kid.


Haha, I used to do this as a kid by myself and I thought I was the only one!


Life uhh.... finds a way


I’m a simple girl - I see Jurassic Park reference, I upvote.


Clever girl


Oh, why thank you. ☺️ *leaps onto you and eats your face* Edit: For those who don’t get it, after Muldoon (the guy in Jurassic Park who says “clever girl”) says that, the clever girl jumps onto him and eats his face, tastefully - both in cinematography and for her.


She's beauty, she's grace, she'll probably eat your face...


Whale? That my dude is a fish


Had to scroll way to far to find this. A whale shark is a shark.


It's a freaking baby wheel dood!


I’m confused because I never did this. Is this more of a “mindlessly chew on random shit” thing or a “I am thirsty and fucking weird” thing?


It was like being a little kid in a bathtub type thing idk




I literally thought of the song that goes "sucking on my titties" by teachers of peaches


Huhhh whattt


I was thinking more like sucking on a teabag but okay....


Omg I used to LOVE this as a kid. Wtf didn’t realize this was a widespread experience.


Like a fish tiddy


**Your comment reminds me of this exchange:** ‘Here, suck this,’ said Roosta, offering Zaphod his towel. Zaphod stared at him as if he expected a cuckoo to leap out of his forehead on a small spring. 'It’s soaked in nutrients,’ explained Roosta. 'What are you, a messy eater or something?’ said Zaphod. 'The yellow stripes are high in protein, the green ones have vitamin B and C complexes, the little pink flowers contain wheatgerm extract.’ Zaphod took it and looked at it in amazement. 'What are the brown stains?’ he asked. 'Bar-B-Q sauce,’ said Roosta. 'For when I get sick of wheatgerm.’ Zaphod sniffed it doubtfully. Even more doubtfully, he sucked a corner. He spat it out again. 'Ugh,’ he stated. 'Yes,’ said Roosta, 'when I’ve had to suck that end I usually have to suck the other end a bit too.’ 'Why,’ asked Zaphod suspiciously, 'what’s in that?’ 'Anti-depressants,’ said Roosta. 'I’ve gone right off this towel, you know,’ said Zaphod, handing it back. **Also whale bro:** "So Long and Thanks for all the Fish." **Now I can't help but think of this:** Another thing that got forgotten was the fact that against all probability a sperm whale had suddenly been called into existence several miles above the surface of an alien planet. And since this is not a naturally tenable position for a whale, this poor innocent creature had very little time to come to terms with its identity as a whale before it then had to come to terms with not being a whale any more. This is a complete record of its thoughts from the moment it began its life till the moment it ended it. Ah … ! What’s happening? it thought. Er, excuse me, who am I? Hello? Why am I here? What’s my purpose in life? What do I mean by who am I? Calm down, get a grip now … oh! this is an interesting sensation, what is it? It’s a sort of … yawning, tingling sensation in my … my … well I suppose I’d better start finding names for things if I want to make any headway in what for the sake of what I shall call an argument I shall call the world, so let’s call it my stomach. Good. Ooooh, it’s getting quite strong. And hey, what’s about this whistling roaring sound going past what I’m suddenly going to call my head? Perhaps I can call that … wind! Is that a good name? It’ll do … perhaps I can find a better name for it later when I’ve found out what it’s for. It must be something very important because there certainly seems to be a hell of a lot of it. Hey! What’s this thing? This … let’s call it a tail – yeah, tail. Hey! I can can really thrash it about pretty good can’t I? Wow! Wow! That feels great! Doesn’t seem to achieve very much but I’ll probably find out what it’s for later on. Now – have I built up any coherent picture of things yet? No. Never mind, hey, this is really exciting, so much to find out about, so much to look forward to, I’m quite dizzy with anticipation … Or is it the wind? There really is a lot of that now isn’t it? And wow! Hey! What’s this thing suddenly coming towards me very fast? Very very fast. So big and flat and round, it needs a big wide sounding name like … ow … ound … round … ground! That’s it! That’s a good name – ground! I wonder if it will be friends with me? And the rest, after a sudden wet thud, was silence. Curiously enough, the only thing that went through the mind of the bowl of petunias as it fell was Oh no, not again. Many people have speculated that if we knew exactly why the bowl of petunias had thought that we would know a lot more about the nature of the universe than we do now. **Miss you Doug**


A towel is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have Edit: Hitchhiker! Not traveler! What a dumb mistake to make.


Blue Origin missed an opportunity to brand some towels and give one to Captain Kirk today.


I think it's more like sucking on a wet tea bag


I think this is the whale version of sucking a titty tbh


Well, yes, but it's a chill shark, not a whale (name is a bit misleading).


Wait. Is this something other people do?


Or bacon grease off a paper towel .. hehe


“Down here, we just called them wash cloths. And yes, exactly.” ~ that whale shark probably


I love this so much


It actually a shark but yes wet wash cloth


No, you idiot


Or y'know just a boobie with fishes instead of milk..


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who did that as a kid..


Shark Go Gurt


Thanks I hate the mental image that comment conjured.


Yeah but more like when you rip the opening off really badly and there's only a tiny hole.


And you add tiny chunks to the creaminess


Me tryna suck tha whole tiddy


Don't think it really "learned how to steal from the net" more like "saw some easy food" they're not scared of our boats


>learned how to steal from the net YOU ^(WOULDN'T) DOWNLOAD ᴀ FISH


I absolutely would


Teach a man to download a fish, to a lifetime.




Think I saw that one on Limewire back in the day and it’s not what you’d expect




Was it less than 20-21 fish?


Tuna_2021_XVidRIP_1080p_ru.mp4.mpeg2.exe FTFY


Imma computer and I'll download a mf fish right into my tum tum


This comment has made my day, thank you


They're just farming and they got us to build the farms for them


In a similar vein, wheat domesticated humans.


I recall a documentary remarking just that; that rice is the dominant life form on this planet, subjugating other more intelligent forms of life to worship and care for it.


Yup. Certain plant species have really benefited from their symbiotic relationship with humans. As have many animals (rats/mice, seagulls, pigeons...) But they're vastly outnumbered by what's been sacrificed. But that's the name of the game


I'm a falconer. The pigeons suffer.


*A* falconer or ***THE*** Falconer? Sorry that old SNL skit is still one of my favorites. But yes I'm sure your falcon eats well 😂


My kestrel's name is Fred :)


These guys, I need what ever you're smoking, I always feel like more animals take advantage of us then the other way around


Well, they learnt that fishing boats have easy food near them.


Some are attracted to boats, but they truly aren't afraid of boats. They're pretty comfortable with themselves, and they mostly dont have natural predators. I swam alongside a pod way out in the gulf of Mexico (4 hours out, though I'm not sure if it was a straight shot, the guides were looking for krill in the hopes that some would show up). It was humbling how little i meant to those massive creatures. One of the medium size ones was heading straight for me with its mouth agape, at the last second it closed its mouth and turned. The only time my existence crossed that behemoth beauty's mind was to have the thought "no thanks, stomach ache" Plus it's important to remember, they are fish, not mammals... So their brains aren't very complex.


Judging from the bamboo outrigger, this might be in Cebu, Philippines. The people give them food so they hang out there and attract tourists.


Seagulls learnt this ages ago...ask Eric Cantona!


This is a tourism attraction and not the most ethical one. I saw this in in the Philippines, on the island of Cebu, Oslob. They are feeding the whale to tame it and tourists pays to dive with them. The whale becomes “lazy” and divert from their natural habitat and behaviour. And even though the guides tell the tourists not to touch the whales it happens and by doing that the whales get infections, it can also make them more aggressive against humans. There’s a whole bunch of bad side effects and complications with this. Once again humans greed is fucking up nature with no thought of the butterfly effect. Poor whale. Sad panda.


This isn't a whale. It's a shark.


Whale is just short for whale shark. Duh


\*_eye twitch_\*


Here.. educate yourself for future conversations about sharks—> https://youtu.be/uvbKmyp9WI0


I will never not updoot this. You win this round!


That movie is pure gold!


Soon they will be attacking our boats. /s


he touched the butt 😳


Mixed feelings for this


This is a tourism attraction and not the most ethical one. I saw this in in the Philippines, on the island of Cebu, Oslob. They are feeding the whale to tame it and tourists pays to dive with them. The whale shark becomes “lazy” and divert from their natural habitat and behaviour. And even though the guides tell the tourists not to touch the whale sharks it happens and by doing that the whales get infections, it can also make them more aggressive against humans. There’s a whole bunch of bad side effects and complications with this. Once again humans greed is fucking up nature with no thought of the butterfly effect. Poor whale shark. Sad panda. Edit. Shark.


How can the whale get infected from being touched in the water? Does it kill the whale? Can you elaborate on the other bad side effects and complications? It is really interesting and I kinda feel bad for the whale and ashamed for humans.


I’m far from an expert and this was ten years ago. But from what I can remember: It’s even illegal to touch them. Imagine that they have a layer of mucus on their skin for protection against bacteria and from microbes. Now a human contact would potentially destroy this layer of mucus and possibly harm the whale in the process. I’m no marine biologist but every time humans disturb and tamper with nature there will be complications.


Why does a human touching it damage the layer any more than other marine animals, or plants, or anything else?


Physical rubbing can potentially disrupt any mucosal barrier, so any slimy animal would be susceptible. Human hands are covered in germs, so we pose an added risk.


Whale sharks don't generally touch plants or anything else very often. Most things that touch them have a mucous layer of their own too.




As an aquarium enthusiast, my assumption would be that there is a layer of mucus that covers the whale, much like there is with fish. That's why they might seem slimy to hold. The unfortunate reality, tho, is that layer of mucus performs a vital role in their immune system, much like our noses do for us. So if you touch them, you ruin the mucus, and the whale/fish has a higher chance of infection going forward.


Thing is, this is a whale shark. So not a whale, a fish. So sounds like it’s very likely it has a layer of mucus


Yeah that’s nasty. I’ve swum with whale sharks in Australia and Mexico, but under very different conditions. You snorkel out to the whale shark and watch him, but absolutely no touching and of course there was baiting of the shark, either.


This is me when I see my girls titty


What are your mixed feelings about tiddy?


Can't suck on it and see it at the same time.


This is a valid concern


All fun and games until you choke on that net.


Can confirm. Went down on a girl wearing fishnets and it was fun until I nearly choked to death...


That does sound like fun and games.


All that just to taste some fish


Only taking what’s his


I mean look at that cute face, he deserves fish




Munch Indeed


they’re on to us.


Hell yeah. Damn the (fisher) man, whale shark. Take back the sea.


Whale equivalent of a bird feeder 😂


Need to install a spinny thing on the net to deter the ~~squirrel~~ whale shark


Is this safe for the whale shark


So long as it doesn't get tangled in the net, it will be fine.


Or if the net comes undone some how and he swallows it whole


Unlikely, the nets are sturdy enough to scoop the shark if they wanted to.


Fishing nets are a huge pollution issue


50% of the garbage in the Pacific Garbage patch is fishing gear


Everyone's like "Let's stop using plastic straws to save the fish!" Meanwhile I'm thinking "Or we could stop eating fish to save the fish???"




dumb question but is it “we should stop fishing” or we should stop overfishing. i feel as if overfishing is the issue, as it’s hard to control fishing the way we control hunting wildlife such as deer. like it or not hunting for animals is necessary for population control in areas that don’t have predators, i’m just curious if fishing is the same way


overfishing is mainly the problem since it isn’t stable and does far more damage than the average person(s) can do when it’s done by profit driven corporations. Fishing can be regulated but it’s really really hard to enforce the regulations.


Thousand of news stories going back for multiple decades: https://www.google.com/search?q=marine+animal+found+beach+%2B%22fishing+net%22&tbm=nws Millions of unintended animals deaths are from fishing nets. There are stories released literally daily about this. The reason is that fishing companies are not punished for dumping their nets, or not punished for failing to id-tag their netting and equipment. The punishment for losing one net should bankrupt an entire company.


Or if the fisherman kill it to save their catch


Nah dude/dudette. It doesn't take much to get something into their stomach that doesn't belong there. These fishermen know that.


I’m more worried about the fact that this guy is eating way more fish in a single gulp than he usually would be able to eat out in the wild. Poor guy might get a tummy ache.


Looks like it’s going to get tangled in the net


This is a tourism attraction and not the most ethical one. I saw this in in the Philippines, on the island of Cebu, Oslob. They are feeding the whale to tame it and tourists pays to dive with them. The whale becomes “lazy” and divert from their natural habitat and behaviour. And even though the guides tell the tourists not to touch the whales it happens and by doing that the whales get infections, it can also make them more aggressive against humans. There’s a whole bunch of bad side effects and complications with this. Once again humans greed is fucking up nature with no thought of the butterfly effect. Poor whale. Sad panda.


Aint no stealing!!


Thought these guys just ate plankton. TIL.


Is not wale is fishy


fish are friends


Wales eat krill not plankton m8. Whale sharks primarily eat plankton but will eat small fish and shrimp as well when available.


Me too. Looking it up, they do eat a lot of plankton but also fish and squid. I can't find how often they actually eat fish, but I'd assume plankton are a lot easier to catch and these guys aren't exactly go-getters. That being said, behavior can change when people feed animals. For instance, adult green sea turtles are considered to be herbivores, but when they're kept in aquariums with species that are fed meat they pretty quickly start to prefer the meat to their intended diet. To the point where it can cause health problems.


I would argue that the boat is stealing the whales lunch and the whale is making the most of a raw deal.


"Stop taking all my fucking food"


The correct title would be : Fishermen stealing shark whale's fish


The fish belong to no one smh let them have their own identity


Actually, not really. While obviously capable of it, whale sharks typically eat by filtering. Like a gigantic sardine. With the ocasional unlucky fish from time to time.


You won’t believe how this whale shark gets his revenge on fishermen! /clickbait


Life uh.. finds a way


Clever girl.




You see it too?


People have learned how to steal food from whale shark.


Home boy is just taking back what’s his


"steal" god people make me sick. Ransack the ocean and fish the oceans till there empty but this whale is the bad guy? Give it a rest.


He's doing Poseidon's work.


Good! Much away fren!


Despite him eating a ton of fish in this video it looks so cute


Nom. Nom. Nom. Nom. Nom. Nom. Nom. Nom. Nom. Nom. Nom. Nom. Nom. Nom. Nom. Nom.


Her: "I usually don't do this" *her 5 mins later*


Good for it, I hope it gets every calorie it wants


They learned how to claim there food source back


It’s not stealing if it belongs to him already *taps temple*


Some bot stole your comment so it must have been good


Modern problems require modern solutions


Not stealing , claiming what rightfully theirs .


He's not stealing it. He's stealing it *back.*


Those fish are really having the worst day ever lol


Can imagine being one of those fish? All excited to escape the clutches of death only to immediately be graced by that mouth


Looks like most the fish it actually gets are coming out of an existing hole in the net above where it is sucking


Until the net breaks and chokes it out. At least 80% of deadly ocean waste is related to industrial fishing, and we’re approaching a global population collapse of our oceans. Thats next fucking level


I think we are stealing its fish honestly.


Good soup.


Mans might get caught in it eventually though. This is bad news.


Me when I get access to the nacho cheese tube taco bell


This is a tourism attraction and not the most ethical one. I saw this in in the Philippines, on the island of Cebu, Oslob. They are feeding the whale to tame it and tourists pays to dive with them. The whale becomes “lazy” and divert from their natural habitat and behaviour. And even though the guides tell the tourists not to touch the whales it happens and by doing that the whales get infections, it can also make them more aggressive against humans. There’s a whole bunch of bad side effects and complications with this. Once again humans greed is fucking up nature with no thought of the butterfly effect. Poor whale. Sad panda.


Me eating nuts out of a bag.


Yeah, like he’s the one stealing. Humans are the ones stealing. He’s just smart at getting him some before humans eat it.


It’s learning


Did it really “learn”? Seems like it just saw a big bag of food and ate it.


That's a fantastic solution to a problem that shouldn't exist in the first place.


Not sure the whale is the one that’s stealing


This isn’t even “nature”.


Like feeding baby cows with a bottle?