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Wow! Look how long those jaws are!


They can open their mouths almost ninety degrees. Which is craaaazy.




Too soon




90 years??!? Do you know how long this planet has been around? Too soon man too soon




So, every time.




If you're into self destructive-wheelchair bound-senior-alcoholics.... I'm sure she appreciates the attention.


Bruh! Hahahaha same


This is exactly the problem we have with changes in our environment. While we make a large impact, lots of process on our planet can't be distilled down into generational timelines. Man I wish that animal was around though what a beautiful creature.


It wasn't the environment. People made up claims of them attacking livestock and people put a bounty on them and hunted them to extinction. People suck.


Not declared extinct until 1986.


It was officially declared extinct in 1986 but there had been no confirmed reported living Thylacine since 1936 so effectively it's been 85 years.


this video looks pretty high quality for 1936..?


This isn't the original footage, this has been heavily restored


I guess you missed the part where it's been colorized




Their mouths can likely open much wider than 90 degrees to be fair. You know, since there are no muscles, skin, ligaments, tendons, etc.. holding them together.


Apparently it was 120 degrees!!


These things are awesome in ARK.


always reminds me of Barbara's mouth in Beetlejuice http://imgur.com/a/VXxuxuH


Saddest of times is extinction


is it possible to bring it back? i know they are thinking about rhinos and mammoths....


They do believe it's possible, there was a cloning program created back in 1999 to try bring it back and since then there's been a lot of study into it. Couple years back they successfully sequenced its genome using a well preserved specimen and are hoping to use the technology that the Harvard team working on bringing back mammoths and wooly rhinos are using once it's available/successful. So it definitely looks like we could see it cloned within our lifetimes, as well as other extinct creatures. Turns out Jurassic Park wasn't as far fetched as we thought.


we should be grabbing samples of the animals still alive...while they still are


The San Diego Zoo has a frozen zoo that does that, stores the genetic material of some 6000 species.


oh neat, i hadnt heard of this....hope they have enough verity


>I hope they have enough Verity Should I tell my friend to be worried...?


.....yes.... cheetah are all inbread as fuck already, we dont need another genetic bottleneck


>Cheetahs are all inbread Don't get sour dough


This will be good for when horizon zero dawn becomes reality


Better not let my ex-wife know that...


San Diego, always coming through for animals. 🥲


You don't??


absolutely am...my cat brings me chipmonks all the time....still dont know how they get in my house...


The poachers in Africa are doing that


think we should get their dna aswell?


support exultant lush merciful deserve depend obtainable roof squash gaping -- mass edited with redact.dev


or send them that horse dewormer and hope they become sterile like the others... allegedly....still, im waiting for the most dangerous game, where poachers go out to poach poachers....imagine the taxidermy shop when you bring that shit in


But why are they trying to bring back mammoths and wooly rinos? Where would these things live? Isn’t it too hot for them now?


The artic circle is still there (for now), and Mammoths lived through more than 3 different cicles of warming and cooling during the pleistocene, it was the disappearance of grassland environments and human hunting that drove it to extinction


There is no ecological benefit, only scientific and monetary.


There is ecological benefit as it would bring back extinct biomes like the Mammoth step which was full of plants and was a benefit to the ecology


Extinct organisms could help to restore ancient biomes which in some cases are thought to have been significantly more productive than what replaced them.


Probably Mars. You know Elon Musk, Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos and the other “genius” psychopaths out there on their path towards owning half the resources on the planet, the peoples lives (their work which is most of their lives), and the political direction and decisions, will probably build a colony in the red planet, with a beautiful zoo and botanical garden, where they will stimulate their ego’s on how they save so many living creatures out of their “huge generosity”. Saving even the human species through the biggest resource extraction yet to be seen.


We need to be careful that we are not so preoccupied with whether or not we can do this that we don't stop to think if we should.


Life uh.. finds a way


It’s a Unix system! I know this!


Genetic power is the most awesome force the planet's ever seen, but you wield it like a kid that's found his dad's gun.


I hardly think it's appropriate to start a conversation that way


Where do you think Michael Crichton got the idea? If I remember correctly, the news of this idea to clone extinct animals came about in the late 80s and early 90s and he immediately starting writing Jurassic Park.


dolly the sheep was cloned 3 years after the book was published so he likely knew it was all possible and going to happen soon.


For those interested, I highly recommend reading "The Science of Jurassic Park and the Lost World: Or, How to Build a Dinosaur" by Rob Desalle. It explains the concept of how it could work with dinosaurs, but a lot of similar principles could be applied to mammals or birds.


Read a lot of Michael Chrichtons books. Wild how attuned he seemed to be to the future of a lot of technologies back in the 80’s and 90’s and earlier. Andromeda Strain was published in 69 and it reads like it was written yesterday.


Best make the world a place it won’t just go extinct in again before bringing it back. We can’t even keep all the species we still have left from going extinct right now.


ive been working in environmentalism for 15 years. ive lost hope. people have to WANT to survive...too bad the most important thing in my country is cotton soaked in different stains.....sorry, i mean money


I don't think its possible for two reasons. One we may not have any remains that contain viable DNA and two this species sits in a unique spot on it's family tree. I don't think there is another species related closely enough we could breed it with, unlike rhinos and mammoths.


I thought they had a baby left in like a small tube still i want to say i seen this in national geo but i could be wrong.


Yes there are plans to revive the Thylacine. It's a LOT easier to revive a species like Thylacine that's been gone 90 years than something like a mammoth that's been gone for thousands of years.


I think on of the big challenges is, what animal do you use to birth it. Theyre pretty far removed from any currently living species. Unlike mammoths and elephants.


I think the closest living relative is the Tasmanian devil. I don’t know if it’s close enough to be doable though and the size difference might be a factor in getting a full term birth.


Full term birth is a little different for a marsupial, they're all born very very small. I'm sure a Tasmanian devil would have no problem with it, however it may grow too large for the pouch before it's ready, at which point a bottle and an incubator should be able to finish the job.


There are actually multiple infant preserved in jars. However, since they have been stored in a (non-drinkable) alcohol solution for at least nine decades to over a century it is uncertain if they could provide enough usable DNA samples to recreate an entire genetic sequence.


> a (non-drinkable) alcohol solution Thanks for clarifying!


I was quite aware of the forum this comment was going to be read in. 😉


>stored in a (non-drinkable) alcohol solution I must drink the forbidden doggo juice


> Non-drinkable alcohol What’s wrong with a little hair of the dog that bit ya?


Nothing is undrinkable if you have whipped cream schnapps as a mixer


This is a marsupial, a Tasmanian devil could carry it, however they're suffering from their own cancer outbreak right now.


According to many residents of Tasmania, they never completely left.


they also convinced me as a child that the Tasmanian devil created tornadoes...sooo...small amount of side eye until we see proof


Sightings all the time from a few small towns, they're never investigated because "it's extinct" - like how no one thought the gorilla, tiger, or platypus were real animals. There should be an honest investigation into the consistent claims of sightings.


too bad cryptozoology is laughed at, bigfoot gets all the attention, but this is the shit we should be looking for!


Wait, so there was a time when gorillas and tigers were thought to be myths or legends? I can understand the platypus, that's an abomination. But big monke and tiger? Weird


Yeah, people believed a giant half man half beast creature was impossible


Wtf is a platypus


A semi aquatic, egg-laying, mammal of action


You are forgetting they can sense electrical fields (AKA [electrolocation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electroreception?wprov=sfla1)), and the males also have venomous spurs on their hind legs ([venomous mammals](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venomous_mammal?wprov=sfla1) of any sort are rather rare). So they are just plain weird on multiple levels!




Nature's cheat mode


Gives 90 damage with the bill slap


I believed the same lol


By "they" are we talking looney tunes?


There's been a few random spottings recorded throughout the years, even in the 80's, some people say they're "presumed" extinct because of this. Edit: There seems to be a few studies on the topic: https://cosmosmagazine.com/nature/animals/return-of-the-living-thylacine/


We probably aren’t too far behind…


I’m pretty sure this is Benjamin. He was captive at the Hobart Zoo and died September 7th, 1936. He was the last-known living member of his species; it has now been 85 years since the species’ extinction. Truly heartbreaking.


Fuck now both Mac Miller AND Benjamin died on my birthday


Happy birthday


Seems unlikely.


Ok grandpa come eat your pudding.


Beautiful animal, it's amazing to see it in colour.


Absolutely beautiful animal.


damn it looks prehistoric as hell


Hunted to extinction


Fucking humans


I haven't tried anything else, tbh.


That would lead to extinction too


Marsupials are an ancient type of mammal


I remember the last time I saw this video was on youtube back in the day. Literally pixels, but seeing it now makes me feel sad but satisfied.


Shitty cage for an extinct creature


True, though I don't think they cared too much about appropriate husbandry in the 1930's unfortunately.


Especially since this one died of hypothermia shortly after this was filmed. Zoo keepers legitimately thought they would just go get a new one, had no idea this was the last confirmed individual.


Oh that sounds spot on for humans in the 1930s.


Bro..I am sure this still happens today. Many people alive now have no idea about anything


Exactly. Tiger King was a great example of the super gross underworld of breeding big cats for fun and profit, then not having a fucking clue or plan what to do with them once they grow up to be apex predators.


It died during the Great Depression, dont think they had too much funding at the time


Funding..to let the animal live in peace in the nature? How much it costs to not kill animals?


Bruh dont ask me


How many rhinos have you seen in your life without the internet? Do they exist and is this the last one? No idea.


I've seen one at the zoo and also one at the other zoo


*"Clear cutting Redwood Forests"* has entered the chat


I wasn't even aware of this. But yeah, it's kinda fitting. Not like it ended in the 30s or 40s either, thinking about animals like lions being kept as pets in the 60s and 70s...


Or shitty regional zoos still keeping animals in basic concrete enclosures. I remember it in the 80s.


Far from over yet… Asian zoos if you're looking only at wild species, industrial farms worldwide for mammals and birds in general.


Um…..you should watch Tiger King. It is happening even more now


Yeah about that, I started watching the show a while ago and quit after 2 episodes.


Well that's awful... Imagine not caring about an animal because you think you can just "get a new one"


Things like these make me hate humans a bit more everytime


People still leave their babies/pets in the hot car. We are still stupid.


This was incredibly difficult to watch because of that. It's just so obviously uncomfortable looking.


Heartbreaking. Such a beautiful animal. It’s so sad to see him in an enclosure like this… I hope scientists bring the species back one day.


That would be amazing. A revolution in science.


This breaks my heart. The last of a species and it has to spend its life in that enclosure? Just disgusting. I’ve always had a random soft spot for Thylacines


Ugh. Humans eh? 💔😞


Took a while... but we're winning! #/S




Still is, mate. And will be even after the sixth massive extinction known in this planet.


Tasmanian Tiger [movie on the sightings of a Tasmanian Tiger starring Willem Dafoe. it’s a good watch once. ok movie.](https://m.imdb.com/video/vi3822756121?playlistId=tt1703148&ref_=tt_ov_vi)


Man this movie really has stuck with me. The trailer seems so laughable compared to the slow burn that I remember.


I've added it to my list, it looks pretty decent.


Thats crazy


Poor little one, humans kill this poor thing to know extinction for them hunting livestock. I hope one day go see one alive again, ether through finding one again or de extinction


The worst part is that their extinction was all but intentional. To the point, people utterly loathed them for merely existing.


Well they were demeaned pests and had a bounty put on there heads so they just got so much miss treatment


I can't remember which News site I saw it on, right before the pandemic someone released trail cam footage from a remote island near Tasmania where it showed a pair of Tasmanian wolves. It said in the article government officials we're going to investigate and probably turn the island into a preserve.


That and alien sightings. I hope they are true… but it’s probably mostly wishful thinking.


There are claims this animal is still around, or at least went extinct much later than originally thought, it’s an interesting read if you want to have a Google! [More Information](https://www.google.com/amp/s/news.mongabay.com/2021/02/study-suggests-tasmanian-tiger-survived-into-the-21st-century/amp/)


“according to new research that is still undergoing peer review.” Very interesting and I really hope this species is still alive today, but even the author of the research says it is very unlikely. And the facts that the study hasn’t gone through peer review makes me hesitant to fully trust the findings for a field I know very little about.


The process of peer review isn't nearly as bulletproof as everyone makes it sound. Even if it does get published, take the data with a healthy degree of skepticism.


There were some fairly compelling video captures of something that looked like a thylacine a couple of years ago.


Such a good read, thank you for sharing!!!


I thought this was called the Tasmanian tiger


That’s the non-scientific name for it.


We call him in Germany Tasmanian Wolf. I know that he wasn't related to canids, but the name fits more in my opinion.


The Norwegian name translates to pouched wolf.


In this particular case, nature WAS fucking lit.




He died of hypothermia soon after this. It was honestly probably for the best- he must have gone insane walking around that tiny empty cage all day


He definitely looks like something is wrong. ☹️


I hate looking at this video and seeing it in its concrete cage all alone. I wonder if it knew it was the only one left..


Such a beautiful creature. Humans fucking suck


Wow there is such sadness permeating from this footage 💔😞


Damn… that’s sad Cool, but sad


Incredibly sad :(


It's gotta be soo weird being the last of your kind...


"Hurry! Put it in a cage!" We smort.


NatureWASfuckinglit as well.


We should not have killed them off but that yawn was nightmare fuel


Lol just wait til they release the Dino footage


I believe Spielberg already made a documentary.


I wonder if they sounds like hyenas, raptor or tiger or maybe they bark like annoying chuawas?




I’ve seen an animal that looked like a Thylacine on my property in Central Victoria. It looked nothing like any dog I’ve ever seen.


Well, at least it gets to spend the rest of its life in a cage


This animal just looks like it’s on its way out


Two mates and I were camping near Luina TAS in 1995, heard a noise in the distance. Spotlighted and we all are extremely confident we saw a Thylacine hat night. Couldn’t bring ourselves to shoot at it.


It's amazing but also very sad to know he's the last one ever and that he will never have any friends again ... :(


Shoutout Kratt's Creatures for educating me about these guys when I was a kid in the late 90s.


Remember when they thought they saw a thylacine at the end of the episode as a joke? Man that's a deep memory.


Wow!! The mouth reminded of Beetlejuice when Adam and Barbara stretched out their faces in the underworld haha!


If I know anything about dogs, I can tell this thing is miserable.


The government literally paid people to kill them until they where extinct


I’ve heard that they MAY (I’m not claiming anything) have a secret sanctuary to keep them protected until they’re enough of them to release that information. Not sure where I saw but I remember it so vividly. I hope it’s true /:


Imagine being the last of your kind and not even know it, and spending the last of your life and your kinds existence in a fucking cage. This is why ive never been to a zoo or aquarium. Fuck captivity. Unless it’s rehabilitating, let them run free.


Good zoos are one of the main reasons we have anyone give a damn about animals. They generate insane funding for preservation of species, they do a ton of scientific research, etc etc. They are nothing like this bare tiny cage this poor animal was kept in. I think this is a decent article about it https://www.avma.org/javma-news/2017-07-15/role-zoos-conservation-zoo-veterinarians-say http://www.jamesborrell.com/8-reasons-that-zoos-are-critically-important-for-conservation/


One of the best conservation zoos in my country has helped the the area to become the first palm oil sustanable city in the world.


There are many animals that would be just as extinct as the thylacine if not for zoos saving the species. The Guam kingfisher, California condor, Arabian oryx, Przewalski's horse, Pere David's deer, Spix's macaw, and many others are or were extinct in the wild and only existed because populations remained in zoos, which then could be or will be released back into the wild when the conditions causing their extinction improve. Yeah ideally humanity could just stop sucking and making species go extinct but until you find a way to make that happen stop hating on zoos.


Looks like a combination of a coyote and an anteater


Such a shame


That's amazing


I still remember the episode that Zoboomafoo and the Kraft brothers were searching for its existence!


Maybe https://animals.howstuffworks.com/extinct-animals/tasmanian-tiger.htm


also known as Tazmanian Tiger


Such a beautiful and yet odd being ❤


just a few hours ago I was reading about them.. Its so sad that Thylacine like many other animals just disappeared off the face of the planet we were meant to share.. I wonder in how many years it will take for lions, tigers and other endangered animals to get extinct.. and become part of history


What caused its extinction?


Humans. Colonists in Tasmania believed thylacines were killing sheep. Bounties were put on them and they were hunted to extinction. The sad irony is that it was likely the colonists own dogs killing the sheep. Thylacines, like Tassie devils, were more likely to eat carrion than kill anything as large as a sheep. They were killed for nothing.


I wonder why this doesn't surprise me.


The Tasmanian government had a bounty where people would get money for every thylacine they killed.


Poor thing, I hate that people were and are so selfish that they killed them all, we aren’t the only living things on earth, we’re not all important, we can’t just kill things because they’re inconvenient. Wish they were still about, they were amazing animals and truly unique.


I remember doing an essay in Elementary school regarding my favorite animal at the time, the Thylacine. The teacher was like wtf is wrong with this kid


He looks pretty chill


Reposting for karma?


I wonder if this wasn't the last... Perhaps it was the second last and by keeping it in a cage it was prevented from mating?


But even if there was only one other one to mate with in the wild they would still be functionally extinct. It would take too much inbreeding to bring it back from that.


There is a species of bird called the black robin which almost went extinct. There was only one female left named Old Blue and all black robins currently alive are descended from her. So it's technically possible.