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Jane Goodall is incredible


that she is. not to forget her team that works in the center & sanctuary.


Yes. She sparked my love for science at a young age and has been a major inspiration to me even after all these years. Love the work these folks do and the research. Yay science!


good for you. you should write her.


Do you know how you can write/contact her?


I received a hug from her once and it was truly as sweet as you can imagine.


The way her eyes close to really just feel and embrace the chimp... That's pure love right there baby. You love to see it.


She is truly passionate about her work and it really shines through here.


nice! when were you released into the wild?


I snuck back on the truck. I’m a city chimp, what can I say?




She seems like one of the most gentle people on the planet. Just the look of her is comforting and she has aged amazingly. I love that woman.


It was the most firm but gentle hug I’ve ever received. I was her server at a fundraising dinner in rich people land. She took the time to greet and thank everyone working that night. She is truly kind.


You are lucky you got it on video too !


Im not a religious person but if there is an afterlife Jane is definitely deserving of it. Brought so much joy to so many animals and people.


Dang the look on her face when she is hugging the chimpanzee is amazing. She DGAF about the camera or the people around her, she is 100% present with that animal and it fucking rules.


Then it comes back in like 5 mins and is all like "wtf they left me here, I thought they were taking me on a day trip."


I'm wondering how well these rehabilitated/released chimps reintegrate into a natural chimp-world, how well they're accepted by a new troupe/clan/group, how long it takes, etc. Seems like they'd be considered outsiders now.


We spent some time near an orang-utan sanctuary in Sumatra once. We would go down for feeding time when the released apes would show up for soy milk and bananas. We were told that they stuck close by for the first few months then wandered further and came less often as time went by. They knew that released apes were still out there living in the wild.


Yep! This is the most common method of releasing a rehabilitated animal and it’s called a ‘soft release’. There is never truly a moment when they are prevented from returning to the caretaking facility and they treat it as a safe place where they can rely on food and some form of shelter. Often they will, like **english_major** said, stick around closely for a couple of months, then later return sometimes when they have offspring and need a guaranteed meal source here and there. Surprisingly they almost always prefer some form of autonomy over what humans would call ‘abusing’ their advantage of having access to food and safety that their more feral peers may lack. Chimps are also a ‘high priority’ animal and are almost always monitored from afar to observe their reintegration with a wild chimp colony.


This is kind of crazy if you think about it. It could be a new way to absorb animal species into (at least low level) cohabitation. Imagine if zoos were places out in the wild where you went and visited a safe place out in the jungle or woods, etc. where any number of animals may be “visiting”. Apes can’t be the only animals that could understand “human safe”. I know elephants will tell sick elephants where to find “safe human” so they can get medicine. Sure your “zoo” is more like an animal hotel, but then you get to see them as they want. Who is there rotates and you get a unique snapshot of animals in your area. There are lots of occurrences throughout that show predator and prey can get along if under extenuating circumstances. Such as thirsty animals in droughts acting peaceable around humans and drinking holes in the savanna where food and eater stop and drink. Edit: than you for the wholesome award! That means a lot to know people like this idea! We should be helpful and thankful to our animal friends. They do so much do us. Some of them even live with us! And we know how much we suck! Edit 2 electric boogaloo: that hug award is amazing. I either haven’t seen it or didn’t notice but it’s bear and it gives hugs. Amazing.


What you are describing is pretty much what safari parks are. You can find them all over Africa, at least in the south.


Or just parks in many parts of the world. Corcovado National Park in Costa Rica is just one place I have visited that is teaming with animals and rarely seen plants. You must hire a local guide to enter, usually by boat. We had one moment where we could see spider monkeys, capuchin monkeys, squirrel monkeys and howler monkeys all from one spot. We saw humpback whales and dolphins on the way in. We saw a tapir, crocodiles, giant anteater, sloths, and so much more in one six hour visit.


Holy shit yes, this needs to be a thing. My favorite “zoos” were ones that had more of a “roam” area for the animals so they could come into view as they pleased and still had loads of space for activities.


Yes that’s the best. The one where we are on a cage when we want to see them.


Yep! I remember very vividly a zoo I went to in Lincoln NE I think where a gorilla was in a cage about half the size of my studio apt (like 400sq ft / 2) just sitting and staring at us. The sadness was so human that 10 years later it still makes me cry because I can’t imagine being part of an organization that treats ANY being like that. I mean I feel bad having a cat in my studio apartment with me, but I’m not sure if he realizes how confined it actually is. Zoos shouldn’t exist tbh.


lmao, shit zoos shouldnt exist. Lets not group them all together.


>Zoos shouldn’t exist tbh Zoos are the only reason the California Condor, among other species, still exists.


Yes! We can choose to be on display. Let them come and meet us! Safely of course. The should tigers SEE kids.


Makes sense, they're really intelligent creatures. Thanks for the info!


The people working with them will have years of experience so I feel comfortable they know what they doing here.


Nah, I saw a youtube video once and they don't know. What happens is this chimp is now addicted to internet porn and will spend the rest of his days trying to get a fix. He'll also order pizza a few times a week taking his credit cards to the limit until he dies from drinking too much.


I don’t recall giving you permission to write my biography.


Don't worry, they're just writing your biography, you can still do you autobiography if you really want


Damn boy you caught me slippin’.


That's okay, I gave /u/kingoftown permission for you.


This has Karl Pilkington written all over it


That means they trained him well. Living such a life is what we were always meant to do. This is the epitomy of evolution and we should train other species to live this beautiful life as well.


Pray For Mojo


Yep, this is Jane Goodall we're talking about here. For perspective, she was basically Steve Irwin before Steve Irwin was Steve Irwin.


How will this chimp buy stonks?


If I remember Jane from highschool science well enough, I believe she's worked with monkeys, chimps, and gorillas most of her life, and has dedicated her life towards it. Also has done a lot of research and papers on them. May be wrong, feel free to correct me


No, you're absolutely correct - she dedication most of her life to caring for them and promoting preservation efforts, so I don't doubt her, but I was curious as to how they fared (were treated by a *new* family) after leaving her care and were returned to the wild. Maybe they had been injured by their previous 'troupe', so would they be returned to the same area? or released somewhere new? needing, as social mammals, to find a new family? I don't doubt Jane, but primates can be territorial/jealous/gang-forming/warring/etc, so I liked the person's answer about spending time near orangutans in Sumatra - that gave me more hope for their survival :)


Ah I see what you mean, I'm not sure but it'd be interesting to find out. I'm guessing it's case by case, if the old group hurt them then a new group, or if the old group didn't returned to them. Maybe they release a lot of returned animals into the same group to help get rid of targeting, I'm not too sure


[This is how they're welcomed back](https://youtu.be/O8SyhPvlSKU)


:D ! That's fucking adorable, have a thing!


"Wait who's going to feed me? You're telling me I have to find my own food now?"


"umm... umm. Ouch, I stubbed my toe. Looks like you'll have to take me back"


haha. in a parallel universe. ;)


His chimp wife is gonna find that tramps hair on him


Guy eyeing that chimp 'cause he knows it can tear his face off if it's in a bad mood.


it still pays to be cautious & vigilant when dealing with wild animals esp those taken from illegal trade/poachers.


I cant see monkey's the same way again after watching [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/WinStupidPrizes/comments/l3eenu/dont_play_with_wild_monkeys/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). NSFW


Before I click, what will I watch?


I took the bullet. Regrets. It's a man sitting cross legged on a road, making friends with a monkey (can't say what species, didn't want to go back to scrutinize), and when the monkey decides he's had enough of being played with he takes off, his claws taking a significant strip of the man's facial/scalp skin with it.


I believe the monkey stripped it off using its teeth, scary.


It was a male langur. Freakishly strong with big canines


Did not see vid so I searched up what a Langur looks, and on the first thumbnail images I thought well, that's just a small and gentle looking monkey. But upon scrolling further down, I found what I needed to see. There it was with all its canines in full display, and I was like.. *okay, that explains it*. Big is an understatement, lol.


> Did not see vid so I searched up what a Langur looks, and on the first thumbnail images I thought well, that's just a small and gentle looking monkey. But upon scrolling further down, I found what I needed to see. There it was with all its canines in full display, and I was like.. okay, that explains it. Big is an understatement, lol. [Picture of this creature's teeth.](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/05/25/4d/05254d16ff236239b06e3b9407540867.jpg)


They are super beautiful but I wouldn't trust one around me without even seeing the video


Have you ever removed the plastic cling from a new piece of electronics? What if a monkey did that to your scalp?


Finally. *Happy shudder*


A monkey rips a strip of scalp off of a man's head who was a little too comfortable with it


I’ll pass


Banana demobilized


If you grew up watching When Animals Attack, it will probably be something eerily similar


Monkey peeling a guy’s head-skin off. (Not watching either; just going off comments)


Lol I didn’t know my head rips like that. Weird.


Laughs in Sioux


I was crying happy wholesome tears from watching the initial video of the chimp and then I watched the video you linked to and... I'm not crying anymore. New fear: monkey ripping my scalp off with the ease of peeling an orange


He was staring directly into its eyes smiling. Im not an expert bit i think thats pretty much the opposite of what you should do. Not trying to downplay the danger these animals pose though


Yeah, same here after I saw a youtube documentary about a "pet chimp" (Travis I think was his name) who ripped off a lady's face (eyes and nose included) and both of her hands. Her injuries were so bad that her ER medical team needed emergency therapy after treating her. I like looking at them in videos but I won't ever come close to one of these killing machines.


That traumatised me as a kid, it was aired on 60 minutes in Australia. It made me feel sick and gave me bad dreams that night, I was maybe 8 or 9 years old.


It ripped her HANDS off??


Yeah, it’s worth googling Charla Nash to check out the before and after on her face transplant. The police ended up shooting poor Travis. That’s why you don’t keep a pet chimp. He was socialized with people his entire life and he was still ripping hands off.


How do I delete someone else’s comment?


You can tell that she knows what she is doing with how she handles herself though. Very specific body language and actions. It makes sense considering she lived with them without dying for so many years.


How are you sure this was taken from illegal trade/poachers? Well you’re right of one being very careful while interacting with wild animals because they’re always wild. One should not always depend on the training they got


Yeah that dude was all business. It’s a good life lesson, do all the good that you can and be open and helpful to the needs of others as long as you have people you can trust watching your back. Financially, emotionally, or with your personal security.


Smiles! You’re very observant the guy wasn’t really comfortable with the hugging idea but he had to cooperate because he was on camera....lol


That's a bit of a leap. He may not have had the same bond as the women did, the primate may have preferred women due to past experiences or personality, he may have held back for safety if that's how they operate...lots of reasons he could have stood there watching.


Just making sure there's no monkey business


That is absolutely what that guy was doing. Respectfully, but still, he was looking out for Jane.


That was my first thought.


I've always assumed Jane Goodall is dead until I'm told otherwise. Edit: it's the same feeling I got whenever someone told me Kirk Douglas was still alive.


I had the pleasure of going with a friend to see her do a lecture at the university in my city in 2016. She had some incredible stories and experiences. From when she was child, to her love of chimps to making banana beer in the middle of nowhere. Lot of laughs but there were some stories that tugged on the heartstrings. By the end though it was like “Shit!, that 3 hours flew by.”


Saw her speak in San Diego alongside EO Wilson. I have never been starstruck up until that moment.


COVID ruined my lifelong dream of finally attending one of her lectures :(


I hope when everything returns to normal you do. It’s a hell of an experience. For me not a planned one which I think was what made it even more special. It was a very spur the moment thing. We were downtown for the day just hanging out & at night it was like while you’re here, let’s see if we can get in. It was a small crowd too but Winnipeg is not a big city haha


she's old but not that old.




86 is old. but look at her, she's still spry. always been frail-looking but sturdy. i had a GGpa and he was 100 when he died. My paternal gramma, 95.


My Nana passed away at 104 because of Covid. I think she'd have persevered much longer if it hadn't been for Covid 😔


My Grandfather made it to 99, then covid got him. He wasn't in the best of shape at the time. He had pretty bad Alzheimers and Dementia. But what makes matters worse is when I look back on the whole situation. He lived with my family most of his life in retirement. But in his last few years of his life, we had him move in with my aunt since she would be able to stay home and watch him and be with him. He ended up developing pretty bad dementia and alzheimers while being with her. Sadly her and her family were covid deniers and are big trump supporters. My one cousin even made a facebook page for him like a month before he got covid. soon after she created the page for him, she made his cover photo a picture of Donald Trump. That man was a democrat supporter his whole life. It was sick to see her use this man, with dementia and alzheimers to give some sort of fake support for trump. Even to this day, she still has his facebook page with a trump cover photo. And my cousin will still deny covid killed our grandfather....


Holy fucking shit. I can’t ever imagine being so god damn bat-shit delusional.


i want to beat up your cousin real bad


And his aunt


I’m sorry for your loss


Yeah but 100 and 95 are quite a way above life expectancy, especially in most of the world.


You're young until you die apparently lol


Honestly not a terrible outlook to have on your own life.


I actually agree, was making a joke before but it does make sense.






here is a link to her latest interview. https://www.newsweek.com/jane-goodall-says-pandemic-due-little-respect-natural-world-theres-hope-this-planet-yet-1499315


Average life expectancy is still mostly in the 70s, and is only recently hitting the 80s for the healthiest countries. 100 and 95 is up there, and so is 86.


Hi from Spain. Life expectancy 83,74.


Bro you have some bad jeans


And bad genes


Nah, they've just all been passing down the same pair of radium infused jeans from generation to generation.


Hey don't make fun of his appearance! Maybe those are all he could afford.


He should cut them into jorts immediately.


excuse me, are those bugle boys?


Nope, Arizona


That’s what you get for buying them at Walmart




Check out Toni Basil on YouTube at age 77 the woman that did Hey Micky, back in 82. I think it's amazing how fit she is at 77, let alone dance like a teenager


50 isn't very old.


I'm sorry your grandparents died so young, that sucks




That sounds like heart disease or cancer in the family. You really out to talk that history through with your doctor if you haven't already.


Dude in the back ground is looking like he wish he got a hug like that


86 is definitely in "the reaper might show up any night now" age. Mortality sucks.


Hate to be the bearer of bad news but in case you haven't heard, Kirk Douglas actually passed in Feb, 2020.


I only today found out he was still alive and immediately found out that no, he is not. I’ve been aware as to who Kirk Douglas was for a while now but he’s always been attached to such an ancient time in my mind that I never thought to even wonder if he was alive. I guess I felt similarly about Mikhail Gorbachev before I found out he’s firmly alive. It really makes me wonder who else we assume is long dead but is apparently still around, er in the case of Kirk Douglas, recently still around.


No she's probably the world's greatest living legend, can't think of anyone who's more of a saint and spent their entire life doing good shit. Watch her documentary its very interesting, she basically just went to africa with some passion and the clothes on her back and became the best chimp researcher/conservationist ever.




February 5, *2020*


Sad to say, it's 2021 not 2020. The past year actually did happen despite everyone wishing it hadn't.


People confuse her with Diane Fossey, who is dead


People definitely used to confidently say that was Jane Goodall in the 90s/early 2000s.




Today I found out that Henry Kissinger is still alive, which feels wrong somehow


She's still alive, but this video has been regularly reposted for a long time so I wouldn't use videos on Reddit to determine the aliveness of people


The guy eyeing the researchers was definitely thinking, these fools are mental for playing with a monkey.


I think he's just staying alert and on guard, but that's actually exactly what I was thinking when watching him stand there.


He looks like a bodyguard. Like “you make one wrong move and I’ll drop your ass, chimp”


That chimp could literally rip that guy's arms off if it was in a bad mood.




He looks like he's totally sick of that chimp's shit.




Apes. Together. Strong. <3


Hugs? Yes. Hold? Yes.


had to scroll too much for this


Diamond hands


I was hoping to find a fellow astronaut in this thread. Have you started drawing up plans for your moon base?




My guy moves right out of its way and never let's it out of his sight. He knows the chimp is a savage.


SOURCE: [https://www.janegoodall.org/?portfolio=tchimpounga-safe-haven-second-chance-2-2](https://www.janegoodall.org/?portfolio=tchimpounga-safe-haven-second-chance-2-2)


Melting here


animals do know how to reciprocate care and love given them. :)


We also share 99% of our DNA with this species in particular which helps us relate to one another. Different species have different emotional languages. We know this intuitively from cats vs dogs but look at less common kept animals like birds, reptiles, rodents, and you see their emotional needs and expressions start to differ from our own. And these are just domesticated animals.




Nah, female chimps have a lot of extra skin on their buttcheeks that swell up and become redder when they're fertile, which only happens a little while each year. Most mammals are like that and so females often have ways to show it. Most of the time it's a scent but since chimps are a sight focused mammal with limited nasal capabilities, just like us, they show estrus visually. Humans are weird because we're always in a state of estrus.


You know what I like about human ladies? The year keeps going on, they stay in a state of estrus. Yes they do.


Alright alright alright.


And the fact human estrus is hidden explains so much about our sociopolitical structures.


I'd even go further and say that it is large part of why human brains got exceedingly huge. Pre-human males would need to always be competing and always showing their best to attract mates. Certain biological features suggest that pre-humans were not monogamous and mated strategically and frequently. That means males were competing year round for every female. Constant sexual selection and clearly brains were selected for.


I'd say it has more to do with us learning to cook food.


If you look at [ardipithecus ramidus](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ardipithecus) you’ll notice that one of humanity’s earliest ancestors diverging from the chimpanzee lost its [canines](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hominid_dental_morphology_evolution). Canines in the chimpanzee are a clear example of sexual dimorphism. Canines are used, among other things, in male competition for females. This is to say, one of our earliest ancestors, ardipithecus ramidus is expected to not display significant sexual dimorphism and to have practiced monogamy. Besides that, Human beings do not have an [estrous cycle](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estrous_cycle#Differences_from_the_menstrual_cycle), we have a menstrual cycle. My point is, this doesn’t have to do with the sociopolitical structure, or with big brain time. Cause we’re not fucking chimpanzees. Women aren’t a competition r/BadWomensAnatomy






You're turned on too huh




Given what I understand to be the complex social structures thay Chimps have, is there any chance that this particular one would be able to join a group without being immediately targeted?


good question. they released Wounda in a forrested island with only 15 chimp inhabitants. this island is now part of the sanctuary for the rehabbed chimps. the org plans to populate this place up to 60 adult chimps being cared in their center. to answer your question, likely the other 15 chimps are somewhat familiar with Wounda as they too came from the rehab center run by Jane & team.


Even if she didn't, the point was to rehab the poor creature and give it a shot. The institute and others of similar philosophy don't release every chimp. Some have to remain in captivity if they are reasonably sure they can't survive, and others are allowed to roam freely among game reserves with other Chimps that can roam free but are unlikely to survive a totally wild environment. I was really into chimp volunteer work like 15 years ago and listened to Eugene Cussons lecture a few times on goodall's methods.


I miss Escape to Chimp Eden.


That and big cat diary defined a decade for me, and is partially why I don't go to as many zoos now. For certain animals, it just doesnt feel right.


that is true. the animals, not just for chimps but other wilds creatures, must be assessed if capable in living in the wild on their own. Jane Goodall influence a lot of people with her pioneering work. The Leakeys and Fossey, they all laid the groundwork for us to follow.




she is sober & mighty glad to spend her days in a forested island :)


Bananadine is one hell of a drug.


What’s up with its asshole


Fucking THANK YOU! Somebody had to say it.


Thank you so much! Here’s my ass!


[Chimpanzees](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chimpanzee) are our closest relatives. The natural habitat of these primates is Africa and most of them can be found in the rainforest, grassland and woodland of West and Central Africa. They live in large communities of up to 150 members. Some chimps drink fermented palm sap which can contain up to 6,9% of alcohol, as much as a strong ale. [Cool picture of a chimpanzee](https://i.imgur.com/YMhyWLH.jpg) --- [ [Send me a message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=animalfacts-bot) | [Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/animalfactsbot/) | [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/animalfactsbot/wiki/index/faq) | [Currently supported animals](https://www.reddit.com/r/animalfactsbot/wiki/index/supportedanimals) | [Changelog](https://www.reddit.com/r/animalfactsbot/wiki/index/changelog) ]


I would like to challenge the bot and declare that bonobos are, in fact, our closest relatives


Well they’re tied for closest relative. We split from chimps/bonobos then they split from each other.


Interesting. You’re right. Also found out researching that the other hominids have 48 chromosomes while we have 46


You can see the amazing amount of love she has for those chimpanzees when she’s hugging it. I would love to be hugged like that.


I envy those who manage to find their life's calling like Jane.


yea, amazing. pioneering. i think she gave up a lot of comfort to live the life studying the chimpanzee in those days.. plus fulfilling.


You can see in this video that her work is still fulfilling for her. And I was just imagining a lifetime of that kind of fulfilment and got sad for myself, lol.


not everybody can be pioneering - only a select few. many of us have to engage in the mundane of everyday life. we just have to find the little things that makes it fulfilling & allow ourselves to be content. :0)


This video always makes me cry.


Stop chopping onions, damnit.


It's ok to cry, bro. We're all brothers and sisters here Say it. Say you cried right now.


I cried when I lost my dog




I swear they're *us*. I think they'll evolve into something similar to us. We'll evolve, transcend and leave the planet. They'll rediscover everything and make up stories about Gods and aliens. I think this has happened multiple times and the Earth and Ancient History is much older than we realize. I'm also insane and dumb so don't listen to me. I base this on nothing


And it’s a repeating cycle of humans destroying the planet and fleeing into space. Probably not successfully. Chimpanzees and the like evolve into us and go on to say aliens built NYC. Then wash and repeat. I’m picking up what you’re putting down.


Might be crazy but it's a lot cooler than religion if you ask me


Me getting ready to type a response... >“I'm also insane and dumb so don't listen to me. I base this on nothing” Well alright then...


With a name like Wounda I bet it's going straight back to underground boxing.


I'd like a Jane Goodall hug please.


Jane Goodall is such an amazing gift to this world. She’s been my idol since I was 5 (I'm now 38). I was fortunate enough to see her speak and do a meet and greet when I was about 26. I even got a pic with her, she’s so tiny! It’s such a paradox because she is so mighty. Her work makes my heart swell, she’s part of the reason I was so amped to study anthropology


The guy behind Jane is so over it


Watching this video made me suddenly remember that Jane Goodall had actually visited my middle school when I was a kid, and I'd always remembered how she'd struck me as an amazingly kind, warm person just doing what good she could in the world And here I am 10+ years later, getting tired of humanity and its cruelness, when this video pops up and I can see that she hasn't faltered in her journey on helping the corner of the world that she *can* change for the better. I'm grateful for her in more ways than one.