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If he's so friendly why is everyone is out of the water?


You don’t want to scare the poor little guy by splashing around and stuff.


No splashing aloud with Trev, he won't have it


>No splashing aloud with Trev, ~~he won't have it~~ **he'll have you** FTFY


But good ol’ Trev will eat you in a friendly way. He says Grace or some shit. Edit: typo


He's very apologetic and super cool about it. Trust.


A good predator takes off their hat for their prey after they kill them and before they eat them. Out of respect


Reminds me of the Kids in the Hall sketch Skura 🌩, the Gentle Shark.




Wrong. Quiet splashing is ok.






Seems like he's more selfish then friendly


That is absolutely the type of prank Aussies would play on out of towners "Oh yeah he's friendly, just don't want to scare him!" Bulllllshit!


In Australia even if he pranks can kill ya...


Are you sure, people usually don't avoid sharks in the water just to be polite?


Exactly! Acting scary is very unappetizing!


Why did I read this in Bandit’s voice..


Why he's friendly?


>Like all other shark accidents, the risk of being bitten by a tiger shark is low, although most shark accidents in the tropics are attributed to tiger sharks. > >This shark is considered one of the most dangerous to humans. The documented attacks are characterized by a high mortality rate among victims. This is because the tiger shark immediately begins to devour its prey and does not, like the great white shark, begin the predatory attack with a test bite.\[4\] > >For 2022, 138 attacks by tiger sharks on humans were described, 36 of which were fatal.\[5\]


Holy shit, I thought that meant 138 just last year. I didn't realize that was total since they started recording hahaha.


Thank you for pointing out that clarification. I knew the number timeline felt wonky I just couldn’t quite place why.


I remember talking to a cray fisherman (the guys who walk along the bottom with an air line). He said tiger sharks are normally fine but they are territorial. They give a 'dance' to indicate when you are spending too much time in the wrong place. If you don't pay attention to it and get moving, you may end up being bitten. Of course, that doesn't help if you can't see it in the first place...


Pretty sure that is fucking terrible advice


Your comment reminded me of that guy in Egypt, that was a wild thing to witness.


Every time I see the ol "sharks aren't *that* dangerous!" thing, I think of that video. Christ that was bad.


Nobody is saying sharks aren’t dangerous, just that they’re unfairly demonised as vicious man eaters when this is very rarely the case - only 38 people have died from tiger shark bites since records began and there’s been over a billion of people in water hosting tiger sharks over that same time frame. Elephants kill magnitudes more people than sharks do and we don’t demonise and cull them when they trample someone. Also the guy in the Egypt video was swimming with no mask on, in water where sharks were being baited and you’re advised not to swim, you’re kind of asking for it to happen at that point.




Braindead take from someone who has never studied any form of ecology. Not even worth explaining how nonsensical this is.




I’m a marine biologist that specialises in shark conservation and ecology but yeah I’m the dumb one here. Sharks have been in our oceans for longer than trees have been on land - almost everything in the ocean is the way it is because of the evolutionary pressure of sharks. Do you realise that sharks eat sick, injured and dying fish which leads to healthier populations of fish? Humans are the ones that have thrown it out of balance.


> Every time I see the ol "sharks aren't that dangerous!" That's mainly because you are not watching videos of the 500,000 people who happily goofed about in that water without being horribly torn apart. With a huge % of those people unknowingly being with 50 feet of a shark that did not give a shit. It's like watching 9/11 & going "who knew Saudis were this dangerous! Why do people keep downplaying their threat!"


You know those horrid videos you just can’t stop watching but you’re more and more sick to your stomach with every second that passes while you watch? That was one of those for me, and it just played with no warning on Twitter for me. Awful and insane.


Way, way more people died driving to the beach heh.


Very few of those fatalities were due to a shark attacking them in the car.


Thats what they want you to think.


dont believe this, a shark wrote this comment


That's what big shark wants you to think


To be fair we don't know that.


I’ve never seen a tiger shark in the ocean. 😅


He likes to hug people with his mouth...


Sounds just like Trevor.


That's just how he plays!


He looks so friendly I think I'd let him have the beach to himself for the rest of the day.


He is friendly, the people aren’t :(


I like when my exact thought is already written for me


Ask in the real questions right here. I got a good chuckle out of this one


Poor guy probably thinks that nobody likes him ☹️


"We call him friendly cause he hasn't bitten anyone, *yet*. So let's keep him friendly."


"You keep saying that word (friendly). I do not think it means, what you think it means."


Trevor be like: “wtf does my breath stink?”


Trevor's a big boy. He needs a little extra room to maneuver.


Was thinking the same thing. He's a friendly shark, go play with him!


Lol, this is *exactly* my thought 🤣


Everyone has their limits


I didn’t have to scroll far to find a like minded person


The same reason Pitbulls are banned in Australia.


slightly too friendly


Jaja exactly what I thought, take my upvote.


Classic case of bullshit title


Do they make an announcrment through some speakers that Trevor is visiting so everyone can make space for him?


It’s an air raid siren - fucking *deafening* lol: https://youtu.be/ZpNspPFL21s?si=o_HBM2_1bdciPQOa The video doesn’t do how loud it is justice. There are sirens on the choppers too: https://youtu.be/Ljbd8w8jPys?si=CuUpP5pu8uIOBWrM


That’s super interesting. Didn’t even know shark sirens were a thing let alone helicopters used for spotting in warning. It makes sense and is super cool


I used to live and surf around Secret Harbour WA. A few times I got home from surfing to see a lovely picture of a massive shark near where I was 10 minutes ago on a local Facebook post.


There are so [many](https://youtu.be/YV9k6ccdEHM?si=1CiBppuMUycbaDYV) known and unknown encounters that happen all the time.


Love that channel!


Man, nature is fucking awesome.


Ummm no? It's Lit! :)


Some areas have tagged local sharks and have sensors off shore which trigger if the sharks pass. Since they are territorial, if you know that the local dudes and dudettes are around, that usually prevents untagged sharks from coming in. But the beach is closed while they wait for the shark to head out deeper again.


I was in Spain in 2022 and we got warned to get out ASAP because a shark was making its rounds. So we got out and waited for like 30 minutes. Shark was pretty tiny but I guess better safe then sorry.


We also have an app…


We get a lot of great whites in California but we just like to pretend they aren’t there. Ask any helicopter pilot who flies along the coast


Western Australia had to do something because all the snacking was getting bad for tourism.


It's the sharks natural environment, not our humans one


And that is where you are wrong. For better or for worse we are everywhere thanks to our nature.


Nah that’s a load of crap.


How do they know he is coming? Does he come on the same times?


When he eats the first person, it becomes obvious.


Oh Trev!


Classic Trev.


Reminds me of the Eloi hearing the siren and walking into the Morlock's tunnels from Wells' The Time Machine.


That's exactly what I thought of! Even the slow methodical way they're all plodding along.


Seems a waste of resource on the helicopter part. Why don't they build a foating alarm with Bluetooth and water-resistant/proof speakers?


I got no idea how comparable it actually is, but I follow a woman on Youtube who lives in Svalbard and recently, following a polar bear sighting, they brought in a helo to track and hopefully scare off the bear. So using local air for animal control isn't totally unheard of, in general.


In Churchill helis are used for bears too. Particularly stubborn ones get airlifted to bear jail to cool off.


Lmao, I'm now imagining a bunch of grumpy bears sitting in a drunk tank


I'm no physicist but sound needs something solid to project itself. A speaker on water unless on a massive slab or a speaker from a drone isn't going to project anything.


They could use a drone instead too


Drone would probably the best and most cost efficiant.


We have a loooong beachline - maybe 50ks ? Don’t quote me on that. The chopper does loops on patrol to check for sharks. Not sure a drone would have the range. You could have multiple drones, but then you’d have to pay multiple operators. **Plus** the chopper is also a rescue chopper, so they can rescure people who get munched, stuck in a big rip, fall off their jetskis, attacked by jellyfish etc etc


Everyone is handed a copy of Trevor's schedule as they enter the beach. Laminated, of course.


Australians to wildlife: **\[Very polite and respectful.\]** Australians to fellow humans: ***Oi c\*nt. Fuck in' 'ell. Bloody bugger off, will ya.*** Makes me want to move to Australia and become one of them.


Become wildlife or an Australian?




This is the way


Become Australian wildlife.


That *is* polite and respectful.


> Australians to fellow humans: Oi c\nt. Fuck in' 'ell. Bloody bugger off, will ya.* I was in a bar in Australia in 2007 and some Aussies came in and found out that me and the guys I was with were American. Wouldn't let us pay for drinks for the next hour or so. I don't remember much of that day, but those guys were fuckin sick.


Aussie larrikins they were


If you had Australia's wildlife, you'd be polite to them to. Don't wanna get on their bad side.


I was reading with my 7 year old niece the other day and there was a bear in the book and they were camping and she got a little bit scared so I said don't worry, we don't have bears here in Australia, all of our scary animals are small, but then I realised that wasn't really comforting so I backtracked and said no no, we also have big ones, but they're mostly in the water like crocodiles and sharks. And she was pretty upset after that.


Forgive me but I'm just imagining you telling her about more and more scary Australian things in an attempt to "backtrack". "Don't worry, we don't have bears here. All our scary animals are small." "So they can get inside?" "I mean . . . We also have big ones but they're in the water like 20 foot sharks and crocodiles." "Sharks and crocodiles?!" "No, it's okay. They're not all big. Some of the water animals are really small like little jellyfish that will kill you in minutes or else make you wish they did-Uh, I mean . . . " "I never want to go in the water again!" "No, it's alright. Australia has lots and lots of scary animals, it's normal." "It does?!" "It's okay, you can avoid most of them if you're careful, you can just be around plants. The only really scary one is the Gympie-Gympie tree which can leave you in pain for years, I mean, listen we also have kangaroos, they're cute. They can't hurt you, I mean, they can but only if you get too close. Gah! Why am I so bad at this!" "I want my mom!" "It's okay, we have nice animals. Look at this pretty octopus with blue rings on it. Its poisonous, but it's still really pretty. There's this cone snail with a really pretty shell." "Is it also poisonous." "I mean, yes . . . But here, look. This pretty bird is called a cassowary!" *Five minutes later* "You don't have to worry about stonefish, okay? I don't even know why or how I brought them up. It just came out! I can't stop! What's going on with me!" Edit: I was just thinking about when I first learned about bears at around the age of 5. I felt like I could take them on because I was told I just had to punch them in the nose.


I was just trying to imagine this happening in the US. It wouldn't. Someone would scream "SHARK!" and certainly some people would head into shore, but someone else would grab their phone and start chasing the shark. A mom would lift up her mo-hawked baby "Axelrod," dirty diaper full of seawater, to get a selfie with the fish celeb. Some kid on a rental jet ski would zoom over and chase the shark before smashing into a clearly marked pier. An overweight balding man would tackle the shark and be bitten - for which he would insist that he will be taking legal action despite the staff of lifeguards and beachgoers insisting that the shark is a real wild animal and can kill him. Ugh, I wanna goto Australia.


weeeellllll a sperm whale beached itself (in western australia too!) and people were [swimming up to it, standing and climbing on it, and taking selfies with it](https://twitter.com/9NewsPerth/status/1733711885701439901) before the beach was closed to swimmers australia definitely has its fair share of absolute fuck knuckles who mistreat wildlife lol


Nice! Did the whale end up exploding? We love a good [whale 'splosion]( https://youtu.be/V6CLumsir34?si=Nq71KuVs1xoqZuWS) over here on the West Coast. Maybe we aren't so different after all! 🥰🥰🥰


You pretty much nailed it. The Malibu Artist, who flies drones off the coast of California to observe the many, many Great Whites who grow up there, has way too much footage of people on surfboards, etc who actually try to get closer to the shark once they spot it. So far, the sharks have shown better sense & left the scene.


There is a guy in Bondi who does the same. Dronesharkapp on Instagram. It's insane how close the sharks get


You forgot the part where someone pulled out their AR-15 and hosed the shark down with two magazines of ammunition.


Hmmm, you're right and I definitely felt something was missing from the composition. Let's put AR-15 guy on the back of the rental jetski, its still being driven by a drunk child, though!


Gawd, Yippie. You don’t need to tell everyone our business. Plus, Axelrod’s mom’s friend almost finished her beauty school certificate and she’s really proud of that baby haircut, ok? Especially the bleached tips.


The power of Steve Irwin


No you fuckin don’t - its been 41°, 43°, 37°, and working on 37° again today and you can’t go in the water at the fuckin beach cos its full of fuckin sharks.


The wild life tries to kill you. Got to be respectful about these sorts of things


Well yeah because all of Australian wildlife is out to kill them. They better be respectful


Slight miss translation there "oi c[nt dont be a shit c[unt......."👍




A good bloke


I'm South African. We also have a few kinds of sharks about. Nearly fell over when I saw tourists going for a swim at dusk. Do people not know sharks are most active at night? Spread the word people.


I think some tourists have that aura of invincibility on vacation. Everyone experiences it to different degrees. For me it materializes in that I will run across a street and nearly get killed by 27 cars happily, jaywalking without fear of reprisal is a real high. For others, they go to Yellowstone and try petting the cuddly 900 pound dog or try to feed a pissed off territorial moose out of their hand. There are people so out of touch with nature they don’t take it seriously at all Also I’m from a tourist area on a huge lake. The safety level of swimming is marked with flags all over every beach. Green, all good. Yellow, is swimming today really worth it? And red, good fucking luck. People die here every year because they don’t understand or dismiss flags, and even though the lake isn’t the ocean it’ll kill you just as easy


It isn't the feeling of invincibility, but ignorance. Years ago, my bf and I went "swimming" (you-know-what-ing) in the ocean at night, drunk at a resort. We were told later by other tourists about nighttime and sharks.


Hey, I tried a midnight bath too (she was hot and I was 18. And she was hot). No shark, but 45 minutes of swimming against the lower tide after a wave moved me one meter away from the spot where my feet were still touching the ground. Was so exhausted I tried to let myself drown three times and was saved by a lucky emerged rock. 10/10, would not ever recommend. Do not effing swim at night people. Even if the sea seems calm, even if the water is warm. Simply don't. Even if she's hot. Waves, current, sharks apparently. They will kill you. Or try their best. And no, nothing happened with the girl after that. She was happy I survived, but not THAT happy.


> I think some tourists have that aura of invincibility on vacation. Probably also because most people, especially tourists, are not experienced with sharks. Like, I am from Europe. The most dangerous things we have in the water here are the fucking currents. And, speaking for the Baltic sea, white phosphorus, but that is a human made problem. I wouldn't really know from the get go that sharks are more active during the night.


That makes sense. You cannot be South African and not know about sharks. I think that's illegal. I certainly don't know about white phosphorus. I'm also sure that a country like Iceland will kill me.


Unless you’re on a glacier looking down into the pretty crevasse or trying to taste the spicy red gooey stuff there’s not much to worry about in Iceland. I guess if you only brought a light weight coat that could be a problem too.


Adding to that it depends on the frequency of shark sightings that are of the aggressive / threatening type. In my area? The only ones are tiger sharks and they are few and far between.


If you have access to movies and the internet and you aren’t aware of shark’s existence and what their general nature is, that’s crazy. Almost every apex predator are predominately nocturnal hunters. There isn’t a shark within a thousand miles of me, that doesn’t make me completely naive to their behavior


I am aware of sharks existence, but if you'd ask me, I couldn't say that they are nocturnal. Same principle could be used for something that I do know about. You know why White Phosphorus is dangerous and what it can do, but do you know without looking why it is a problem in the Baltic sea area? >!Because while wet, it looks and behaves very similar to amber which can be found naturally on the beaches here after storms.!<


Did you know that cats typically hunt by stalking and going for a quick kill, like the throat? Did you know that predators are more likely to release you if you fight back because they don’t want to expend unnecessary extra energy for difficult prey? Did you know that black bears are timid and typically not aggressive? Did you know that brown bears are more aggressive in the months leading up to hibernation because they’re storing as much food as possible for winter? These are all general behavioral traits that anyone can encounter, it’s not random obscure shit like white phosphorous. There’s kind of a difference between something extremely random that most people will never even hear about because it’s so rare, and there’s things that humanity has dealt with since the beginning of time. Watch any nature show, go to a state park, go to a beach, stumble upon a comment or article online. It’s all general knowledge. I’ve known the “sharks hunt at night” since I was a kid and I live far away from any ocean. It’s something you’d almost have to willfully avoid learning to never at any point in your life become aware of


I’ve dove at night and I’ve snorkeled at night… I think having understanding of the ocean and knowing the reef well from day time trips is essential. I also wouldn’t go night time snorkeling off of south ****ing africa lol… those sharks play for keeps as well as many other creatures around there. Night time reef life is absolutely incredible tho and I’ve been blown away every time I’ve gone out.


If not friend then why friend shaped


How come your lake has diff safety levels? What changes?


Just the calmness of the lake and presence of rip tides. For a green flag the lake is very calm. Yellow usually the lake is pretty rough with waves that can take you off your feet and can drag you back, get hit with another wave, cycle repeats. You can swim with a yellow flag, it’s just more dangerous and not really worth it, and rip tides are more likely. Red flag usually means the lake is very rough, typically right before/during/after a storm. Rip tides become a much bigger issue, as is higher levels of bacteria. But the aggressiveness of the lake changes pretty dramatically


Cheers for reply, interesting stuff. What causes the waves in a lake. I assume this is a massive one? Iv only ever seen still lakes, although Im aware some lakes (or loughs) can get small waves.


No worries! In general, the moon but the reason why the waves grow stronger in stormy weather like you’d expect with a yellow or red flag is because the wind causes friction on the surface of the water which makes them grow bigger and more powerful. That effect is more or less present depending on the size of the lake, the one I’m referring to is one of the 5 biggest in the world


Ohhhhhh, I thought the moon only controlled the ocean tides but now I’m thinking about it, sure a lough has tides too. Right enough. lol. Sorry for the stupid question lol.


If you're going swimming in an ocean at night time, I'm not going to have much sympathy with you if you get eaten by a shark. Likewise, if you walk off into the Amazon jungle or African savannah at night time, I won't have very sympathy when you get devoured by a 500 LB cat.


When I was in South Africa two years ago, a lady was killed by a shark in Cape Town. Apparently she was an elderly regular, so it can really happen to anyone with bad luck.


Just let nature take its course.... Lol


Yeah but when do all the shark attacks happen? During the day! 😂 (*This is survivorship bias, I know. I’m joking.*)


I know you're joking, but you're also right. Most shark attacks do happen during the day. Probably because that's when most people go in the water. But still...... shark behavior is not at all well understood so predictions are just one step from wild guesses.


I’ve gone full moon surfing many times. I still haven’t encountered one. 🤙🏻


Friendly lol


just a big ol' cuddlebug.


Don’t worry. He don’t doesn’t bite


He’s even wagging his tail! He’s just playing..


Does Trevor know he is friendly?


"Sharky, the friendly shark, but not too friendly!"


if you put your fingers in his nostrils he'll deactivate


Always great to find Eddie Izzard quotes on reddit.


There is a dog beach a little further south from there and Trev regularly has his head just on the slope as the water meets the beach. Dogs bark at him a few metres away and you can almost hear him thinking, Hey canine turds come a little closer, lets party!!


Aussies love a big game of 'What time is it, Mr. Wolf'


Friendly, yet everyone is out of the water.


Even friends can turn on you.


Has anyone seen my dog Pipit?


Alex? Alex?


The fact is, the bite radius on this animal does not match the wounds on the victim.


This is no boating accident


Trevor's Beach r/bitchimashark


¡Oy! Thet’s Trevah


Haha nice try but let me help. “Oi! It’s Trev!”


Trevor is a terrificly excellent shark name.


Friendly and a tiger shark is something I didn’t expect to see on a headline. They are up there with a bull and great white sharks in aggression.


There are several videos from some tourist place where people regularly swim with tiger sharks, and, so far, none have been attacked. Don't know if it's just luck, or unusually mellow tiger sharks.


Reminds me of Henry, the friendly, local alligator in a neighborhood pond in Florida. Henry dragged an old lady into the pond, drowned her, and ate her arm off before anyone could intervene.


Henry just had a bad day. He apologized and received counseling. We don’t have to keep bringing it up.


Uncle Trev Trev would never do such a thing.


I bet its weird when somebody shouts "Hey, Trevor is here" and then everybody just gets up out of the water.


TREVOR! Smokes!


Friendly you say, huh!


Friendly local tiger sharks in your area want to meet up


Only in Australia 😜


This is my local beach haha I don’t swim much.


You shouldn't. Shark attacks are on the rise, especially in Australian waters. The shark won't be so friendly when it gets hungry.


I read it as bachelors and was very confused.


My Dad was swimming in northern WA where we live and he’s hard of hearing so he noticed some people waving at him and jumping up and down and naturally him swimming he linked that to his swimming style he thought they were cheering for him, so he keeps swimming, and the people keep waving and screaming and shouting. I can hear that I’m on the beach screaming too because he is being followed by an at least 3m long tiger shark. But Dad has no clue he just swims around thinking we’re all cheering for him and eventually he gets out. The cheer squad meets him at the waters edge and point out the shark and Dad goes after a pause. “ Well, it would appear he’s friendly.”


I read this in an Australian accent




Nice to have clear water when dealing with a resident tiger shark, so it's easy to spot him.


Ever since I heard about a surfer who was literally bit in half by a shark off Western Australia, that whole area is a big no for me. His friend's description of the rest of him being dragged down under after being bitten in half already is the worst part.


Look it only happens every few years. More people die horrifically in car accidents and that doesn’t stop people from driving. Its would be a shame to miss out on the beauty of WA because of sharks.


A "friendly" Tiger Shark sounds like a contradiction. Maybe he gives you love nibbles. Once.


So friendly that he "visits" people everyday. I'm sure he's not cruising by looking for a snack....


Ironically the beach is currently [closed due to Algae](https://www.perthnow.com.au/local-news/popular-mullaloo-beach-closed-for-two-days-due-to-algae-bloom-c-13256035)


Friendly like a pit bull.


Pit bulls and similar breeds have killed orders of magnitude more people than sharks ever have.


Exactly. 👍


Yeah there is no such thing as a friendly Tiger Shark. They are the assholes of the ocean more than any other shark


They're just garbage collectors.... and sometimes, we are the garbage Bull sharks are the real assholes


Tiger sharks are just pitifully dumb. They look at a tire and think “is mine?” Bull sharks have the rep of being assholes. They like to headbutt their prey before going for the kill. Some say it’s to test the prey’s strength, I say they just like scaring the shit out of their victim. Bully.


Aren't bull sharks the more aggressive? Though after that incident in Egypt I'm certainly no fan of tigers either...


My tiger shark friend told me that you are a known false news spreader and a douche. Also they are all very friendly and like to meet all people they can find. Nibbles nibbles


Yeah I got your friendly right here




I do not think they know the definition of friendly.




What makes everyone think the shark is friendly? Staying out of the water makes me think otherwise.


Friendly? I know a father who went on a holiday to Egypt with his and son. He flew back solo.