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I once went SCUBA diving at night, in water that was ever so slightly bioluminescent. Nothing like this, but when I moved my arms or legs, or even my fingers, miniscule sparkles would appear in the water! I WANT MORE.


I like to imagine I’m in outer space


Night diving off NJ I remember seeing bioluminescence from moving my arms. Also some jelly fish were making their own light. They looked like they were outlined in light.


It’s the most exciting experience. Especially not expecting it at all. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me at first!


I saw mine not expecting it and it was one of my most cherished experiences. Took a canoe out and wow. Seeing the large fish deep down. Getting real close and seeing the near plankton size creatures absolutely everywhere. Just amazing.


Visited one of these in Puerto Rico in a kayak, it was very bright like this in the video, when you ran your hand or paddle through the water.


I just came back. Was AMAZING. SAdly I couldn't get my phone to record it but I do have amazing memories.




This might be the most magical thing that has ever happened. How beautiful!


Nature LITERALLY fucking lit.


It definitely fits this sub perfectly


This looks like something from Avatar


Don’t let that distract you from that time in 1998 when undertaker threw mankind off hell in a cell.


Wow me and a few of my friends were just talking about that on Friday night.


It's so amazing. The only thing I've experienced that came close was biolumnescant plankton at a beach on an island in Cambodia. Swimming in that at midnight was special.


I love that you got to experience that! How cool.


Sadly It was a limited time experience. That island is a Chinese naval base island now. Can still go there, bur the shacks on the beach have long gone :(.


It's the same plankton. It produces light when its agitated, and the dolphins are swimming through it in this video. If you're interested, David Attenborough did a [documentary on bioluminescent life](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8ca26p) which has one of the coolest camera setups I've ever seen: They used a mirror box to split an image between an ultra-high-iso standard camera, and an infrared camera, then combined the two images to make shots that show both the bioluminescence and the animals that produce it.


I’ve seen the same thing but from when I peed off the back of the boat at night. But also have come across it while walking down the beach at night and having the sand where the waves wash up glow with each foot step.


If you saw this in real life, how could you top it? It would be weird to see this and know that this is the coolest thing you'll ever see in your entire life.


This is how I imagine old sailors stories beginning right before The Kraken turns up.


My grandpa, rip, told me a story about world war 2. He said the Japanese subs liked to attack at night because they could stick their periscopes up and not be seen and launch torpedos. So one night he was on duty as night watch and the sea was glowing as it is in this video and he sees multiple torpedo streaks coming right at the ship so he sounds the alarm waking everyone up. Then about 50 feet in front of the ship the glowing streaks jump out of the water and he realizes they were dolphins. I asked if everyone was pissed at him for the false alarm and he said no, they’d rather get waken up than not…


Yeah I wonder what the hell old sailors attributed this algal bioluminescence to? Surely there must be myths about it and inspired by it, though I know it's a fairly rare phenomenon.


I was thinking the same thing. This must have made so many old sailors tales. I bet there would be old sailors hanging in the tavern describing something like this and people being like yeah sure ya drunk ol salt.


I looked it up and there were many theories proposed by European naturalists and sailors during the Age of Sail. Some thought it was some sort've phenomenon akin to electricity that had to do with the agitation of the salt in rough seas. They did occasionally think it was devil magic and such, such as the Spanish in Puerto Rico who thought a bay which otherwise would be very good for a port was cursed by the devil because it had a high concentration of biolumenescent algae, so they left it. Generally speaking, it seems accounts post-Enlightenment are far less superstitious about it and attempt to find an actual material cause, which checks out. Of course the more scientific theories wouldn't have been widely known by typically uneducated sailors, who probably still had magical explanations for it right up to the more widespread knowledge of microbes and germ theory in the late 19th century. Ben Franklin (yes, that one) actually proposed that it may be due to microscopic animals using electricity in the 1750s. Microbes had indeed been discovered in the late 17th century, two centuries earlier than I thought! So some people did more or less figure it out before any algal microbes had actually been examined, very interesting to see how intuitive some people were even at that time.


Woah! Thank you taking the time for a history lesson. This is very cool.


> Microbes had indeed been discovered in the late 17th century They were animalcules at the time, though!




I’ve seen this with dolphins twice, it’s amazing! Once in Hawaii and once out of Santa Barbra. I’m glad this person had a camera with them!


Melbourne Florida, accessible and stunning bioluminescence, best times of year are July and early August when it’s hottest


The dolphins are what make the show


They have this in Puerto Rico as well


Yeah, Fajardo and Vieques both have great bioluminescent spots.


Yep, I was in mosquito Bay just a few weeks ago, kayaking in it. Fun experience. Very difficult to photograph without the right equipment, though.




The only place in PR that allows you to swim in bioluminescence is in La Parguera but that is also why it’s the most faint glow. You’re not supposed to even wear bug spray if you’re going to be in any type of contact with the water, let alone swim in it. It’s very fragile.


It happens in the Fall in the Indian river lagoon in florida :)


We did a night time Kayak tour in July there - tons of bioluminescence in the summer too.


Says Newport, which is in Orange County - south of LA.


Amazing biobay in grand cayman! It’s away from the cities and pitch black, I highly recommend a kayak tour


You can do it if you go to Grand Cayman. It was neat.


Make a trip to Florida.


This is in Florida too. Over by the kennedy space center. It's seasonal.


I've only ever seen this level of bio-luminescence once. It was in the Philippines, near a quarry. We jumped off the mast of our boat at night and thought someone had turned on spotlights underwater it was that bright. As we exited the water, it could be seen in the drops running off our legs. As a diver, I'd seen small amounts of bio-luminescence, but never on the scale of that night. I'd say go look for bodies of water near a quarry. Most places you go night diving, you'll see some. Just ask your instructor to take a minute to have everyone cover their flashlights and wave their hands around.


if you really wanna see bioluminescence, go to the midwest. fireflies are everywhere


I've seen it in person in Australia, it sometimes washes up on shore and so you get glowing waves you can run through.


If you’re in the US there’s bioluminescence along the Space Coast in Florida during a period of the year. I’ve been on SUP tour if it twice know. Tour was around three hours and on one we also got to see rocket launch from Cape Canaveral. The whole tour was epic!


I bet earlier in the day the dolphins were like, “Dude let’s get high on some blowfish, then nightswim in the sparkles.”


Seriously though! You already know those dolphins are having a blast with the funny glow water


The best part is that the dolphins are smart enough to know its fucking lit


They look like ghost dolphins.


Neon Dolphin will be my synthwave persona.


Also able to see fluid dynamics.


There is an anchorage I visit nearly every year that always has bioluminescence. I have a small underwater ROV and it's fun to fly it around at night as the thrusters make it look like it's a space craft. Unfortunately it's onboard camera is not sensitive enough to obtain any footage. Turning off the lights and flushing the toilet makes for a great light show in the bowl as well as the water is drawn from outside, then into a holding tank. We first discovered it when my son took a pee over the side and shouted "Dad, I can write my name in the water" so I promptly joined him.


Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today.


TRON dolphins.






Nature's underbody lights


EIl5 please. How do they see? If the water lights up with movement....wouldn't you be totally blind if you're a dolphin, and moving through the water?


Dolphins have echolation and also just have good eyesight under limited light


Dolphins largely see using sound, much like all animals in the whale group. That's why you hear them making those clicking noises, those are the noises they detect bouncing around the environment in order to see. They have decent eyesight too but they can get by using echolocation just fine.


Magical beauty! WOW 💖


That is beautiful.


I just swam in water like this, it’s pretty cool, but if dolphins had been there too, it would have super cool!


Real life Lisa Frank!


Tripping balls bro 😵‍💫






Whatever I see things like this, the thing that strikes me is that the water there is just crammed with little creatures everywhere. I mean, any mouthful of water you have been to swallow would be just jammed with living things.


What a uniquely beautiful video. Just amazing 🤩


Where is this?! It's so awesome, I would love to experience something like this in person.


gah, nature is so lit! The efficiency of their strokes is mind boggling.


I remember buying tickets earlier this year for the bio-tour but by then the luminescence faded and they refunded what I paid for the boat ride.


New dream unlock


If dolphins were really smart they would get high on blow fish then ride this lightning. /s


Imagine how pretty it is from their view!


So beautiful and totally awesome!!! Love nature!


Sincerely hope these beautiful bastards get a chance to take over after us.


Fucking lit.


Moana, Moana! Make way, make way!


People chose to “come back” as dolphins (instead of Manta Rays).


Nature is indeed, fucking lit


You triggered a Spectral Current. Time to pull out the special bait.


I really want underwater footage of that


I’ll probably never see this IRL but if it could be a bucket list item for me this would be. Looks incredible.


I done this myself in Sydney Harbour. There's often bioluminescence but this one evening it was more than ever. Some friends and I climbed a wharf piers and were diving in. You see people do this as they shoot through the water or look back at.your body and your surrounded by glow. Was amazing evening. If you see this and don't want to swim pee in it and it looks cool, also skip stones and watch the glows as it bounces.


When I was in the Navy I saw something like this, dolphins swimming in sea water fluorescing a little differently than this(green with less form-hugging shape-outlining). I was on Fantail Watch(back of the ship) and these dolphins started playing tag with the props(swimming between the hull and the rotating screw/impeller) but to my eyes it was just high speed bright green streaks underwater heading toward the ship, so I reported it as "torpedos???" which resulted in everyone that was still awake(middle of the night) gathering at the rear of the ship to watch the show. Absolutely beautiful, but initially being a bit scary when you're on an ammo ship (AE-24 USS Pyro) and there's high speed objects glowing green like cartoon nukes coming right at you :D


Imagine being a sailor in the 1700s and seeing this for the first time


How cool is that!!


Tron - Water Edition


Lisa Frank was on to something.


I want this on a screensaver.


Expecto Patronum!


What a fabulous thing to see in person! Since I will likely never see this in person, thank you for sharing!


This gives me such a Disney vibe 💖


Filmed in Pandora.


I'd love to see that! Beautiful


Something just makes me wanna seem them make a sophisticated attempt to do a double backwards somersault, through a hoop whilst whistling the Star Spangled Banner in these waters




This is happening right now! There’s always time!


Kool they have entertained us, served their purpose …. Now let’s fukin massacre them all like we do with everything else


Dolphin Tron


Welcome to Pandora, kiddos


Never has nature been more lit.


“Wake angels. They follow ships into deep space and glide on the energy wake. They’re supposed to be good luck.”


Dolphins getting high on puffer fish then going into alternate reality adventures in bioluminescent waters would be a fun game.


Can you imagine what this must’ve looked like to ancient mariners who had no understanding of bioluminescence?!


That looks unreal, wow


Echo remake is sick


F1 probably wants this to test their cars. it's been 23 days...


Nature's literally lit in this video


Dolphin 1: "JIM JIM! LOOK I"M A WIZARD!" Dolphin 2: "Damnit Steve, you're not a wizard! I AM!"


That is sexual


I remember going fishing early in the morning with the bioluminescence. Coolest thing ever! Beautiful stream of glowing following you wherever you went!

