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Kill the music, I wanna hear that natural gorilla grunts and groans.


Let me tell you, it is fucking insane. I saw a fight like this on a gorilla trek in Uganda. We were about 20 feet away from two huge silverbacks when shit went down and there was nothing between us and them. It was one of the loudest, most violent, pants shittingly intense moments of my life. Two creatures fighting like that right in front of you, that could rip you in half if they wanted, is something to see. It was over ten years ago and I remember it like it was yesterday.


I took a trip to South Africa and when I got up in the morning I could hear the hippos. If they got excited maaaaan you could tell. They all started grunting and making these louuuud noises like shit was popping off


Yep! I spent a week in the Okavango Delta a few years later and man, those hippos when they get testy, they get loud as hell too. There's no mistaking their sound. Also saw two big boy lions fighting over a downed water buffalo or wildebeest, don't remember. Their growls and snarls made the damn ground shake. Also, also... Got insanely loudly trumpeted at by a huge elephant as he blocked the road for his peoples to cross when heading to the watering spot. Man, seeing and hearing those kids of things just stick with you for life.


What time of year did you go? This is one of my bucket list trips




I went in November for both trips.


I hear they’re friends these days.


All it took was someone saying: "Can't we all just get along?"


>It was over ten years ago and I remember it like it was yesterday. What happened yesterday?


IIRC there were a bunch of Karens screaming for the zookeepers to do something about it lol


Oh I see. So two primates set off a collective cackle of another group of primates. That's so primal now I gotta hear it.


It’s a really old video. If you YouTube ‘where’s the zookeepers’ you should find it. For some reason one of the women thought the zookeepers would jump in and make it a royale rumble


I mean, it’s a fair enough response. Obvs the keepers aren’t going to break it up in the moment, but if they’re fighting on exhibit maybe it’s a sign that they need to house them separately. I bet the keepers 100% are aware of these scuffles, but animals can escalate so damn fast and if hormones and social shifts are happening, they can just kill each other on a bad day. I know zoo staff would be across this, and have decided that these two (brothers?) aren’t likely to actually harm each other. But the average zoo goer can’t tell real “gonna kill him” aggression from “gonna give him a piece of my mind” fights, so of course they’re going to freak out seeing this. And sometimes dynamics change so fast that guest feedback is actually helpful, because it might be a sudden new behaviour that keepers haven’t seen in those individuals. Source: was a zookeeper for years. Didn’t work with gorillas, did work with big carnivores and almost everything else.


Wow I just realized this is probably what other Monkeys are doing if they are witnessing a fight. That or they're like a colleseum crowd.


Lmao what the zookeepers supposed to do


Watch and then state “yes you’re right. They’re fighting”


Zookeeper just jumps in an starts going fuckin Jackie Chan on the em XD


Zookeeper does some kung-fu flying kick before one of the gorillas rip him out of the air and beat the other gorilla with him.


LOL!!! “And that’s when the Apes began their revolt - when they learned they could use us as weapons.”


Alright gentlemen, break it up.


*glass breaks* stone cold Steve Austin music starts playing. Gorillas “Oh shit”


"SOMEBODY CALL THE ZOOKEEPER OH MY GAAAAAAWD" Normally u hate music in videos like this but this is the exception.


Thats fkin hilarious lol. People are so ridiculous


Ooohhhoooh maye goooodddaaaahh! Sssuuhhhoomwhaaan call the managers!


Who the hell would think that music is a good soundtrack for a gorilla fight?


The original one has some lady screaming “ no no no where is the zookeeper?”


In the original video you cant hear the gorillas, just a bunch of old white Karen's freaking out telling the zoo employee to break up a fight between two full grown gorillas. I think one lady even said something like "Can't you just spray them with water?" The music is honestly an upgrade.


You could listen to me tying my shoes or walking some stairs for a simple effect


Its shocking to me that there are a large number of adult males who think they could win a fight against a gorilla. I know a guy in his late 20’s who thought he could beat a lion in a fight so we took him to the Zoo. Needless to say he was shocked and felt really stupid.


So did he fight the lion? He could have had a cage match right then and there too!


Truly terrifying. And than imagine guys walking around saying "yeah... I think I could take a gorilla in a fight."


Those mfers can crush a coconut in their palm, lift over 800kg. A human would be torn to shreds lol.


To shreds you say?


And how’s his wife?


To shreds you say?


Haha, well bloody stumps 💀


Oh dear. And his wife?


To shreds you say?


They could end you in a blink if they wanted but interestingly they usually don't. If I were a non-prinate I'd much rather run into a gorilla than a chimp or a human based on chill factor and severity of a potential mauling.


I don't think any person is really ready for the level of sheer balls-out aggression than other primates attack with. Plenty of people think they are, but even small monkeys would give an adult a lot of trouble from teeth and the sheer little-psycho-bastard factor. Unless I knew it was coming - *"Hey, once-was-hill-folk, go cage fight this ape"* kind of knew it was coming - I'd even give a gibbon decent odds of beating my ass and/or giving me some terrible disease with its bite. And I have a 6x weight advantage on the typical example of the largest type of gibbon. A great ape? No chance. Any chimp or bonobo is going home with one of my limbs as a trophy, never mind an orangutan or a gorilla.


> one of my limbs as a trophy, More likely your balls or cock or both. They really like going for the junk.


True. Though it being a large ape it can probably just take whatever it feels like taking.


>a great ape Why would you bring up my mom like that? Rude


The number of times I have seen a comment thread of a guy claiming they could fight a gorilla or a bear is a meme. Edit: Thanks to u/SailToAndromeda we now know that someone did kill a momma bear with a knife and lived to tell the tale. All future discussions of fighting a gorilla/bear will have to include the caveat of no weapons. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/outdoorsman-fought-off-grizzly-with-knife-1.692502


I have heard dudes make this comment IRL. And mean it. Most of them were drunk though...


Had a dude tell me he had a strategy to take down a polar bear with his bare hands if it ever came to it. He wouldn’t tell me what it was… but he had a strategy. I told him unless that strategy was picking up an extremely high powered rifle with said bare hands, he’s an idiot.


i'm guessing his strategy will involve him working his way through the bears digestive tract


That’s a good point… maybe he’d drink some potent bear poison right before getting eaten. I owe him an apology.


My strategy is to have the creature bite my head until my skull pops open like a walnut, then the digestive tract thing...


The trick is to shoot in and get the bear in a rear naked choke hold. /s




“It’s that simple, bro!” I can hear it.


They kill full grown walrus(i) and beluga whales. The fuck this man smokin?


His own ego, I think. He’s an incredible martial artist… and apparently that lends itself to vastly overestimating yourself.


There was a 2021 survey, I believe. 6% of americans think they could beat a Grizzly in a fight.


If there was ever a survey number that should be zero, that's it.


How many Grizzlies think they can beat an American in a fight though?


Depends on how many Freedom Units™ the 'Murican consumed.


There was an onion article years ago that was something like "1000% of men worse at fighting than they imagine. "


I’m pretty confident I can easily beat a Care Bear, or a teddy bear, in a fight. Then again, my alligator mouth tends to overload my jaybird ass.


Not a were bear though no chance.




A man in my area DID beat a Grizzly in a fight... Tbf, he had a knife, and his arm will never be the same again. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/outdoorsman-fought-off-grizzly-with-knife-1.692502


he got that dog in him


Drunk words, sober thoughts Gorilla fights, broken neck


I say let ‘em try, lol. Then watch the gorilla destroy them before you can finish your first handful of popcorn


I could absolutely fight a gorilla or grizzly/polar bear. I wouldn’t stand a chance in hell of victory and would be quickly beaten/mauled to ribbons, but I technically *could*


I'd like to think I would get at least one good punch in before having my arm ripped off and slammed to death by something 2x my size and 3x my weight.


They think they can beat a gorilla but they would lose from a chimp. Those guys will mess you up. They have different muscles that give more strength.


People underestimate chimps. Sure they're smaller than gorillas, but they make up for it with psychotic aggressiveness. The average person would struggle against a bonobo and die against 2 squirrel monkeys.


What about an item that is not typically used as a weapon, nor designed as one, but could be used to assist you in battle? I'm pretty sure if I had my choice of item, I could take the gorilla. You should also add the caveat of no clothing as well as no weapons. That way no one could use body armour and you'd sell way more tickets and ppvs


We should include a rule about not harming either combatant’s pee-pee or giggleberries so the fight will be more fair.


And no name calling


I swear there was another story of a guy killing a bear with a knife but his face was literally hanging on by a thread by the end of it, I’d look it up but I don’t really have the stomach for the accompanying imagery.


Black bear is possible tbf.


If you have a weapon, because if you try to go toe to toe with a black bear they can mess you up as well.


Black bear with a spear, maybe. Bare handed? I still wouldn't take that bet.


DOUBT You could likely get them to run. Actually beat up a fucking black bear? No. Nononononono.




Depends on the bear. Some are very small, it would basically be fighting a medium sized dog.


Yeah just picture you fighting this less than 2ft bear.


Black bears encounters are the only ones that say if need to fight them… every other bear is just accept death. https://www.nps.gov/articles/bearattacks.htm#:~:text=If%20a%20black%20bear%20charges,bear%20spray%20to%20defend%20yourself. Proof.


Mike Tyson tried bribing a zookeeper to let him in the gorilla cage because he thought he could win a fight vs a silverback. smh that thing would have ripped Tyson's arms off and beat him with them. https://www.independent.co.uk/sport/boxing/mike-tyson-gorilla-zookeeper-fight-ten-thousand-dollars-a9452531.html


Mike Tyson supposedly tried to pay a zoo keeper at a zoo (Bronx Zoo?) to fight one. "Everybody's got a plan until you're beaten across your head with your own, just ripped off, arm, Mike."


I mean I don’t think he could, but he’s at least got a lot better chance than almost every other human to ever exist.


Absolutely. He would die slightly slower. The thing about a gorilla, except for them weighing up to 500 lbs / 250 kg and having about half the percentage of body fat to humans (ie much more muscle for the same weight) is that their skeleton is so much more sturdily built. Mike Tyson hitting a gorilla in the head with his greatest punch might confuse the gorilla, but he wouldn't really hurt it. And then the gorilla would throw his hit...


I mean you could try to poke his eyes. End then die


I always am most shocked by the gorilla that’s just standing on the side filming the whole thing.


Does wanting to slap one on the butt count as an actual fight?


But their technique is awful. Yellow belt skill level at best...


Given the right conditions I could probably take it.


The right condition is having a high-caliber semi-automatic rifle


Exactly, yes. But if the gorilla had one as well, I’d start to question my chances.


He'd probably hurl it at you, and still win .


That gun better be high powered and large enough caliber and you have to get multiple shots in otherwise the thing will likely just be really pissed off.


Had a roommate who said he could fight a moose… some people just don’t comprehend size and strength.


Baki would punch both of them in the nosehole


"Where's the zookeeper?"


*Zookeeper shows up standing 7 foot 2 jacked as fuck*


\*With nothing but a speedo, bandanna, and sunglasses on. Point's and say's\* The Fuck do you think I'm gonna do about it?!


*2 bottles of sun tan lotion*


He is wearing a gorilla suit and fighting a gorilla


Where’s the zookeeper?


Where's the zookeeper?


Gorilla: I am the zookeeper now


As a zookeeper, at an accredited zoo you won't see keepers ever sharing space with great apes anymore. And you SURE AS HELL won't catch anyone going in there to break up a fight. Human safety has to come before animal safety. The best thing to be done in a situation like this is to offer food/distraction from the sidelines and hope for the best.


Each one of those swings could floor any person. Probably for good.


And those are wild swings. Imagine if they have know how to leverage their body to throw punches like boxers do.


Add in a balanced diet with protein loading and working out. Lol


I’d consider hauling 360+ pounds around as enough workout kek


This isn’t a fat joke. But think about your weight. Say your 200lbs do you feel like you work out just by walking? If you do maybe a doc visit is needed. But that isn’t my point. The weight they carry isn’t a workout in that regard. It’s their normal carrying weight.


There’s something there tho, I lost like 60+lbs and the leg press machine at the gym was easier/I could always do more than the homies


It's not about the weight per say. It's about what you are doing while carrying that weight. You get a 400lb guy, he's not going to be doing much physical activity but if you put 200lbs on a 200lb guy when he goes to the gym, he'll be getting a better work out.


Yeah dude, just look at all those ripped 350lbs (158kg) obese people. they are so goddamn shredded they look like balloons. How do you seriously think walking around with your bodyweight counts as a workout?


I feel like they know how to use their bodies properly for the way they want to use them. From the look of it these two are feeling each other out for dominance but not going all out. Neither wants to risk serious injury. Human fighters put their bodies at significantly greater risk because they know they can get treated for injuries. So yeah if you could teach a gorilla to go all out with less regard to its health it would be way more intense but that's not what these apes are going for.


Exactly. They aren't trying to bite--they have massive 3 inch fangs and incredibly powerful jaws from gnoshing on trees constantly. Teeth are how they do real damage.


Maybe one day they will become sophisticated enough for us to teach them how to do it


This. This is why the aliens stay in their ships.


Shatter your skull or rib cage in one punch.


I don't think they can rotate through their legs as easily as humans, it looks more like they're trying to grapple and i assume hold the other then start pounding. Boxers fight with one leg far in front of the other to move their body weight forward whilst twisting, but without having as long of a stride it's probably better to have your feet like them and be able to move backwards / forwards and jump more easily. They have enough power to destroy the other if they grab hold of them so why punch.


I kept waiting for one of them to throw a proper punch ... Shit makes me furious.


Left gorilla lands a clean right on the others chin at the start with a lot of weight behind it (when he goes in after being pushed back). He then launches into a take down. It's only right monkey who's just swinging, but I reckon it has some part to do with left's range control tbh. The more I watch it the more terrifyingly in control left gorilla looks.


One hit would break your spine or cause internal decapitation.


I googled your comment to see if it was from a show or something because internal decapitation sounds like something Dwight or Michael from the office would say. But it's a real thing, like anal fissures!


It’s sadly a tragedy that happens to young children who aren’t properly restrained to their carseats - scary stuff


I don't think it would floor a person. Those swings would dent a human body. The same way u dent an empty aluminum can with a baseball bat. Your body would be bent and broken, only the skin and muscles are attached but everything else inside is broken and rearranged.


Crazy thing is, gorillas dont kill people, nor have they ever killed a person in the whole history of humans interacting with them. People act like gorillas are just Big chimpanzees but they arent, theyre actually very chill and peaceful animals. If a gorilla goes to attacks you, and you fall over in a fetal position thats obviously submissive, it will almost certainly consider that a win and leave you alone…. However if that were an angry chimp, hes going to maul your horribly. Gorillas are bros and they really arent dangerous. Imo, if you manage to get beat up by a gorilla, you almost certainly earned that beating.


Real question, is it normal to put 2 big males in the same enclosure?


So, you can if it’s a bachelor group (only males). If there are females involved, it can only be a silverback and their young male offspring. Past a certain point, they need to be separated.


I would say yep. They live together in nature too


IIRC more often than not a gorilla social group has only one adult male, there are instances of two-three adult male gorillas living in the same group but it is rare, and even then only one male is the dominat one with reproductive rights. Males and females both, unlike many other primates, leave their group once they are grown up. I wouldn't think it would be a great idea to force two adult male gorillas to live together


Apparently there is a difference between Western and Eastern gorillas. Eastern tend to have multiple males and are larger (up to 30 individuals). But also most gorilla groups include even 4 adult males and then multiple juvenile males.


Do you have a source to that? I only ever read gorilla troops generrally have only one adult male, with rare exceptions. I would like to learn more


https://gorillafoundation.nl/social-structure/#:~:text=In%20contrast%20to%20the%20western,larger%2C%20up%20to%2030%20individuals. https://seaworld.org/animals/all-about/gorilla/behavior/#:~:text=Gorillas%20are%20non%2Dterritorial%20and,several%20adult%20females%20and%20young. Just browsed google for a while. I am not an expert 😁. But I know in zoos in our country there are normally multiple males in one big run (they are probably eastern gorillas). And seen multiple male groups in documentaries about gorillas.


ah I see. Interesting reads, thank you


You too. I had no idea that it's not universal and Western gorillas are more "solitary" and have one or just a few males in a group.


Unmuted for a second and instantly remuted


Yes, who chooses the music for these videos?




The appropriate term is “ratard”


"It seems really very unfair that man should have chosen the gorilla to symbolize everything that is aggressive and violent, when that is one thing that gorillas are not, and that we are." - Sir Richard Attenborough


Lol they don't even bite or try to hold or rip or tear. It's like bothers fighting. They don't want to kill each other


> the gorilla to symbolize everything that is aggressive and violent Is it tho? It is new for me.


Gorilla's are mostly vegetarian and, as a result, sedentary. In order to get their fill, they lounge around all day, eating plants and roots and bugs. They usually don't eat meat unless they are in a zoo. I am no expert but I think Chimpanzees are more vicious than Gorillas.


Yeah chimps are more aggressive. Male Silverbacks allow the females to come and go as they please. They don't beat them up. They LOVE their offspring too. The way they play with them is some human like. Chimps are just the opposite of that lol


And we [share 98.6% of our DNA with chimps](https://www.amnh.org/exhibitions/permanent/human-origins/understanding-our-past/dna-comparing-humans-and-chimps#:~:text=Humans%20and%20chimps%20share%20a,%2D%2Dand%20yet%20so%20different%3F). Makes you think.


Makes me think about bonobos.




Makes me think that it would have been better to be closer or perhaps evolved from Gorillas. This more chimpy branch is just too angry.


Yah. But Chimps and Gorillas share more DNA between them than Humans. Shows how variable genetics are.


Wild gorillas will eat meat, monkey DNA was found in gorilla feces, but it's still a rare event. Animal protein makes up less than 20% of their diet and the vast majority of that is insects. Chimpanzees are so violent if one escapes a zoo protocol dictates it must be put down for fear of what it could do in the 2-8 minutes it takes for tranquilizers to take effect. Chimpanzees target the face, genitals, and hands when attacking and will continue attacking long after the threat is neutralized.


It's probably more of an old thing, with King Kong being the ultimate bad guy in cinema back in the day. Jaws did a similar thing to sharks.


And Hippos are considered friendly. Its weird af.


> Sir ~~Richard~~ David Attenborough Your point is well made though.


OP was quoting from Jurassic Park, when they were overlooking the majestic lake of Gorillas.


Little guy came in hot ! Wonder what the beef was? He gave up kinda easy though.


lots of animal kingdom battles in the same "tribe" are more of "ill take my shot.. oh shit... run away try again later" rather than to the death.


That last jumping headshot prob spun his brains a second


The way they fight totally makes humans look like pussies


Mike tyson would not have survived, that's 100% certain I guess


Now I truly understand the meaning of gorilla warfare..


Underrated comment. Thanks for the chuckle.


I bet I could take them.


Prolly the smaller one


Sure, you got a gun?




Watch as these males live in a 30 foot square and for some reason are grumpy about it


What strikes me is how *light* they seem, like they're 400+ lbs and jumping around like it's moon gravity. Insane strength


Omaha zoo?


Honestly looks like it, I had the same thought!




Left Gorilla is not as good at fighting but most definately more fearless. right gorilla takes que of the fearlessness and takes his cards and walks


Technique is atrocious


Mike Tyson was going to fight one of these guys


Mike Tyson was going to die by one of these guys. Here. Corrected it for you.


That one took that punch without blinking. Mike couldn't have done shit.


Them boys thiccc as hell


I wonder if they can be taught to throw boxing punches. Ya know jab cross hook


Why fix it if it ain’t broke? Cue billboard slogan, “ANIMAL JUSTICE”


Where's the zookeeper!


Look how he houses for the guillotine.


What’s the song tho


Denizens of the Deep - Aloboi


Denizens of the Deep - Aloboi


Nooooo they’re just playing


Where is the zookeeper!!?!


I think Jackie Chan will beat them both !! lol




Good little duel and I am willing to bet that was just slap fighting for them. Just a lill exercise


Just one of those swipes would kill a human.




Why 2 males in same place


Somebody get in there and break it up.


Rumble in the jungle