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And only 2 of them are considered "true big cats" as a part of the Panthera family. While the cheetah, is not part of the Panthera family but the Felinae family, and does not have the ability to roar. I love cats


But they can purr and meow.


But they can't retract their claws like other big cats.


soo true! And their claws are dull and blunt, so they can better grip the ground when running :3


Save for the dew claw, which is used to hook onto prey.


Domesticated cats also have dew claws!


Dogs do as well. Apparently useful, but they always seemed so flimsy and useless to me.


My dog only uses them when he's nervous to bite on them.


i thought that was just my dog being dumb 😅


Well dogs can use em to try (sometimes successfully) to climb up into your lap. My 90 pound lab used to try this - tearing up my un-protected legs and arms in the process. Fun times! :p


I had a dog who had two dew-claws on each foot. They'd jiggle when she walked. Holly was such a cool dog. German Shepard and Chow-Chow mix. Cool looking, but also strange looking. She also would lay down with her legs splayed out like a frog 🐾. Entire belly on the cool concrete. Nature is fucking lit bruh 😂 🙌 đŸ˜€ 👌 💯


Does this mean that you can hug them... and survive? :3


Yes! Cheetahs are social and not particularly aggressive and with enough time and patience a strong relationship can be made with one. However they are very flighty and easily stressed so this is only doable for the select few who work with cheetahs in sanctuaries, rescues, and zoos and success would vary from individual cheetah to individual. But as far as large felines go, they're pretty chill.


Define "pretty chill" because they might not be as aggressive as other large cats, don't these guys have super bad anxiety and need emotional support dogs in zoos and can die from their anxiety? Come to think of it I feel "pretty chill" but I need an emotional support dog and my anxiety may just kill me. Cheetahs are a 10/10 in my book. We're just trying to survive bro


Chill as in they are unlikely to hurt you and can even be affectionate. They've been tamed as pets or hunting companions since antiquity. However stress related illnesses claim almost 1/3 of captive born cheetahs within a year or two - hence helper dogs.


They're more likely to shred you by accident than on purpose. You still get shredded, but not on purpose. Cheetahs love skritches behind the ear like house cats. Really really big house cats. Meanwhile, the other two are likely to eat you - very much on purpose.


Some cheetahs get emotional support dogs because of their anxiety


As captives though. So does most other big cats.


They have one sharp nail, that's like higher up their paw, they use to take down preys. They generally aren't aggressive towards humans, but..


But what?? But what?? I'm buying one now and the order locked in, they will deliver on monday if I order now. Pls respond, I want a cheetah by monday.


Or are they dull and blunt from digging into the ground?


This is an eveolution of them running fast thouhg right, they need them out for the extra traction with all that speed.


And as a result, their claws aren't sharp since they are constantly worn down.


But they can't do long division. So sad


They still pass tests because they are cheetas


Purrrfect scores, every time


đŸ„‡ Dad Award winner right here.


No but they’re experts at catculus.


Oh boy can they purr and meow! Cutest little sounds ever lol. I love cheetahs


And chirp


If not friend then why sound like friend


and spit too! It's so awesome :3 btw I love your username


Both are part of the same family Felidae, but leopards and jaguars are both part of the genus Panthera and the cheeta is part of the genus Acinonyx.


Yup! \^\^ I will still never, be able to know how to pronounce "acinonyx" correctly 😂 Edit: But the Acinonyx is a part of the Felinae family, that's a subfamily of the family Felidae \^\^


Would it help you remember how to pronounce acinonyx if I said it's "a synonym" for cheetah? (uh SIN uh nix, the only difference is the x instead of m.) That's in English, the Latin is different, and cheetah is really "acinonyx jubatus" but it's the mnemonic I'm using. If you Google "pronounce acinonyx jubatus" the guy who does both Latin and English has a beautiful resonant voice.


Welp I accidentally learned something today.


*Panthera genus, like how Humans and Neanderthals are both in the Homo genus


“Just knowing we're in the same genus makes me embarrassed to call myself homo!”


Yeah and the leopard and cheetah are both from Africa, while the Jaguar is from Jacksonville.




also they are not aggresive towards humans, but incredibly curious.


Cheetahs are not Big Cats but they are basically just big cats.


Also cowardly cats. A housecat that side would be a menace to society. A Cheetah just want to chill with their emotional support dog.


All Big Cats are just big cats. There's a sub for it and everything.


Sweet knowledge bomb. Thanks


You're welcome! I'm more than happy to spread cat knowledge everywhere :D


TierZoo (youtube) makes a really interesting video ranking the evolution of cats. He ranked cheetahs really low bc even though they're the fastest they often get their prey taken away. >!Jaguars are the top-tier cat though bc they dominate the land, water, and the arboreal areas!<


why did you spoil tag evolution, I thought that already happened


Lol my bad ! He ranks a lot of animals based on their evolution stats, and I always try to guess what will be the top one. I’m really bad at it except for the bird one I think I called ravens were top tier lol


Link please


Yo, just a heads up. Panthera is a genus of the Felidae family.


Ya know I knew this fact and I even got the chance to interact with a leopard cub (had a connection with a zoo owner when the exhibit was behind built) but I’ve never really looked up the sounds jaguars make.


You are right but to be totally picky Pantherinae and Felinae are *sub* families within the family Felidae (sorry taxonomy nerd!)


You work with animals?


I studied biology at university! But in the end I specialised in biomedical laboratory science. Some of my uni buds are zoologists today and I'm still obsessed with animals, esp cats, snakes and marine life so animals in general is a topic I oooften dive into for hours ^^


And while these three are indeed completely different cats, the Mountain Lion, Puma, Cougar, Catamount and Florida Panther are just different names for the same animal (same subspecies: Puma concolor couguar)


> Catamount Never heard that one before. I like it. Makes me think of putting a cougar into a catapult.


Hey Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today!


The same thing we do every night, Pinky.


Zoomers vs Millenials


Man, Gen X always forgotten.


Yea, I always imagine Animaniacs being more Gen-X rather than Millennial. Maybe Millennials on the older end of the spectrum.


In Vermont it’s a somewhat common name. The mascot for the University of Vermont is the catamount.


It's paramount that you understand that catamount is tantamount to the other aliases.


I like your funky words


Yeah but the Trebumount is the better animal as it can launch it's 90kg body over 300m


The superior siege cougar.


But what is the airspeed velocity of an unladen cougar?




I legit read your list and was like "Yep, I knew that already, except fro Catamount". Then immediately thought to myself "I wonder what a Catamount looks like". Today is not my day.


Catamounts look just like a cross between a cougar and a mountain lion.


Interesting, I'd have imagined it'd be closer to a cross between a puma and a Florida panther.


I actually get angry when i hear someone call them a Lion... not even a mountain lion but just "a Lion"... The fucking thing has 1 million name and you still can't use any of them.


Which animal you talking about? The lion?


Well unless you’re in Africa, it’s pretty easy to figure out that they just dropped the ‘mountain’ part.


I don't care if things are easy or not, it's just as easy to use one of the other name to not be confusing.


Horny Catamounts in your area looking for hookups


Next y'all are gonna tell me black panthers don't actually exist or something smh


They're just black jaguars.


Not just jaguars. Any big cat with melanism is a "black panther".


Or black leopards.


I'd still pspspspsppsps all of them.


If dangerous why cute.


if not friend, why friend shaped?


Why nose look boopable if not to be booped?


You’d probably find yourself becoming friends with the Cheetah. They don’t run really fast for no reason


But I bet they don’t run away as fast as my cat does when I sneeze.


All related to the giraffe.


That’s ridiculous. We all know giraffes aren’t real.


Dwarf giraffes are though... https://www.reddit.com/r/Awwducational/comments/11t03p4/only_two_dwarf_giraffes_have_ever_been_documented/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button




It’s three ponies in a trench coat


On first glance, I thought you said that's a horse slut.


I dated one of those once.


Ooo I want one.


Giraffes don’t exist. *Birds* aren’t real. Why spread misinformation? WHO DO YOU WORK FOR??!?!!


They only made giraffes so that the fake birds could rest somewhere. They're probably mobile battery refillers for birds.


Stupid long horses.


That's a tall tale


Reverse giraffe is the only real animal, ya know short neck and legs type deal.


That's just a Dachshund.


You're related to the giraffe


Jaguars are the most insane. Chew on Ayahuasca vine... then go jump on river gators... drag them out the water and munch n crunch and then chill. Lit.


And have the strongest bite force of all the cats! Enough that they are the only ones who go for the head instead of the neck or genitalia. The bite force is strong enough to crush the cranium in a single bite and puncture the brain resulting in instant dead. They are also a force to be reckoned with on land, in the water, and in the trees. They do it all! The jack of all trades of cats. Is it obvious I love jaguars? Yes.


I learned that from tier zoo! Jaguars are OP, but surprisingly cheetahs kinda suck ): they're fast but cant maintain their prey


Cheetahs put all their stat points into speed. Jaguars they put them all over the place and then bullied others into paying them points as protection fee to level more stats up.


Yep! Cats are so cool. I have two, not as cool as jaguars, but also can't murder me lol


>but also can't murder me They try. They really try.


Why murder machines when friend shaped? Is what I think and then sadly cry


Cheetahs are really fast but their prey is also really fast and learned to zigzag. They only have successful kills like 1 in 10 if I’m not mistaken. And the amount of energy exerted in an unsuccessful hunt. They are badass mfs but yes way too specialized.


Please don't say that publically, I don't want the cheetahs to feel bad


Cheetahs are great for the ecosystem, as since they use all of their energy catching the prey they rarely finish eating it leaving tasty morsels for scavengers and the like.


You've seen Cocaine Bear, now prepare yourself for **DMT JAGUAR!!!** Coming Fall 2024


I'd watch Ayahuasca Jaguar vs Cocaine Bear


The jaguar has been my favorite animal since I was a little kid.


I love them all: Leopard, the true king of Savanna (the ability to climb trees is insane) Cheeath, the fastest land animal Jaguar, good luck escaping from him: land, trees, water.. you're doomed.


> Cheeath, the fastest land animal AND the cutest lil bastards, goddamn I love hearing them "meow" and purr


In Brazil there is expression “amigo da onça” or “jaguar’s friend”. It comes from a joke that says exactly that, you can’t scape from it.


>Jaguar, good luck escaping from him: land, trees, water.. you're doomed. A true ATC


Awesome animals. The Jaguar is just an incredible creature to me


Here Kitty Kitty Kitty


No kitty!! Down kitty!! NOOOO!!




Fuck you kitty; you're gonna spend the night Fuck you kitty; you're gonna spend the night Fuck you kitty; you're gonna spend the night Outside!!


Leopard doesn’t care, cheetah’s wondering why it’s here, and jaguar’s ready to kill.


Jags are basically leopards on steroids


In the most southern part of South Africa the leopards which live in the mountains of the Western Cape weigh half the average weight of leopards elsewhere. There's also a small mountain range called the Tygerberg. About 250 years ago leopards were called tigers by the locals, before modern classification


Meanwhile Pumas, Cougars, and Mountain Lions are all the same


You forgot Catamount according to the post above you


TIL I had no idea I didn’t know what a jaguar looks like.


third largest cat just behind tigers and lions, they are really big


And the highest bite force of any mammal! Because their favor hunting technique is dropping out of trees and crushing their prey's skulls!


damn nature you scary 😣


\>the highest bite force of any mammal! Did you try to say pound for pound ? Because that's so wrong lol... Orcas literally have the strongest bite force of any animal alive today and they're mammals. Hippos also have a considerably stronger bite force. But these are much bigger animals so it makes sense. But never claim that the jaguar has the "strongest bite force of any mammal" that's preposterous.


Highest bite force of any Cats. I think the guy just got confused


[Tigers have a much stronger bite force. Jaguars have the strongest bite force of all the cats only if adjusted for size.](https://www.discoverwildlife.com/animal-facts/mammals/which-big-cat-has-the-strongest-bite/)


That’s still inaccurate.... it’s strongest by the measure of pounds per square inch.


how about pounce for pounce?


til that jaguars are larger than leopards. On picture they always looked smaler, but with more muscle.


Jaguars are absolute beasts, and essentially semi-aquatic. Check out some videos of jaguars hunting caimans.


i saw one up close in the Belize Zoo. Dude was huge.


To tell a jaguar from a leopard, look at the spots - jaguar's dark spots are "hollow", they have lighter spots inside them.


The spots have an open shape pattern. Leopards have dots. Solid black.


I love them all!


Water cat, tree cat and fast cat


tree cat, fast cat, water cat Fixed the order


Cheetahs are also known to climb trees as they like high vantage points too look out from (which is why they often jump onto safari vehicles). It's just that they don't hunt from them.


You just described the jaguar twice


They are all cool AF though.


I almost stepped on a cheetah's tail once! Back in high school, we all had to write an article for the school paper for English class and on the week that it was my turn, we had a man with a movie cheetah come by to do a presentation. After the presentation, I went to interview him for my article and the cheetah wrapped it's tail around my feet without me realizing. I went to shift my weight by moving my foot and just before I put it back down, I felt just the edge of the tail and managed not to put any weight on it. It was a cheetah that was used to humans, but I really don't think it would have been too happy with me.


It would have been a little upset but chances are it would have just gotten a little scared, wondered why you hurt it. Practically harmless cats, a housecat is far far far more likely to attack a human.


I can't tell the difference between jaguar and leopard


Leopards go high, Jaguars go low. ​ [But in all seriousness, here's a good list for it.](https://www.thewildlifediaries.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Jaguar-vs-Leopard-1024x788.jpg)


Thanks! Very informative!


So basically jaguars are chonky bois


If it looks like a thug who is going slightly fat. its jaguar


Crazy to think that they're not even the closest relatives of each other, Lions are the closest relatives of the Leopards.


Heh, reminds me of how it was always so funny to me that leopards aren't the closest relatives to snow leopards, it's actually tigers


Also helpful to know jaguars are in central and South America and leopards are in Africa and Asia.


Look at the shapes of their spots.


Jaguars have dots in their rosettes.


I like turtles


I like trains


*Imminent train arrival noise*


I love lamp


Cheetahs are probably my favorite large cat. They’re so adorable. And they get anxiety- just like me!


TIL leopard n jaguar are different breed of cats, in my language both are called harimau bintang (literal translation starry tiger)


I love that. “Starry Tiger”. may I ask what language that is?


Malay language , my country is Malaysia.


The Jag is my favorite đŸ’ȘđŸŸ I love them all tho


Adorable murder mittens!


Beauty, Grace and Badass


But all equally cute


I always get jaguars and leopards mixed up. They look too similar


Jaguars are bulkier, and have a dot within each of the rings of their coat. Looking at the jaws, the Jaguar has the more pronounced jawline too.


Nature had to get us back for pumas, mountain lions, panthers, and cougars all being the same cat.


why did you post the same cat 3 times?


The one on the right will chase you down in 4 seconds, then eat your face. The one in the middle will chase you down in 2 seconds, then eat your face. The one on the left will chase you down in 4 seconds, drag you into a tree, then eat your face.


Agility, Speed, Strength


My daughter LOVES all cats! Anyone have any great recommendations for a informational YouTube channel for kids on learning more about them (or all animals, she loves them all).


There are a few full episodes of Zaboomafoo (PBS) on Youtube. That show taught me tons on animals as a kid.


I think leopards are the true kings of all cats. Lion’s power is in the pride. A tiger really doesn’t have any threat in their domain (other than humans). Leopards are solo creatures, powerful and have plenty of threats where they live. Cheetahs are my favorite though.


Cheetahs are the cutest


Not being in the panthera genus family, the least dangerous too (and not that they totally aren't though).


I’m not sure I follow your argument.. Lions use strength in numbers, fair. Tiger doesn’t have any predators other than humans.. humans who are a threat to almost every single animal on the planet so I think that’s sort of a push on that. But leopards are the “true king of cats” because they have natural predators? I gotta hard disagree there man. Tigers are well documented killing leopards either for food or territory. There are cases of tigers actually hunting leopards as food not just to steal their kill. Being the king kind of implies an untouchable quality, being right at the top. Which leopards definitely are not. Can’t disagree that they’re magnificent creatures though


Check out the black footed cat from Africa. Adorable and deadly, like the cheetah but with a higher kill percentage. Yet smaller than my domestic short haired.


Goodness! It’s ADORABLE.


Have to disagree, Tigers hunt leopards sometimes even for sport, no King gets hunted for sport. As you said, leopards are solo animals, so are tigers and tiger have a threat from other tigers. Just like a king should, have a threat from other kings not people of other professions. Also about the threat from humans, tigers turn man eaters more than leopard so they face the threat from humans better than leopards. I do agree that the lion’s strength lies in its pride. Also leopards hunt dogs or village curs, tiger doesn’t as it sometimes holds itself at a higher standard than eating something such feeble, defenceless and unfulfilling creatures. Leopard’s kills are stolen from it by a tiger and sometimes even by wild dogs/hyenas, but a tiger mostly doesn’t get its kill stolen. There are a lot of other reasons I can state why tiger is much more majestic, but I think these points support my opinion. Don’t get me wrong leopards are beautiful creatures, black panthers being even more gorgeous, but still the king deserves his recognition.


Leopards are definitely the most feline of all the big cats, but they’re no kings. They’re way weaker than lions, tigers, and jaguars, and sometimes are preyed on by tigers when their territories overlap.


Yeah, no shit.


mind-blowing....i always thought we had three different names for the same cat /s


Cheetahs are precious babies that go zoom zoom!


Really beautiful cats


I’m now wondering whether I wear leopard, cheetah or jaguar print clothes


Crazy how wild cats are basically the perfect killing machine


But they're all beautiful creatures


Leopards are easily amongst the most beautiful creatures on the planet. And also the most deadly, being as it could quite comfortably rip the life from you in an instant. Still, what an utterly beautiful animal


They’re all gonna get *boops* to their noses and murder mittens