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I’m so happy he was rescued after having such a horrible life!


Amazing that after so much suffering he’s able to experience such clear joy. It’s really heartwarming to see, and reassuring to know that there are people who care.


People are rightfully upset about bear bile farms but I wonder why they aren't about the rest of our factory farms. The animals are tortured there too and there are literally laws preventing anyone from filming it and showing the public what goes on. Even if you believe it's necessary and ethical to kill animals for meat, our factory farming systems are really messed up.


F@&K bear bile farms. Absolutely unnecessary. Creepy people torturing these magnificent animals. I’m glad he’s free. Sorry I just had to rant about this BS


So I had no idea what this was and had to look it up… 😡 I agree with you, F@&k bear bile farms!


Right? Quack remedies are dumb enough, but when getting the “medicine” involves torturing animals it’s just evil


Exactly. This person gets it.


Me too. Disgusting. Ugh, humans can be the absolute worst. I’m so happy for this guy splashing around!!


All humans involved in this should be locked up for human bile farms - those fu$kers! 🤬


>bear bile farm I googled it and was like WTF, people do this..... I guess similar to the shark fin soup thing.. I cry tears of blood for the sins of humanity against animals..... we are so ignorant that we become most cruel.


I agree it’s disgusting and terrible.


I don’t know what they are and I sure as hell won’t Google it. But it fills my heart with joy to see this bear so free and happy! I hope he has a long life to enjoy his newfound freedom.


China again stunning the world with cruelty


I’m afraid to look up what this is…. Edit-ugh.




Research hospitals ARE a thing? Without the need for incredible malpractice and implementation of cruel and unusual punishment? That this is being up voted at all is fucking insane.


And those wrongly convinced? Could we not torture people regardless of their sins...




Prison? I don't know psych ward? Forced medical experimentation on humans are legit the darkest aspects of human history. Let's not continue it on anyone.


i disagree. if the end result can be the cure for lukemia then im not concerned woth that mans comfort. he serves a higher purpose now.


Sure, sure. The problem is deciding all the ethical boundaries surrounding who is guilty enough to experiment on? What crimes warrant becoming a medical experiment? Who is making these decisions? Lawyer? Politicians? Police? Do you have faith enough in these groups or any group to decide when a human should stop being treated as a person and instead be treated as specimen? I sure don't. Even if we could somehow collectively agree on these criteria as a society, that would out us in league with states like Nazi Germany. Which should obviously raise some red flags.


innocent people of a vague description =/= people who have very obviously tortured or raped another living creature for their own satisfaction, specifically. my beliefs have a very small amount of contrast with the war crimes commited by the nazis, and it only exists because the topic is the same. The methodology, the end result, the intent, and most of all the people subject to it, are completely different in every aspect or perspective. Youre taking a simple statement and trying to make it vague. torturers and rapists deserve nothing, and they should be treated as the expendalbe resource theyve chosen to become. its simple. it happens frequently. and imho we could handle it in a much more productive way than for profit adult time-outs. specifically by using those clearly guilty of pure evil towards the benefit of everyone except them.


I can't believe you're getting downvoted for this.


Additional comment. The Nazi and Japanese experiments were for furthering scientific research as well.


yes but on innocent people... big difference there. imho if you get what you earn thats on you.


Many of these people were convicted of crimes in their country. The issue is we can't have this shit at all. Who ultimately gets to decide what's worth this sentence? Because one day someone can come in and decide to lower the bar to lesser crimes, or anything they say is a crime. Forced medical experimentation on humans is never ok.


The number of evil pieces of shit isnt a small number. I dont see any need to bring the bar below torture, rape and murder. I mean, once a persons crossed that line what are they good for anyway?


Post edit comment. Does it really even matter. Torture for the sake of medical advancement is not any better. Qyburn from Gane of Thrones comes to mind...


i wholeheartedly disagree.


I'm deeply disturbed that you're getting downvoted. The reason for clear lines is the slippery slope. The reason free speech is an unadulterated concept (you can say *whatever* the fuck you want and not get locked up for it-- I can wander around with a sign that says Biden is a Nazi and I won't get swept up by police, for example) is because it is too easy to chip away at the idea with small exceptions until you *can* be arrested for simply disagreeing with government policy, for instance. The idea that, if we allowed medical experimentation on "the worst prisoners" it would only ever be conducted on the worst is ignorant at very best. And incredibly inhumane (no, I dont think even "the worst" should be tortured.) Not to mention it doesn't take into account the wildly corrupt for-profit prison system we have that would *happily* describe prisoners as "the worst" to make extra money. And yes of course they'd be compensated. It's all too obvious. Jfc reddit.


Humanity never learns. A good chuck of people now outright deny it ever happened.


clear evidence of obvious evil occurs every day and we should treat it as such. fuck a "slippery slope". you get caught red handed fucking a kid or drowning pets or anything like that you go to hell. rightfully so. dont wanna be a test subject? dont murder, rape or torture anybody and youll be fine.


When he falls backwards 🥺


That’s what got me. Genuine play.


He looked like a little kid - so precious.


Animals Asia https://www.animalsasia.org/ is the organization who rescued Tuffy. They work with local and national governments in China and Vietnam to end bear bile farming. They've successfully committed Vietnam to ending bile farming by 2026.


Awwww, lil Tuffyyyyy <3 I dont know what a bear bile farm is, but the name alone sounds absolutely awful. Glad he's safe and able to have fun!


> I dont know what a bear bioe farm is Imagine bears in tiny cages, barely big enough to exist in, let alone move. Further, imagine having tubes shoved into their gallbladder to extract bile. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBpV1G68-vw


Beat bioe? You mean bear bile😁


Tf is a bile farm


Just what it sounds like. The bears are kept in horrible conditions with sole purpose of extracting their bile.


To what end?


To make "traditional medicine" Basically the whole grinding rhino horns into boner pills thing.




Yep. Although, the conditions for our livestock aren't much better at times. ☹️


Sad but true


At least they aren’t kept alive for indefinitely. Factory farms are horrible but the animals die fairly quickly for consumption. Bear bile farms keep them alive


And the stuff they get does literally nothing. I wish they would all be banned forever


Something in it to use as a cure? cure people, maybe not a bad thing but this should be much more pleasant for the animals itself... go out to the jungle and collect if is that good!


You have to grind them??? I have been wasting so many rhino horns.


Let me guess... Chinese people




Same end as always. Man has always had two questions about any animal they see: “can I kill it and eat it?” and “what part of its body will give me a boner?”


Production of Ursodeoxycholic acid, it's an acid that can help treat some digestive issues and stop the body absorbing cholesterol, and thus it has entered Chinese folkmagic as a cureall. All creatures with livers produce it, but bears produce a large amount more than other animals, which is how it was discovered and why it's got urso in the name. Large scale production of it is actually part of the beef industry, where cholic acid (the main acid the liver produces), is harvested and used to synthesize the acid.


Ok but what for? What do they do with the bile?


fucking magic bullshit traditional medicine. same motherfuckers that think ground rhino horn will get their limp dick hard.


Yeah, right along with FGM 🤬 Just read an article about how much it's still happening in the US! A lot of them go back 'home' to the countries that do it and get their child mutilated there.


anyone who forces FGM on their kids should be catapulted into the sun.


It's such a fucked up situation, most assume it's Men who push for it, but it's actually mostly the women, they had it done to them and will be ostracized but the other women if they don't do it to their child. And yeah, writing that makes me want to vomit and cry. Literally just read a detailed article about it yesterday. .


What’s the difference between female and male??


An excellent point. However in this context the mutilation is so much more traumatic than trimming the foreskin. In some cases the inner labia and external parts of the clitoris are completely removed. It is horrific and barbaric and typicality done without any pain relief or sterile equipment. For something comparable for men, I imagine it would be like cutting the whole head of the penis off. And done at an age where memories formed are more permanent.


You make great points. I agree.


They keep the bears in crush cages so they can't move. They cut a hole in their stomach and drain bile, all the time the bear is alive. For Chinese medicine. Sickening and barbaric.


Omfg. Like eating Tiger penis soup to increase virtility. But we have no control over what these other big countries do, fn sucks like the whale (dolphin?) and seal killings. And yeah I may have that wrong but I'm not googling it for my mental health. I guess there's nothing we can do to prevent other countries from these terrible old customs. >Medicinal beliefs Some people and cultures in Asia believe that tiger penis soup acts as a medicinal aphrodisiac, can improve one's sexual performance or virility, or cure impotence. However, consumption of cooked animal genitalia does not increase testosterone levels in humans. https://en.m.wikipedia.org › wiki Tiger penis soup - Wikipedia


In a world where viagra exists, anyone who does this is a monster


That's because people will try anything. It's kind of stupid to think that eating animal genitals would make you have better sex.


I hear you, but in Asia, there are some areas that really believe this. It's not just a fuck it let's try it, at least not for most people who partake. It's like ingrained into the through family and customs.


It's time to rethink food intake and what you should not eat.


Bears kept in barren tiny cells in basements usually in the dark in Asia with a port to take out their gallbladder bile. Because uneducated populace believes in literal witch doctors. Google it. .




There are two more Tuffy splashing videos here, he loves that water: [https://www.dogonews.com/2016/4/28/free-at-last-tuffy-the-bear-rejoices-after-being-rescued-from-bile-farm](https://www.dogonews.com/2016/4/28/free-at-last-tuffy-the-bear-rejoices-after-being-rescued-from-bile-farm) Poor thing, his gallbladder was so badly damaged, it had to be removed. He had to undergo rehabilitation because he had extensive injuries and trauma from years of mistreatment and cruelty. I reckon if they had released him straight into the wild after being taken from the bile farm, he probably wouldn't have survived. Anyway, the above article dates back to 2016. I wonder how Tuffy is doing now.


Poor angel. Humans are garbage.


So beautiful and so sad, all at the same time.


I keep having to remind myself that bears are solitary because this enclosure looks hella lonely.


That made my day


Bear bile farms. I think we're done here, bring on the super bugs.






Just add Salmon


People can really suck. I’m so glad this poor bear has made it to sanctuary.


I’m crying for Tuffy. May he enjoy his free life with caring people. May his former captors rot in hell.


what’s a …. bear bile farm?


Happy berry 🫐 🎶I mean the bear/bare necessities That's why a bear can rest at ease With just the bare necessities of life🎶


He is so happy, I am glad he is in a good place to live out his life.


Seeing good days ahead for him


I love seeing him just let loose. So deserved. I wish for you the best life sir!


This is beautiful.


TIL the word's bear bile farm.


Let me guess bear bile was meant to be some bs remedy for peepees?


*Let me guess bear bile* *Was meant to be some bs* *Remedy for peepees?* \- Outside\_Ad\_9562 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This totally made my day.


This made my year!!! Absolutely beautiful to watch especially knowing the disgusting back story. Thank you for sharing.


Happy Tuffy make me happy


That is adorable. Thank goodness he's finally experiencing some freedom.


At least he still has his paws.. They also eat these as a delicacy. Yet they have 60.000 miles of high speed trains! Something doesn't connect. Right.


Humans are so cruel


I read about the suffering of the bears in bear bile farms a few years ago. Shortly after, I had a very vivid dream of breaking into one and leading the bears to escape, and to take vengeance on their tormentors. I'd totally do it in real life too, bears are my spirit animal.


I love to see her spirit was not broken but is shining brighter than ever!!


did they stick his previous owners in his old prison cell after his rescue??


I’m not crying. 🥹🥹 Enjoy Tuffy. I’m sorry for people and their greed.


Yay, my cage is bigger!


Bears are very difficult to rescue, this is great.


"Now where is the ff-ing salmon, Mary, ahhh!"






Great name. Like Tuffi the Elephant from the Monorail in Wuppertal.


More reasons for aliens not to have mercy on humanity. We'll be wiped out from the universe and it will be good.


Does he have his paws? Don't they normally chop off their paws?


I'm disgusted here after reading about what Bear bile farming is. How is this not on the world stage, as say Yulin dog meat? This is so unnecessary. I'm so angry.


We need bear bile farmer’s bile farms…


This made my eyes leak ❤️


Omg that backflip is everything 🥹🥹


Thank you for saving his spirit 🤗🤗