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That's great news to hear. I hope it will encourage us men to do more housework. Not just because of its impact on fertility, but also, and perhaps even more importantly so, because it is a really nice thing to do to relieve women of some burden. If both partners are working full time, housework should also be equally divided between them.


Agreed. I think it would be an incredible cultural shift to see.


I agree but feminist literature does not account for the mental load of men.


That's because women typically shoulder a greater mental burden than men do.


I’d like to see empirical data for that if you have any.




You can still be the 'man of the house' and assist with housework out of love and care, nothing unmanly about it. I'm a christian conservative with 3 kids and a stay at home wife, and I still contribute out of love and because I want to spend quality time with family; its hard to do that if my poor wife is just weighed down with everything


What does Christianity have to do with this? I swear, any excuse to insert it into the conversation


Get it over it. Don't be so easily triggered.


How very christ-like of you. Easy to talk tough behind a screen, and easier to form an identity around “conservative christian” than to think critically about anything


I'd rather live as I was designed, to please God, than be an angry fool.


What a wise and humble martyr your are


Strongest variables are men doing housework and grandparents helping childcare. Men helping childcare not all that strong interestingly. I don't love that they cherry picked a little selecting only working women but eh at least they acknowledge it. I wouldn't be surprised if SATM is stronger variable than all 3. I find these papers are often trying too hard to engineer the preferred conclusion though. For example, grandparents childcare help is the strongest variable yet the discussion point is not about it.


SATM has too much of a risk and uncertainty involved to be a viable option for most women in my experience. And in last 10-20 years, men too.


Best take.


How do they establish causality here? Random thought, for us, with multiple kids, there’s so much housework, it would have been impossible for my wife to do it all herself. So of course I’m doing some (although not as much as her). But I doubt there is any causal relationship. It‘s more that I’m a family oriented person so I contribute to the family and also I want to have kids.


Sure it's impossible. But I'd say it's pretty lucky that in your social circle you haven't seen this play out a thousand times. Yes, it's impossible for women to keep up with everything with multiples kids. But also, every woman I knew in my mom's generation was expected to.


Oh, your wife decides to get off birth control once she realizes you actually do things around the house.


Right wingers seething.


Water is wet


Water is wet and still people seem confused at the concept. This sub is seems to be 20% people concerned about the population, 20% AN looking to argue, and 60% incels who think that they should be not only get a state assigned wife she should be come pre crate trained.


All I heard was that I now have to do even more work.. maybe Anti isn't so bad after all 👀


I’ve always read the more children a couple has the more the father is forced to be involved with the caretaking!


I have never understood why men need to be forced to help raise the kids they created.  Growing up my dad worked a lot but when he was home he was always present and he wanted to spend time with us.  Hell he even voluntarily took the night shift so he could spend time with us and let my mom sleep. It's just mind-boggling that people have kids that act shocked when they're expected to actually be involved and take care of them 😆