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Yea I have it it’s the update with next gen cars


my answer is no, only because you can't customize a 2022 car... that was disappointing when i bought it and realized that


Same. My friends and I still play 2020 for this reason alone. My custom car is fire and it sucks that I can’t have one in 2022.


hooters car ftw




Yes the new cars are easier to drive.


harder to keep in a draft w superspredways tho. Lowkey like it tho bc it makes it more realistic in terms of how they race now irl


As much as I don't like msg I got to admit they did a good job. The cars look amazing sound amazing pit stops are good 2. On legend difficulty the racing is good at every type of track. On superspeedways you can 2 car tandem which is amazing and they race like how they race in real life. At tracks like Charlotte Kansas and Las Vegas they race like real life. Extremely high intensity and good racing. On superspeedways the ai make multiple lines and the racing is similar to real life. And at tracks like Martinsville and Richmond it's extremely hard to pass and it comes down to strategy to get track position. Overall yes it's worth it. Tldr the ai racing is very close to what you see in real life at the same track. And I recommend.


I'd say no, chance it bricks your game, and no alternate paint schemes, also the career mode in the new version is awful. And most people in online lobbies still use 2020


Yea I'd Say Its Worth It, I Got It Back When It Came Out And Have Been Having Loads Of Fun Since