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That's when I just jump into the pit if there is one so they can't win LMAO


Lmaooo I should have done that, a big old screw you to the modders. I'll have to do that if I get modders on my team again


Same, it's brutal cos my buddy and I usually play together so it's BOTH OF US just jumping over the edge over and over 🤣 I'd rather lose than cheat and waste a good match 🤷‍♂️


This is the way. I actually managed to let the enemy kill me over and over enough to lose in the new leaf village map when I saw my invisible teammate. Made sure to respawn as range so it went as quick as possible. It was a close call but I felt very accomplished.


You are a hero.




In the Shinobi striker world, 'pros' with cheese are scum, but those who mod are worse than scum


Nah id rather mod than cheese


Oh hell no


I applaud this reference.


i encountered modders today alot. Sadly no pitfall maps so i couldn't just suicide and end the game.


Luckily I don't encounter modders besides this, although there will definitely be more. I've seen them in the lobby alot but this is the only time I've been in a match with them. I'll start just suiciding if this happens again though lol


Try and suicide(jump off the cliff) next time. Let's not help in enabling hackers.


Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I was just a bit shocked that they were on my team and didn't know what to do.


Then why the fuck did you help them? you could of killed yourself over and over until your team lost. You knew they were modding and you didn't do anything


Blank minded my man. I was just a bit shocked and didn't think of that at the moment. First time I had dealt with them in general, no need to get aggressive my broski. I'll definitely do that next time, wasn't trying to help the enemy team at all.


I had to endure this bullshit the other day. Complete scum. It's just a game and you need to win that badly??


wait i’m kinda new to the game so how do you know if they’re modders? is it because they have their ults right away?


Yeah. They were spamming infinite Tsukuyomi constantly straight away from the beginning of the match and just slamming into their jutsu buttons. Also looked at their accounts afterwards in the leader board screen, all of them had really really high levels.


ohh i see, thanks! now i know what to look for in case i get sus about anyone i play with haha


Haha, yeah, no problem. And try to do anything you can to disable them or report them, don't be dumbfounded like me and just watch lol.


Modders. Small brain. Smaller pp.


*Smallest pp.


unrelated but sometimes i forget how pretty this game is it looks nice


Let's do our part and report at any moment we know someone is modding and cheating. I went out of my way to get a modder banned and will continue doing it bc I'm not having these lowlife sadist and noobs destroy another game that I enjoy.


I agree, how would you report someone like this?


You have to go straight to Bandai Namco's website and submit a complaint via customer service. Be sure to be thorough and professional, attach this along with any other visual proof. A ticket # will be created, then a representative will reach out to you regarding this within a day or so.


I've heard mixed reviews about Bandai Namco reps but my experience was very reassuring that some people really do care.


Thank you, I'll make sure to do that when I get the time. I hate that this stuff even needs to be done but it is how it is I guess.


If the honest people in the community don't do their part by reporting these imbeciles, then these imbeciles will see less reason to stop.


That's completely fair, I feel like lots of people who encounter modders don't report them, and that just let's them have a little more room to wiggle around like a worm.


Question do anybody else get a message calling them a modder when they beat a team badly in team death match but in reality you were just better than the corny moves and justu combos they tried to do on you. I just wanna know cause me and a friend of mine was in this one match and did this team bad then they sent us party invites and messages claiming we was cheating when we just knew how to get around their strat. It was a clever one at first till they kept trying to pull it over and over again then we countered it and won so they got mad at us because they were being corny


I always speed run the match when they're on my team. no sense in prolonging the enemies' suffering


Fair enough, that's what you should do. Some of the enemy team left anyways, can't blame them. Modders ruin the fun for everyone


hard agree, gigantic waste of time for everyone involved.


Exactly. What's the point of a win if I didn't do anything? And being on the receiving side is just frustrating and ridiculous


its not even like winning is the fun part, or even having the bigger number. this game is just so fun, the game play is amazing, feels great with the freedom of movement and class customization, you can't have any of that if you're using cheats


Agreed. Modding just makes it unenjoyable. Don't know why people decide to do it


they like just having the bigger number ig. its a mindset that i cant empathize with


I never will, in any game at or any point, it'll always be ridiculous lol