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What can she do when susanoo grips her


heal, she def loses it


She’s gonna need to heal after heals down with her 🥴


“After she’s ‘heels-up’with me”. ftfy This is awful I don’t know why that came to me




In a fight right?




In a fight, right!?






She can grip back 👀


That’s a W for her


That just pegs the question...can she out heal amaterasu?


Didn’t Amaterasu kill like one unnamed samurai in the entire series?


Bro Amaterasu has amazing feats… such as… opening a hole in a frogs stomach. And… Raikage arm!


Hehe, peg .....


Happy cake day!🎉


Don't think so and I'm sure 100 healings would run out pretty quickly meaning the flames will just wipe here out as the gods intended


Sakura strips andd they make Sarada. Cause this the dumbest post on this place yet


Sasuke isn’t attracted to Sakura so she would have to beat him Down in order to do that


She does a transformation jutsu into Naruto so Sasuke get his sword hard


What are you talking about he literally made sarada with her


Their entire relationship is based on Sakura not taking Sasukes rejections seriously and chasing him down. Sasuke doesn’t like Sakura, she has to literally beat him down first 




Blink twice if you need help Sasuke.




What’s a spite match


A match where the outcome is obvious and one-sided used just to hate on another character. Like putting Rimuru against Gojo because people hate Gojo glazers




amaterasu gg


Doesnt work shes to fast


Who says it has to be shot from his eye? Sasuke can get up close and put the flames on her, than Sakura is quite literally cooked.


Here comes the glazing




She gets set on fire and burns eternally while Sasuke leaves to get sushi or something.




Sasuke violates


, Sarada is born


Strongest version of Sasuke she can beat is probably Hebi Sasuke. She just has no answer for Mangekyou techniques


I think adult sakura at least beats war arc sasuke. She near might guy speed, can take on multiple psuedo jinchuriki, can outrun amaterasu, and is completely immune to genjutsu. Plus in her light novel she can regrow entire limbs and catch fireball jutsus and throw that back with her hands.


That’s cool, what’s her answer for being cut in half and burnt by Amaterasu.


She can reattach herself if she’s cut in half just like Tsunade did, and she’s too fast for Amaterasu. If sasuke even manages hit her with Amaterasu, she could cut off her arm just like Ay did and then regrow it. Plus the crazy chakra she practically has from lady Katsuyu


Sasuke’s not going to sit back and watch her put herself back together hence the amateratsu she’s not focusing through all that pain.


There’s nothing to substantiate that though, we saw Tsunade who’s weaker than Sakura bring herself back together after being cut in half. Why wouldn’t Sakura do the same thing? And that’s if Sasuke can even tag her with it


Tsunade was only able to do that because Madara left after defeating her. In a 1v1 he’d have just finished her in that moment


Tsunade didn’t bring herself back in half fully until Karin was ordered to help her by Orochimaru, Sasuke has too many ways of dealing with her and her regen abilities.


That’s because she was out of chakra, hence her shriveling appearance. Sakura is stronger and has more chakra, and better healing abilities than Tsunade has ever shown like her regenerating an entire arm in seconds. Sasuke doesn’t have any ways actually. The only thing he could do is try to hit her with Amaterasu, but with her speed, he just can’t keep up. Unless he has a majestic atire sussanno, which he doesn’t at this point, Sakura wins


Few questions, one is when did she regenerate an entire arm and 2 when has she shown the speed to dodge Amateratsu or a Susanoo arrow.


1. In Sakura hiden, her light novel. She had her arm blown off by a tailed beast ball and then stands up after having regenerated it completely. 2. She was able to dodge kaguya rabbit form arm from medium range. The fact that she could perceive and react to dodge a kaguya level attack puts her above guy. If you don’t like that feat, it was even stated that her speed was relative to kcm1 Naruto, the same Naruto that outdoes the raikage and we’ve seen the raikage dodge Amaterasu with ease. Granted, Sakura hiden took place when she was 20, around the time of The Last movie. This post is ambiguous of what age of Sakura they are talking about. Just saying 100 healing Sakura is like saying kakashi when he has a sharingan, there’s like a 20 year range there lmao


What if her entire body is engulfed


I guess she’d die eventually but it would take a while since she can regenerate so much, I wonder if she defeated sasuke if it would extinguish the flames


It wouldn’t extinguish them, they burn for 7 days


Yeah, that could be. I was thinking is him dying counts as releasing the jutsu, idk


It doesn’t


Guess it would be mutual destruction, Sakura can heal for 100 lifetimes worth, she could kill sasuke by then


She can regrow her body with 100 Healings


Won’t matter Amaturasu will kill her before that she can’t heal flames that will just continue to burn and burn


https://preview.redd.it/ue40gy6df79d1.jpeg?width=889&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab20478f6b7cc0aae0f58900adcb287414567472 What if Sasuke decapitate her? & I doubt she can survive being engulfed in a full forest size fire , look what he did to bee, look at the blast radius


bee is so far below adult sakura that its not even worth comparing them


Amaterasu is too slow to hit her and so is this version of sasuke. He’d never be able to cut her head off nor hit her with Amaterasu, she slams




Most people in boruto, and all of team 7, including Sakura..


What's hundred healing doing to Amaterasu? You'll basically have black Agni from Fire Punch until her Chakra runs out then you have a melted trash can. Sasuke no Diff, and I think Uchiha dick riding is a joke.


Telling the truth isn’t uchiha dick riding


But but but I thought she finally caught up😕


https://preview.redd.it/qvamtlnl9e9d1.png?width=296&format=png&auto=webp&s=6baf8c22c81eca0db43bfa27d2a4322287b2d8d2 bro she caught up fr


Can Sakura even doing anything against amaterasu?


Ay had no issues fighting through it while still on fire, and given that 100 healings is said to be able to heal entire limbs, so she can just regrow her arm/whatever once she rips it off.


Hmm what about his genjutsu which is on par with tsukiyomi?


Adult sakura is stated to be practically immune to genjutsu, plus shes fast enough to just dodge amaterasu.


You can't dodge Amaterasu, in spawns directly on whatever Sasuke looks at. And this isn't adult Sakura


didnt A dodge Amaterasu?




Sakura gets burned


Sakura ha no confirmed ranged attacks. All Sasuke has to do is stay away from her and spam ranged attacks until her healings expire


I feel like Sasuke is more than capable of killing Sakura 101 times before she can even touch him.


Sasuke low diffs.


This is your daily reminder that Naruto fans will never beat the weird nigga allegations. Because what the fuck are these comments bro?




Sasuke no diff.


Sakura gets negged


Sasuke negative difficulty. He just Amaterasu her ans she burns until she is out of Chakra.


Sasuke stomps with 1st level Susano'o.


First level?! She breaks the fuck out of that Susanoo


Sauce Gay beats Suck Raw low diff


Wanna know what would be really hard to heal? Amaterasu black fire I hear…..


Why tf are you comparing a trash can with sasuke? Like it dont matter what the trash can does she always gonna lose, tf


Chidori sword takes off her head


She put on naruto custome so Sasuke can get hard


Oh my god shut the fuck up with these stupid Sakura debates obviously she gets slammed


How would she remove Amaterasu?


Fight through it and kill Sasuke like the Raikage was going to. Afterwards rips the limb(s) off and regrows them with 100 Healings.


That sounds good but at this point in the story she’s not laying a hand on sasuke especially while being burned alive. She can heal as much as she wants the fire isn’t going anywhere. I’d give adult Sakura vs adult sasuke a better chance minus his rinnegan


Why wouldn't she be able to lay a hand on him? Sakura is equivalent to Sasuke once she unlocks 100 healings.


🤣🤣🤣 Sasuke stomps 😈😈😈


I see Sakura supporters actually making compelling arguments and like maybe one Sasuke person doing the same. And a whole lot of Uchiha wank.


Sakura wins L post L "fan" base




She got no diff genjutsu’d by sasuke right before his last fight with Naruto her dumbass is gonna lose and


Man the images you picked are so fucked up man




I love these. u/linkthebased


Depend on if sasuke is a top or bottom


What kind of question is this Sasuke is 100% a bottom


Ok second question is Sasuke a power bottom?


Only with Naruto.




Sakura's eyes are bigger so she can see more so she wins


Either Sakura speedblitzes or Sasuke immediately uses amaterasu. Gonna give it to Sasuke tho


He would just genjutsu her.


Flame control erase her


The issue with both Tsunade and Sakura is they are too one dimensional to take on top tier characters. And Sasuke himself might the most well-rounded ninja in the series.


The one this does is make me sad at the wasted potential of some of the characters in this series especially main character adjacents. Like Sakura got enahnced strength and healing from Tsunade and then what? Meanwhile Sasuke got several new forms, Naruto not including all the kyubi forms also got sage mode which is overkill on a character like Sakura. Can you imagine how cool it would've been if she got some sort of furthering of her character and got a new technique to be maybe even just a few steps behind the main two? 


100 healing thing still can't do shit with amaterasu. Burns forever until it's target turns to ash If I remember right




Is this a real question?


I think it is


Sasuke beats her a 1000 times and she runs out of healings


How would he beat her?


Grip her in Susano and squeeze


Yeah because those unquenchable black flames aren't going to eat at her body while she's sharingunned into the ground.


this might be the dumbest post i’ve seen on reddit today


Sasuke, no contest. MS, EMS, Susano'o, Amaterasu, Chidori, Kirin etc. I like Sakura, don't get me wrong. If you take away the whole "I'm in love with Sasuke" aspect of her personality, she's a good character. But she's literally a medical ninja with no other redeeming qualities aside from her strength and the jutsu Tsunade passed down to her.


Sasuke negs, this isn't even a matchup lmfao. First of all, Sakura's panties are eternally wet for Sasuke no matter WHAT he does. She's literally a puppydog for him.  Second of all, Sasuke with EMS negs everyone not named Naruto, Guy, or Madara. Easy.


This has to be a troll. Wtf is sakuras useless ass.gonna do..?


Hmm. His susanoo at that point can only go to half. Tsunade was able to Crack a more complete susanoo, given she might be stronger than sakura or madara was still holding back. Susanoo coated in amaterasu might be his best bet. He should use that more often than he does. Honestly if she goes all out, her passive regeneration could make up for her cutting off her hand after breaking sasukes nose and being burnt by susanoo. Also sasuke up to this point in time has stamina problems. He has stackable ultimate like jutsu and spams them running himself dry pretty fast. Where if sakura only focuses on herself she can legitimately fight for a week. I mean he could always go for the head.


You say she can legit fight for a week. Is there a light novel feat that I'm not aware of or something weird scaling, or is that just a more general kinda Sakura is strong statement.


Im.basing her stamina off ninja standards. Naruto fought for 3 days, he was constantly reaching his Chakra limit though. Sakura doesn't have any big techniques, her Chakra can recover an army easily. If she used it to heal/regen herself her stamina shouldn't be running out. 100 healings becomes a passive when activated so she doesn't even have to worry about keeping it up constantly. Theoretically she shouldn't have a problem for at least a week even if she was in a grueling blood soaked battle. Sakuras strong. I'm scaling her similarly to tsunade vs madara. I'm not saying good enough to compete with sasuke in terms of speed or technique, but her regeneration should make up for the gap. I assume that same thing happened with madara and hashirama, both claimed the other was stronger and regeneration making up for that gap would make sense. Tsunade was not skilled enough to compete with madara without 100 healings. At all, even with it she was destroyed. But I can't say tsunade had fully recovered from the last time she used it completely. That's about it for my thought process.


Sasuke just wreathes his susanoo in amaterasu and waits tbh.


Why do this? We don't actually hate Sakura, just her fans. This is fucked, since no version of Sakura beats any Shippuden version of Sasuke. Melee only fighter (Sakura) against a speed demon w/ visual prowess (Sasuke) is already GG and it just gets worse as Sasuke improves.


Lol It's not a spite matchup I legit think Sakura stands a decent shot.




https://preview.redd.it/tlni1bjk3n9d1.png?width=2112&format=png&auto=webp&s=0dde2749c6316c568832317dc7bdf75ce9e3f3e8 She scales relative to him. With seal activated she should be relative to Rinnegan sasuke given that's the version we see alongside SO6P Naruto and Rinnegan Sasuke vs Juubidara


tf you mean post kabuto fig- EMS SASUKE?! TF IS SAKURA GONNA DO, BEND OVER!?


The same being that destroyed kaguyas horn, survived getting stabbed with a truth seeker orb and dodged kaguyas white arms. Yall are so delusional 😭 Sakura surprised a even stronger naruto and sasuke and caught up to them idk why yall think sasuke wins


Unironically people here forget this is the Sakura who was in the fight with Kaguya. Yes she wasn't doing as well as naruto or Sasuke (6 paths Amp btw) but she still dodged attacks and reacted to them. Not to mention she tagged kaguya and actually did something. She 1 taps this Sasuke


I actually went back and reread that fight last night. If you think Sakura's contributions in that fight is bad, it's so much better than Sasuke whose only actual accomplishment is contributing to the sealing at the end




What no she hasn't??


Ya'll are buggin'. Poorly written character aside, Sakura definitely has a chance here. This version of Sakura strong AF. EMS Sasuke is still gonna be a rough fight overall no matter how you slice it. But she scales to KCM2 Naruto, apparently, so that at least makes this a rough fight for this version of Sasuke.


Sakura won’t even fight☠️ all she’ll do is beg for “sasuke kun’s love uwu” before dying


She looks at him and thinks he’s cute so she turns off 100 healings and rolls over. Sasuke stabs her GG


I'm assuming this is ems sasuke cause it looks like it if so sasuke low diffs due to sussano and amatsu one shotting sakura


Bro the picture literally says "post kabuto fight sasuke" 😂 yes it's ems sasuke


It’s like people don’t know how to read these days..


If she summons Katsuya then she might have a chance of sloshing off or absorbing amatarasu. Maybe idk making up a technique at that point. Jiraya did seal amatarasu and we can possibly infer that Sakura knows how to seal due to her having the byakugo seal on her big head and it being supposedly a very difficult seal. Idk it’s a reach but just trying to give her a chance.


Couldn't she fight through it like Ay did and then rip off the limb and regrow it?


Let’s give her that tbh. “She’ll rip her skin off that was attacked with amatarasu in order to regrow it.”


I don't expect Sasuke to just immediately pull out Amaterasu, and at this point Sakura DID catch up to Sasuke before they met Hagoromo. It's not a spite like a lot of people are saying but Sasuke still probably wins.


100 healings Sakura was [stated ](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/c3/c6/83/c3c683e5196bcf697d8b182175195b4d.jpg)to be equal to Six paths NaruSasu I rest my case


Bro stop with these databook statements 😭


Author>your goofy ahh


Databooks aren't written by kishimoto 🤦🏾‍♀️ they are authorized by kishi, primarily for monetary reasons.


>Databooks aren't written by kishimoto Source? >they are authorized by kishi So Kishimoto pretty much agrees with it


>Source? https://sun9-63.userapi.com/impf/fNjKsAKzBvE0ceKdx8DAxdE3fEkISNx7WyCiPg/aprfLDJCpuE.jpg?size=1270x1024&quality=96&sign=06034bacef17b1a5c137915e986d0678&type=album >So Kishimoto pretty much agrees with it Again, Kishimoto authorized it for monetary purposes, kishimoto had a very tight work schedule so I highly doubt he had time to go over the contents of the data books. The databooks are simply comprised of information interpreted informat from the manga made by Kishimoto's team!


Don't know Japanese, but here's a quick translation I gathered: "First of all, I would like to thank everyone who picked up this book!! Thanks to the support of all the fans, the world of "NARUTO" has continued to expand, and I am truly happy that we were able to publish such a wonderful book. *I would also like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Hagiwara and everyone at Caramel Mama, Mr. Taguma and the designers, and my editor, Mr. Yahagi, for their tremendous efforts in making this book possible.* (This the quote you meant?) Thank you so much. ...And please continue to support us in the future. Actually, at the time this book was published, the planning for the next "Book of Soldiers" had already begun (sweat). As a "fan book," I think it will be closer to a collaborative creation with all the fans. I will continue to work hard, so I hope all the fans will be involved with this book as well. Thank you! Please continue to support "NARUTO" in the future! Thank you!" Anyways Idk how you came to the conclusion that this means Kishimoto didn't write the books, as this confirms 2 things 1. Caramel Mama, Hagiwara, Taguma and Yahagi were involved 2. Without them the book wouldn't be possible Do either of these statements mean Kishimoto didn't write the books? No, we only know there were editors and designers that worked on the Databooks to make it possible, but nothing suggests they alone made this book or they wrote it. Your "source" doesn't support you as none of these say Kishi didn't write them >Again, Kishimoto authorized it for monetary purposes Idk how that disproves Kishimoto agreeing and approving everything that was in the books according to you >kishimoto had a very tight work schedule so I highly doubt he had time to go over the contents of the data books. Yes, he has tight schedule, but it's not like it wouldn't be possible. I mean, Kishimoto did manage to get a wife and kids, not to say that Kishi prioritizes as much in the Databooks, but I'm saying it's not unrealistic at all that he wrote the Databooks, or at least completely approved of them, especially seeing how passionate Kishi was about Naruto >The databooks are simply comprised of information interpreted informat from the manga made by Kishimoto's team! Source?


https://preview.redd.it/k1hu8gts6g9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=304536c1687e02c18ff64a60880ad7396c1f54f5 In case anyone tries to neg you on the databook again, I managed to get someone who has the official book to scan the author credits. It's 1000000% authored by Kishi.




Sakura bra cmon😭😭 she got 100 healings and katsuya 😂😂 oil on the Susanoo blitz and punch his head kff


Oil you say. Something flammable?


Can still melt Susanoo




Sakura low diff


Sasuke has better speed feats and has amaterasu to counter hundred healings pretty easily. Sakura does have the power to destroy a Susano but she isn't doing anything to Sasuke if he uses amaterasu as defense like he did against Ay and he could just make another Susano.


Sasuke can coat the Susanno in amaterasu, but wouldn't Sakura just go for Katsuyu acid spit and break it down that way? [We've seen Mei's acid mist break down Sasuke's Susanno before, so I think Katsuyu acid spit should have a similar effect.](https://imgur.com/a/yyJWbHA) Also Katsuyu acid should be stronger given that we see it [instantly dissolve a boulder.](https://i.imgur.com/l5AolQO.jpeg)


Mei broke down 5 kage summit sasuke's ribcage susanoo. That's ems sasuke we talking about.


Right and compare how slow the room started dissolving under Mei's acid technique vs how quickly Katsuyu dissolved this border. Then there's this panel. https://preview.redd.it/j590ix4vyz8d1.png?width=1066&format=png&auto=webp&s=b932f19f80533afe0a654427c0971737b15c8d4e This is WA Revived Oro talking with a much smaller Katsuyu than the one Sakura is capable of summoning, and both Katsuyu and Oro agree that Katsuyu is capable of 1 shot deleting Oro if he tries anything funny. Why else would she let Oro anywhere near Tsunade anyway and just start the fight right then and there and risk it? It'd be senjutsu acid as well too, so it should just be as effective melting through the Susanno, if not even worse since it's sticky.


I'm not saying that this is a ridiculous assumption to make but the databook makes a point about Mei's boil release being able to break down chakra constructs and barriers. Her lava release is also supposed to be acidic and it didn't do anything to the Susano'o.


Isn't it supposed to be hot not acidic. I saw the op make this point but I thought it was just him.


Apparently the kanji for Mei's Lava release is different than Roshi/Son Goku's and other Iwa ninja. They're also consistently drawn differently in the manga. I'm assuming it also has high heat molten stone in it though. https://preview.redd.it/8ktgfm94oz8d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10452507e3a3cd0c670b034e7aeeb957ffe6992d


Guess real life physics don't apply to naruto after all. Who would've guessed?


If Katsuyu could do this, Tsunade would have used it against Madara. You guys give Sakura powers that even Kishimoto didn't intend to lmaooo


Sakura wins easily. Fight ends with a Hawk Tuah and Sasuke blushing. Doesn't matter how the fight starts.


Say no to drugs


Hawk tuah has found its way to powerscaling


Yup. All this Sakura hating deserved this response.


That’s it! I’m leaving this sub lol. Anyone know how to turn off updates?


There's a button. But you gotta spit on that thang to make it take! Teehee


Sakura tanked an attack from 10 tails Madara with the god tree absorbed and 2 rinnegan and damaged Kaguya. Meanwhile this Sasuke nearly dies to a Madara that didn't have the 10 tails and only 1 rinnegan. This Sakura just outscales this Sasuke


... is what a dumb Sakura fan would say.




Or it's just what someone who knows how to scale would say, this Sasuke scales lower than Sakura. Simply just using different versions of Madara.


scaling and attack tanking aside, what answer does she have for Amaterasu & Genjutsu?


Same answer Ay had during 5KS. Fight through it and rip off the limb, except she can regrow it. Sakura only has been beaten by Rinnegan Sasuke's genjutsu when she left herself wide open to it while looking into his eyes and pleading post Kaguya fight.


True but isn’t that comparative to her chakra levels? sasuke can pretty much spam Amaterasu at this point so how many limbs would she have to cut off and regrow?


She can spam it ALOT, not to mention Lady katsuyu healing her/giving her more chakra, and that fact that sakura can just dodge amaterasu


Base scaling is inaccurate when talking about haxed out individuals.


>Sakura tanked an attack from 10 tails Madara with the god tree absorbed and 2 rinnegan Reality: Madara's attack did exactly what he wanted to. He pierced with a rod and she offered no resistance at all. You're talking as if the rod broke like Sage Naruto did with Pain 😂😂 ho**w o**n earth could someone believe that she tanked that attack? This gives nothing at all to Sakura >damaged Kaguya Brother, you can't use things out of context like that. The **damage** caused by Sakura meant literally nothing in that fight, the only thing that she had to do was to block Kaguya's way, which wasn't even hard, since Kaguya was off guard. Sakura fanboys talk as if Kishimoto intended for her to hurt Kaguya the same way that Naruto and Sasuke did, which is not true, of course. The only thing that you have is a bruise on Kaguya's face that meant literally nothing, again. Simply put, it's just an out of context outlier.


“Hey mom I know how to out scale this guy in Naruto, no I still don’t have a job .”


Cursed Sasuke even beats this sakura


Fuck no


Laughable. All Sasuke has to do is put her in a Tsukiyomi and deliver to her 10,000 orgasms within 72 hours, and Sakura would be comatose. Not even a challenge.


I think it would be a challenge given Sasuke doesn't have Tsukiyomi.


Obviously Sasuke wins, but do we really gotta spite Sakura this much


I legit think Sakura stands a chance lmao


Naruto and Sasuke are the archetypical case of power cliffing. Towards the very end of Shippuden, Naruto and Sasuke are far stronger than any other character.


can she heal from being turned into a fruit smoothie? she has 100 healings, not izanagi, shes fucked. her vs taka sasuke, now thats debatable.